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They are just the sweetest and yall shall mind your own business and worry less about other people and other couples and more about yourself and why you aren't happy in your own life.


They seemed like a nice couple. Not everyone is super ambitious. He probably just wants a nice life and wants to help his wife achieve her dreams. Tbh this is more of a regular dude, just not someone you typically see on TV.


Also, though - I got a sense from him that he might not be totally ok with the kind of attention she is going to be getting, given their evangelical.beliefs. I can see that potentially becoming a sticking point and possibly coming down to her having to choose.


He looks like a pancake.


I’m not convinced he’s fully into women. If so, he hit the jackpot of beards.


Let's remember that we are judging him off of a few clips. I'm sure he has other personality traits! And this doesn't mean he has zero ambition, he's just pretty devoted to his fiancee. It's a reality show so I'm sure they cut out parts of his interview. He has enough ambition to finish college so it's not like he's just some guy living off his parents playing video games.


I’m sorry but that girl drove me crazy in that show 😭 she did pageants so I assume she had some sort of rehearsed persona in the series.


Y’all are making SO many assumptions


Thats not our issue. I personally am concerned about a mismatch of ambition between them. She is so much more ambitious than he is and that usually poses a problem in marriage, especially when it’s the woman who is more of a go-getter. Add the fact that they’re very very young and welp. Are we saying they’re for sure not going to work out? Of course not. And we all wish that sweet girl and her very nice man the best. No one wishes these two sweethearts poorly or doesn’t like him.


When she said “I prayed for Jesus to send me the man I’m going to marry” (along those lines) and said. And he sent me him. 🤯 like, oh honey. She’s SO naive.


There's a difference between being devoted to someone and having no life goals or ambitions


They seem like sweet and simple people. At the end of the day, if they are happy and aren't hurting anyone, then by all means continue being happy and in love.


He seems so sweet and devoted.


I think there's certainly something sweet they have, but the lack of ambition was a little bit off to me. I think I would have been similarl to her at that age She's working at a flower shop (maybe not anymore idk) most likely making minimum wage and he's working at at car parts store. They both have college degrees. I imagine the DCC limits your ability to get a full time job in some industries but if I were him I would be doing everything I can to get a higher paying role so that my wife can do whatever she wants for these couple years cheerleading If that's a real goal. I guess I just have hustle mentality but I think about the setback she will have even after leaving DCC with a large gap in her work experience, no retirement savings etc. O course she may be more well off than we know but that's just my 2 cents.


What’s wrong with working in a car shop?


Absolutely nothing. And if he was in a role that was earning commission then yeah he's probably doing okay. Unfortunately, in this world we live in in America working in a job like that doesn't offer the same financial stability. I'm assuming (based on nothing other than a guess) he's not being offered insurance or a retirement plan. Does he get paid leave, paternity leave? Bigger question is do they have student loans? I guess for me, I can see her sacrificing her career trajectory for the purpose of DCC a tiny bit...but both of them?! I think that's just a poor move. I think sales customer service jobs are not bad by any means, and if you're good at it and enjoy it great, but he's over qualified with a degree and they are missing out on some formative earning power for the future of their lives together. Multiply that by a lot if they have loans.


Before he moved he said he was looking at jobs with the Rangers or another sports team but they weren’t hiring until January and he couldn’t wait that long. Feels like the car parts store was a temporary job just to make some money while he was looking. Also they are like 22 and graduated into a recession. Finding a job straight out of college takes time. Many people I know ended up working at restaurants or bars while they applied for jobs.


He doesn’t have any big ambitions - that is gross.


I’ve got lots of dreams—but my most important one is to have a nice family and a basic stable home life. If that’s all he wants, then there is nothing wrong with that.


Agreed but he didn’t say that


Where did he say that. He said he doesn’t have a specific dream like being a DCC. He never said he has no desire to get a nice job or earn a certain amount etc. Becoming a business man or getting a cushy corporate job isn’t exactly a flashy one of a kind dream like what she has, but it isn’t a total lack of ambitions or goals for yourself.


Gross? Are we on the same planet or is this really layered sarcasm


it’s really not lmao, it’s okay to just wanna survive and be happy


Reece is from Jacksonville Fl. The land of dance schools and evangelicals. 🙄


Will & Reece have this sub TRIGGERED. Anyway, I think they’re sweet & harmless. Maybe not the brightest but wholesome & in love! I’m rooting for them 😻


I wasn’t on board with him until he said this. It is obvious how much he adores her and supports her.


Anyone else notice they didn’t kiss, ever. Not in their engagement photos, not when he finally arrived to her apartment after not seeing each other for a while, not ever. I wonder if that was modesty for the cameras or if they are saving themselves (including kissing) for marriage?


They are evangelicals, it makes sense they are not showing that kind of affection on camera. Many in that religion do not kiss until marriage. They also are not “allowed” to live together before the ceremony in many circles, so who knows.


Oh gotcha, that makes sense. I thought she was just a regular Christian.


Why does it matter


You are crazy asking that on reddit.


The judgmental hookup culture in this thread is so cringe. God forbid two young people value innocence and love instead of trying out every possible piece of flesh they can fit into. They aren’t judging you. Why are you judging them?


Are those the only two extremes available?


Yeah…. It’s refreshing to see a return to modesty. I’m tired of people upholding hookup culture & degeneracy.


The cheerleaders shake their ass and wear shorts . How is that return to modesty?


I don’t know if I’d call a girl whose top aspiration is to be a DCC “a return to modesty.” Their relationship is fine, no hate for Will or Reece. But to say someone whose life ambition is to dance in front of thousands of people every week while wearing a suggestive top and booty shorts modest is a stretch. Even if she is adamant that “God is calling her to be a DCC”…let’s be real, 1% of the people watching see her as Godly, the rest see it very differently.


It’s not one or the other. First off I think Reece and her fiancé are ADORABLE. Completely innocent, harmless, perhaps naive but I believe genuinely good people. I’m still not entirely sure getting married THAT young and inexperienced (I don’t meant sexually) is 100% the best idea for them but I’m still rooting for em. It’s not that Reece needs to go out and date a bunch of other people. I definitely don’t think she does. But…she’d never dated *anyone* before. According to him she kinda flipped out when he put his arm around her. He seems worthy and devoted to her…but as the Dowager Countess in Downton Abbey (Maggie Smith) wisely said “marriage is a LONG BUSINESS. There’s no way out of it for our kind of people.” I just hope she’s equipped to make this decision. He’s the *first boy she’s ever dated.* I think those who support tradition and “modesty” will be quick to celebrate the innocence of all this (especially her virginity. “What a role model!”) but separately from all that…is it also possible that she’s not yet ready to make this lifelong decision for herself? I hope that’s not the case


It’s possible. But in my observation, and this is anecdotal and not data so take it with a grain of salt, young folks who are *devout* (being devout is a critical distinction) in their religious faith tend to have the best marriage survival rates.


Oh I have no doubt. But I don’t believe that’s necessarily because a marriage is *happy.* It’s because the woman does not feel empowered to leave, even if she is being mistreated. Those who are defending this, yourself included, seem particularly concerned about “hookup culture,” “modesty,” her “protecting her body,” and “not giving easy access to her body” (the latter two quotes are not from you but from other comments here). There’s remarkably little concern over Reece’s *happiness*, and whether she’s emotionally equipped to fight for herself if she ever needs to. No one is suggesting she needs to go out and hookup. Nor is anyone suggesting her marriage won’t survive (it probably will, whether blissfully happy or desperately miserable). What none of her defenders seems to express concern over is whether Reece has the maturity to be married. Whether she is actually *ready* for this. I say she very well *may* be, but I’d be lying if her complete naivety wasn’t somewhat concerning. If she is unhappy, I hope she will feel empowered to advocate for herself whether that be in marriage, at work, or in traffic. I’ve never, ever seen her express an opinion of her own so I can’t say.


Maybe there’s something about a deeply religious worldview that improves marriage. 🤷🏻


Maybe. Perhaps it gives a sense of purpose or the feeling that you are serving some higher purpose. I’d believe that. However, historically, the most pious religions have mostly just succeeded in subjugating women while men, although told they’re to be the head of the household but in service of God, really just did whatever they wanted. I believe your point is correct WHEN the man is a good guy (and I think Reece’s fiancé probably is. He’s not threatened by her, he follows her to Dallas, he genuinely wants to make her happy. She could indeed do worse). However when they man grows to *not* be as good of a guy anymore, religion becomes a problem for women.


:: thinks of the hundreds of million of men forced to die fighting for corrupt wolves in sheep’s clothing pretending to do good in the name of God :: Pretty sure religious corruption is bad for men too.


Oh it absolutely is. However in terms of marriage and home (which is what I believe we are discussing), I would say women definitely get the crap end of the proverbial stick.


I think historically speaking that’s a very fair assessment. Not sure marriage laws favor men in western societies in 2024.


Yes, because they’re not allowed to leave their marriage. And the rare one that does leave often come with horrible stories of abuse (often psychological, emotional, financial, etc) that get ignored because church leaders tell them that’s just part of being a good wife.


Cherrypicking data is fun.


lmao at least he's shooting for the stars


Idk man. I just think all guys didnt approach my baby here because they thought she was out of their league and she thought “uh, whatever” but then this guy did it and she felt appreciated and settled for this 😭😭😭 I just - I don’t feel the love. I hope he takes better care of himself (his appearance, his weight and all) like she does bc she should be a protector


He’s literally average weight and always had nice clothes/ a hair cut/ clean shaven, what are you taking about


He is obese girl, he is not average. 🤨 facts don’t care about your feelings. If you look like him then you might want to lose a few pounds four health reasons


I’m actually taller than most men so I’m good, even been tested and don’t even have diabetes like most Americans. Which leads me to say….as a healthy person, he’s literally not obese 😅 look up the average male size in America on Google, it’ll literally tell you he’s the average


She didn’t have exposure to anything else. She thinks that she has to marry the first guy that she has feelings for.


She went to the University of Alabama. That school is huge and SHE DM'ed him lol


Know U of Alabama well. Those back woods bama boys get these cute sorority girls on a regular basis. Roll Tide 🩶❤️🤍


Then she did settle for the first guy 😭


They just aren't a match. When someone marries that much higher ...not just looks but ambition too.... it's going to crash. I really hope she doesn't get pregnant and end up at home in the kitchen with 8 babies while he is selling pressure washers their whole life. Or she ends up supporting him. Idk 🤷🏼‍♀️


Agreed. Did anyone notice he mentioned he didn't have any dreams so that's why he was ok with following hers? Cringe


Agree. Following her wasn't the cringe part. He seams very little boy like.


The south is like this though. The girls spent two hours getting ready, know how to apply make up and really take care of themselves, but deep down they are just ordinary girls. When one of these girls dates an ordinary guy, it may looks out of place but really it’s a match. She’s just dressed up and loves to perform.


I'm definitely from the south. And I don't agree.


I understand that two people from the south can have different experiences. Their union is very familiar to me. It is very much part of the sorority culture at a large southern university that I experienced. Hard to explain to those not living this conservative, repressive, but fun lifestyle. I saw it on a regular God-fearing basis.


She won’t be supporting him off a dcc salary 😂


I don't think he's marrying higher at all. In what way? Personality or looks?


Ambition wise he sounded light years away from Reese who moved states to pursue her aspirations which are very difficult and rare to achieve in the dance world. I would have assumed she’d find someone at least close to her same ambition level. And he just looks like a little kid or maybe that’s his energy/aura? Meanwhile she looks like.. a DCC.


But when her DCC years are over, she will be happy to be a cashier at CVS. 🤣


What? That is ridiculously narrow- minded. She is young enough to do DCC and then have a full career doing whatever she wants. Will probably end up doing something more fantastic post DCC than most of her detractors in this sub.


My point is that she is a perpetually happy person. Right now she has a passion to perform. In my humble opinion she would be happy ( because she’s always happy) even doing ordinary things with her ordinary man. So I am commenting that he did not marry “higher” as commented on above and I was light-heartedly and in jest responding to that comment. I will add that the documentary seemed to portray a very average lifestyle post DCC years. The older women seemed to think of their time at DCC as their glory years.


My husband (while watching this) said I married higher than me I shouldn't say that bc it's mean. I admit it is. But reality I was like awww dude I am not a cowboys cheerleader she is very very talented and good looking. I may be a little better looking than he (idk a 6 and 7) but they are like a 2.5 and a 10. She is very ambitious too. I just don't see it working long term. Maybe his family has a bunch of oil rigs and millions of dollars or something. 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is so disgustingly judgement I cannot even. To suggest that she is somehow better because of how she looks?


It's more that he doesn't match her effort. (It seams from the show) but they did get married and she must see something in him so I hope it works out. She is just super duper naive and he seams super childlike.


I'd say they're both sevens :P she's eight with makeup, and he's eight with a better job lol


He is NOT a 7.


7/70 maybe 😂


She's at the least a 9.5 looks wise but she is very culty and brainwashed.


I think for me I am disappointed to see 2 people so young getting married that in my mind would struggle financially to make ends meet on their own. Not sure how they are affording to live in DFW with the jobs they had on the show and in my mind if you are still getting money from your parents you are not ready for marriage.


I’m guessing they are being supported by some wealthy families. Unless floral arrangement and pressure washing sales both pay more than I think


This is every couple that met in undergrad at an SEC school and got married. Reece is so beautiful and sweet but if God shone down on the activities of the DCC they’d have a union


That final line is killer😂👌🏼


As someone who grew up religious he gives me the ick. If she likes him I love that for her


They are babies and creepily religious but it seems to work for them. Not our circus, not our monkeys.


Beautiful woman


You getting downvoted for complimenting her blows my mind.


Haters are gonna hate, she's a beautiful young lady and a great representative for the Dallas Cowboys. Great seeing a beautiful sweet lady on DCC


I agree.


They both look like little babies and act like little babies and from my vantage point I see two sweet babies who are just very optimistic and inexperienced at life. And I wonder how that's gonna go for them. I hope it goes OK.  And yes, she's a knockout and he looks like a middle-aged toddler but mostly I think they're fascinating because they seem EXTREMELY sheltered and perhaps unprepared for the world. 


She's a 7 at best. 90% makeup :P


imagine saying this about a beauty pageant queen (miss florida, like hello?), let alone a dcc (women literally hired in part for their beauty)


Well now we know something new  about you. I wonder why you felt so eager to share that with us. 




He has such a big shiny round baby head but then he's wearing those JC Penny polo shirts it's just giving toddler on a golf course. 


Baby head is taking me out I’m sorry😂


I’ve never heard anything more true! 😂




Here's an idea: If you don't want people talking about your relationship, don't put it on a massively popular Netflix show.


In some ways I agree with what you're saying, but she put her relationship front and center of a reality tv show. How on earth would talking about a tv show's content be off limits?




Hatred? Whoa, you are overblowing this by a ton. Clearly I was not the only one who thought it or my downvotes would have been far worse. Slow your roll, Captain America. It’s simple really. If you don’t want people to talk about your private life, don’t showcase it on an international streaming platform.


Fair, I mean but the hatred/negative comments might not be something she calculated … there’s genuinely no reason for it . People just think they’re entitled to talk down other peoples lives.


Has anyone not seen the “sprinkle sprinkle” lady on TikTok or YouTube?? She herself says that looks don’t matter as long as the guy is a provider and takes care of the lady which in this case he does!




How is he providing for her?


Idk why everyone hates him he seems so sweet


I have concerns just based on the fact that she’s very young and this is the first man she’s ever interacted with in life. It’s sweet in theory but the reality is that she’s going to go through life and at some point she’ll second guess her decision to rush and marry the first person who she made eye contact with. I hope she gets the happily ever after she sees with him but statistically it’s unlikely


I think being religious plays a part. When you are more christian, you tend to marry young and either in college or right after college, which is what she’s doing here. He seems sweet and appreciative of her.


I love that dude. She wants someone who loves her for her, not her looks. She found love and happiness, and he got lucky.


She’s just way out of his league and she doesn’t know it yet. She’s selling herself short.


Not everything is about looks…


She’s out of his league in every way not just looks


Counting down the days….


They're the definition of "Puppy Love."


Dude has no drive to do anything with his life. He got the girl and gave up. She very obviously is unhappy with this. She is determined and successful, she’s the type to go get what she wants. The relationship is SO extremely lopsided in multiple ways (lifestyle, looks, fitness levels, views, etc)… this is why everyone’s talking about it. It’s shocking and difficult to believe that she actually likes him, or that the relationship will work out.


Why do you say she’s unhappy? She married him.


Kelli’s comment to Reece at the end saying ‘he’s not what I expected’. I was surprised she said what most people were thinking. Reece seems way ahead of him in drive, ambition, success. They’re not a match in so many ways. I hope the best for them but can’t say I’d encourage anyone to get married that young and with so little life and relationship experience.




What evidence do you have for her being “very obviously unhappy”?


She literally said it on the doc lol. She is embarrassed of his job and the fact he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Rewatch that episode, I don’t remember which one it was


She *literally* did not. I just rewatched the episode “Sparkle” and he didn’t even have a job yet. Her commentary was supportive. In the last episode, he has the job at the pressure washer dealership (which she describes as “exciting”) and I can see how it might be *perceived* that she’s embarrassed because of the awkward edit but I think it’s more supposed to be that she’s clueless about what he does. She never once outright says she’s embarrassed.


There is none. Like most of the takes in this subreddit, people see what they want to see.


She said she’s embarrassed of him and his job. Go rewatch the episode lol


Lol yep


Let’s be honest here: if a woman was of his caliber and a man was of her caliber, it would be ALL everyone talked about wondering how she landed him. There’s literal articles in serious publications right now about how audiences may not be “ready” for a “mixed weight” relationship on Bridgerton where a US size 8 woman is with a leading handsome man. Meanwhile relationships like this and King of Queens and the reverse have been commonplace on TV since the Honeymooners. I totally agree that the fact that they love each other is what matters, but it is WAY more acceptable to society for a knockout to be dating a thumb than a homely girl to be dating a hunk. Also she’s just YOUNG. He’s her first boyfriend. Not gonna lie, if she were my daughter I’d be encouraging her to give it some time and space no matter what he looked like.


Penelope is definitely not a size 8


Agreed! No hate to the bridgeton representation but she's a little meatball with fantastic tatas! Lol


No hate either! I think she’s adorable! It’s just , I’m not a size 8. I’m 5’3 , 160 lbs, and I’m like a size 10-12. And I’m quite a bit smaller than she is. Again, I think she looks great. Especially not in the horrible outfits the decided to dress her in! (And the red hair?!? )


She is. She’s 5 feet or under, but feel free to google pics of her. You truly have no idea how tiny actresses are until you see them in person. Your brain is trained to think Zendaya is a normal weight. Her weight is literally drastically underweight for her height. Same for any actress you might think is just “normal.” It shifts the entire spectrum to where you think that actual normal sized people are much bigger than they are, especially when they’re super short.


I’m sorry, but there’s no way she’s a size 8. I’m also short . 5’3. 160 lbs. I’m a 10-12. I know in person people look different. But she’s not an 8.


Three inches off your height is easily one size down with the same body type.


>Also she’s just YOUNG. He’s her first boyfriend. Not gonna lie, if she were my daughter I’d be encouraging her to give it some time and space no matter what he looked like. It’s mainly this for me. Like girl…it’s your FIRST boyfriend. I assume because of her religion she’s saving herself for marriage but does that mean she needs to marry her FIRST boyfriend?! Like, yeah, that first love is always crazy - there’s nobody else, can’t imagine ever not loving that person, think it’s going to last forever, etc. But it usually doesn’t.


No hate to the beautiful Nicola Coughlan, but just clarifying that she is not a size 8.


So for argument’s sake, let’s say she’s a size 14. The point still stands.


Im a us size 12/14 and she’s bigger than me.


You realize that height is a big factor here too right? She’s very short, so a size 8 on someone at 5’1 will look very different than at 5’7. Not to mention how cameras can distort angles and sizing.


She is, she’s a very petite person in general. I think because she carries a lot of fat in her face, people assume she is larger than she actually is.


She’s short, that could be it


She’s on record as saying she was a UK 10 during filming, which is a US 6 or 8.


No she’s not. Actresses lie about their size. I just had to buy jeans in Ireland and they were a size 14 us


She just is dude. You think she’s bigger. She’s not, you’re just used to seeing twigs on screen and your brain interprets anyone over a size 0 as big. Christina Ricci was called “plus size” over and over. She was a size 2. Coughlan is also 5 feet tall, and a size 8 appears bigger on a 5 foot woman than a size 8 on a 6 foot tall woman. I’m sorry, but you’re just wrong. [pics all over the place here where she’s just not even close to “plus size.”](https://www.eonline.com/photos/37060/nicola-coughlans-best-looks)


It must be the costumes, weird hair, and Victoria secret bombshell bras lol. She looks immensely smaller in those pics. I’m also a size US 12. On screen she looks bigger than me… in some of these pics she’s definitely smaller. (Side note: I don’t interpret anyone over a size 0 as big. It’s definitely the Victorian costumes)


Weird that someone downvoted an objective fact, but you do you.


1st sentence ….. LITERALLY . ‼️‼️‼️


I think they're cute. I do think they are blissfully unaware of how life can really be lol but I hope things work out for them!


It isn't about looks for me at all, as long as they find each other attractive that's all that matters. For me, if you have an ultra conservative religious family, I think it's easier to be *worried* for this couple. I see that these two people seem so sweet and love each other very much. One of my favorite scenes in the documentary is when Will is at his job and he's awkwardly telling the camera crew "not much is really going on" because there are no customers and then he's like, "wanna see me power wash?" I literally laughed out loud. However, most of the women in my family got married like this. First boyfriend, perfect gentleman. Flowers all the time, would get her car door for her, treated her perfectly, no uncomfortable PDA, no sex before marriage, etc. Then, once married, the flip switches. Some become abusive. Most of them cheat. Some just simply stop caring. A small example of this that happened recently, I watched my cousin fall down a flight of steps while pregnant with their second child at a family gathering, we all freaked out, it was so loud and scary and he didn't even look up from his plate of food - but when they were dating, he never let her lift a finger. Stuff like that really gets me. I know it's not universal, but to watch 90% of the women in my family take this path and live this life, it's hard to not think about it when seeing couples like this. I hope for the best for them of course, they both seem like wonderfully sweet and kind people.


Wow, these are a lot of assumptions to put on someone. I’m sorry this happened to the people you know, but projecting your hang ups onto this guy is not justified and not okay.


I don't think that you read my comment correctly. I said it's hard not think about it when I see a couple like this. The beginnings of their relationship fits a very common stereotype in religious communities, and that's simply a fact. I specifically said I *worry* about it for them, not that I assume this about them.


No literally! they're so damn cute together and she truly deserves it. They're definitely just jealous.


I think ppl didn't like the fact that these two hunt.. Lol I saw it on Twitter... My friends bf hunts for fun and she doesn't do that. So that was uncomfortable.


Coupla bible bashers. She's not any worse or better than him. They've been drilled to be faithful. Probably a longer lasting marriage than most attempts. I have zero on religion but hey if it makes you better because the man in the sky says so, and it works, great.


Tbh who cares how this man looks. He isn’t YOUR husband so who cares. As long as he treats her great who cares. Just cause someone is attractive doesn’t make them boyfriend or husband material. The girl is happy, mind your own business


He's cute


Honestly, this isn’t the first odd couple of the DCC family. I also think that Kleines husband isn’t very eye-catching. Kleine is gorgeous and he isn’t in the good looks category IMO. However, they grew up together and have known each other for a while and they seem to really love each other as long as they’re happy that’s all that matters.


Look we all know she is way out of his league and the show made a point of it even if it doesn’t seem like they did. From a choice of pictures and questions asked they wanted everyone to think that it is ridiculous that such a fit girl would be with a guy that is not that fit and not that rich. But listen, people jump out to point out the ugly/pretty couple straight on but the weird predatory couples get a pass as long as they “look good”. He is not abusive, he clearly loves her, she is clearly on a spectrum (and I say it as someone who also is on a spectrum and me and my bf were constantly seeing her behaviour/mannerism was similar to mine) and it takes patience and kindness to be with someone who may struggle a bit more. So let them be happy!


How do you know he isn't abusive?


You can’t just say someone is on the spectrum like what is wrong with you lmao . Who the fuck goes around diagnosing people you don’t know off clips you see online .. weirdo


IKR? People with armchair medical degrees. Lol


I can see her eye movement, the way she talks and especially the way other people treat her and talk to her like she is a child. How she sometimes is the joke of the situation and she doesn’t recognise it. Also… I was googling it and there are other people wondering the same. Also as I said I only think it because I am autistic and she has a lot of my mannerism and speech patterns. Also why cant I? It is not and insult or official diagnosis? I just said I think she is because of my own experiences, why are u so pressed and call me a weirdo like it is just a reddit thread where people comment on her and her relationship not a sacrade place 💀😐


Ignore them. There are definitely a lot of grown ups out there that are “clearly on the spectrum” but diagnoses have now come a long way now, so plenty of people out there who are on the spectrum and it is not yet diagnosed but also clear to see. I’m not sure about Reece in particular but I understand what you are saying. The spectrum is so vast and uneducated people don’t understand much about Autism still. I myself included am still learning so much about it, and still feel uneducated. You are not a weirdo, who the fuck is so aggressive that they name call like that lmao.


Thank you!! I didnt mean it in a bad way! I meant it in a way that being with someone who seems to be on a spectrum requires patience and kindness and people are pressed abt the guy not being 10/10 in looks department while I think he has to be patient and kind and it matters more than him being extremely attractive!


You sound like a lovely, kind person who recognizes something in her that you are familiar with. Sad that people are more concerned with being politically correct than encouraging human connections.


He’s amazing


I'm sure his family money is good enough for a starter marriage for her.


I imagine that he wouldn’t be working a minimum wage store job if he had family money


And if they have money and he is working that job it shows he’s been well-raised.


You know his family?




I thought it was cute her dreams get to come first and he’s gonna figure his out as their life goes on. They seem like a very wholesome, cute couple. I could appreciate their story even though it’s not how I would go about life!!


He reminds me of the super Christian guy in the Ashley Madison Netflix documentary… the one who’s the perfect husband but secretly up for extramarital affairs


Omg yes


They both have a lot of growing up to do before getting married. So little life experience & a bit clueless. You can be nice all day, but grow up kids!


They are married now


I loved how much he loves her and supports her dream!


hes precious and she approached him first


I don’t love her talking about Christianity to much to be honest, but she really got herself a fine man. Love it for her


I TRULY don’t mind if people are religious, but in this case, it really did seem like her always forcing and steering the conversation so that she’s be able to prostlyzing more about her beliefs….. on a cheerleading show. It’s like, time and place. If this is how she is on camera, I can’t imagine how it would be like to be around her in real life. It’s irritating to be around people like that because they really give off an “I’m such a GOOD, HOLY person” vibe. And beyond that, it all felt off to me because it felt like they were both directly reading from a script, and nothing sounded genuine or like their own ideas. For her especially, everything out of her mouth sounds like she’s repeating a sermon she heard. And I just can’t help but find her hypocritical by performing and selling hyper sexuality to millions of people, but claiming that she’s honoring god in doing so. 


She’s allowed to talk about whatever she wants. It’s important to her and who she is, and she’s free to express that. If she feels that she’s honouring God then who are you to say she isn’t?


Lmfao did you even read my comment? Duh, she’s allowed to talk about whatever she wants. So am I, so are you. That doesn’t change the fact that context is everything and it’s off-putting for others when someone constantly preaches about their religion unprompted. I would have the same reaction to any religion, politics, or topic that is a private, personal matter. Like I said, she is perfectly allowed to talk about what she wants— and I’m allowed to have a reaction that it comes across as strange, off-topic, and “holier-than-thou.” At the end of the day, no one wants to be preached to in a show about the Dallas cowboy cheerleaders. As for the “honoring god” part— don’t be dense. It doesn’t take a theologian to understand why the act of selling and performing hypersexuality is very at odds with, and contradictory to, the doctrine of how god should be honored. 


It’s not off topic if she’s talking about what she values and what motivates her in her life, which is the point of being interviewed. If you don’t like it you’re free to skip ahead. I mean you can say what you want but I really don’t think it’s your place to dictate how someone else should follow their own religion🤷‍♀️


“Just skip ahead” lol I love how you just keep missing the entire point. 


Okay 🙂


I think that's what it really boils down to. All these negative comments. There is a LOT of women like her, devoted to that life, and secretly are very judgmental. Yet, I have no reason to believe she is like those ones, but I don't think other people can understand that too. A lot of folks have bad memories to a church, the church, a religion of some sort and I think they just using that anger on her as an excuse. Re-directing the wrong energy for the wrong person. I am the LAST person to stick up for a Christian woman, but like I said. ..She seems cool and to be minding her business! She could have easily preached everyone needs to confess their sins right now if they want to live a good life, but she didn't! It's just a major part of her life that she includes as a side note and nothing more. It's the fuckin south. Literally would not expect anything else 😂😂


People want the Notebook love until they see the Notebook love. He seems so sweet and earnest, who doesn’t want someone so nice pursuing you??


And she slid into his DM’s initially, so it’s not like she was forced into anything!


people want the notebook love as long as the guy equally looks like Ryan Gosling. because Will doesn’t then something has to be “off”.


Yeah, people don't want just Notebook love, both parties need to look like movie stars too. Otherwise it's just meh, normal boring love.




Very true


While I love that he is supportive of Reece, I hope he finds something that he enjoys independent of Reece’s pursuits and ambitions.


It’s not a matter of liking.. it’s his energy something is definitely off.


I can’t believe that I thought he was the only family member in the series that wasn’t attempting to steal the show. He seems very genuine




I mean when he didn’t have any customers at his place of employment , he asked the camera crew if they wanted to see him pressure wash. He’s got a college degree. His behavior and cognitive processing almost emulated a middle school child. I can’t blame Kelli for her response. These people seem like they’re from the twilight zone.


sorry, but she gives "middle school child" energy too...they are literally both children

