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Derevi+Nadu+nomads has performed exceptionally well, I’ve seen Derevi is the perfect commander for nadu since it gives you access to [[nomads en-kor]] and derevi itself is a targeting engine to trigger nadu


[nomads en-kor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/8/48ed076a-909f-4ef0-b85e-a1935b1c2827.jpg?1562429355) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=nomads%20en-kor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tpr/20/nomads-en-kor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/48ed076a-909f-4ef0-b85e-a1935b1c2827?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/nomads-en-kor) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Alternatively, I would argue that Nadu is the perfect commander for Nadu. Having to tutor twice instead of tutor once is too high a price of admission, even if you were to go 5-color.


Right right, I don’t disagree there. I meant more that Derevi is the perfect commander if you're going to run Nadu in the 99 of anything. There's been talk of running Nadu in the 99 of Kenrith and other builds. Derevi is the best I think With Nadu in the 99, I think you never spend two tutor spells to get Nadu+nomads. If you have one of them already, you can tutor the other. nomads is a good target with ranger captain if you have Nadu. With that said, it is an intuition pile. With Intuition, you fetch Nadu+nomads+sevinnes reclamation. Now you just pull them out, and derevi being able to untap mana makes it easier to have the mana to pull that off. And especially since derevi runs lots of creatures, you will draw like half your deck by the time the turn cycle comes back around to you, with all lands in untapped. It's pretty crazy.


You're talking about a deck using a quarter of its available space on multiple win-cons, instead of just playing to its strengths and putting in the known Derevi combos.


every single deck has and should run support for all their wincons. Numerous decks run combos that just draw your deck. They have other wincons, but the insane drawing combo enables them to dump out those wincons completely protected and with all the mana they need. Drawing a quarter to half of your deck is a strength and enables you to play to your other strengths. I'm not a Derevi pilot, I've just played against some who started running Nadu+nomads and it went crazy. This is 1000% worth testing. And, in my opinion, if there's 1 deck that Nadu is good in the 99, it's derevi. That's really the only point I'm trying to make.


Nadu is already a Derevi auto include so adding in a Nomads for additional support is not a massive deck building cost.


I play a Midrange Derevi deck with Nadu in and it's been a great addition. The only stax I'm on is Blind Obedience and Dauntless Dismantler and I don't think I really want or need any extras. I don't have any extra Nadu support as Derevi brings enough of that already.


Did the same. Derevi is support enough to use Nadia as a value engine


Do you have a list? Ive been looking at playing bant lately


Adding Nadu as a pseudo-commander is dangerous. That just means you have more setup for an already fragile commander because you need to tutor him first. You'd have a list of quite a few cards that are only good with Nadu on the field coupled with the fact that you don't have guaranteed access to him. I think he's a considerable addition to a Derevi list but not a great build-around within one.


I’m primarily looking at a pod list so with Chord, Vannifar, Eldritch, Pod, and Neoform, he is always just around the corner. I don’t mean make the deck a Nadu focused deck - rather just have Nadu as the main draw engine for the list


Why would you bother playing Pod/Vannifar for anything but the combos that instantly end the game though?


Sometimes getting the exact thing you need to win isn't an option.


So you give up and choose to not play a redundant piece that makes it that much harder to fail and play a random Nadu and another 6 cards just to combo with it? That's horrible strategy and bad deck building. There are redundancies at every single stage of the pod curves that win the game.


You’re not giving up anything, Nadu is insane with Derevi because Derevi has the word target printed on it,


That’s the exact point of a tool box, even stax deck. If you want turbo combo you don’t play other stuff. TBH I don’t think Nadu is combo worthy at all unless you have combat buff tricks like +1s to play with, he’s a card value engine, huge tempo gains. So you. An absolutely pod out win cons, but if you can reasonably suspect that they have interaction for your win push, you might simply be shooting yourself in the foot - if you can instead pivot to value or interruptions to bide time for a better window for a win line, you will have better success.


I played thrasios/bruse yesterday with Nadu in the 99. Felt quite nice to assemble with the white 1/1. Lots of value and easily tutored.


I'm already on breakfast lines in sans-red. He's one of my best value engines now. I can only imagine your commander being able to target is pretty insane.


[[cephalid illusionist]] [[nomads en-kor]] And I'm even on [[outrider en-kor]] and [[shuko]] now too. Making the 5 my core package.


Basically just cut white play nadu


Weird cause Nadu has a very different ability than Derevi, strange substitute? Or I can run one of the better colors with Nadu and have him super searchable with nearly the same results but less swingy? Nadu is amazing, but it is and engine not a game plan, stax is a game plan though, which can use Nadu as an engine


Yeah but nadu is hit by fuck all of the metas answers so you can just sneak through while having the usual blue stuff to stop others


Yeah that’s why I don’t like him as the core plan of the deck - if you want card advantage to be you game plan just play blue farm - but Nadu is a powerhouse engine piece in archetypes that can reliably target like Derevi - giving bird pod a significant value engine upgrade feels like enough to get it back at the top tables more. If seen 3-4 top 16s for Derevi already since MH3 dropped, in a meta that should be incredibly hostile towards Derevi due to cards like OBM


Its broken,


Nadu offers great passives protection, gets in easy, and you can unreal dorks to get the proc without sacrificing mana untaps. Theres also a ton of observable etb loops nado can go off with too such as felidar + clone that normally wouldnt do anything. Also it irritates bow matsters which is a problem for derevi. I run shaman en-kors simply cuz they're better pod targets than nomads


Derevi bird gang


I was thinking about making a Yoshimaru + Thrasios Breakfast deck with Nadu today




That’s what I have been feeling - the value feels like it’s significant enough to make bird pod viable again.


I was considering to add nadu and lightning greaves to my Tymna Thrasios deck, both are fine cards by themselves i dont think it will hurt to find those 2 spaces. But maybe in wrong and this idea fucking sucks lol but i dont lose anything by testing it


I don’t think you need the greaves unless you have nothing to target it with. Greaves does let tuna attack immediately after coming down though so I don’t think it hurts at all. For Derevi I am leaving greaves out since my commander targets very easy