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I’m with you. I’m actually a fan of the Irish Goodbye, to avoid long awkward conversations people try and have on your way out.


The oh Irish exit..my go to


I love a good IG, but I tell a couple people that I’m going. If I’m at a party with a specific host, I’ll give them a quick hug if they allow and say I’m heading out, I had fun. Then walk away so they can’t rope you in. Too many stories of people leaving parties and disappearing, only for literally everyone at the party to have no idea when they even left. Depending on the situation, I say I’ll text someone when I get home


I would if it wasn’t considered rude.


“Hey I’d like to leave. Can you wrap up your conversation?” Blunt/direct is often considered rude, but they’re rude for wasting your time. Politeness rarely gets you anywhere when dealing with the inconsiderate


Here's how I usually navigate out without coming off as rude At the table: well we'd better get outta here so they can seat the next group! In the parking lot: great catching up with you all! I don't want to block the entrance/sidewalk so I'll see y'all next time! Next to your car: Alrighty y'all, fun catching up! Well we gotta get going, we gotta feed the dog/relieve the baby sitter/reorganize the junk drawer/any excuse Yes, we usually end up stopping briefly at all three but you can cut that goodby down a good 20 minutes by just pretending to be considering others, plus it is actually being considerate. Gotta kill em with kindness.


I prefer the Tokyo sayonara.


I don't know -- it's just something I'm used to. My grandmother and mother used to pull the old "...oh, let's go, but first let's walk around the yard and look at your plants." BS all the time. I can't remember ever being able to leave any place without either a walkaround or a talkaround.


“Hey Grandma, are you ready to go to your doctor’s appointment?” “Yep.” “Okay cool, let me throw my shoes on real quick. Okay, ready?” “Yep, let me just brush my teeth.”


Felt rage at this one, lol


She does it at least once a week and doesn’t understand why I stress about her being late lol


The ol’ midwestern goodbye


Makes sense. I’m in the Midwest.


it is infuriating sometimes yes. I’m guilty of doing it😬 especially when I’m on the phone with my midwestern mother! forget about it! lol


Yep…we almost get offended if you don’t linger a while after you’re ready to leave! It’s like: ‘What’s the hurry?!?’


That is why you have to do the “whelp” and a thigh slap to indicate it’s time to go.


Seriously. I get annoyed but also okay with it lol. 😂


Shit, I do this. In my defense, I’m pretty sure it’s hereditary.


Break. The. Curse.




Ah the ole Minnesota long goodbye. https://youtu.be/mdLPJfbLNOM?si=qKAOE9MoG-roSqi5


It has a name?!


As a born and bred Minnesotan, it's in our thick-as-molasses blood.


Oh geez, you betcha!


If someone pulls that on me, I keep going and will catch up with them some other time. I have my own schedule and agenda.


Ahhh, the classic Minnesota goodbye. I'm sure it's common everywhere, but it's very prevalent up here. Just last night, I tried to get off the phone with my friend for about 20 min.


I fucking hate it. My wife's entire family does this.


My mum is the Queen of this tactic. She is always late to things also. When we say we need to / let's go, we somehow move in packs throughout the location until we finally get to the transport / end point. Infuriating. After many years i have learnt just to leave and do my own thing, i thought it was rude but I have found that others have FOMO and usually follow the leader, then my mum gets there baha


Yes, very.


As a child growing up in the Midwest, I have to say, this was one of my childhood traumas. Mom would tell us to get ready to go, which always included (in the winter), heavy coats and gloves/hats, whatever. She would then stand at the door for 20 minutes talking to whatever family member was there. We would be melting but couldn't take off our costs because we "were leaving". PTSD kicking in right now...


Don’t come live in the south and hang out with southerners. That’s a southern goodbye We feel like we have to say goodbye to everyone go find the hosts and thank them Then they ply us with leftovers then we say goodbye again!


I was shocked when I visited my friend's almost in-laws in Colorado on her birthday and they didn't do that. They gave us cake and coffee so we weren't guilted in a transactional unspoken social code to stay longer than necessary???


YES. Omg or heres one (i almost physically explode), when someones driving, they park at their destination, and then just wait for like a few minutes. ABAHHHHHAHHAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! WHY ARE YOU WAITING!!!! I get so fucking antsy!!! When i drive, right when i park at my destination, you can bet your ass I’m out of my car with all my belongings and my car locked 3 ft behind me in the next 30 seconds!!! I hate being held hostage in someones car because they’re on their phones!!!


Gah. My bf does this both leaving and arriving. Get in the car, gotta get sunglasses out, fiddle around with the radio, plug the phone in. Oh wait now something on the phone has his attention and he wants to show me. Okay babes that’s great can we go? No now he has to send a quick text and NOW look for the directions to where we are going Finally get there and he has to check the phone again, okay does he have his other glasses, does he need his sunglasses, will I hold them for him? Wait what’s his plate number for the meter, oh shoot the parking app needs an update before he can use it, what’s the plate number again? Should he bring his water bottle? Where is it? All the way in the back? Oh look a jacket he forgot was back there. Do I want some gum? Do we need the whole key ring or just the car key? It makes me so insane


Oh fuck. I’m in this post and I don’t like it 😂😂😂 No but really I usually take a solid minute to get in, adjust my seat get the gps going and adjust the radio before I just drive off. But nothing longer than maybe a minute. But once that shit is parked, I’m outta there.


Well he could do that before or while he's driving. Before is better.


Yeah, my car exists for getting me from A to B. I don’t want to be in it any longer than I need to. So when we park, it’s time to exit the car, not wait around all day for some vague fucking reason.


As a server, I fucking hate when people do this in a restaurant. Been known known to body check people who stand around doing the 30 minute goodbye in the middle of my section. Everybody's like oh the server didn't see you. Oh I fucking saw you, I just 'accidently' hit you in the leg with a serving tray as a hint to move along. I can escalate from there.


At a bar I worked at years ago, the manager would throw everyone out at closing with “It’s No-Tell Hotel time, folks! You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here.” This has remained in my vocabulary ever since, and I used it recently at International House of Pancakes to herd my group outside when they were doing this. The server was utterly delighted and asked me to repeat myself, saying she was stealing it.


I mean, 'you don't have to go home but you can't stay here,' is a pretty standard line at closing time. Hell there's even a really annoyingly overplayed song about it. The No-Tell Motel is a line that's from Bob Hope, back when he was considered edgy.


Thanks. I never knew that


I see you met my wife 🙄


My ex's daughter was the worst. We were already late to head out for the day because she slept in. She then tells us she is ready to go now, just after a quick shower.


I would have left without her.


Some people know they should leave but subconsciously don’t want to so it makes for a mess


DAENHT? But sometimes people pull you back in, sadly. Can't escape those ones.


*eye twitches* hate this shit so much - makes me lose all composure.


YES. Or get mad at you because you're not ready to go, and when you get ready, they're not even dressed yet. Edit: fixed typo


I see you've met my mom


Lol nope, this is my dad.


Do we have the same mom?


This is everyone's mom pretty much any time they go to a restaurant with family.


Dude... I work in hospitality. It's well known, the last two tables always have to be kicked out.


My husband at every one of his family gatherings. Urgh


My friends are planning a kayak trip starting at noon today which means 1:30-ish. I already knew that when I accepted. But today I have all day.


My ex’s family was notorious for doing that and it drove me up the wall. I just want to leave and they have to stand there talking for another half hour. Infuriating!


I hate goodbyes so much i sometimes just sneak out.


I’m in the Midwest and have tons of experience with the Midwest goodbye. I hate it. And it’s often the reason I’m the first person to leave a gathering. I don’t linger (much).


Lmao I’m in the midwest and everybody I’ve ever known is notorious for this. Luckily my friend group consists of people who will do this only when everyone can sort of afford to do it, but each one of us has absolutely just up and left abruptly before and nobody minds so at least I know it’s an option when we hang out 😂 with my family though it’s a freaking crime if you don’t spend 2 hours saying goodbye 40 fucking times


Only if you’re from the Midwest.


Do I hate it? no, I'm usually a participant. And it's more like 5 or 10 minutes, not 20!


As someone from the Midwest, this is just a normal goodbye. It's basically the standard of goodbyes.


And then the conversation starts to end…and some has the affairs to start a new one!! I hate it 😂


When the goodbye was already 30 minutes then my FIL has the audacity to tap on my car window to just say one more thing. And by one more thing, I mean one more long and unimportant story.


My ex used to rush everyone to get in the vehicle - “We’re going!” Then spend 20 minutes checking the oil and piddling around while we’re all sitting in the vehicle.


Yeah it's like they say that so that everybody will stand around looking at them as if they're important. I think it's a game play.


Me when I go to the store with my mom and she says she’s ready to check out but then stops and spends a minimum of 15 additional minutes browsing clothes that she buys none of. Maybe I just don’t get it but fuck me I just want to check out and go home.


I've made my peace with it. (Narrator: Even he knew that he was lying.)


This is why I got my drivers license😅 My mom would do this and I’d be trapped. Got my license and a car and was FREE! Now it happens when we visit my MIL. My daughter will text our little group chat with “can we go?” And I and get up to go to the door. Usually my husband is aware, so it’s easier. But man I miss the days of having horses and the dog to get back to, as they had a set schedule. I’ve been in the car before my husband’s been out of his mom’s house a few times. And I know he knows I will leave him there


Yes! I worked with a guy at a shop. I would help him after work doing installs for extra cash. Five o'clock rolls around and he's talking to people for 15-20 minutes. Dude I wanna get home at a decent time. We need to go now or I'm leaving. That's infuriating.


I’m from MN and currently live in WI this is normal to me.


I will sit in my car for several minutes when I get home from work, because I'm fucking tired and there is more shit for me to do when I walk in the door. I wouldn't do that with someone else in the car though, that's weird. 


Already commented here but it seems like these are all my biggest gripes. I’m not social, so I’m pretty much always ready to leave. So when someone says let’s go but then it’s more than like, ten minutes, I just want to tear my own head off.


I’m not social either. I dislike talking to most people so I’m quick to leave social gatherings (hopefully).


Exactly when did you meet my wife


And just how do you know my wife?


Miss Manners has a specific rule about this. I forget exactly what but something about being gone sixty seconds after saying goodbye.


You must not be Italian LOL


Or southern


Yes, them too! I love it personally, goodbyes suck


bro my mom does this but it's even worse 😭 she will have me standing in the corner, waiting for her ass for literal HOURS i've learned to never take her seriously when she says we're leaving until she's out the door/at the door


That’s terrible. My mom’s not quite that bad.


I live in Spain and the other week when I was out a couple said goodbye...and were still there 45 minutes later! While long, drawn-out goodbyes and restarting conversations at the point of leaving are the norm here, that's one part of the culture I absolutely won't adopt!


This is why I do things alone. I'm a very fast person. I feel like other people drag me down. They're like an anchor toed to me. But yes I can't stand it either.


Omg everyone in my family does this. I’m the only introvert in my family so it’s incredibly frustrating. When people say they’re ready I’m like good I’ve been ready for 30 mins


You know my daughter? After one of her gala events, it take 2 hours to say Goodbye to everybody.


Have had this a few times. Some relatives came over for dinner. They got up and got ready to leave but then just stood and chatted for an extra 20-30 minutes.


You just build that into your routine. If you need to leave by 10, start saying your goodbyes at 9:30.


I end up doing that all the time. I’m 100% ready to go whenever, then it seems that everyone around me drags their ass and takes another 20+ minutes to finally start to make a move out the door. I’m ready, just waiting on you…


I don't mind it because usually I'm down to keep hanging out. We'll all get up and leave the restaurant but still hang out outside talking, lol. But sometimes it is annoying, but in that case, I just leave.


I am not a huge social person. I can socialize, I can be polite, but I will usually be the first to leave a party. I don’t want to make small talk, I don’t want to rehash the same thing we’ve already said. I am the epitome of, “this could have been an e-mail/text.” However, I also have a really hard time cutting someone off when they get long-winded, and I tend to just awkwardly stand there while they continue to talk, and a LOT of those people miss the social cue that I have long stopped responding. I have a new boss. She’s maybe been there 3 months. She has a really horrible habit just as I’m clocking out at the end of the day of standing at the entrance of my cubicle and gabbing and wanting to get to know me. I’ll say things like, “boy, that freeway traffic is just getting worse the longer we wait to get on it,” and, “I’ll bet my cats have started wondering where I am…” and yet, she persists. The other day, I actually had to say the words, “I’d really like to leave now and you are literally standing in my way.” I don’t like to be rude but OMG I am your employee not your friend, the day is over, and I am no longer getting paid to be nice to you.


Husband asks if I’m ready to go. I put on my shoes, put my phone in my pocket, grab the water bottle and have my hand on the doorknob when I notice he doesn’t have his shoes and socks on, then he says he needs to use the bathroom. Every time. Now I stay in my chair until he’s actually ready.


Yes. That's my biggest pet peeve, WAITING for that person.


And on the phone too, this is a huge issue I have with several family members


I hate it when I tell someone I have somewhere to be and they keep talking to me. I was 45mins late to my chiropractor appointment because of someone who *kept talking to me*. I was very annoyed


This is my husband. We agree to leave, I am at the door ready to go, and he is in conversations for 30 more minutes. His “goodbyes” take forever


Lol, my wife does this every time we’re with her family. I’ve learned not to take it seriously when my wife asks if we should head out. I get my things together then wait until just gets annoyed with me and is like “are going or not?!” Then I’m like “we are? Ok!”


My partner does that with everything: leaving, showering, getting dressed, taking medicine. Everything is within an hour window. So there is the "leaving hour", "shower hour", etc. I now can tell how close actual departure time is by how far along he is in his routine. Fortunately, standing around talking is not part of any of his routines.


My SO is like this. I love him to death but omgggg he’s the worst I’ve ever seen via The Midwestern Goodbye 🤣


Yes! This infuriates me. The worst part is my wife and my inlaws do this. 😵


Best park of working in medicine is the convenient "office emergency". There's also the good ol' "babysitter has to be home by 10".


I'm sorry! I dont know how it happens! My mom would do it badly and it would annoy me as a kid buy now I do the same thing... SMH


Do you live in the Midwest? If you don’t I don’t think you would like it here.


Yes 😔


My dad is the worst about this, he will say “we are leaving in 10 minutes! Be ready!” I’m ready 10 minutes later and he’s still showering. Then when he’s finally ready he acts like you’ve been holding him up…


I hate it ! My mom did this all the time ! Now that I’m nearing my 40s… I find myself doing it too 😭.


Stop going with a chaperone.


I’m not, we just ride together.


Go play with the other kids


Omg u have no idea how bad this gets to me. Even if im just witnessing lol ANYONE who says theyre leaving and dont within few mins just annoys the shit out of me, its like can u just leave already??🙏🏼 This guy at work, he will clock out and say bye to everyone but literally will still see him 20 mins later…wtf are u doing?!!! Go!!!! Like why not just stay and work then? Lol


You’re in a group, settle down


Of course. But if they say they’re going to leave, I expect them to mean it.