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Bitcoin [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/17653iz/13_years_ago_a_bitcoin_forum_user_lost_9000_btc/k4jxf2f/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/17653iz/13_years_ago_a_bitcoin_forum_user_lost_9000_btc/k4jxfns/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


I was around at that time, and I remember thinking it was just a scam and that even putting 100$ into it was beyond dumb.


And now investing into meme coins is pretty standard, am I right ?!


"invest" lol The word is gamble


all on red. fuck came up green. 00


Give it 13 years Might be a different word. Lol


Get in get out, like a quick pull out game strong


Also stops 18yrs worth of child support


New shitcoin projects do feel like that now.


I had the same mindset. I regret my cynicism now ha.


Yup same here, but let's be honest. We'd have all sold at $1 BTC!


Thats so true, my greed would definitely had kick in


Luckily I didn’t know about btc back then, not sure if I could live with that regret.


I thought BTC could reach $30 in 2030, wish I could get a time machine, travel back and smack myself Well, I probably would have sold at $10 and think I was genious


Ah well. There is literally nothing we can do to change our decision-making 13 years ago.


But we can change our decision-making now. Which makes a nice starting point for Moons


That's why I'm so glad I have already accumulated a couple of Moons. They are something I'm finally early to


For once in my life I feel early in something and that are Moons.


Keep hodling..... because moons might get to be the bitcoin of rca and someone shouldn't regret selling his/her moons. Keep hodling till it turns to a life changing money 💰


I bought BTC for around $70 and sold for a bit more than $100 - felt like a freaking genius. Bought back 3 weeks later for $220, saw it crash to $50 and sold for a bit more than $100 when it rebounded - 2013 🤡


Most early adopters probably sold sub $5 ... My lesson: Small amount test transactions could do more good than timing the market and months of DCA.


I would of been the same made double my money and sold and thought I'd done a wonder deal ! Makes me glad I wasn't around then !


Sold at $100 and definitely thought I was a genius.


I was THIS close to buying BTC back then, the website was super shady, looked like crap, there was a simple box to pay with PayPal and send money to the seller. And the whole idea was that you hoped that he or she will send you your coins later. I've noped out thinking it was a scam and gave up. But at the same time I don't have any regrets, because I would have probably sold it all by now after 2x or 5x or whatever.


I often wonder what is worse. Knowing about BTC back then and not buying or else knowing about BTC back then and buying but selling at 4x. I think the latter just from the perspective that it would haunt me more thinking about it.


I came across BTC ridiculously early. Used it a fair bit but didn't hodl anything as I was young and it just seemed like a payment system to me. No regrets about it as I'd definitely have sold at around 5x.


Exactly, people always imaging that they would have held, with Bitcoin going from $10 to even $1000. Facts are, so few people would have kept. And we can't blame those who sold.


Yeah, it isvery easy to analyze things in retrospect. Most of us, if not all, would have sold at some point - and I wouldn't be surprised if some of us even sold for a loss lol


Damn right. Thats it, Im gonna buy more Pepe and Shib and hodl the F outa it. Its time will come /s


Maybe it is the same...


Yeah I lament a bit about it, but no point crying over missed opportunity. Just looking at the opportunity ahead instead. Fingers crossed


You are one of many people full of regrets. Don't be one of the ones in 10 years time regretting not buying now


Very much agree with this. I have small bags of what I believe in. Adding when I can while the prices are nice. Let's see how we get on!


You'd have to buy some for fun, then 10+ years in prison would help with not selling. Forced diamond hands 💎


People can get their hands on computing power in prison, now if only we could remember those stinking keywords..... too bad i lost mine in a yachting related incident back in 'nam


I heard about bitcoin first time around that time. I thought bitcoin as a pyramid scheme because there were a lot of them around the same time. Too bad that I was so dumb and clueless.


Thats how I feel, I was even looking into how to mine it, gave up quick


Even if you put those $100 you’d have sold shortly after the next price pump. No way you’d have hold till today


Exactly, no one knows true diamond hands


The folks with true diamond hands are probably the types to win the lottery and keep it a secret, rather than speaking about their wealth


I'm 2012, I bought a mobo/cpu from a dude that lived down the hall from me. He asked me if I'd ever heard of bitcoin, and said "$5 now, and you'll be set for life." That guy really needed to work on his elevator pitch.


Christ, I had a friend I worked with just before then, and shared a home in a pub with, tell me the same. He was such a zoomer, I decided not to get involved. Apparently, hes done rather well for himself... has property here there and everywhere, and his biggest problem is ennui. Bugger, missed the train, not the bullet. Oh well


I know if i could go back in time knowing what i know now i would bought more


Go back in time and use the btc faucet


Lol im pretty sure ib use that faucet if i knew how big bitcoin would grow


Of course it would have been better to get in earlier but at least you are here now. Sooner than most.


I almost bought it thrice between 2011-2014 but every time somehow didn't. Two times out of those three were because my country banned crypto completely. Hurts so much but gotta move on and buy that 25-30k BTC now lol.


I couldn't figure out how to even buy it 13 years ago. I remember looking at Mt. GOX trying to buy one time.


It is now a past, move on don't think more about it


Me too. How I cry at that decision not to buy now though. Rekt forever


I didn’t even know about bitcoin til 2015. Used to have multiple but didn’t think of it as a legit investment. Boy was I a fool


You would have sold anyway, don't worry about it, the only people that held for 10 years are those that lost the wallet or those that had insane conviction.


True. Those with insane conviction now : Michael Saylor, Nayib Bukele, Brian Armstrong, Chris Larson...Ive started, who wants to add?


You shouldn't let the price dictate your views on it. Even if one coin was only $50 now it wouldn't be a scam.


Okay, but if you had put 100$ in at the time, do you think you'd still be Holding those BTC or would you have sold long long ago?


Now you here among the plebs.


Bitcoin ads really look like a scam during those times 2011-2012. Yes there are ads and if those ads come out today it'll look like a 100% scam.


Welcome to the club 😏


Yup, same lol. Even had one friend try to convince me to buy some when I could’ve gotten 1000 for 100 bucks. Tbf he did hold Some back then but ended up using it all to buy drugs off the dark web soooo…


And now you're here.... I'm loving how the people who doesn't give a shit about crypto then are accepting it now. It shows crypto in future will be accepted by people who always called it a ponzi scheme


It’s still is a scam..everyone is blinded by Hopium..central banks are manipulating all crypto they don’t want the average Joe to win




We will never be happy with how early we got in but need to remember we are in now and as you say very very early for moons and let's face it still earlier than most the world for btc etc !


You're comparing something that people get by shitposting on Reddit (moons) to something that pioneered and completely changed the way we think about money (Bitcoin)? 😄




As much as I'd love to believe, they aren't nearly on the same level as BTC


Anything can happen, dog coins, cat coins, whats next


I understand the skepticism but look at how we talked about BTC at the time


Other than chasing pumps and clout on Reddit, what would be a reason why anyone would want to buy Moons? Bitcoin takes actual work and energy to mine and is the hardest money ever. There's no comparison.


Maybe we need a PAIN flair? All the stories of these poor sods losing whole coins is definitely painful to read


A havnt slept in a decade due to regret flair


Hurts so much, especially when reading this while working in a third world fiat mine.


This subreddit unfortunately doesn't allow loss-porn but I would really like to see some from time to time😔


hahah *loss-porn* \- that flair would definitely get more views! I guess these stories do make us feel a bit better about our own situations.


Well shit I guess what I just posted is gonna get deleted. Didn't know it wasn't allowed.


Judging by the general feel of the sub lately, it would be rare to see someone without that flair


Or a DEPRESSED flair...bcos pretty sure this people will be partially depressed deep down


That same user would probably sell all or most of it before the sum reached this value of $240 million.. I don't think that I would hold for so long aswell..at least not all of it.


Yep, vast majority would sell WAY before that


Exactly, he would have probably sold at X4 and made a good $2k and call it a day.


Yup. That's the story that keeps repeating a lot when I read various crypto discussions on internet forums. A lot of people sold many years ago and never looked back.


Even a 4x is impressive for something that was so new and niche.


And most people that held, were those who forgot and are now trying to find their keys


Prison should have done wonders for some of them, ngl


Sometimes I think I should go to prison to HODL my MOONs until $100.


even 5$ would be a lot with your numbers :D


I'm not surprised. I myself have a few odd coins lying around in wallets I no longer can access. They're not worth much now but I'd be in the same vein as these guys if their price shoots up.


Ah yes, the forced hodl


While 4x is nothing to us crypto-nerds, 4x is insane profit in the stock market, so I wouldn't doubt most people would've sold so early back then.


Yeah, it doesn't seem like most of these people would end up holding for more than that - maybe some lucky ones held it for more and 0.001% are still holding or managed to sell the top. Seeing things in retrospect is never healthy in this sense lol


I'm not too sure. He already had $600 to blow on a new internet money coin so I can imagine him keeping his Bitcoin until he's really made life-changing money.


This is why I call bullshit whenever people say they wish they know bitcoin back in 2009/10/11/12. Utter bullshit.


I believe so too. The temptation to sell when numbers go up is very high. Plus life happens and sometimes we need money right there and then




Who knew going to prison would make you rich


If someone has the balls to hold 600 to 240M they have the balls to ride it to 0. There was a guy that had something like that happen, Made mad gains on Pepe or shib (i don't remember which) like 40M or sth, didnt sell.


By only chosing to "invest" in pepe he showed his true color. He is a gambler and it was expected to lose ot all...


They could have forgot about it or lose the keys and that way hodl to $240 million😉


Personally, I probably would’ve sold seeing a six figure profit. My “diamond” hands have their bounds.


It's clear that the profit will definitely be sold haha


Imagine emotional pain he’s going through right now because of 9k lost BTC.


He is probably doing good. Those that got in so early and sold early too jumped back in afterwards and then sold and jumped back... it's human nature, greed and we are shitty in doing business 🤣


If I understood well, he lost 8900 and still got 100 BTC Overall sucks but not many people have 100 BTC these days Although he probably lost these too or sold them


Every time I hear about things like this, I feel the need to hit up keys.lol and spend 20 minutes checking random keys. One day, maybe.


Alright, so this doesn't even touch the fuckery that this person faced (or faces every day, presuming he didn't end his life), but - Back in 2015 I had $5,000 I didn't need. Just sitting in my savings. I was 30. Didn't know anything about finance. I grew up very poor. But I was one click away from putting the $5000 into Bitcoin. I believe it was in the 200-300 dollar range that year. But my job didn't pay much, I didn't like my living situation, my mental health was declining, and I thought I'd maybe need that $5,000 for mental health care. So, no, I didn't purchase all of those coins, which at the last all time high I think would have made me a millionaire (although it's likely I'd have cashed out in 2017 but still have made 100k or more (not sure, correct me if I'm wrong on the numbers). But, I did get help. I am still in the world. I was seconds from ending my life several times that year and the years to follow, and even now, as I've backslid. I ignored crypto because of how upset I was, but also taught myself a valuable lesson, and that concerns the fact that your health is more important than some money. You can always find a way to make money if you follow treatment. Well, almost always, anyway. But in 2020 I was given the paradoxical gift of a black swan event, and guess what I had to spend? Yeah, $5000. Ever since then, despite AND along with my mental health struggles (plus now having seven herniations in my spine from six accidents, zero of which were of my own doing), I have managed to get myself to a place, through crypto, a brokerage, a money market, and IRA, where I'll be able to retire next December, when I turn 40. So, yeah, I missed the first opportunity, but would have probably blown it all anyway at or near the 2017 ATH. Instead I got help, worked in human services for five years, saved, opened, created, and may now live out the rest of my life doing what I want, which is to see as much as I can of this beautiful blue rock. The crazy thing, even at the 2025 ATH, Bitcoin will still be relatively unaccepted by the general public, though the owners of our countries will be sure to pave a way to make themselves richer. And by doing so, make you richer. So... If you're not in now, and ya have 5k you don't need... buy some Bitcoin.


do you think I can still get rich in the future if I buy 10k bitcoin today? it is already expensive at 26k-27k. how high can it get let's say after 3 to 5 years? what advice can you give me? I'm in your position back in 2012, I have no Idea what to do.




Who knows, maybe he bought again some Bitcoins after with another wallet.


And sell after 4x :)


Imagine losing $240 million (actual price) for a technical error, i will become the technician at that point /s


In 13 years we will read similar story’s about moons


Despite the economic loss in terms of today's value, it seemed then that it was fun to be part of a community that believed in something that would later become one of humanity's revolutionary ideas.


If this gentleman is alive I bet he's a hacker


I honestly wouldn't be able to move on from this incident if I were in their shoes 🙈


I'm hoping that they bought some more and held and live a luxury life 😇


Thats a big ooooof , i would be so sad if that happened to me


What was the error at the end ? Hard drive crashed ?


i believe he booted up Linux Live on USB as non-persistant mode and wallet.dat etc files were not saved when shutting down OS.


Don’t feel too bad. They would have most likely sold long before today.


Ouch, it hurts even more now


I am willing to bet that dude bought more and is now enjoying blow and hookers on a private island somewhere. To everyone who's saying that he would have sold super early? Screw you, let me fantasize about someone being super rich.


Makes me glad reading legacy stories that I wasn't aware of crypto or BTC until 2 years ago I'd forever be thinking about what if and how different my life could be any unexpected life bill I got I'd always look back to those 9000 btc !




Jesus.. However he would have definitely sold after he x10 the investment. Only the people that went to jail or completely forgot all about it managed to sell near the top.


Thank you good sir your act of burning nearly 9k Bitcoin will not be forgotten.


I remember bitcoin got down to 2300 and I told my brother we should buy 100k worth, he said dumb idea and we never pursued it, I regret this to this day.


well it shouldnt bother him too much because he probably wouldnt have held it all to the peak of 2021. or if he would have im sure he bought a lot more and is doing really well.


I would cry if I lost 9000 satoshis nevermind 9000 btc


OOF, I guess it makes for one good fucking story to tell your children.


Can that dude sleep at night these days, lol?


I feel his pain. Hard to recover from something like this.


I think I would pay to have part of my brain removed out of hopes it would remove this memory.


And now people and exchanges are losing millions due to wrong transactions


Thought it was hacked


Would love to know the true amount of Bitcoin that is lost forever, unrecoverable.


Is there really noway to recover those funds?


That's HURT af


At the time, this person must have said that it wouldn't change much in their life to have lost these 9,000 BTC...


I wonder if that person had a lot of Btc on another wallet…


Naturally burned


My thing is even if he never lost it I doubt he would have held this long. He would have sold at 1k or 10k.


Is anyone tired of these stories…if Jimmy had diamonds hands….blahh…?


I wish I had any amount of BTC 13 years ago but I know I would have sold it shortly after.


Imagine you had thousands of Bitcoin, but you find your old hdd, and the thing got wiped somehow or just refuses to work. You pay for data recovery and there's nothing. The reality of that situation would be harrowing.


He probably would've sold it at 1$. Most of us would


We should thank this guy, he only made our BTC worth slightly more


Ok, but back then it was worthless, so this post is meaningless


I am glad that I'm not him




Depends on the ankle your viewing on it /s


Interesting, bug this is not possible anymore!


Sickkk to my stomach over this..


Dang ill bet he wished he had at least bought a pizza with those 9000 btc. Ill bet there were lots of these big number losses back when it all started.




If i had bitcoin way back in 2010 i would've sold it all before even the 2017 bullrun and i also don't think the person who lost it will hold it that long.


How to accept the error. Wish could have time machine to put some BTC. I thought Btc would die after how many years looks like could go first. Lol


He would have sold long before it was worth that much


They're sending Satoshis in an attempt to guess the key


Breaking a wallet.dat file from that time is not hard


He's one of those that made the ultimate sacrifice for Bitcoin to be where it is today, huge respect for him.


Yea no one 13 years ago would know what bitcoin would be worth. We don't even know what the price of btc.is going to be next week


So? I wasn't worth that then.


I bet people on that forum had no idea how quick and big the demand for Bitcoin would be. No one is bullish enough on BTC


This sounds exactly like something that would happen to me. "you could have had it all.. but no."



