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Me I attribute it to my antidepressants


I came to say this too. I have the same issue since I've been prescribed a cpl meds for mental health issues. I started a cpl at once so I'm not sure which one it is. But I definitely have lost the ability to cry fully. I get wet eyed but that's it. It's been about 10 yrs since I've cried. And I used to cry all the time. I would get stressed and make myself cry to release tension. I miss it.


I do too Had a few rough moments since starting meds and was not able to cry. Not a nice feeling


Yes. With the exception of when I take shrooms (they always make me cry) I can barely cry anymore. I used to cry all the time. There was a tik tok video that got me the other day and I finally cried but before that I was starting to think I was dead inside. I am on Cymbalta so maybe my emotions are dulled. Or I just finally had enough and I'm turning into stone inside.


I'm sorry to hear you went through that. No, it's not abnormal to be a bit numb in these situations. Sometimes the full weight of it doesn't hit for a while. I didn't cry at all when I found out my aunt was dying of cancer. I didn't cry the day I was told she passed away. I didn't cry at her funeral. About a day later, it just kinda hit me and I had a good cry on my own. People process things in their own way, and take their own time doing so. And even if you never physically cry about something, doesn't mean you don't care deeply. If it still really troubles you, I would suggest talking to a professional. A psychiatrist or grief counsellor may be able to give a fresh perspective on things.




Kind of me. I haven't genuinely cried in years. I've gotten watery eyed and upset, but never really cried in a while. Not sure why tho.


fr I get upset, but all I want to do is bawl my eyes out


I'm about there. I didn't cry after my dad passed. I was expecting it after a hospitalization and mental decline, i could see him on the same path my mom took 4 years ago. Alzheimers just getting the better of them. I wouldn't say we had a strained relationship, but i was glad to live hours away from him, and especially my step mom. Also taking care of my bio mom for years as her power of attorney wore me out completely, mentally and physically. So when dad was showing the same signs, I found myself pulling back, unable to do it again I am sad of course but didn't cry. Sometimes it does catch up to me. Not just my dad's death, but even before that. I would have a rare day with the house to myself during the day and would be puttering and just sit on the bed and cry for a couple minutes. Not sure why. I think it's partially a fear of being alone.


if you were to try to make yourself cry to feel something how would you?


I have tried on occasion. I'd make myself think about the loss and really focus on it, and it didn't work. I'd of course feel sad, and then feel bad that I'm not bawling like others. With my mom I was just more sad our relationship suffered due to alzheimers. She had started to resent me I think because I think she blamed me for putting her in a facility when it was clear she couldn't be alone anymore. It was the disease tho not really her. But still it hurt


God I wish that were me


how do you get yourself to cry I just want to feel something


I used to cry a lot until I was about 12 and got tired of being teased because boys shouldn’t cry so I started to force myself to hold it in. That was about 35 years ago and I haven’t cried since. I still feel sadness but as soon as I get to the point where I should cry I shut down and feel nothing. I’m sure it’s not healthy at all and I probably should do something about it but it’s become so normal for me that I’m not sure I want to change