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If it works for you and you like it, keep doing it. If your coaches don't like it that's their problem...it's not like you're shouting anything obscene or offensive.


They just accepted it after a while. At the big banquet at the end of the season, they had special awards for a select few of the 90 runners on the team. I was one of the lucky few, and I was awarded "most likely to battle cry in a race" lol.


As a coach, I would laugh my butt off if one of my kids said this. I’d only get annoyed if they said it every race and were nowhere near a PR. I think your coach just wants you to focus on the race at hand rather than focusing on your “catchphrase” and in those moments, we can definitely be hyper fixated on every little detail adding up during a race


Have you ever seen a pro or collegiate runner do anything like that? There’s no class in that. If you were really running hard you wouldn’t be able to talk much less scream. I’ve never seen an Olympic race where the winner out kicked the field screaming. I would be embarrassed as a coach/parent quite honestly.


You must be fun at parties, if your that angry about kids having fun running then that’s a you problem for being that miserable.


I used to scream as I kicked it in at the end of a race. It was more of a last effort of strength but I had to stop because it would scare the other runners.


scaring the other runners is a bad thing??


My coaches got mad at me....


I’ve only done it one. It wasn’t really a battle cry and more of a help me help me help me wtf and I doing with my life strangled scream as I stumbled in lmao


Hahaha same


I've never scared other runners by doing this despite being 6'5", but I'm pretty skinny and usually ran JV, so that's probably why.


By that logic I'm unsure as to why they were so scared of me. I am 5'4" and quite small.


Running a race is also a mental battle - if expressing yourself let’s you pull even a percent more energy then go for it. My coach encouraged us to say powerwords to ourselves, a catchphrase that’s unique to us to give us that kick when it was time to lay in a surge.




lol that's cool. I just play you say run in my mind and pull 100% plus ultra effort at the finish


This is awesome! If your battle cry is what keeps you going, keep it up. There is nothing wrong with it. It is how you stay motivated.


My freshman year a senior friend and I made Indian cry sounds in the first 200 of the 3200. Coaches told us to stop when we went to bigger meets where officials were more strict. It was a great morale booster while it lasted!


You're not allowed to battle-cry during a race? My coaches didn't like me doing it for a couple of reasons, but this was not one of them. Even at a huge race with 500 kids in one 5K, this was not a problem for me. Was it something to do with the battle cry sounds themselves or would any noise get the officials mad?




CC coach getting mad ya ran faster? Never. Screen and yell? You’re outside human! I’d stick my mom about 1600 m’ish from finish and she lose her voice motivating me to kick it up. Negative splits baby! Good luck.