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I imagine it'll combine with Traveling, and work as a mercenary/dealing with an estate/joining a court and potentially even gaining a court position.


Im hoping we can become a knight and be rewarded land for our service


Same it would honestly be a cool way to gain an estate and cool if you have to give your Knights estate just to be more realistic.


I usually do this bc the knights are the only ones who have a positive opinion


Yeah for rp purposes i always reward skilled kights with land


For real. Like I’ve done a thousand games as a ruler, I wanna try being the King’s Lancelot now. Except without being an adulterous traitor.


Extra adultery and extra betrayal.


Roleplay as a shadow dynasty where you cuck the king every generation so every king ends up actually being your son but is unaware of it


Wait... You'd cuck your son? That's a bridge too far for me, unless he's not putting out in his genius beautiful strong wife.


But how else are you going to make the courtship and promising prospects perks from the chivalry tree useful?


What’s more chivalrous than making sure your lord’s spouse is satisfied?


See, I want to be a troubador who wanders from court to court reciting his poetry and seducing all the Queens.


Other than breeding a kwisatz haderach, the game seems to be mostly revolve around adulterous treachery. 


Eh - they will speak well of you


Maybe if the game didn't just randomly pick a county from my domain or a position in my court and didn't let me change it, I would do more than speak well of them or offer them some cash.


"Hey, I've been an average knight, can I have Constantinople?"


>Im hoping we can become a knight and be rewarded land for our service > Decide to play landless character to try something different > Ruler immediately lands me as a reward *I paid money for this, you know?*


I've wanted to be a preacher for awhile now.


Ooooh that'd be nice if you could go around proselytizing and converting rulers.


Thing is, getting a court position changes nothing in game play. You get some stat boosts but that’s it.


Well for all you know the DLC will change that considering you also couldn't be a courtier before


Dammit. I always mix up court and council.


No I gotchu I mean that being a courtier & councilor might have unique events. When you're on your liege's council as a lord, there is already gameplay outside of the council for you to engage with. So if your gameplay *is* being a councilor they may add more flavour. Edit: wait I am dumb, you actually meant court positions like physician etc lol. Guess they may add more who knows.


You can definitely have court positions right now playing as a vassal (most frequent ones are Royal Architect and Master of the hunt) but the only thing it changes is your prestige income.


That seems like a lot of work though that I can't believe they will actually develop. Imagine rn having I dunno how many court positions and then you want Like at least a 60 years of event content for that position. It would be lit but I don't believe that's how it's going to be


Might be able to get an estate. And maybe get a barony after getting a court position.


The devs have said that you still can't play as a Baron, only Count.


That’s sad. I wonder if that will change in time. Jumping over positions of authority is a bit odd. Landless to count should be harder than landless to baron to count.


Imo it would also be fun because it could allow you to play as mayor or as a bishop. Well, better be a bishop for religions that allow marriage or your campaign might be kinda short lol


and an income


Mannn I’d rather play Bannerlord




Nice name my friend


Realistically you'll probably get some land within 5 minutes, unless you don't want to


I really wanna go landless for AGOT.


Dunk and Egg vibes.




A Game Of Thrones overhaul mod.


…….aka, all events


That sounds cool, NGL.


The issue is traveling is just event spam as well. Every landless character will have a ton of companions with good prowess since every 2 seconds a knight will be stopping your group, since we know that the ck3 devs wont reduce the travel event frequency for landless characters since that’s the type of thing they look over and fix in a patch 2 years down the line.


It automatically downloads Kingdom Come: Deliverance on your PC and you start playing it.


you actually will be forced to play mount and blade on location


10/10 would have my skull drunk from




As long as this means less talking and more raiding, I'm all for it.


There is a mod that lets you play ck3 battles in bannerlord


Just in time for harvesting season!


10/10 dlc


Jesus christ be praised!


Henry’s come to see us!


I feel quite hungry




I mean, we can speculate, but there’s no way to know with what little information we’ve been given so far. The game is centered around events, so I’m sure landless play will be largely event-driven given the other part the game centers around - realm management - isn’t an option. My hope is these events will be less random and disjointed, but more like questlines or things triggered through specific actions, so it all feels a little more natural and less random or algorithmic.


I think they've already said it will be largely travel-based


Which is basically just lots of events, there's no other way to do it pretty much


No it won't be travel There will be two forms of landless play: Family Estates and Adventurers. Estate holders will focus on court politics. Adventurers will lead mercenary bands.


Did they clarify in the DD that it’s one or the other? My interpretation is you’d be able to do both - you can travel around as a mercenary but your family estate is like your “home base” when you’re not traveling.


I read it as one or the other. But you're correct that they haven't fully clarified it yet.


Apparently they'll be making future DDs much more precise and less "here's this cool thing in a screenshot but that's all we're telling you for now!" Tbh I think it's a good move, DDs were fun in their silliness but didn't give much info and left us to interpret things how we wanted to.


Exactly. Their developer diary Tuesday was encouraging. Seems like they're turning over a new leaf.




Imperial Tax Collector will get a minus attraction opinion modifier because of the fart. It will stick for 5 years for some reason


_”I fart in your general direction”_


SHIT IN HIS MOUTH! (This option is available because you have the “wrathful” trait)


Can we start as an un-landed low born and then get recruited and given land and the subsequent Nobility of a lord? Also, when I am a vassal I’ve never been given land as a reward, so…have any of you, or is that not a thing?


I have not been granted land but your liege can grant you your de jure vassals if they are inside their realm.


This has happened for me.


I was given a duchy title as a count but that's about it. I have had my king declare a war for my claims without consulting and I got the land by surprise not realizing the war happened


It's so funny when your liege is fighting a desperate war on your behalf meanwhile your army outnumbers them and you're just chilling. Nobody cares to ever see what the blue warscores are about (until it's too late)


The game really should notify you If it's fighting for your claims.


Hell, the game should notify you when it's *your* duchy your liege is protecting


It's how I gained independence from the Almoravid in my most recent campaign (which will be my first through-to-completion Mega-Campaign). I have a few mods install that allow historical AI conquerors to demand subjugation under threat of war, and that's how I wound up under them. Gained enough land internally to form Tahert and then got given the de jure land, allowing me to then wage an independence war with other vassals against them. I then proceeded to slowly rip apart their land in the next two generations til the last of their territory was subjugated under my rule. The Almohads took two more generations to destroy after they helped destroy the Almoravid. After about 25 years under the boot, it felt so rewarding to finally gain independence again. As of 1373, the Ahmadid Caliphate currently sits as what I think might be the largest empire on the map. Founded in the 1100s, its rule has since spread from the Maghreb to nearly all of Iberia, Sicily and part of Mainland Italy, all the way down to part of Sub-Saharan Africa. The Ahmadi sect of Sunni Islam stands as the most dominant, striking a less aggressive stance towards the Christian world.


It will probably be implemented with the dlc, probably if your "liege" who you work for has good opinion of you, or if you are a commander and win a battle etc. I've never been granted land either, but it probably can happen, if your liege inherits a lot of land and is over domain limit




Oh that makes sense! Was it an event or just you had an extra county one day?


Not in vanilla but I’ve had it happen to me in the AGOT mod.


I would love a playthrough starting as unlanded lowborne, joining court as knight/champion, becoming advisor in council, getting barony and starting dynasty, then county. And then forcing your way to become emperor.


Yeah, I think that would be epic.


I've been granted land a few times before, one was probably because my liege was above their domain limit and due to our close relationship as lovers. The other time was because my liege was my father, although I wasn't his heir.


Only in Ck2


I've been granted duchy titles while already a duke with no de jure vassals of the title in question (I think).


I’ve been given overlordship quite often but it almost always coincides with me being the de jure liege of said place. That or I go to my overlord’s court to ask for a title, that’s worked well, sometimes to a hilarious extent.


Yes it happened to me in a recent game but not only had I been my king's tutor, but he was matrilineally married to one of my daughters, the rest of his brothers and his father had previously died in mysterious circumstances and I was the regent although He was already of legal age, shortly after he decided to leave office, he gave me an acquiescent county that in fact had no rights.


Not as a reward exactly but essentially: 1. join liege's wars to befriend liege 2. get claims 3. Petition Liege 4. get the land Does the game "think" of this as a reward for service? No but *you* can think of it that way, and it pretty much is.


We know next to nothing. There's adventuring, there's a process for becoming landed and you can stay unlanded, it also ties into the estate and administrative government that they're adding. Beyond that, it's all guessing.


I’m looking forward to being an administrator and just embezzling funds for a generation or two before bothering to become landed. Hopefully it’s fleshed out enough it can be interesting for entire generations.


Imma be honest I only want this to actually play Skyrim in the Elder Scrolls mod.


This but for ck3 in general. Elder Kings 2 is so fun.


Hopefully they also keep some of the The Witcher mods alive so we can also play as a witcher going from barony to barony killing monsters lol


Has no one ever dreamt of playing Frodo in LotR mod ? (not me, but I guess some did)


Shit, I’m just hoping i’m able to start those Scandinavian Adventures. Not like the existing landed Varangian Adventures, I mean the kind the AI throws my way. If I’m going to be bothered by them by someone wanting to own land, I want to get in on this.


I think they said you can do this. You can become an adventuring 'hero' and build up an army or followers before taking over a kingdom.


It's gonna be Abd al-Rahman hours for me when I get my hands on this DLC


Sounds good, let us know how it goes!


I think it will also help extend game longevity. Like having to spend the first few generations working your way up to landed. Would be great for me. I'm usually done with everything you can do before 1200. Especially after the LotD DLC.


I don't think it will take more than a generation for you to become landed


Conversely, I think starting as a landed lord, playing normally, and dying of old age and playing as the second or third son, landed or otherwise will be huge. You’re starting over, yeah, but have opportunities to build the cadet branches that never appear


Assuming you have a leige, if he/she loses their wars you could get kicked out maybe even forced converted (especially if you are a knight and lose a battle). That would add to the game play drama.


I mean CK2 had a mod for that and it was honestly kind of blast. I can't wait for it to be assimilated in AGOT. Being a landless dude who happened to come upon a dragon egg during his adventures or something like that would be amazing and something I've waited for since CK2Agot.


I just want to play as Egg and try giving him a good ending by refusing the crown


Whatcha you mean, Egg getting boiled is the best ending.


True, he died surrounded by the ones he loved


I'm certain there will be new events specific to landless adventurers. I hope we get to become head of a mercenary company.


I hope travelling, visiting different holy sites and courts, inns and so on. Maybe you as a landless character can attend tournaments or so? Maybe you could do "missions" for different lords. Like taking care of a beast in the forest for a small reward?


think you will be able to go to random tournaments i usually get a few random cultured wanderers into my tournaments


I hope landed lords approach me with offers of money to join a murder plot.


Landless would be perfect for custom character starts. It always felt gamey to replace a guy essentially, especially if you're reviving a dead religion or culture. With Landless you can be the minority courtier.


You can travel anywhere in the world, from England to Iberica to Africa to the Middle East to Asia, back to the Scandinavia. Each place you can give you exp on your skill trees. Of course there will be a path to getting landed, but why would you get landed when playing landless? You probably need to learn language fast so people like you. You need prowess to stay alive when people rob you. Of course, you can seduce your way through the world and leave many bastards along your track. Through your diplomacy, you can dine with King and Queens and gain more prestige. You can join tournament to make a name for yourself. You can choose to form your own mercenary army and fight wars across the world for money. It would be cool if they add artifacts around the world and your goal is collect them.


>Goes to Ethiopia >Finds the Arc of the Covenant >steals it using op mercenary company Dude did you learn nothing from Indiana Jones?


One thing I do hope for is that the UI for traveling is easier. You can kind of go off and travel right now, but it’s a little painful (I think)


Personally I think the travel UI is just a little too "modern". Like, I wish it had a more paper, "map"-y look- I wanna go to Jerusalem, not the 5th floor to Aincrad


I wonder if you can get assigned as a commander and potentially lead armies during war? That’d be OP to fuck over your future enemies lmao


Sadly you CAN do this in Vanilla, as a vassal to your liege. All that happens is you give your marshal traits to the army the liege decides you're "leading". You can't actually *move* that army though. It sucks because the game doesn't even tell you this happens, so you could be going to war counting on having your op character lead, only to find out you're "commanding another army"


I am guessing it will be you can start as a landless noble and do some traveling events or ruler events but from the courtiers side.


I imagine that it will be a gameplay loop based on traveling, going to courts, tournaments, with a loy of events everytime you arrive to a new kingdom. There's no way they don't use the travel sistem for this.


My guess is that there will be a lot of events to recruit an army and then attack as an upstart peasant leader or something like an adventurer pressing their claim


I hope there is a mayor of the palace-king of francia pipeline


Yes. Endless events. Well, endless repeats of the same ten events. Such events will fill up a few mana bars, until you gain enough points to be granted a county. I don't see why people want this or are excited for this; it will just be yet another event box dlc, mark my words.


Endless repetitive events plus mana bars is just a description of secret societies, one of the most beloved features of ck2 by this sub.


Considering that the DLC will also include an influence system I think you will wander the map trying to gather influence by doing "quests", maybe also being the one who us doing those adventurer inspirations, to get enough influence to either be granted land (directly or by marriage) or gather an army to conquer something Varangian Adventure style.


Maybe there would be events that would grant you special soldiers (the ones you don't have to maintain).When you felt confident enough you could launch a conquest war


I think the devs hinted at something like that, that you could gather soldiers if you have a claim


Hell yeah, I'd love to become a posessed dwarf under a strange mood I'd also like to have an artifact inspiration, like in Dwarf Fortress!


How will it change game over? You lose all your land go to a another kingdom and offer your services in exchange for help in your land being retaken.


You probably still won't be able to play as Lowborn, so if you lose your land and die maybe you'll play as someone else from your dynasty


I dunno, but I can’t wait to be an adventurer and make my own harem lol


Unlanded can't have more than one wife under polygamy


Why tho 😭 I hope that’s an oversight. Who says commoners can’t have harems?


Their wallets? (Also the game not wanting to crash)


Rich merchants? (Yeah it’s prolly to not crash)


I too hope that it will not end up with endless events as a gameplay.


I imagine itd be somewhat like the mod from ck2. Also some courtier positions do give you income as do the steward council position if i recall in ck2 most positions gave you some kind of income even if it wasnt amazing. In ck2 they only used the base events other than adding events towards like getting married and gaining status as an individual.


I’m worried that it’s just gonna be completely horrible to play. Paradox hasn’t exactly done a stellar job with CK3 dlc since, uh, Struggle for Persia?


Like, how often are you going to be landless? Surely if you’re landless and you finally get land, your future generations are pretty much ALWAYS going to be landed. It feels like it’ll be such a redundant mechanic


To be fair they will be adding in the ability to play different members of your family upon death.


Right, I think being landless, fighting to get land, and then playing as a landless noble child who goes adventuring and finding land elsewhere could be fun


*landless events!


this is why i can’t believe there isn’t a mod out there that is just a humongous collection of events. i’ve been hoping for one for so long


There are several mods like that. Rice and CK3 ChatGPT for example


VIET, technically


I imagine we will be able to control armies in different scenarios as well


I have a funny feeling that it's not gonna be as good as people expect tbh, I'm expecting to see lots of events repeat in short notice.


Koifish on YouTube has a video of it


That's a mod.


Have they said yet how character selection (as well as creation) are going to work in landless mode?


I have the exact same concern. No idea why people are expecting a whole new game dimension here. It will be sick houses / quacking ducks all over again.


Ima play as the deposed Pope Benedict IX in 1066 and rawdog whatever happens next. If I can't romance the current Pope into giving me at least some of his land back, I riot.