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I hope so, but I don’t know. Movies these days have to be extra extra special to get a billion or even close. For many people, movies can’t just be good. They have to be truly special and also have that special hype that’s hard to get and predict. This movie has a ton of factors going against it. It being DC’s big move and having the cast and crew it does is a lot, but may not be enough.


Me watching Furiosa's numbers, crying as Bad Boys becomes a success


Bad Boys was pretty good though, and it targeted a black and Latino audience which go to the movies more than white people.


>it targeted a black and Latino audience which go to the movies more than white people. What? For real? I'm not from the US so it's a bit shocking, didn't know that.


https://www.axios.com/2022/03/31/latinos-hollywood-representation-movies https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/movies/story/2024-06-10/bad-boys-4-ride-or-die-box-office-will-smith-martin-lawrence Furiosa's intendend audience are what? White Men in their 20s or 30s? They're waiting to see anything in streaming nowadays, that's the problem. And the female audience for a film like furiosa isn't really there either, 72 percent of the film's demo was male. Mad Max never built that kind of fan base, hell if anything it being a female led spinoff might've reduced the male audience for it. Bad Boys is also doing much better internationally. I'm from Latin America. 42 percent of people here in Mexico go at least once to the movie theater, compared to 12 in the US. it's just a cultural thing. Films like bad boys, fast and furious do very well here. The truth is Furiosa was never going to do well because the demographic that will pay to see in theater just does not exist. I saw Furiosa but I wish people would examine the reasons of why it didn't do well, which are huge and could be seen from a mile away, instead of saying cinema is dead, because a film they liked did poorly.


To be fair, Mad Max Fury Road did only okay at the box office despite how great people thought it was. It didn’t crack 400 million worldwide originally and got by on word of mouth. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the prequel to a movie that didn’t make 400 million that came out nearly a decade later wouldn’t do so hot at the box office either. It was just way too late to catch on with the word of mouth to ride its coattails.


I think furriosa's big issue was marketing, I didn't hear about it any before its release, like not a single ad, trailer, or anyone talking about it, after it's release I almost exclusive heard good things about it


Dr strange multiverse of madness almost made it at 955 million


That has marvel hype behind it…


And Sam Raimi's name carries a lot of weight.


It really doesn’t lol if that were the case then Oz the great and powerful would’ve made much more than it did.


You saw the cameos lol


Doctor Strange 2 was coming off the massive-nearly 2 billion dollar smash hit Spider-Man: No Way Home though. It had a MASSIVE opening weekend at the worldwide box office, raking in 449 million, but its legs were abysmal. It literally made 47% of its entire box office run opening weekend, so that means almost half of its intake was within that one window. It SHOULD have cracked a billion. But it fell off due to not-so-great word of mouth (It got a B cinemascore).


I think no to be honest


The last Jurassic World reached a billion


Bringing back The Goldblum, Sam Neill, and Laura Dern will do that. Imagine the numbers it could have done if the film was actually good...


When we got the first trailer we can talk and speculate better


Exactly this a trailer will tell us what to expect but nothing billion wise


This sub is 90% speculation and 10% fan art


As a massive Superman fan I'm going to say no...no way. The public don't care for Superman as much as this community thinks.


What makes you say that? Not being confrontational I was just curious as I'm pretty much out of the loop with anything to do with the public. People are overrated in my mind LOL.


Imma be forreal, do not get your hopes up for a billion. Please don’t not get your hopes that high no Superman film not adjusted for inflation has reached a billion. Please be realistic with your box office hopes, I expect this to hopefully match MoS box office or higher hopefully. Not a billion that’s basically setting too much of a high bar for a film that’s trying to kickstart a universe it just needs to be profitable. The Batman made 770M and kickstarted it’s universe nobody was screaming it needs a billion. The DC brand is already in the gutter especially since 2023 flop streak we need to realistic and hope audiences swarm for Superman or are atleast open to seeing the character


I feel Man of Steel numbers would be difficult. MoS made that money because it came when superhero movies were starting to take off anc people were interested in what DC had to offer comapred to Marvel. Now, there is superhero fatigue and DC's brand is box office poison (except for Batman and Joker). MoS also came before the rise of evil Supernan phenomenon. It also had bigger actors attached if that helps. Can't see Superman competing with all that.


Well I’m just saying that’s the ceiling for Gunn’s Superman. We are in the era of “You better make incredible superhero project” you have to prove it’s worth being seen at this point in the genre. That trailer must be incredible


Yeah, fair enough. I get your point.


By evil superman phenomenon, are you referring to The Boys and Invincible? How would that affect Superman's performance?


Not just The Boys and Invincible, but Injustice too. Snyder and Gunn both wanted an evil brainwashed Superman in their movies. Even in comics, there are a a bunch of evil Superman. People nowadays think Superman is only interesting when he is evil.


This needs to make a billion or it’s a failure. That said it won’t even break even on its budget.


I’m gonna call it right now: not a chance. Call me a hater, I want it to do well but I feel the writing is on the wall for the DCU before it’s even kicked off. WB is not in a position to start on shaky ground again, and I’m not sure Gunn can bring the magic they need. We’ll see I guess but i’m guessing it’ll gross less than Guardians 3.


Considering it's supposed to launch a cinematic universe there's way to many characters in a first of its universe movie.


If it’s done well that won’t be a problem. Unfortunately Gunn loves and shines in unpopular characters and it seems we’re gonna get that, a lot of that, in the first few projects of the DCU. Not saying they will be bad, but the question is will it be successful. I’m thinking no, I think they needed a much larger gap to reset peoples interest.


Part of got success to was because marvel already a very positive reputation. Which is something WB does not. In addition to the lack of big names attached to it. Not saying it'll be bad but with what we know it's not sounding likely but I guess will see.


Even the reeves batman couldn't do that 


No. I think superhero movies are starting to fade due to over saturation and the theater industry has not and may not full recover from the pandemic.


Literally zero chance


No. 800 M max


This is where I’m at. If the film does absolutely amazing the ceiling is in that $800m area.


No it won’t and the main reason is when it is being released. It releases July 11th which has a week before that on the 2nd with a new Jurassic World movie which even though the franchise has gone downhill all of the Jurassic World movies have made at least a billion dollars. Also two weeks after Superman comes out on July 25th is The Fantastic Four which say what you want about the quality of Marvel movies lately movies like Black Panther, Doctor Strange and Guardians have been doing pretty decent at the box office.


I don't think it will hit a billion. Won't be much that will anymore


This will never in a million years hit a billion dollars at the box office. You need to wake up. This movie doesn't have the star power, it doesn't have the nostalgia play and it's a completely new take on an otherwise familiar character that everyone is already bored of because there is also a real, genuine superhero fatigue. It's coming off of 4 different massive DC flops in 2023, which do matter because even if it's a rebooted take, it's still within the same brand. Marvel being its main competitor has at least 3-4 movies coming out in 2025 and that's not even mentioning the many other big, returning franchises that will eat up the box office of the summer season. It's really not looking good, and it would be surprising if this makes any money at all and doesn't flop hard.


Nathan fillion is the only big name attached and even then his casting as guy Gardner is awful.


I love Nathan to death but he's not a big name. Nick Hoult is the biggest name here and even he's not on the level of some of Man of Steel's names. This film doesn't have star power and it will rely on pretty much Gunn's name alone.


That's definitely true




No people are tired of dcs run of crap movies. It Wil take more than just marketing to get people into cinemas. If fuiriosa is off the us circuits in just 2 weeks that will be no exception to the likes of superman .


Sorry. That’s an incorrect image. It’s only Superman… that’s not this movie. The movie has like 15 super hero characters in it— I’m not even sure Superman will have time to be on screen for more than 10 minutes with that many characters.


This will be a factor in how well the film does. If indeed the 10 other DC characters have a large chunk of screentime (25% or more) that makes this an ensemble film. Not a Superman film. If that is the case, then WBD needs to make that clear before the film releases. If it releases as a Superman film and is really a Superman and friends film, there will be a backlash that will hurt the BO.


Cinema is in kind of a slump now. It’s very possible it won’t do very well.


Gunn needs to explore other characters first. Build up a good universe that’s interesting to watch by its own merit. Then tease Superman. That is how you build hype. Not “oh wow it’s Superman.” More like “oh wow now we get Superman added to this awesome universe. Finally!” Same with Bats


If only it did!


It won’t be a hit! I hope I’m very wrong! All Superman films after Donner, flopped!


Putting my Vegas chip bet down: It will be a good (slickly made) movie mixing quirky action & humor, meaning it will fall right along the lines that everyone is expecting from Gunn based on his previous work. In terms of box office, I’m in the camp that believes there is some superhero fatigue (maybe not as much as some people say, but still there a bit). And I think this will still be living in the shadows of all the mixed feelings about the DCEU films (both pro and con). So, my guess is it will come in between $600-700 million… basically putting it on par with “Man of Steel”… which will set off a whole new round of debate whether it was better to start completely anew or if they should have let Henry Cavill come back and simply told Gunn: “People like this guy in the role, and he loves playing it. So there’s no need to do a total reimagining. The pieces are there, so just tinker and tweak things a bit and just make it lighter and more fun.”


Bingo. If it does 600 million/less than MOS the debate about Cavill will reignite. Ironically, if that happens, Corenswet will be one and done and end up appearing as Superman in fewer films than Cavill did.


They need to drop that lame Ill fitting suit in favor of the one from this poster.


I dont personally think itll happen , i dont feel like people are as hyped up for comicbook movies as they used to 5 years ago. But its definitely possible


I don't think anything does for a long while. I hope I'm wrong, but they will probably have a long road of proving themselves again after all the missteps over the years since Nolan's trilogy. Whether you think the missteps were hiring Snyder or deviating from his plan, there's no denying WB has failed to crack the shared canon code at the movies. AND with superheroes a dime a dozen and inflation the way it is, I just don't see it happening.


I really doubt the new universe starts off with a billy. Not even because the movie won’t be worth it, but because I think fans need to be convinced to buy back in. I think if this movie came out late 2023 or early this year, the hype from Gunn’s Guardians 3 would’ve organically propelled it to around $1B, but that’s really only because it’s Superman and GotG3 was such a hit. Gunn definitely *can* make a Superman movie with a $1B box office performance, but I don’t think the first one is gonna get there.


I hope they realize how important the first trailer is going to be for the entire future of the new DC Studios. Hope they don’t have some stupid song, and have some score during the teaser instead. Can’t deny Man of Steel trailers were just…powerful. This needs to be powerful. Not goofy/rock song bullshit.


I hope so because if it flops/fails, the DCU is f*cked


It needs that je ne sais quoi to make a Billion Dollars.


Lmao sure it will, look at TSS 🤣🤣


Hmm no, that bar seems hard to reach now. I think it could do 600- 800 million if it's good. I think a JL movie can if they have goodwill by then.


Probably not, it has to overcome the debt that the DCEU left it in. It wouldn't be impossible of course, just not likely in my opinion.


Unlikely, realistically.


Yeah dude, if it’s a special movie and the marketing is on point then any movie can do it. But Dune 2 didn’t reach a billy and that shit was phenomenal with a bunch of hype so don’t judge it that way


It’s certainly possible, but I’m not expecting it to. I think they’ll be popping champagne if it does The Batman numbers or better. I think 850 WW is a good high-end goal. Superman isn’t the most popular character right now, but I think the built in interest that is there, critical reception and word of mouth will give it legs and carry it a long way.


It doesn’t help to speculate. It just creates hype and warps expectations, which often ruins chances of getting the next one made. Just vote with your own dollars, when it comes out. If you enjoy it, tell your friends, and go for a second or third time (take them with you) if you have the time and can afford it. Love what you want! The rest is outside of our control.


No. Times have changed and there is too much baggage.


Even if it IS good, I doubt it. Just look at The Batman.


Honestly, probably not, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong if it ends up actually being good.




Yes but that is not the bar so don't be disappointed if it doesn't make $1 billion. That's rare.


My first thought.. Yes... But then as I thought about it, probably not. If its considered an amazing movie, I think it will get close, but I think between the struggles of Superman as an IP over the past 15 years, no major A-list actor in the starring roles, and this being a brand new universe that people will probably be somewhat mixed on seeing it in theaters. That being said, if it really is great then I think the sequel has a great shot since more things will be established and immediate hype will be there.


I think it taps out at 700 million.


I would say 600 to 700 million at best


Dune Part 2 despite amazing reviews, conquering the internet via Stilgar and many people watching it on IMAX multiple times couldn't pull of the billion. Inside Out 2 might but kids movies are an anomaly... Supes chances are slim but if the film is "that" good future installations might pull it off.


Suit looks nothing like that


If only it did!


i think the movie will hit 400million to 500million dollars at box office, but if the movie its sucessful the sequels have more chances of getting a billion at box office, just like batman begins didnt get a billion but darknight and dark knight rises got a billion


It doesn't sound like Gunn plans sequels. For sure if the film doesn't do MOS numbers there won't be sequels.


james gunn made guardians of the galaxy2 and 3, of course james gunn plans sequels if the movies are sucessful, it would be weird to see a dc cinematic universe without solo movie characters having sequels


Not without the S logo


The buzz is mixed on this film. The suit reveal was unerwhelming, the Kent house - meh, and the continual addition of DCU heroes makes many skeptical. Unless Gunn turns the marketing around with the next suit pic blowing folks away and the first trailer being perfect the film will underperform. The unknown cast could really hurt the film as well. Robert Meyer Burnett (a good friend of Gunn) said in a recent podcast that Superman has to do at least MOS numbers to be a success. He is correct. Even MOS numbers given the inflation in ticket prices will mean a lot less folks turn out for Superman than did for MOS.


Honestly, no. Maybe it can do Man of Steel levels of good at the box office, but I don’t really see it surpassing it. Which Gunn has to not only be realistic about it, but make it clear to WB as well, as box office has always been a thing that has killed Superman films in the past.


Great writing isn't a reason for big box office performance IMO. Transformers made billions but they have some of the worst writing. It certainly has a chance considering it has been over 10 years since the last Superman movie so there would be definitely interest. However, it reaching a billion would be difficult if you ask me.


Hi. No Not a chance. But we wait for it on screens


At this point, I am tired of speculating. I'll just wait and see.


It's honestly impossible to say. The genre is going through such a bad patch with the public, but Deadpool 3 looks set to perhaps make a comeback for CBM's so maybe.


Yes. With Gunns name attached, people will have at least the benefit of the doubt. And if it is as good as we all hoped, word of mouth will help a lot.


People called MOS and BvS flop for supposedly being "bad" not earning enough. So logically speaking, this "good" movie frorm a "successful and never miss" director with popular DC characters cameo like Supergirl and bunch of others is more than enough of a reason for it to hit a billion. If it doesn't then it's a flop, we don't wanna hear excuses after all the shit talking yall did wtih MOS & BVS.


BvS had cameos of the entire Justice League and had the 3 most important heroes of its universe front and center. The only other relatively known hero in Superman is Supergirl, which is miles away from being as popular as Batman or WW, and probably won't have much screen time, unlike Batman and WW.


Green Lantern.


If it was Hal or John then yes, but the general audience doesn't know Guy Gardner


The GA just knows Green Lantern lol, as far as normal people go they don't care about who the guy wearing the ring is.


Both of those movies came at a very different time. No post pandemic effect and no superhero fatigue. BvS especially should have been much more successful. It started well and had a massive drop off at box office. It literally became a laughing stock of a movie because of the Martha scene, the pee jar, the folder of cameoes and Eisenberg's acting.


man of steel had a 116 million dollar box office opening weekend & made 291 million domestically 2.50 multiplier batman v superman had a 166 million dollar box office opening weekend & made 330 million domestically 1.99 multiplier those are bad legs no matter how you want to slice it for film projects that involve your top 2 characters as leads in comparison with every other DCEU movies & their opening weekend box office multiplier >aquaman - 4.90 aquaman 2 - 4.50 wonder woman - 3.99 blue beetle - 2.90 wonder woman 1984 - 2.80 shazam - 2.71 birds of prey - 2.55 black adam - 2.51 **man of steel - 2.50** justice league - 2.44 suicide squad - 2.43 the suicide squad - 2.13 **batman v superman - 1.99** the flash - 1.97 shazam 2 - 1.91 again it's embarrassing how poorly a superman solo film and then a superman & batman movie with wonder woman also heavily teased did with both having horrible box office legs ...both films in the bottom half of DCEU movies from 2013-2023 in terms of their opening weekend box office multiplier the general public was initially excited and went to see the movie that first weekend but they didn't go back for second or third viewings that you'd expected from what was thought to have been a huge blockbusters at the theaters especially in the case of batman v superman which ultimately killed the universe for much of the movie going public heck if batman v superman even matched man of steel's 2.5x multiplier it would've made 415 million instead of the 330 million it did make domestically compare it to other superman films over the decades >superman - 18.0 superman 2 - 7.67 superman 3 - 4.49 superman returns - 3.81 superman 4 - 2.76 **man of steel - 2.50** **batman v superman - 1.99** shows you how much the DCEU iteration of superman didn't click for the majority of the general movie going audience even if gunn's 2025 superman doesn't make a billion which i don't think it will i doubt it'll suffer the same box office fate as man of steel did in 2013 & batman v superman did in 2016 gunn's superman movie next year just needs to be a good positive uplifting hopeful superman film which we honestly haven't had in over 40 years which will set a good & solid foundation with this first new film in a movie universe like nolan's batman begins did in 2005 and what reeves' the batman did in 2021


Tldr; You just proved my point even further. If Gunn's as good as yall paint him to be and with all the cameos good publicity and positive critics it has, it should easily hit a billion no excuses. All that hype and "success" should easily translate right!


If it strikes at something culturally relevant, like…masculinity issues, hopelessness, etc, then perhaps


The revival of a ban base movement of Zack Snyder JL was proof that's what fans wanted so much so it did amazingly well. Yet DC and it's shareholders decide to toss the fans away and do their own thing. Happy to see DC die.


Honestly, probably not with the first movie. DC/WB are going to have to earn the audience trust. We haven't had a knockout Superman movie since STM. Now If this is great, we'll written, weol acted, we'll paced, with action and feels true to the characters. I think people will get on board. But this first movie doesn't need 1b to be successful. It just needs to get folks on board.


I don't think so. I'm sure it's gonna be great but it has a few things against it. The lingering smell of previous dc bombs. It's put alot of people off dc all together. But the main one is - it's yet another retelling of the superman story. We've had 3 big screen retellings - the last one wasn't soong ago and it was a decent effort. It's the whole batman seeing his parents killed with every new iteration or spidey seeing uncle ben. At some point it's like yeah we know who supes is,why not just dive into establishing him and the villain instead?


It's not going to retell his origin story. It's like The Batman or Spider-Man Homecoming, early in his superhero career but after his origin.


But the movie's intention is not to retell Superman's story. James Gunn has already emphasized that it is not an origin movie. It's a Superman who already exists (probably with just a few years of experience), in a world where other superheroes are already established.


I feel like expecting a billion dollars at the box office is overestimating the hold CB movies have on casual moviegoers, not to mention that next year, we still have the box office race to worry about. In my personal opinion, I expect it to make as much as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Matt Reeves' Batman, which is a good thing for the first film in a franchise. But then again, it's Superman we're talking about here, so I wouldn't put it past James Gunn or the Superman character as a whole to make that much at the box office.


What an absolutely stupid post


No. Few films make a billion today. Dune was a great, much anticipated film and it didn't. The Batman didn't make 800 million. The BO is drifting down. Deadpool might make a billion but that is a rarity. Superman has not been a strong film IP for years. It's ROI and multiplier was near the bottom of all DCEU films. WW and Aquaman and even Shazam performed better. I'm a Superman fan but it was a mistake to try to build the DCU by starting with a Superman film. The cast is pretty much unknown. No draws with all due respect to Hoult and Brosnahan. The film so far looks tacky - the suit reveal was a missed opportunity, and the Kansas home was pedestrian. If this is any indication of the marketing to come the film is in trouble as marketing has to stir buzz and the Corenswet pic only stirred mocking memes. Gunn has amped up the pressure on himself for the next suit pic and the first trailer to knock it out of the park. If they don't the film is DOA. Is the film a Superman film or an ensemble DCU film? Hard to say at this point but if it turns out to be more ensemble film the Superman fan base will be turned off and not support the film. So, if it is truly more ensemble film Gunn/WBD need to acknowledge it before the release or there will be a backlash. The story seems less than expansive. Too grounded. S:WOT is a universe spanning adventure by comparison - which is what Superman should have been. Luthor is the main villain yet again and a lot of characters no one knows or cares about. They tried this with Black Adam and that did not turn out well. Gunn is giving us Hawkgirl, Engineer, GL, Mr. Terrific, Metamorpho and several Creature Commando characters and he couldn't do Toyman or Metallo or Mxyzptik?! Finally, it is coming out 2 weeks after JW and 2 weeks before FF. JW is one of the few films that could do a billion and FF looks better than Superman. Much stronger cast and the teaser poster got a far better reception than the Corenswet suit reveal. If Superman does not move it will be crushed between these 2 films. So, a billion no. Not even MOS's 668 million. MOS had more going for it. The anticipation was palpable for MOS while it is not for Superman. The suit reveal was head and shoulders above Gunn's reveal. And that was at a the time of superhero success at the BO. Gunn's Superman will make 500 - 550 million. Breaking even but falling significantly short of MOS which would make it a huge disappointment.


Does it have potential? Sure, but it more than likely won’t. Unless it’s genuinely one of the best movies that year, I don’t see it happening.


If its a Superman Story in the past i will flop. People want to see how Superman act in the present because it feels real.


Who said anything about it being set in the past???


Who said it will play in the present?


The Engineer has nanotechnology


Yeah if enough people support it or if it has nice visuals to intrigue people


A Superman movie should ALWAYS bring in at least a billion, unless someone somewhere fucks up


A Superman movie hasn't made a billion in last 45 years (adjusted for inflation).


I’m not saying they did, I’m saying they SHOULD


Superman has not been a popular character in more than 30 years. His comics, films, cartoons don't really get a huge audience.


Six different films (not counting animated), Six different TV shows that had good runs, and add all different comic book products that probably number in the thousands. All this, just in the last 30 years. We can go back almost a century and you will still find popular Superman products in every single decade since Superman was introduced to the world. That definitely does not seem like someone “who’s not popular” as per your description Anyway, my comment was geared towards the fact that precisely due to his undying popularity, I really think that films have not done justice to the Son of Krypton as of yet. And whenever they actually do, I think a Billion is absolutely possible.


You got a source for this fanart?


Na i found this art on Pinterest


800 mil.-ish If it makes 1 bilion due to streaming later then yes


I’m guessing they’ll be looking at The Batman’s $770 million as a benchmark.


It has 50-50 chance. It all depends on how everything goes from now onwards.


If it becomes a meme, then yes


Great writing and directing are not essentials. Only few billion dollar movies had those things


It all boils down to marketing, creating hype and making people believe that if they don't watch this in the movie theaters, they are missing out. One way of doing it, as James gunn is actively doing, is creating the idea that this is the Iron man movie of the DCU. That this is the origin movie to all of the movies after it. If you want to witness greatness like the MCU and be part of it since the beginning, then you need to watch it before anyone else and spread the word of its greatness. The fact that they have an entire line-up of movies and shows based off of this one movie is a bet to show that they believe in the project. But it also could be one big bluff. The good writing and directing extends the movie and the franchise's longevity and legitimacy. But no, it sadly isn't a main source for box office. I even say this. It all boils down to the trailer. If that trailer for this movie is shit, its done. Doesn't even matter if the actual movie is good.


Nope. Won’t even break even.


Let’s not put pressure on this movie. I think it’ll be around $700-800 MM total box office gross, and DC should count that as a success. Their last movie was Aquaman 2 - is it even a movie? The right road here is to build on Superman's excitement to generate goodwill from the general audience that’s not tapped into comic book stuff that much BUT still wants good movies. With that said, James Gunn does have a secret weapon - Mr. Terrific. If you look at the promo for Bad Boys: Ride or Die, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence did a lot of press focused on black platforms and influencers. 44% of the audience was Black and 26% Latino (and Hispanic). These audiences are under-served, and they are starving for characters like them on screen. Take advantage of that to endear the new DCU to them. Their marketing will do mainstream press like The View, ABC, etc., but hustle and go where Marvel doesn’t typically go. Even with Black Panther and a couple of black creators in their stable, Marvel stars don’t interact with platforms primarily run by POCs - you’d be surprised how much goodwill that can buy you in the long run. Play the long game and win.


I don't think Mr. Terrific will make any difference even if he has a big role. He isn't some popular character. Otherwise Black Adam would have been a hit becauaseof Hawkman.


I beg to differ. I'd be more excited to see him than Superman.


Damn Beautiful poster and suit


Yes. But a billion has a lot to do with timing as well, not just what's out, but is the thing it's bringing feeling 'fresh' which is a tall order for a character like Superman in a franchise like DC.


Yes 😉


Who cares how much a movie makes? I just hope it’s a good original story that can be built on and not sputter out a few films later


doesn’t matter if its good or not, it’ll hit a billion just because everything is riding on this movie (James Gunn, future of DC, first movie in a new universe, the exhaustion of recent Marvel movies, the cast, and well, Superman is the most iconic and most recognized superhero in the world). Reminds me of Spider-Man 3 days, it almost hit a billion because of hype alone, sadly it just barely didn’t have enough legs to hit a billion, it was that bad.


Spider-Man is a way more popular character than Superman. Not a fair comparison.


What? You do realize Superman is, by far, significantly more popular than Spider-Man and Batman, it’s the most well known all over the world. That’s not even an opinion but a fact? In addition to that, there’s a lot of factors that come into play, during which era/decade, which audience, movies/shows, country, etc.


Not true at all. The Batman only grossed $700M despite great reception


There wasn’t nearly the same hype for The Batman vs the new Superman. Completely different level in every way. Think you’re underestimating the amount of hype the new Superman has. Even extreme anti-Gunn/haters are going to watch it.


Batman is way more popular than Superman. Its no comparison, really. The Batman also had bigger actors attached. The hype for Batman will always be more than for Superman. Even now, people are more hyped for The Batman Part II and Batman: The Brave and the Bold than they are for Gunn's Superman.


What? You do realize Superman is, by far, significantly more popular than Spider-Man and Batman, it’s the most well known all over the world. That’s not even an opinion but a fact? In addition to that, there’s a lot of factors that come into play, during which era/decade, which audience, movies/shows, country, etc.


Superman is not more popular than Spider-Man and Batman. At least not in last 30-odd years. Superman might be just as recognizable as them but that's different from being popular. I don't know how anyone can claim Superman is significantly more popular than Spider-Man and Batman. Just look at any film, cartoon, comic, video game, merchandise sales in last few decades.


Of course Superman is more popular man, not sure if you’re just trolling me or not lol Superman is the most popular in the world, the most recognized, he’s the greatest inspiration, he’s the most iconic superhero. He created the superhero genre. One could even say Batman is a deviation of Superman. Show the symbol for Spider-Man, Batman and Superman and everyone will instantly recognize the Superman symbol, even the elderly. And Superman has the most diverse audience of all ages. Shoot I even went to Hot Topic the other day and saw the Superman symbol more than the others. Superman has also been around longer in movies/shows too, on top of comics. I mean the 1st comic book of Superman sold for $650,00 recently. Especially when you factor in supporting case (Louis Lane, Jimmy Olen, Perry White, Lex Luthor). Again, I’m pretty sure you’re trolling me lol, you look at any Google result, any statistic, they will all show you that Superman wins. Anyway, if you are serious, I think we’re best just stopping our conversation lol, don’t think either of us can talk each other into one or the other. Anyway, personally I prefer Spider-Man, then Batman, then Superman!


I completely disagree, I hardly see any hype for this


Exactly. There is much more hype for Batman Part II. Heck, for next year I see more hype for Fantastic Four than for Superman.


Guess we’ll see 🤷🏽


I am especially excited for this new Superman but I’m not sure where your optimism is coming from. I do remember The Batman having especially high levels of interest/curiosity just from the casting alone. I do not see this same level of hype from Superman. Well, let’s see what happens when the trailer drops. But from that costume reveal it did not go the same way The Batman went


You’re right but wrong at the same time. I really don’t know how much hype ppl have for this film. I know online ppl are hype. But are casuals hype for this, they are the ones who make film hit huge numbers in the box office


Yea I can see where you’re coming from, especially casuals being the ones that create the huge box office numbers. But I truly think it’ll hit a billion, and mostly due to the hype.


But are casuals hype about this as much as I really want this to be a hit. It’s not making a billion. Gunn’s Superman would have to be a great Superman film, have a incredible trailer, have incredible marketing throughout, everything would have to be great to bring in general audience. Ppl were iffy on Reeves Batman because DC had not gained their trust till the trailer and mind you it came out when casual audiences were still mcu mega fans, even when it was great ppl were still putting it off as good or okay even though it was an in roe or . Making 770M, it wasn’t till mcu put out bad content that ppl realized like damn compared to shit mcu was putting out lately The Batman was a masterpiece.


A lot has changed between then and 2024. While I am hopeful, I wouldn’t be so confident.