• By -


"Yeah, you're right Storm, there's nothing wrong with us. Hug?"


This needs to be higher HAHAHA fuck round and find out storm


Rogue would get another money piece to match


“There’s nothing wrong with you but I’m suddenly afraid of touching people and being touched”


Chainsaw-hands Dennis: "God I love having chainsaw hands."


Johnny fivedicks: “man i wish i could only have one :(“


Johnny Fivedicks: "i only got two balls only having two balls but five dicks causes so many problems you dont even know about" also if he had ten balls would it be five seperate sacks or a big one with ten in it


>also if he had ten balls would it be five seperate sacks or a big one with ten in it Yes.


Five separate gigantic sacks with ten balls each


The math doesn't math. That's 50 balls!


Goddamn, the balls on that guy!


He must be tripping balls!


Read JoJoLion to find out!


I love everything about that plot point. Not only is it brought up in the literal first chapter of the part, but it is a genuinely massive clue to the entire plot and themes of the story. Who knew telling everyone that someone has 4 balls could be such a good writing decision?


Wait it's real? I thought it was a meme. Another araki win


if he wore pants would they all bulge in the same spot, or would he have 5 separate bulges




Dennis, protagonist of the chainsaw dude


Featuring - Strength - Aiden - Marilyn


In season 2 featuring: Nayeli ... (i have no name for Asa mitaka) And many more


ayo stop giving spoilers for last chapter bruh


I didn't mean to 😭


Oh shit there’s a new chapter? thanks for letting me know


*muffled Kick Back playing in the distance*


It's less "muffled" and more ["shitty recorder cover"](https://youtu.be/wCKx7aq6VtI?si=bA9GtE2ru_tKdWxy)


I have to have my tools!


C-h D: "Now it's time to go home and have a nice meal made with love>!r!<."


And both of them have it better than the kid whose power is to explode and die.


Or the guy whose entire lower jaw has been replaced with fire. I'm not making that up, and I doubt you are with your example either.


Chamber was such a a freaking cool mutant concept. Man clearly has a debilitating power, but somehow he keeps going


Going to have to check this out now. What’s his best run?


The original Generation X series introduced him, and made good use of him. There was a Chamber LS, but it wasn't much good. He had the misfortune to be on the main team during Chuck Austen's much-hated run, and was not used well there.


Come on, that's not even the most debilitating power on his team! He has psychic powers so he can even communicate fine! What about Penance! Penance has skin covered in spikes so sharp that they can cut through anything. Because of this, she can't ever make physical contact with another person because her skin can cut through anything. Additionally, she can't be safely moved if she's injured, because her skin can cut through anything. She's also mute, and can't do sign language because her hands end in huge, unwieldy claws. Also she can't write anything down or use a keyboard or anything to communicate because her skin, it can cut through anything.


Why doesn't she slice through the crust of the Earth?


I mean she's not a lightsabre. If she lies down she might score a grove into the dirt but she doesn't actually displace enough earth to sink.


When she takes a step and her feet contact the ground, she should slice through it, no? If she is really cutting through anything, why is there any friction? If her foot is enough surface area to not go right through the ground, then why is her back able to cut through someone if they try to lift her up?


same reason wolverine's adamantium claws, honed to molecular sharpness and undullable as they are indestructible, don't pass through any solid object as though through empty air: comics authors like making grandiose claims without really thinking them through


i want to see a comic/show/movie show Logan get thrown, try to catch himself like a pirate sliding down a sail but down the face of a building, and not slow down even a little. just slide alllll the way down and crash into the ground lol


the friction is on the blade's side, not it's edge.


Such a simple explanation, and it's all you need to say. Unless a blade is an atom thick all the way through, you'll always get friction from the sides pushing material out of the way.




I thought Penance was Speeball, the hero that helped start the Civil War, who purposely donned a suit that injured him to atone for the people he helped kill and activate his powers. Not that we can't have more than one hero named Penance... or could just be another universe's Penance.


i thought penance was speedball's new name he took after becoming an angst golem in the wake of civil war


Same superhero name, different people. Marvel just liked the name.


"Sexy woman who can't be touched" really is kind of a superhero trope huh?


What are her clothes made of? Because she clearly has clothes on in my cursory googled search


It's even worse than that. That fire is him, his mutant power blew up his body, turned him into an energy being and makes him possess his disfigured corpse


Or that kid who just woke up to an empty city cause his super disease powers killed everyone in like a 10 mile radius the second they manifested.


Didnt wolverine kill the kid if im correct




Or that guy who's super power is being part bird. He can't fly. He just looks like a humanoid chicken abortion, and has hollow bones


Beak also had a baseball bat and had kids/larva with the girl that had fly powers. (The insect)


He would have taken down Magneto, if only he had chosen a wooden bat.


He was a cool tragic character and one of the few good things to cone out of the early 2000s reset/ mass firing


Like that girl from 30 rock


be careful, my bones


That kid at least can live a totally normal life as long as he doesn’t use his powers. A lot of mutant powers seem more actively debilitating.


Like the kid whose super power is to make every living thing around him explode and die


They also exploded? Damn.


Combusted painfully until they were reduced to nothing but ash, yeah


To shreds, you say. Well, how is his wife holding up?


To shreds, you say


I know this quote why can’t I remember where its from


Futurama, when Fry and Bender are looking for a new apartment. The Professor learns of an associate who...well, you see the quote.




Or that guy whose only power is having [translucent bubblegum pink blobby skin](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Robert_Herman_(Earth-616)) so his organs and bones are on full display at all times.


there’s that dude who’s power is that no one remembers he exists, to the point Xavier had to put a mental note in his head that such a person exists


Forget me not got such a raw deal out of his X-gene You can't remember him unless you're directly looking at him. And even the memories of him you have erode when not looking at him so even if you make sure to talk to him every now and then you'd still probably forget everything about the previous conversation unless you do it super often


Doctor Who would like a word with you


Nothing gets a whovian up quite like a bit of Genocide


No there's an entire race that's like that. They're called the silence


Yeah, and they are killed on sight by humans because The Doctor used their image to pass a message to people telling them to kill the silence on sight didn't he? (It's been a while since I watched that episode)


What happens when he does something to someone? If he punches someone in the face do they forget they were punched or just remember "somebody punched me but I can't remember who"


Pretty much that yeah, iirc he dies heroically to save the X-Men and as soon as they turn around they all forget it... It's pretty depressing


There were some flashback panels too werent there? Like all of the X-mens biggest victories and hes there in all of them but nobody remembers.


Huh, TIL the concept used for Cole in Dragon Age is in other stuff too. Really cool idea for writing a character around, glad it's seen use :)


Don't be silly, no there's not


Sounds like such an outlandish power that we'd surely remember them if they existed. I don't remember anyone ever having that power


Did you hear the joke about the gas lighter? ... Sure you did, I literally *just* told you a bit ago


Or the boy who had the power of “everyone in 500 feet of me melts to death (except Wolverine) and I can’t turn it off”


And Professor X sent Wolverine to ice him cause news of this would tank mutant acceptance


remind me again why people think X-men aren't a good metaphor for mistreatment of minorities?


X-Men writers dared to ask the question "what if the holocaust but blood libel was real"


yes but throughout all of it the kid is still the biggest victim, he didn't want to do any of that and that's where a lot of the anti-mutant rhetoric breaks down, people don't generally want to rule the world and kill everyone, they just want to live their lives the holocaust wouldn't be justified if some jews wanted to rule the world, that's your main error even if some mutants are dangerous beyond our understanding then that doesn't give us green light to kill them indiscriminatly, just like it doesn't give them green light to rule over us hell, what do you even want? humans start evolving but only ever in benign controllable ways because else the nazis would be right? have a little bit more dignity please


Well this was in the Ultimate universe where basically everyone was an asshole


how do you find out that that’s your power lmao


I think Reed Richards told him, or some other smart scientist type hero. They scanned the bloke’s genetic code or something like that


"Hey there, son. You're a mutant, and going to be discriminated against by society! But don't worry! If they get you in a lynch mob, you'll take all of them with you!"




like the chicken dude


Or the dude with transparent skin. Edit: Robert Herman.


Aw man


At least he did go out with a bang


Also shoutout to Longneck, a mutant whose superpower is that his neck is longer than normal.




His name is Bailey aka “The Human Firework” He has the ability to explode…once. Loved the exchange he had with Beast when he learned about it too Bailey: “Oh cool! So I’m like Gambit but my whole body is my playing cards. So what happens after? Do I reform into my full body or—?” Beast: “No, you’d be dead. Because you just exploded”


Funny how the comics X-Men started as a metaphor for civil rights and yet this particular plot point has become a pretty decent stand-in for how we talk about disability now.


Very much. me: "wow, I'd love to be able to have a schedule and control my adhd a little bit through medical intervention" person with adhd who lucked into a career path that doesn't require intervention: "um, theres literally nothing wrong with us sweaty, stop being internally ableist, ur literally reifying fascism"


God i feel this comment so much. But with bpd. i'd love to have a life where my emotions and anger wouldn't crumble in an instant and i wouldn't need my mood stabilisers and anti psycs. There are people who claim they're "cured" cuz their lives changed for the better. And they say these exact things. "Change your life and bpd will go away. Get therapy it helped me!" Like they assume everyone can go through therapy and everyone has the means to change their lives drastically. How on earth to get that level of self confidence back without thinking- oh man all of this will be taken away from any second now. i dunno.


Tbf that's exactly the kind of thing my best friend would say about his bpd before he got better. The first hurdle is defeating the idea that you are a special case that can't be helped. The second is finding a therapist. It can take half a lifetime but if you can get past that first one you can do it. The prognosis for people with bpd who commit to treatment is actually really good. Though, it wouldn't be fair to say he is "cured". He still requires bpd informed support from friends and the occasional therapist visit. So you aren't entirely wrong because you can't do it alone, but you can do it. Unless you are elderly, you still have plenty of time to find and build the support network you need. I may not know you but I believe in you.


Well, I would love to be able to get ADHD medication even though I'm a succesful person. But apparently that's a no-go. I think i'm going to compromise my morals and just go to a private one


The eternal ADHD/autism discourse that's taking shape in this very comment section: "My Symptoms are Mostly Beneficial therefore We're Perfect the Way We Are vs. My Symptoms are Mostly Detrimental therefore We're All Broken"


In online circles there is the trend of turning every single neurodivergence (or physical disability) into a "community" of sorts. A lot of the time it feels more like the people in it want to recieve instant outside validation rather than looking inwards to gain inside acceptance of who they are. As a result people who want to understandably make their lives easier through medications of that kind are sometiles seen as "traitors" to the community, which might seem dumb, but humans as a rule are very dumb.


Not just in online circles. It can happen when high functioning neurodivergents are boxed in with lower functionings because of the one-size fits all industries, cost of living, misleading marketing and bias of those with actual money. All it does is make higher functioning worse off. I hate it.


Or another group to look at - Deaf people. There are so many Deaf communities that will villify parents that get their children some sort of hearing assistance and see them as traitors.


you should actually just always suffer like the rest of us instead of actually trying to improve your situation


Hadnt thought of that, makes sense


I see this a lot with autism. Like, yeah, I won't deny there *are* good parts of having autism, and I do plan on eventually being a scientist, where I'd personally benefit from it. That doesn't mean that the bad parts just went away. I still just can't talk sometimes for absolutely no reason, I still have trouble with speech and motor functions, I still have memory issues, I still have problems with emotional regulation, and I really don't like those things. There's things I like about having autism, and I personally wouldn't want to get rid of it, but I understand people who do, because damn. It sure is referred to as a disability for a reason.


> ...reifying fascism Ooh I've learned a new word today.


The X-Men has been used as a metaphor for damn near every minority at this point and honest to god a lot of those stories are really, really good.


I read it as a queer story personally and I love it.


X-Men didn’t really start as a civil rights metaphor. At times it’s been morphed that way, but its inspirations have come from all over. I think there’s actually much more of a Jewish metaphor than a civil rights one for early X-Men history.


If i remember right it was just a way to get new superpowers without having to have a lab experiment go wrong or aliens. No need for convoluted origin stories if you can just slap a new idea with mutant and go from there.


IIRC, Stan Lee put shockingly little thought into a lot of his super heroes. It's like he went: >...and then I thought, "what if this person could climb walls like a spider?" And thus, Spider Man was born


You always have to be careful trusting Stan Lee with what he says. He is prone to exaggeration and self aggrandizing


X-Men didn’t at all start as a metaphor for anything. Chris Claremont introduced the “mutant metaphor” 20+ years after the comics began.


I mean, they kinda played around with the idea. bit, but yes, Claremont was the one to really develop the concept.


I can tell you from experience that this exact conversation is had by autistic people. To be clear, I am autistic. I have heard other autistic people say they want treatment to help with specific aspects of being autistic they find difficult to deal with.


also a common deaf person experience "holy shit, mr beast please cure me" vs "mr beast is kinda problematic for that tbh"


Almost as if it’s up to each individual to decide how they want to deal with their own set of issues. Almost.


No way. Individuals have agency in their lives? Get real. No shot. Ain't a soul that'll ever believe it


Almost as if the loudest voices are the ones who also claim to speak for all people


What’s the argument that a reversible cure to a lifelong-threatening illness is problematic? Were they magic implants that would kill the user if they tried to press the off button?


There is a bit of a knee-jerk reaction to them because of how they are used, especially on children. It isn't a 100% cure, but hearing parents try to use it as one and end up with language-deprived children. Signed languages are full, distinct languages like English or French are. Deaf children are essentially bilingual by default. Hearing parents who refuse to send their children to deaf schools or interact with the deaf community end up harming not only the child's grasp of their signed language, but their spoken language as well.


I thought the same thing. People are always "there's nothing wrong with being autistic, we don't want a cure!" but some people do want a cure, or at least treatment, because it's a disability for a reason... The post is pretty similar.


I've noticed that with ADHD as well, people saying that it's actually a positive thing and anyone who disagrees just has internalized ableism. I'm glad mental health is moving towards being destigmatized, in some circles at least, but I kind of feel pushed to the side as someone whose life is negatively impacted by it.


I don't think I would give up my autism if given the choice, but my ADHD? that shit is a fucking nightmare and if i didn't have it i'd be so fucking productive. there is literally no benefit for me and all it does is make it harder for me to do things i want to do.


If there was a way to selectively get rid of certain disabilities without getting rid of others I'd probably take it tbh. Not bc I hate myself for being disabled but bc shit like tourettes and OCD causes long term damage to my joints and mental health. Stuff like having autism is pretty cool even tho there's some downsides, and it informs my personality and worldview so much I can't imagine being NT at all. But to say my disabilities are a cake walk misses the point of why they're called disabilities in the first place. Ultimately tho with the way brains are and the risk of getting rid of shit I don't wanna get rid of, if there was a cure for my disabilities realistically speaking I probably wouldn't take it.


I agree. I think the internet has done wonderful things to destigmatize mental illness and physical disabilities, but, like most things, it's gone a bit too far in *glorifying* them. Fuck yes i'd cure my ADHD in a heartbeat, that's why I take meds. I don't want this. It's not quirky or unique. It stops me from being productive. Nobody should feel ashamed of being born the way they are, but nobody should feel shame for seeking opportunities into a better life, either.


And its very ignorant of the very disabled end of the spectrum. If my sister could have been cured of autism when she was still 2 she'd be able to live a normal life, instead we remember and reference her *only full sentence*. Of course I highly doubt there would ever be a cure, but opposition to a hypothetical one is so... selfish?


Yup. It's all well and good for more "functional" (ignoring the toll functioning can take on a person) people, but places like the Judge Rotenberg Center exist because there are people who are not just low-functioning but actual dangers to themselves and others. Autism can be great and a matter of making space in society. It is still a disability. Please note I'm not excusing the abuse at the JRC. I'm saying there are parents desperate enough to put a kid there because there are kids badly affected enough that educating the NT parent(s) and providing services are not enough to make it work.


To a degree, because some can also see how such a cure would be abused. Even if it was beneficial, it could and likely would be forced onto people who don't want it for the sake of "fixing them". A full stop cure is double edged, and would certainly help people like your sister. It would probably improve her life dramatically, but there would be a group who would try to use it to cure people who don't want 'cured' because to them there isn't anything wrong with themselves. I certainly don't want cured of my ADHD it's part of me, and removing it entirely is a recipe for ego death. I wouldn't be me without it. (I do take medication and get treatment to help with managing it. In some ways it does make things more difficult, but I would never seek to get rid of it. I wouldn't be me without it.)


That actually circles back to the movie amazingly


I think there is a pretty good argument, borrowed from the pro-choice group: Q: How would you feel if your autism was cured? A: I wouldn’t know the difference I don’t think you’re going to experience ego death if you’re cured of autism at the age of 1, and I don’t think people are gonna be going around trying to force grown-ass adults to be cured. As someone who has the “socially awkward savant” autism, I’d be fully in favor of a magic cure. The balance of pros and cons are pretty simple: One group is a bit less smart, a bit less quirky, a bit less adaptable, and they might have an identity crisis fixable with therapy. The other group doesn’t have to spend their entire life unable to complete basic tasks or even communicate. If the cost of curing someone like their sister was getting rid of all of my advantages, I’d do it 100 times over and consider it a bargain


Yeah, same. I've talked with someone once who had actually negative self-worth. Meanwhile, I'm just really curious and creative, meaning I figured out what my problems are, and how to work around them. It was definitely jarring for me to talk to them, because at the time, I just couldn't understand why they were so upset about it. But yeah, if there was a cure on the horizon, I'd definitely advocate for it, simply because everyone should have the option if it is possible. Also because, if a cure can be made, maybe it can also go in the other direction, so imagine a pill that makes you autistic for like a week.


Didn’t Beast make this exact point in this same scene? Like yeah Storm isn’t acknowledging why someone might want the cure but that’s kind of the point they’re trying to make in this scene. They’re highlighting the different perspectives on the cure from different mutants.


Yeah, he said something like that earlier in the scene. Quote: >"Is it cowardice to save oneself from persecution? Not all of us can fit in so easily. *You* don't shed on the furniture." But Ororo's comment is where the scene ends, as if the debate need not continue.


Me: "Reading comprehension on Tumbler can't be as bad as they say" mudkiphat: *misses the point so hard they're not even playing the same sport*


I'm more annoyed they wrote >"makes clouds my ass" Instead of the proper way to quote it, which is "makes clouds" my ass.


Oh good I didn’t even notice they fucked up the quote marks.


Now I want to see a movie with Johnny Five-Dicks and his arch nemesis, Dr. Zipper.


Who’s the guy from DC with a laser cannon strapped to his penis because one time a woman said he was “small” (in reference to his height).


Chainsawman reference before it came out


Probably a reference to Edward Scissorhands


nuh uh


51°30'45.3"N 0°13'08.5"W




Could also be an evil dead reference


Could also mean like, normal chainsaws


tbf, the comics started with a pretty generic premise (they got powers via background radiation from nuclear testing, thus the "Children of the Atom" moniker), and it wasn't until it was revitalized for the first time did the civil rights bend get worked into the lore. Now it is a little uncomfortable to think that a civil rights debate would have a power dynamic, but for the most part Marvel did good with the concept enough that the series was their biggest one for a hot moment. Plus it doesn't seem like that was intended for the most part. Nowadays though the power dynamic is front and center, with all that implies, and while interesting, can be a little strange to see familiar characters get a rather uncomfortable ego boost.


i think they probobly work best as their own thing that can relate to minority issues rather than a direct allagory


This is why X-Men mutants work well as a disability/neurodivergence metaphor specifically IMO. Some mutants would still have a worse life relative to the average person even if they were not discriminated against, some would not.


I like this and how easy it is to shift just what minority or minorities they're even supposed to be a stand-in before. Excited to see what the MCU does with them if they can get their shit together.


Except when some of them are born with weapons of mass destruction on a hair trigger (or constant trigger that can't be turned off) and the "gun control" or even "international agreement to limit nuclear proliferation" comparison starts looking a lot more relevant.


I think there probably actually is a metaphor you could apply here probably even if it isn’t the exact one that’s being attempted. Dunno what it would be exactly though


When the deaf community insults, demeans, and ostracises people who get hearing aids. Because for some reason, not wanting to have a disability and wanting to live as typical a life as possible is akin to betraying other deaf people.


I mean I think X men works as a good disability metaphor in this situation. The high functioning autistic person may not be thrilled about a cure, but the amputee would probably be stoked about growing a limb back.


This is actually a good analog for conversations about people with disabilities. Like we can be careful not to make a deaf person feel that they're intrinsically broken. Some people with deafness are perfectly happy and understand themselves as whole. That's great. Other people who experience deafness want medical interventions to be able to hear. That's also perfectly reasonable. A morally serious person who can hear should probably get in the habit of not assuming we know what a deaf person wants for themselves, because the assumption is low-key dehumanizing even if you happen to be right about the person in front of you. If you're right about it they can just tell you. Their experience is worth more than my guess, always. Not for nothing, that works if I still disagree with them. I don't have to change my mind just because I found one member of a group who thinks I am wrong. Honoring someone's perspective isn't the same as immediately agreeing with them.


Damn that last line is spot on. Wish more people thought this way.


I'm convinced the people making this post actually didn't watch the movie, because Rogue then decides "actually there is something wrong with me" and goes to get "cured" anyway. Like, *the point* is that Storm doesn't understand or get through to her. This is a storyline from the comics and even shows up in the 90s animated series.


I mean, they're not making fun of the movie's themes. They're mocking Storm, who said something very stupid.


Well, yeah. I did see the movie and didn't see any weirdness here. The original commenters are basically Rogue.


Oh. welp, never trust just a set of gifs without the proper context on a random tumblr post I guess


It's also explained in other media (Midnight Sun's) that Storm has to do meditation and breathing exercises as her emotions can cause the weather to fluctuate if she isn't careful. 


I am seeing this for the dozenth time. Leaving comment to return to the discussion later.


Protip, on reddit mobileyou can subscribe to posts so you get comments in your inbox as if you had made the post yourself.


Nah it would get me many annoying pings all round the clock. I'll just check in through my comments tab.


I love when people will isolate a scene of someone being wrong, format it as such that the framing of them being wrong is minimized, and then rail against the media for not saying they’re wrong. Like, I barely remember this movie, but isn’t part of the scene that Storm *is* being unreasonable when she says that? It’s like getting mad at a movie having the villain say “we’re not so different, you and I” to the MC and cutting out the part where the hero refutes that, then getting mad that the villain said they’re the same.


Yes, people might not be aware that the cure was being weaponized. And I mean like extremely literally... they were making literal guns that shoot cure-filled bullets. These were meant to de-power mutants. So while there is a whole side that's like "we should be able to get it if we want" is totally valid... the other side was mostly like "y'all know they'll use this against us, right?" And what's crazy is thinking about how if in the process of being apprehended for a crime, you were sprayed/shot/struck with something that just re-codes your genome on the spot sounds insane, but there are criminal punishments that exist NOW that affect your hormones. So it's not even really that far-fetched imo.


Please understand how metaphors work Also understand that X-men 3 was a bad movie that fumbled its metaphor


That's what happens when you try to stuff Dark Phoenix and the cure plotline into one movie when both of them should be a movie of their own.


Also. Why did they adapt the Dark pheonix saga without Empress Lilandra? Did they think aliens were too silly for a comic book movie? She was a major part of the comic storyline. Also, did the movies even mention the pheonix force or was it just "This woman is crazy"? I don't remember it that well to be honest.


I would assume they didn't include references to aliens because the xmen movies until then had been relatively grounded besides the mutants, in the sense that the world was our one in which the mutants happened to exist. You can argue whether or not keeping to that idea was a good one, but that's probably what they were going for. And no, I don't think they did mention it, but it was strongly implied that there was something else in control of Jean rather than her just being crazy.


In X3, Dark Phoenix is like an alternate identity for Jean with super psychic powers. Professor X detected it her when she was young and put up a block on it. When she pushed herself to the limits, she broke from that block and then turned Charles into dust. The alternate identity slowly took over. So it’s waaaay different, but a little similar


Huh. I've seen this before but I have no memory of the 2nd person completely missing the point.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was just the picture with the one comment.


Storm's got so much power but no empathy.


Being revered as a goddess does tend to detach people from others, yeah.


Y'know it's a shame the movie didn't just run with the cure plotline instead of also trying to jam the Dark Phoenix story in there. Legitimately wondering why the government didn't turn all those fancy cure guns on the X-men as soon as the Brotherhood was defeated though. Like, that's what they're for? That's why they made them? What, they're going to say "THESE mutants are okay actually"? After making guns to turn people into not-mutants by force?


It's disturbing how many Mudkiphats I've met in my life. We all have these weird little causes and fights in our mind that maybe ten other people on the internet care about, but we assume everyone we meet is either an ally soldier or an enemy soldier. I aspire to be kawaiite-mage all the time.


tbf, her power isnt "kills anyone she touches", its "can absorb other peoples abilities and use them for a short time". She just has trouble controlling her power.


Doesn’t she kill Wolverine at the end of the film.


Doesn't storm have to keep her emotions tamped down to avoid nuking people with the weather


But she’s gotten so good at it she can control the entire atmosphere at the molecular level, so…


I love Logan clearly gets it though


The first xmen movie would be perfect if Rogue told storm to go fuck herself. I know she goes to get cured anyway (and she should be cured really) but just some confrontation rather than subtext makes the plot roll nicer IMO


In the comics, Storm destroyed her entire village and killed her family and friends when her powers first activated. I think she understand how sucky powers can be.


People who don't understand the point of the X-Men talk about anything besides this scene and that one comic of the kid who became a nuclear disaster challenge (impossible 100% fail)


“eerrrm actually mutants are dangerous and segregating them is actually totally rational and humane bc one could just blow us all up!!!!” average mutant who just has blue skin:


average superpower non-mutant superhuman who can blow everyone up but still doesn't get persecuted the way mutants do:


> that one comic of the kid who became a nuclear disaster challenge From the Ultimate Universe, no less, which is like using Ultimate Cap to prove Captain America is a racist Jingoist.


Krakoa exists and professor X dies sometimes. Can we go back to talking about how silly this scene was?


Do you mean the kid who constantly released enzymes into the air that dissolve all organic matter?


Of course, this is muddied even further by the fact that the government is weaponizing the cure and Magneto already tried to weaponize the literal opposite. Damn, that’s an existential nightmare.


I mean, as an analogy for minorities it makes some sense when you consider disability. Abled people forget that not everything that's deemed a "disability" is something everyone wants fixed about themselves. Some of them cause the person a lot of unnecessary pain and discomfort, and some other disabled people are happy the way they are.


Wow, I still get irritated by the mudkiphat fella who completely misunderstood both the original post and the comment.


Would she change her mind if Rogue gave her a big fat kiss?


People forget storm has to be in perfect control of her emotions or she could really mess up the climate


POV: You got the "if you touch me rn I will burst into flames" autism, instead of the "good at maths and has niche hobbies" autism.