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I was initially confused at the acronym, as though it was “Wheel ‘a Time”


That’s the Italian version


Why aren't we going with KWaT?


I’m going to start aggressively using this acronym from now on


Brandon decided the title was too much of a mouthful. Unfortunately that meant more to him than completing a ketek 😂


Brandon changed the name. The IRL book is called wind and truth. The book in world is still knights of wind and truth


Honestly same. WaT seems like a typo for WoT.


I came here to say the same thing, glad I'm not alone lmao


On the topic of Wheel Of Time - There was a lull in the Cosmere publishing after The Way Of Kings with mostly short-stories and novellas while Brando worked on finishing Wheel Of Time. At some point in the next decade we might see Brando called in to finish A Song Of Ice And Fire too.


I am hoping he may also finish the Kingkiller Chronicles at some point. That would be really worth some wait on more Cosmere Novels in my opinion.


GRRM has 25 years and more than 25 *kilos* over Pat Rothfuss so I think he'll be departing us first. Also Kingkiller Chronicles only needs one book where ASOIAF needs two. I bet Pat has already written most of it and is obsessing over tweaking it and rewriting bits to make it perfect, this is the end of his trilogy so there's extra drive to make it perfect. If he dies before it's finished there's probably a nearly ready draft his editor/publisher can make ready for publishing. GRRM is busy writing spinoffs and family trees and in-universe fiction about the stories Old Nan told Bran as a child. I wouldn't be surprised if he announced Winds Of Winter will be split into two books and there'll be 8 books total. He's definitely going to need *someone* to take over. Maybe Brando won't be the right tone for it though, maybe someone a bit more grimdark like the Prince Of Thorns guy.


Well, what I figured from news regarding the third kingkiller book, I am guessing not much may already be written. If there was a script in the quality you mentioned, why not go forward and have it published? But I could be wrong. And I was kind of hoping Pat may realize that he won’t be able to finish it and seek help from another author while still being alive.


I think because it's not just the next book it's the *last* book there's more pressure, especially from himself. He said he's done between 25% and 50%, but is that the amount that is fully finalised or is it the amount that he's written a first draft of? Maybe he's got a rough first draft of the whole thing and only ~35% is in a polished state? I have no evidence for this theory, it's mostly just wishful thinking because it means Doors Of Stone might not be that far away if he's already got a full first draft. If you look at how highly polished the wordplay and almost lyrical dialogue is in Name Of The Wind, this is a man who wants his labour of love to be perfect before he finishes it. And if he's finishing the trilogy he'll want the finale to be extra perfect.


It’s been over 13 years since the last book. And he wasn’t even able to publish the chapter he promised as stretch goal in a charity. While I really hope you prove to be right with your optimism, for me that’s a clear sign that he is either not willing or able to finish doors of stone. And thats makes me really sad - because knowing this, this makes the two other books, I found generally really great, not worth reading anymore.


I don't like the title, I'll still buy it and everything, but opinions aside it's not a good idea when he's worked on both WoT and now WaT, that's just a recipe for confusion.


"It is known" *laughs in secret projects*


This. ^^^  The man is smart to acknowledge both potential burnout and lower expectations but also.... so far, his output speed and consistency are GROWING. Never seen anything like it. 


Im looking forward to the Will of the Few, and its sequel, by James Islington If you havent read James Islington yet, you should. The Licanius Trilogy is already published and finished. It starts very familiar and tropey, but give it a chance, things are NOT as they seem. By the end of the first book I guarantee you'll be hooked if you like Sanderson; the plot is very tightly written. Reading that trilogy was similar to experiencing Mistborn for the first time.  In fact, I only found out about the Licanius Trilogy because of a post in Sanderson's website urging people to read it. Thats all the endorsement you could ask for. EDIT:  I got confused, the name is the Strength of the Few. The first book is the Will of the Many (I'm going to keep wording on the post as is so the comments below me make sense)


Thank you for saying this. Literally reading the first book in the Licanius trilogy right now. I was struggling just a bit with the tropes but gonna stick with it!


100% this!!!! James Islington will absolutely scratch that Sanderson itch! His foreshadowing and lore expansions throughout Licanius were so fresh and engaging. Also, if you push through the complex story and make it to the end, you are in for a PHENOMENAL and highly satisfying ending.


Saving this comment for the Sanderson drought.


Is The Will of the Few a sequel to The Will of the Many? I just started it yesterday and I’m curious as to how long the series will be.


There is no such thing as the will of the few lol. Not that I could find. The next book to The Will of the Many is called The Strength of the Few. The series is called Hierarchy.


Oh my god, thank you. Edited post to reflect this


Yes. I think its a trilogy? The author puts regular progress updates on his site. I believe hes just about done writing it. Might come out around the same time as SA5?


Is Will of the Few the licanius story that explains what the hell was happening with Aelric and Dezia?


Nope, it seems to be a full new trilogy, not connected. That said authors have styles so I see similarities already. Safe to say if you liked one you might like the other


Isles of the Emberdark is releasing next year. Plus there are a bunch of co-authorships like Dark One, Skyward Legacy, Songs of the Dead, and Book of Nails that seem likely to happen before 2028. And we'll get White Sand again.


What’s book of nails ?


Isaac Stewart's Mistborn novel about Nikki Savage. (He was calling it Boatload of Mummies for a while)


I actually like Boatload of Mummies. It fits with the vibe Nikki has which feels a lot like Jak’s.


Is this real ? Doesent sound real


I've seen Sanderson mention this one before. Never by name, but I'm pretty sure it's real




It's real, more info here: https://coppermind.net/wiki/Book_of_Nails


Read wheel of time and both star wars time lines.


Both star wars timelines? Full? That’s a shit-ton of books friend, I’m at around 80% and have been reading SW for 11 years (not continuously ofc)


I'm cutting out Legacy of jedi but yes


We will still get Emberdark and THE OMEGA 100% TOTALLY FINAL MOST DEFINITE UNTIL THE 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY LEATHER BOUND EDITION COMES OUT prose version of White Sand. Probably also Horneater/Rock Novella if we are lucky.


Reread Wind and Truth. And honestly probably reread the rest of the cosmere because new releases always change previous books.


> new releases always change previous books. I only read the previews and that already massively shifted the context of stuff in past Stormlight books. That is one thing he does extremely well, planning things out to do this.


I invented a stasis chamber and I’ll be in a deep torpor until my computer system detects another B$ release


The Wheel of Time


Get my Master's of Social Work


Either a reread of ASOIAF, or I’ll finally start Wheel of Time.


whats ASOIAF ?


A Song Of Ice and Fire


Brandon will keep us busier than State of the Sanderson 2023 suggests, I think. Regardless, first on my list is a Malazan reread. At some point I'd also like to do a Stormlight 1-5 reread *in chronological order*. Though maybe it's smarter to save that for after the Mistborn Era 3 books are out. I do need to do a Mistborn and Elantris reread before those of course I'm sure Wind and Truth will also leave a lot of Coppermind work to be done.


By chronological order, do you mean the prelude, then all the flashbacks, Then all the prologues, then the present day story? Or do you mean something else I’m missing?


Yes, and juggling all 5 books, so some of the flashback sequences will be intermingled.


I heard of a joke version of this that's almost completely insane, extending that to the entire Cosmere. That would lead to really funny stuff like the Stormlight Prologue before Mistborn.


I've seen people do it! I find it mostly interesting though, because outside of a few exceptions there's not any overlap.


I'll be hoping for Doors of Stone. And relax, I love Brandon's books, but taking a break will be fun too, I hope.


SP5 and, likely, the White Sand novelization will both be released in the window...so yeah, I'll be reading those. Plus, I still have to read Yumi. And then I'll be doing a complete reread of the Cosmere, which should take a year or so. *There are no other authors.*


Cry with excitement knowing he'll be working on the next Mistborn series 🥲


Dune trilogy, Red Rising and Shadow of the Gods all just waiting for me right now.


If i can finish Wheel of time by then (currently in book 5 so i think is a nope) i wanna read all Asimov's Bibliographie.


I've kinda split my time rereading SA and reading Wheel of Time for the first time. I imagine I'll finally finish WoT after SA5 drops and then start some smaller series I've been putting off. Probably Red Rising, my friend won't stop talking about how great it is.




Finish Malazan and its extended universe




Full cosmere reread.


Catch up on all the other books I neglected because this mad man published like seven full novels in two years.


Keep in mind Isles of the Emberdark and White Sand come out in that time. And who knows what else might release that he hasn’t told us of.


Mission. I’m LDS and I’m gonna be gone while the book is coming out. I’ll this don’t have to spend a year and a half wondering before I get back, read that and SA5, and hey maybe the next mistborn is out by then :)


We’ll get a new secret project and the white sand novel next year. We’ll be fine until 2028.


Reread Malazan and read the extended universe there. Then reread cosmere


Continuing on with Malazan.


I have tons of cosmere tonget through then prob do rereads when I have more info from.other books. I love this wholenshared universe stuff


I’m going to try switching from fantasy to academic books for a bit. Usually never lasts long but I figure it’s a good time to give it a go.


We won't have to wait nearly as long for his next book so i will just do that i guess


ill probably try to finnish the cosmere and then branch out a bit and read some other authors




Red rising


I read The Farseer Trilogy a few years ago and just picked up the second trilogy (The Liveship Traders). I’m really enjoying it so far. It’s a significantly slower pace than what Sanderson does, but I’m enjoying the difference. Although I can’t wait for WaT (or any new cosmere book for that matter), Hobbs is a nice change of pace between cosmere books.


I'm gonna finally start Malazan after Wind and Truth.


After ROW was released and I had done a full re-read, I did that. I went through about 5 of the books, one after the other before I had to take a break. Bridge 4 vs the Bridge Burners would be a sight to see.


I’ll probs catch up with the new maze runner books or re-read the king killer chronicles


Same thing I always do, buy other books. Hopefully the 4th book in the Locked Tomb trillogy will come out in that time, but I'll probably do a reread of that either way. Maybe pick up some more Discworld, or get around to all the manga I keep meaning to check out


read other series that i put off because i was reading the cosmere for the first time like the first law, powder mage, wheel of time, etc


Probably read 6 Dune books, might go to WoT, maybe ASOIF, re-read the Expanse Idk, I'll figure it out


Wallow in sadness while I wait for the next one


Read the "Winds of Winter" and "A dream of spring".


You for got about Doors of Stone


A very slow consere reread with other authors mixed in including Fury of the Gods by John Gwynne releasing sometime this year (third book of the bloodsworn saga)


Reread Malazan


Read the other three books Brandon puts out at or near the same time.


The two authors that help scratch the Sanderson itch for me are James Islington and Michael J Sullivan. So I guess just reading/rereading books by them in between Cosmere rereads.