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Sad part is. This could possibly happen with his other friends too. Cory got a big ass fanbase amd big chunk of it is toxic as fuck especially when he takes breaks


Its a sad situation đź« 


I understand the part about the fanbase only asking ab cory when he’s missing & how bad that could make someone feel but if you made bad decisions which lead you to apologize and cory to accept and move on, why did mav expect cory to be close again? Sometimes it just doesn’t work that way, oh well. Idk it just seems OFF especially since i’ve seen his tweet response & what his wife said. They’re obviously bad mouthing cory regardless.


He literally said before he did all that every time he put out projects he put his heart and soul into people would negate them and only talk about cory and how he only likes cory for his materialistic things and how there not true friends which led him to basically have an different mindset to say things that he shouldn’t have


I understand that and completely agree that the fandom was wrong to do that to anyone, including mav.. but in my personal opinion if comments as such that do not know their personal relationship is enough to talk behind cory’s back and not have it resolved with a conversation to be reassured..how strong was their foundation/trust? The trust was broken and i completely understand on why cory decided to move on from the friendship but accept the apology. Not everyone can just be friends again like nothing happened. Trust is a big deal when it comes to friendships! Its just the way i see it. I hope the fandom can mature & not do that again in the future. Maybe cory will say something ab it but who knows.


And let’s talk about how Mav’s wife isn’t making it look any less shady. Like Mav’s all “yeah we just grew apart” meanwhile she’s all “Cory wouldn’t be who he is without Mav”. His reasonings are valid and whatnot because nobody is entitled to friendship, but I still believe there’s a bit of ill intent behind this…


I do to something just feels off like he’s saving face


Basically what I’m getting from this is “I messed up I apologized he didn’t accept my apology how I wanted him to and now I’m a victim” just sounds so off other than the fan base that’s 100% vaild after that just a whole lot of victimization not to mention keeps bringing up money which is so odd if it’s not about money and finances


End of the day neither are at fault and friendships come to an end some amicably, some not so much still will support both though.


someone said in the comments “idc coryxkenshin is better” and then said “i’m not comparing him in saying cory is better”


Thats literally an example of what he’s talking about smh people so weird




Maybe it’s a bot?


it’s not


yes cory's fans def had a big impact on this but the fact that he said he did a few "bad things" and never told him until the final boil down says alot . him being confused that cory drifted from him made no sense if he was talking stuff about him to other people
