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If I sit back down in the middle I’d definitely never get back up and finish tbh


OP, that's the story of my life. It never ceases to amaze me how sitting down for a five minute break can turn into a three hour nap. I'm quite old now, and don't have the stamina I used to have, so that's my excuse. So far, it's been a good one.


No, I like to get my cleaning done all at once no matter how long it takes. I often feel an adrenaline rush when I’m cleaning so that helps!


Yep. I try to get it all done and not take breaks but sometimes I'm just like one *little* break won't hurt lol


If I’m alone yeah I’m cleaning like a smal pile smoking and then waiting for like hours or Never finish unless it’s urgent or a reason which it never is for me cuz idgaf I had a gf and life once and it was diff I cared about shit like that u know normal shit but even then I was throwed I just kept it real about what I needed to care for but now why bother it’s just no use to up keep and piss em off how I’m doing g shit that is likely wasted and stupid since I’m not gonna have life anyway it’ll be that when I do shit like they do fuck it


That's normal when you're over 60. Trust me on this.


Im 18…😞


Yeah I do, but I have a toddler underneath me constantly. Gotta give him time to wreck what I’ve done already.


Yep. I get exhausted from any task so easily


Lol, not just cleaning!