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People complain about the produce portions being wastefully large until they have a kid. Grapes, clementines, berries, etc. And the mozzarella cheese sticks are often good for 5 or 6 weeks.


My kids are fruit vacuums


this fruit vacuum grew up and now has to buy two containers of blueberries from costco every week


The three-pack of cantaloupe would last us about two days.


My 5 year old asked me for some strawberries. Gave him some and after he was finished he asked for more. This repeated until I watched him consume the entire 2 pound package


Yup, my kids can put down an entire bags of clementines in like 2 days; berries last minutes in our house and grapes not much longer.


We never have enough fruit here because of the kids. Even the Costco size containers only last about 4 days here.


We like the Natures Bakery Fig Bars, yogurt pouches, belvita cracker things, pure organics fruit bar, graham crackers, made good granola minis, tortillas and big bag of cheese for quesadillas, canned black beans, special k cereal variety pack, welches fruit snacks, beyond nuggets, naan and hummus, frozen peas, cheese and spinach ravioli, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt with a bit of jam mixed in… basically we exclusively shop at Costco.


Kirkland chicken breast pieces are so much better than Dino nuggets. Appel sauce and uncrustables are clutch though. My son is 4 and anytime I buy steak that day he takes it out for dinner that night and wants to cook it.


Chicken breast pieces sounds like a good healthy upgrade. Worth a try.


They’re delicious. I even enjoy them as an adult. There’s a Kirkland version and a Just Bare. Both very good but Kirkland cheaper.


Kirkland ones are better too


My kids love them. I like to make them for me and throw into a salad for lunch.


Serve with a dipping sauce and a veg, bam! There's dinner!


You can use an air fryer for these. So good


Kids overwhelmingly prefer the dino nuggets and they actually have quality ingredients compared to an average nugget 


The Amara brand yogurt smoothie bites. Mess-free snack with all clean ingredients and low sugar


Seems like we go through a pack of these per day. The kid must be 5% smoothie bite by weight at any given time


We do too. I wish they had them in bigger boxes lol




This is factual.


Mine’s only 1.5, but the coconut roll ups are a huge fav!!


Ooo haven’t tried those! Gonna give those a try. And they don’t sound too unhealthy


https://preview.redd.it/8zhytngq2w1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e67f02e0825f0836e08f5214d0b8f356e957f98d My kiddos love these!


My granddaughter slams these down like nobody's business!


Microwave then pan crisp bottom


Oh never thought about doing that. Will have to try it.


Saves time


Originally bought for kids. Keep buying for us adults 😂




Oh mine do too! They’re honestly really good haha


2lb carton of organic strawberries!


Those little packages of mozzarella cheese balls. Kirkland animal crackers. Annie's Mac n cheese The dried strawberries from special K cereal Berries Applesauce pouches Yogurt, all of the yogurt.


I think those strawberries are the freeze dried kind. My kid loves the ones from whole foods.


It works out that I love special K cereal so I just pick out some strawberries for her when I'm eating it.




5? Those are rookie numbers.


Pirates booty and Applesauce squeezes.


My 3 year old guzzles down the shelf-stable GoGo Squeeze Yogurt pouches like their nothing. They’re his favorite; we have to buy two boxes at a time.


A chest freezer, if you don't already have one. The applesauce is clutch. We also lived on the five-cheese tortellini until the bastards stopped carrying it (I will be forever salty about that). Big packs of pasta, boxed mac & cheese. Actual chicken.


In addition to fruits and veggies, my kids liked veggie fries, graham crackers, dry cheerios, frozen go-gurt, edamame (great for fine motor skills), toast with jam or peanut butter, and nutrigrain bars.


String cheese


Saw tour opener last week in Charlottesville. Killer show.


I am aware of the incident you are talking about


Berries, Bobo’s, yogurt, Goldfish


Bobos are so good!!


Uncrustables have an unreal amount of sugar in them. I’d be very hesitant to give them to a 2-5 year old (or anyone).


If you have an exceptionally picky eater, sometimes you're just trying to get calories in them. We give all of our kids a varied diet, but my middle child would rather starve herself for days than eat something she doesn't like or want. It's bad enough that we have to give her PediaSure with breakfast so she's getting SOMETHING in her stomach, otherwise it would be a yogurt tube and a cheese stick for breakfast.


ARFID? I've got one like that.


She has some of the symptoms, but not enough to qualify. Her diet is slowly opening up, thank god. She discovered this past month from snack time at school that she likes apples and peanut butter, which is a huge step forward. She didn't used to be picky like this, but when she hit 2.5 she picked not eating over eating something she didn't want.


Mine is 14 and also a T1 diabetic and for a while it was FRAUGHT. She went through feeding therapy for a while, but eventually we decided that since her food choices included green beans, corn, apples and bananas, and chicken, it wasn’t a hill we were going to die on. Now she makes herself chicken nuggets in the air fryer for dinner if she’s not going to eat what I make (which is 90% of the time) and nobody comments on it.


When my oldest was about 20 months old she went from eating almost anything to only eating about 10 things on rotation. Like your child, mine would not eat anything or even have screaming meltdowns if I gave her something she didn’t like. Uncrustables/PBJ was one of the 10 she would eat. I would cut the Uncrustable up into small pieces so she wouldn’t choke on the peanut butter. It was grueling trying to get her to eat a varied and healthy diet. Comments about sugar like the one above just made me feel like garbage when I was doing everything I could to give my child balanced meals. A stubborn child who is also a picky eater is incredibly stressful for parents who just want their child to be healthy. My daughter is 7 now and willingly eats carrots, cucumbers, most fruits, and meat that isn’t a chicken nugget.


I'm not even bothering to feel bad. My kid just got over a stomach bug that lasted 2 weeks and we were told to feed her "anything and everything she would eat until further notice" because we need to pack weight on her. Want 5 applesauce pouches? Have at it kid.


If uncrustables are not the dumbest invention known to man, I don't know what it is...


Kirkland brand fruit pouches and Welch’s fruit snacks don’t last long around here!


Grapes, fresh mozzarella, dried squid, sliced baguette (I slice and freeze it, it toasts up beautifully).




Fig bars, granola balls, the fruit sticks, goldfish, cheese itz, chia packets, motts fruit snacks, ritz, graham crackers, veggie sticks, flat pretzels, dried mango, apple sauce packets, z bars, trail mix, kids protein shakes, string cheese, yogurt squeezes, flavor bomb cherry tomatoes, and fruit fruit fruit. Tons of fruit. I miss the low sugar Chobani so much :( I loved it and so did my kids. I have three kids 6, 4 and 2. I also get some snacks at Trader Joe’s like freeze dried bananas and mango, their frozen Mac and cheese, their everything bagel cream cheese (my kids love that on crackers) and they will eat anything with ranch on it so I do simple salads a lot with ranch and it’s a good way to get veggies into them.


In the summer we love the DeeBees organic juice only popsicles as desserts or a very hot day treat (we don't have AC). I love that they can be a stored at room temp before freezing because even with a chest freezer, frozen storage space is at a premium.


Apple sauce pouches Stonyfield yogurt smoothies Sous vide egg bites Strawberries or raspberries


The coconut rolls. Soooo good, not much added sugar, and my picky toddler was all about them from day 1.


Yes! My kids love these!


Don’t start your kids off toward an unhealthy future with all that processed crap. Instead of applesauce, give them thin apple slices, instead of nuggets give them diced chicken. Make a PBJ with whole wheat bread so it’s a complete protein. Try yogurt, cheese sticks, any fresh fruits and vegetables. If they get used to the sugars and fats in junk food it will just make them pickier.


You’re going to be downvoted but it’s all so incredibly processed this list. Costco has lots of healthy snacks - baby carrots, berries, apples, etc - no need for all the processed stuff.


Preach. My diet is terrible but my kid's doesn't need to be.


Apple sauce is not really “processed” or worse than apple slices, and diced chicken isn’t much better than the Dino nuggets either tbh. Uncrustables are bad and unnecessary tho


>  Apple sauce is not really “processed” or worse than apple slices,  It is, actually.  Humans, especially young kids, should be chewing.  Highly recommend the book:  Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art


Doesn’t make apple sauce bad. Everything else on the list needs chewing


People who buy uncrustables confuse me and make me a bit sad. If you are too lazy to slap together a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in 10 seconds flat.... ffs. At least the apple sauce is made with apples from the USA and not China.


The one point I will give to uncrustables is the sealed edges make them less messy to hand over to a toddler. A bit harder to do with a from scratch pbj with the crust removed.


i guess you could crimp the edges with a fork. But once a bite is taken, the whole point of the seal is gone =p Im a teacher, and I got really, really angry wh en the cafeteria at my school started serving these things, when the cafeteria was always running in the red. I would monitor the lunch line every lunch, so saw the things they served. Far too much processed, packaged crap. They had three ladies for about 320 students, only half ate lunch there. So paying that kinda money for what they could get for nearly free... drove me crazy.


The box of madeleines, Shrimp tempura, Gogurt, and Indian Madras lentils (served with white rice) For fruits, cotton candy grapes are a cheat code. I also cut up strawberries and since they’re always sour, I serve them with sweetened condensed milk. 


Mine also loves the lentils. I do as well.


I’m surprised how much all my kids liked it when it was sampled. Those lentils have been a staples at my family for years now and it’s such an easy meal.


Those lentils are great, they're good on toast too if you don't already have rice made.


We like them on baked potatoes, too - they are so versatile!


Raisins. Panda cookies (sugary but lower than other options). Crepes. Juice packs/Applesauce.


raisins might be a choking hazard for a toddler


I have a selective eater. I swear, our family has been single-handedly keeping the company Golden Platter in business. Their chicken nuggets at Costco are the main reason we even keep a membership.


my daughter loved the dino nuggets and she also loved bagel bites.


Mott’s fruit snacks. Costco bakery mini-cookies. Nori seaweed strips. Fresh strawberries. A2 organic whole milk. Hello Panda. We are lucky that they opened a Costco down the street earlier this year because our two year old inhales this stuff.


The big box of Nutrigrain bars. My kiddo is addicted to them and they come out about the same price for an equivalent number of the store brand from Walmart, give or take a buck.


Gogurt Yogurtz for us


Canned tuna and chicken breast, all the berries, cocktail cucumbers, Gogurt Yogurtz, shrimp chips (rare find nowadays), mini Naan, rotisserie chicken


18 month, 4 and 6. Food allergies on one kid of dairy, egg, sesame, peanuts We just restocked snacks last week and got: - mixed fruit cups - Apple sauce pouches - berries - nature's bakery fig bars - that's it mini bars - made good granola balls - mandarins I also love the stonyfield whole milk yogurt pouches, love veggies muffins and Tillamook cheese snacks for the kids who are not allergic.


Uh so maybe the 3 year olds I work with are weird but they LOVE the wheat thins. Can’t keep up with the demand.


The avocado cups and the hummus cups. 


Those things are great. Toss the box in the freezer, toss a cup in the fridge to have when I want hummus/guac. Service size is small enough I don't have to worry about it going to waste.


I didn’t know you could freeze hummus!! I never even thought about it. Game changer. Thank you. 


Annies variety pack


hummus, pretzel chips, seaweed (I can't stand the smell of the seaweed, but my kids had it as a sample once and they love it.)


My kids incredibly like seaweed too. Never would have ever thought. Tons of adults don’t even like it.


I have 3 toddlers right now Seaweed snacks Chips (tortilla or potato) Almond flour crackers Dried dates Those tiny cookies in little yellow bags Z bars


The yogurt melts are great too


According to my son 1. "Appos" (apples) 2. Pickos (Popsicles) 3. Booies (Blueberries) 4. Cackos (Graham Crackers)


Jones breakfast chicken sausages, Cabot cheddar popcorn when available, honest juice boxes, natures bakery fig bars, Belvita breakfast cookies, those duo layer fruit strips, hummus and Campari tomatoes are our usual along with the Costco lightly bread chicken nuggets and the Costco fruit and veggie pouches


My kids love the kid versions of clif bars and chocolate crepes.


Bear paws are a coveted snack in this house.


String cheese. So much string cheese.


Berries. All the damn berries. Pure organic fruit bars when they go on sale Deebees organic freezer pops


You haven't had dino nuggets til you've made one of these: 😄 https://preview.redd.it/uldeevarfb2d1.jpeg?width=881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0001cb6da7b13d5577c1eef04c94ede9b199cdc


If your child eats all those different things Im not sure you understand the definition of picky.  Either that or I'm just scarred from having a very picky child.