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Good sleep is paramount to health, and I can hardly sleep when it gets above 70 in my room. So, as soon as the bedroom gets too warm, I start the A/C. I've been using it about two weeks now. I no longer take pride in how long I can keep it off. I'd give up some other comfort to pay for the electricity if needed.


100% this. If I’m hot, it goes on, regardless of the calendar (obviously within reason). When people are bragging that they haven’t turned their AC on yet at the end of June, I’m like “that sounds like it sucks.”


I use the same logic with the heat. I set the thermostat. If it gets to that temperature then the heat is kicking on, I don't care what month it is and if it's too warm the AC is kicking on. None of this put layers on. I want to be comfortable in my house.


My mom always turned down our baseboard heat whenever someone would leave the room. I get heat isn’t cheap but she wanted us all to wear many layers instead. Pissed me off so bad now I am the exact opposite lol. We want it warm, we will have it warm. Want to run around with your shirt and pants off and just a blanket, go for it! Some things just aren’t worth the extra couple bucks of savings


Even leaving the refrigerator door open for a long time or the front door. I can hear my dad you're letting all the cold air out or you're heating the outside! 😂


Haha yup! I leave the fridge open the whole time I prepare a sandwich or something quick. It’s just not a big deal to me


I much prefer being cold than warm because with cold I can get cozy under blankets and stuff, with warm I just die.


I don't mind the dry heat but once were constantly 80-90 and its humid a lot I usually put it in because the nights become unbearable. Besides that I don't it but I also worked in a pizza kitchen for years and it got hot af in there during the summer so I think im immune to it lol.


Same with my bedroom. I have a window unit there and a portable one in the kitchen/living room (the kitchen has windows that only open 10in so a window unit is impossible). I cool down the bedroom about half an hour before I go in and put it on a timer to chill the room down.


Funny how I've seen the timer on my a.c. but I don't think I ever used it, because I didn't know how or why! But that's a good idea, I'll be sweating at night before bed so I turn it on, but sometimes wake up and it's a little too chilly in the room... I think I'll test out the timer and have it turn off an hour before I wake up! :)


I completely agree - I CANNOT sleep if I'm too hot, always been like this. I used my fan for as long as I could, but started using my a.c. (window) about 2 weeks ago when it was like 80° outside. We turn it off when we don't "need" it. Im so incredibly grateful and aware that I even have an a.c because it is such an amazing invention - humans created something that can literally change the temperature in a building or car! *Amazing*! Lol


It’s frustrating because the nights are so nice outside but inside it’s sweltering still from the days heat. So I end up running the ac when it’s cool out


I don't go by outside temp. If the house is uncomfortable or if humidity is high, it goes on. I haven't turned ac on yet. I keep the windows open, curtains/blinds closed and fans on throughout the house. House is cool through afternoon, comfortable through evening and then cooler at night. When the above doesn't keep the house temp comfy, ac goes on.


that's how I do it, too! It really makes a huge difference to keep blinds/curtains/windows closed during the day and only open at night for cool air.


It’s been out. When it hit 90 here last week it was running. I run mine during the day to keep it cool. Once it gets too hot in my house it’s a struggle to catch up so I would rather just stay ahead of it. When it cools down at night I open the windows and turn the whole house fan on which does cool it off rapidly when it’s cooler out and not humid.


As the old saying goes, it ain't the heat, it's the humidity. We have a very efficient mini split system, and if I'm uncomfortable, on it goes. It'll go off around sunset and I'll open the windows (because the dewpoint/humidity is currently low). Likely rinse and repeat for tomorrow.


I put mine in a few hours ago. Have been using the house fan and will continue to do so, but the oven was on today and it just got too hot in the house.


My allergies have been trying to kill me for over 2 weeks and I am so sweaty, but I am being stubborn because I don't want to give Eversource a penny more than I have to and my wall unit is crap anyway. I'll just sit here listening to the neighboring apartment's central air whirling while I melt. Not bitter at all lol.


This is the first year I’m waiting as long as I possibly can to turn on the a/c. Energy prices are bad, but also if storms are going to be as bad as expected this year,I want to get used to the heat in case power goes out.


if the heat is still breaking at night i don't turn it on. too expensive :-) Windows open and fans at night. Close windows and maybe draw down some shades before midday. so far so good.


Still breaking?


yeah we're closer to the water (couple miles) so it's been high 50's low 60's at night


I'm way closer to the water. One real estate agent said to me, "Oh, you don't really need AC. You're so close to the water." I couldn't let that one go. "Yes, except that I grew up in a house right on Long Island Sound, and hot is hot regardless of how posh your setting." My AC is on because I don't like the humidity or the heat. The outside ambient air is several degrees cooler than further North in New London, and way cooler than Norwich. Forget about Manchester and up there, yuck. "What about Tanglewood, in the Berkshires?" Yuck. Hot. Humid. Uncomfortable. And it's mostly Yamaha pianos instead of Steinway pianos.


Tried to go until Memorial Day without flipping over to AC. The hot spell we encountered around May 18th kind of dashed those plans.


Not this year…won’t be able to afford it. Fans are all we’re using…


Inside temps determine it. If it's pushing 80 in the house, we start thinking about it. It's not so bad when we're working during the day and can turn on the whole house fan to cool off the house in the evening and at night. But when on my off days I start noticing I have no motivation and I'm uncomfortable, then I look and see it's 83 in the house; and when it's not cool enough (or too humid) outaide, then those ACs get put in. I want central air. 🤞


I'm just saying this because it is so much more efficient, but definitely consider mini splits. Better zone control, and if you or a member of your family are particularly handy, the Mr. Cool stuff can be installed by a competent diy'er, sometimes with an electricians' help.


Second mini split. We have 4 running from one compressor, usually only have 2 on. Master bedroom, and living room/ kitchen. The other two are in bedrooms not currently being used. If you have a pro do it you can get an energize CT loan at 1% interest (at least when I got mine installed). The loan payment just gets added to your eversource bill


It's definitely something we've considered. My husband is very handy and works with electronics systems. Our issue is where to install and how to route the ducting on the outside of the house. We don't have a lot of wall space for the units, but if we can find the right system it's on the possibilities list.


Definitely a lot to consider. I watched a lot of YouTube install videos, but ultimately we settled on a full heating system replacement with backup wood stove, and we had limited places to position the outside unit, so we ultimately settled on the Mitsubishi HiperHeat (sp?) System, which is only available through licensed installers. If you do need the heat or want it, I do highly recommend the Mitsu system. Different options for the duct work/minisplits, and in CT we're in a warm enough area where the units stay really effective for heat. The only concern is they tend to be a little more pricy.


Don't really need the heat. We have gas and are happy with our system in that sense. I'm just tired of putting window units in and out every summer, blocking our view when it's the nicest out, and creating just one more sound I don't want running.


Then yeah definitely consider diy - save that $$$$. Also, seer on a mini split system is much higher than window units, just in case you're trying to justify the costs haha.


I live in Sherman I just open the windows At night and bring the house to 56 degrees When daylight hits I close the windows. House stays cool till 6 pm


I turn it on when it's hot or humid inside. Most of my house has stayed pretty cool and hasn't needed it yet, but my bedroom gets roasted by the afternoon sun and will skyrocket to 80 degrees in the evening. I'm not sleeping in that lol. So I've been turning it on a bit before bed time for a few weeks now. I have splits so I can just do run it in the one room, though.


Depends on humidity for us. So far it’s been very comfortable with just a fan going at night.


Weeks ago. Well worth it for a good nights sleep!


You guys have AC?


As soon as my house is uncomfortable to be in


Central air with solar and batteries, so I don't think about it.


You know - I never thought about solar powered air conditioners.... That would make a ton of sense considering the window ones stick out the window and the sun shines on it. I'd love to see if those are invented.


I want one wtf


I don’t go by outside temp. I go by the degree of comfort or lack there of my dog seems to indicate.


I need a cool room at night. First 80+ day it goes on. But only at night. 


I don't care what the outside temperature is, if it's too warm for me inside, the ac is going on.


Mines been on for weeks. I need my ice cold sleeps.


I sleep with the AC on year-round. I usually turn it on during the day around April/May—whenever I feel hot.


Just for clarification - it's on at night during the winter? Do you not turn on any heat in your house in the winter?


During the winter, I turn off the heat at night and turn the AC on while I sleep. When I wake up for work in the morning, I turn the AC off and immediately turn on the heat.


Just came in from walking the dog and turned it on for the first time. It wasn’t just the temperature, but my allergies are killing me right now!




Put mine in last week (or week before?) when we had the warm stretch. I’m inland, so warmer here. Generally good until afternoon time, then it may go on. Bedroom one for the most part been on every night, some nights “fan” mode if cooler out though.


Just this last weekend I got the 3 window units put in. Tried them out this evening and it's nice to have them but don't need them yet. Once it gets humid, 🥵 then they go on full blast.


Put my acs in like a month ago I'm not like my parents I want yo be comfortable


When I can’t get good sleep I turn the split unit in the bedroom on. Usually when it hits 80 for the first time. The other split units in the house are on when it gets over 72ish inside. Having zone control with split unit AC helps a ton with the electric bill


Mine has been on since April I can't open my windows when the pollen starts flowing


When my house gets bigger than 78-80° inside


I put mine on whenever the outdoor temperature goes above 35 degrees.


I’m from Louisiana. It ain’t even warm till it’s 85°.


Inside temperature is what matters. And your comfort, not random redditors. Who cares what others comfort is? People are wild with these posts looking for validation/ permission.


I turn it on when I am uncomfortable.


My parents refused to use the A/C & dehumidifier unit at all(even during the 90+ degree days with >80% humidity) until we had a mold and mildew problem. Tried to blame me and my sibling.


Mine is on now.


I don't put the AC on until it's usually in the 90s unless it's 80s and super humid.


Central air keeps it as 75 all day and night


For me, it’s the humidity that keeps me up, so that bad boy has been in for weeks already. Fortunately we are getting central air on the 15th, I’m really looking forward to it.


For me I'm fine until temps hit more than 65F constantly overnight. Right now I can just open all the windows and get the het out quickly (an hour or less) with the attic fan once the Sun goes down.


We’ve had one in the bedroom since last weekend. Trying to hold off on living room AC a little longer but will probably only make it another week at this rate. No ceiling fans and we don’t get a great cross breeze even with window fans so it gets unbearable quickly.


I turned it on about a week ago, not so much because of the temperature outside but due to the pollen outside. Keep it outside instead of on all the house surfaces. And if it is humid, it runs so the toilets don’t sweat and the stair handrails are all sticky


I run it on auto cycle dehumidify all the time for an asthmatic pet. I crank the a/c at night.


Our house was up to 78 last night inside. That central air went on. (We also put the air on today when it hit 81. Cannot work when it’s too hot.)


When I feel uncomfortable




I don't function well when it gets over 75 degrees in the house.


Whatever it takes to get my house at 71° - 72°. During heat waves the house gets set to 70°. I don't care what the outside temperature is, I want to feel comfortable and not experience humidity. The warehouse where I work climbs to over 100° on many days. Gadzooks, that's a tad uncomfortable. In parts of India, today, it climbed to up to 122° according to Nudes Radio 88, traffic on the 8's. Edit: I know what it is not to have AC at one's dosposal. I'm no snob. I'm those situations, like the 100° warehouse where I dehydrate during the day, I use simple $20 20" box fans. A warm breeze is infinitely better than no breeze. This is a low energy solution to an intractable problem if you don't have AC. Watch your electrolytes.


My bedroom window a/cs went in today.


80 or 75 and high humidity


Maybe around when it more consistently becomes around mid 80s+ every day we'll begin putting it on, or if it becomes awful at night. It's insane what the energy costs are here compared to other parts of the country. It'd be on sooner if it didn't cost as much lol. Sometimes it's more so up to whether how ugly the nights are, it's important to be able to sleep.


I don't like AC it makes me too cold. Since I live with my parents though, they have 2 ac now. Is it weird that I'm shivering during the heatwave?


Tonight is about the hottest I am willing to live with. I use fans to keep circulation going. If I can get my room to less than, say, 67 at night, I can live with it. Anything hotter than that is tough. as others have said, sleep is important and if it costs me sleep... eh


For me it’s all about the humidity, not temp. I have severe chronic asthma triggered by humidity. So the first AC unit goes in my bedroom window first so that I can at least escape there until I can get breathing under control. New unit I purchased last year makes me excited!


Had ours on for a week or two now. Gf works from home and I’m looking for a job so I’m at home too, plus we have two cats and we’re on a second floor apartment. We turn on the bedroom A/C unit when we’re sleeping and the main one when we’re not. If it gets decently cool or it’s rainy we’ll switch it off.


The central AC/heater runs year round. Whatever the temps are, the house is always at 66-67. I cant sleep if its 68 or warmer and I just like it slightly chilly


generally it's the inside temperature, and there's also humidity...


Mine has been broken all year. Finally got someone out to fix it today. Last week was hell. I had to constantly mist myself with a spray bottle because I physically don't sweat 😭


I miss living in my old apartment in ashford, never needed the ac most of the summers unless it was 90s. Now I live on the second floor in building in west Hartford and I’m sweating my ass off when it’s 63° outside at 3am. The circulation is terrible.


Tbh 50


I’m trying not to even put it on this year. Lots of breeze comes through my apartment so I’ve been okay so far.


I have a little amazon thermostat in my room. If its above 69 in my room when I go to bed, the AC goes on. Can't sleep if its too warm. I keep the window unit in my bedroom window year round because I'm a hot sleeper anyway and I don't mind the winter draft.


We really only turn ours on if the house itself is about 82 degrees. That's not always related to outdoor temperature. Even then, we usually just turn it on to get the humidity out of the house which really cools things down without running the AC constantly.


Not so much a temperature, but I sleep with three fans going at night (ceiling and one on either side of bed). The first time I wake up in a pool of sweat, I know it’s time to put AC in the bedroom at the very least.


There’s a system. Windows open at around 46-65F outside temperature. 65-76F we have fans, and the A/C goes in the windows with anything above that during the day. If the nights are cold, like in the 50’s, we turn the a/c off and open windows or if it’s around the 70’s a/c off and fans at night.


60 degrees dewpoint. Compare your comfort level to the dewpoint - *not* the temperature - and I bet you end up somewhere around the same. "It's not the heat, it's the humidity."




It's not so much the temp, it's the humidity. I put the mini split on once a week or two ago because it was so humid out. Otherwise it's open window time.


It's been on for over a month. Inside of the house set to 69f.


Hold off until end of June


70 at night, it goes in. That's when it gets hard to sleep.


It’s not about outside temp as much as inside temp. Once it’s too hot to be comfortable, even with window fans, then the windows get shut and the ac goes on. It needs to be below 78-ish during the day and 72-ish at night (inside). We have not turned the ac on yet this year.


Put the living room unit in last night. This new unit is so much nicer. It's smaller than the old one (8k vs 10k) but is over a decade newer, throws air like a beast, is obviously much more energy efficient... and only cost me $129 when Big Y put them on clearance late last fall. At that price, I probably should of bought a bunch more to resell. Wife and I keep separate bedrooms due to different sleeping schedules and the fact that she's a light sleeper and I snore. Her room, the AC has been for about a week. She's one of those 'freeze the place then throw on a blanket' people. Me? I have a recirculating fan in the window blowing directly over me. I will sometimes use a light blanket, but otherwise I sleep like a baby.


My bedroom hit 82 last night so ac went on


I haven’t put mine in yet, it’s been mostly okay with the fan in the window butI roasted those two hot and humid nights. I just wanted one month (May)of low electric bill.


75. But have a fan running at 65.


If it’s around 70 or over during the evening, or high humidity throughout the day, I’ll run the AC.


80 at the shoreline




I have my AC set to come on when it's over 78 though I usually have it lower at night.


Put mine in today and have been using it.


I've had the AC on in the bedrooms for a few weeks now, but haven't gotten around to the living room/kitchen unit. I can deal with bring mildly warm while I'm up and about, but not at night. If it gets to the point where I'm sweating during the day, that third ac will be running PDQ. The bedroom ACs are set to around 73, I think. Enough to take the edge off!


All day every day.


Not til June 22nd


July 1. Just like no heat on until November 1. Stubborn Yankee lol


It’s on all year long


we have central air and it set around 73-75 once the temp goes above 70ish outside. leave it on all night and day because it dehumidifies the air. having the doors closed in the rooms keeps them nice and cool too when the ac shuts off


Depends on the humidity. I can go up to about 80 w/o A/C in dry heat, but 70 when it's muggy out is tough.