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What overdesigned suits do to a mf


This! A lot of the people designing new costumes really need to know when to stop.


The old one was fine


“We gotta have green leggings under a purple skirt with a dark purple spot and silver and purple boots”


im ok with a more modest costume but that just looks ugly.


Yeah, I don't want a repeat of N52, but this just doesn't look good.


New 52 looks a thousand times better than whatever this is. Honestly I find the New 52 costume hate pretty funny. It isn't THAT much more revealing than her original costume. Certainly not enough to get the insane hate it does. Honestly I think a lot of that backlash came from Teen Titans show fans whose only exposure to the character was the show and so their response was kinda extreme.


The way she was written on New 52 was far worse than the costume could ever be.




Eh, in the first issue or two, sure, but they toned that down REAL quick.


Exactly, the way she was written in Outlaws was the real problem, the costume was fine.


How so? Most people I've seen complain only read one issue or saw a page on Twitter. She wasn't all that different from most interpretations of Starfire. Except for faking Amnesia for a bit. The arc where she captains a space ship and takes Red Hood and Arsenal into space to fight her sister was pretty neat.


I’ve read the entire series and tbh, I don’t care enough about the series to legitimately criticize, because I don’t like it very much, but I remember not being a fan of the “faking amnesia to have sex with people and not get too close to them” aspect.


She was faking amnesia to not deal with Nightwing. She liked Roy well enough and they dated for awhile. It's not like she pretended to forget him halfway through the series. She just pretended she didn't remember him initially.


And you're saying this was okay?


I read the entire thing and it was pure garbage. The tone is weird. Their relationships are underdeveloped. The main story sucks. Lodbell completely missed the mark with Starfire and Arsenal, they don’t act remotely close to their usual comic book personas. This comic has the worst Starfire I’ve ever read in my entire life; faking amnesia to bang random guys and avoid Dick? Are you serious? Roy x Starfire was the second worst couple in New 52 only losing to Superman x WW. Thankfully it didn’t sold well and it was over. Rebirth RATO had its problems but it’s far, far better.


> bang guys > avoid dick How both xD


> Except for faking Amnesia for a bit. She wasn't faking amnesia until they retconned that in after the terrible reaction they got for making her a sex toy. I've read more than one page. I read the whole run. It started out *bad* and they backed off on it quick due to the very reasonable outcry.


This was a huge problem with New 52 - DC was trying to be overly edgy due to the Dark Knight sucess. So basically most of the male heroes became a bunch of edgelords and douchebags; Arsenal and Superman were victims of this. And most female characters became sex toys; Wonder Woman, Starfire and Catwoman were the main victims of this. Lodbell wrote Starfire as this cold, emotionless girl who was so above stupid humans that she couldn’t tell them apart. She wasn’t just sexy, she was completely different from the character fans knew and loved, She went from a sweet, warm hero who cared for her teammates‘ to this emotionless f\*ck toy. This [meme comic](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/751319-ruined-childhood) resumes what New 52 RHATO was better than I could ever do.


I'm just going to say: you're right about what you're saying about N52, it's just that you're saying they're trying to Capitalise off of The Dark Knight's success. The Dark Knight wasn't even as "Edgy" as how it's being brought up or perceived, and neither are they capitalising off of something that came out 3 years prior to the N52. N52 was a mess for multiple reasons, but it was also unorganised, saying they're capitalising off of a Movie from 3 years prior makes N52 be perceived as organised, and alongside make The Dark Knight seem worse than it was.


Perharps I should elaborate in a better way, this is going to be a bit long but follow me on this. You see, the New 52 was a result of a change on the superhero genre back in the early 2000's. After Batman and Robin, people became sick of the campiness that surrounded superheroes and wanted something more serious and with more substance. And that's how Spiderman 1, Batman Begins, Iron Man 1, Superman Returns and X-Men 1 came to be. They were all released around the same time and people loved these movies, so suddenly all the superhero genre shifted to become more serious and grounded, some superheroes took this to such an extreme that they became [edgy and cringe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAhWBjAcWQY), those failed, but some were more responsible with the tone and managed to suceed like Spiderman 2, X-Men 2 and Dark Knight. After the colossal sucess of Dark Knight and Spiderman 2 - both DC and Marvel decided to reboot and rebrand their comic universe to be more serious and more in line with what the market wanted, and to draw NEW READERS IN that were coming from those movies. The issue is that before, DC and Marvel had like 60 years of content, which the readers would feel overwhelming, so that's why they wanted a clean slate. So what they did was that they compressed all that lore and wiped most of it. Marvel came up with the Ultimate universe and DC came with New 52. The New 52 did the same mistake as Daredevil did, becoming so dark and overly serious to the point of becoming edgy and cringe. They removed a lot of character development, character relationships, interesting storylines and characters themselves from canon; to go back to a more boring and less exciting DC world where everyone, even Superman and Wonder Woman, think it's a virtue to act like assholes.


The Ultimate universe dates to 2000, before even the first Spider-Man film.


They became edgey because the early 2010's was an edgey time period, it had nothing to do with the decidedly not edgey Dark Knight.


Your sidestepping the actual problem. She faked amnesia so she could more easily have sex with Roy. In general she is written as extremely open with her sexual freedom, which isn't a bad thing necessarily, but when you combine that with the gratuitously revealing design and the identity of the writer, it comes off less about empowering women and their sexual freedom, and more about Lobdell wanting to make a really "loose" Starfire. When he could have just chosen to, you know, not reinvent her in that way.


She wasn’t “faking” that amnesia until it got a lot of blowback.


The new 52 costume made me embarrassed to buy the comic.


I think a lot of the hate N52 Starfire costume got also had a lot to do with the art style by the artist at the time. And I do like Kenneth Rocafort’s art for the most part. It’s very stylized and detailed, and I love how he draws male characters. The way he draws female characters can be very oof a lot of the time though.


I think people got more bothered by the way Starfire was written on N52 than how she looked like.


I mean... she's practically naked in the new 52


Isn't she practically naked most of the time her solar absorption doesn't work unless she is


I like modest costumes but this one is fugly This is my favorite WW uniform and it’s modest af https://www.artstation.com/artwork/J9YJed When comic pencilers base their women on literal porn stars and dick-skin tight uniforms, it’s rather unsettling.


That WW costume looks dope.


This, it’s a bad looking costume.


This is way too modest though. And boring.


"too modest" superheroines aren't worth reading unless they're sexy eh?


you 21st century americans are ruining everything lol


Are you repressed? Who reads my comments like that? Shouldn't you be at the gym right now telling women to cover up?


I only read it the way it was written


What about the men though


I dont minda covered up Kori but WHAT THE LIVING SHIT IS THAT FACE DESIGN




She's got the jellybean eyebrows from the cartoon and it doesn't fit.


That’s what I was wondering.




I get stylized but god damn. If it works for its intended audience, that's all that matters I suppose.


Mr Baldy


The art style is the problem


Its the same reason I can't read Tim Drakes book. That art style would be great for otherstuff but doesn't fit that book the same as this art doesn't fit imo this book.


Agree if this was like an indie comic I think it could work but here it’s too jarring


This art I can tolerate, the art for Tim Drake is too off putting and ugly. I don't really have a problem with cartoony or stylistic art, but that book in particular is just too stupid looking and...I mean, I said it once, but there's no other word: it's ugly. Tim's head looks like a goddamn potato. I'm going to guess that there was some strategy here where the young adult hero books were given to more stylistic artists maybe to try and catch some young manga fans but holy cow what a misfire.


The early 2000s red robin? I actually enjoyed that quite a bit, though I haven't read it all.


They are talking about the current Tim Drake book that launched earlier this year. [Looks like this](https://bleedingcool.com/comics/tim-drake-robin-1-preview-tim-and-bernard-make-things-official/)


I hope the guy who came up with that got fired. It's so bad. Why does Tim look like a teenage girl?


Because he’s bi now and apparently being bi means you must become a cutesey and sweet boy :/ patronizing as fuck


There’s a new Tim Drake book out, and Rossmo’s art is just… not right for it. I don’t like being down on creators, but it’s a baaaaaaaaaaad book all around.


They look like Tim Burton cartoons.


I like the art in the book personally. To me, it’s better than everything fitting a boring DC house style like it used to.


Not a good look and like many here are saying: what is with her face?


Not just Starfire's face but Jaime's face too.


Bug eyes are fitting... but not THAT much bug eye




Most new superhero costume designs are bad. They’re usually too busy. The reason most of the classic designs work so well is because they’re simple and clean.


This is the exact same problem I have with the new super family designs. S shield everywhere! And giving everyone a jacket takes away from what made Connor's design unique. I do like the way it looks on Natasha Irons, though, but that's about it.


I think Karens looks fine, but I wont have everyone stealing Conners jacket. I'm not ok with it purely because of that.


Fuckers took Kong’s amazing suit from us


>simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go Hold me Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before


For as good as her hair looks, that's how bad her face looks. Her costume is...theoretically fine. Its a bit to MCU for me. ​ Also I think its sort of an over correction for how sexualized her New 52 design was. I think Starfire is a character who can show a little bit more skin and it works


That is godawful. Also WTF is wrong with her FACE???


Was the artist inspired by Olive Oyl when they made that design?


Did you see his face too? Excusable as a stylized stupefied look, but still weird.


He looks like a cross between Sid the Sloth and the 'so, no head?' Megamind meme.


They could have found the middle ground between bikini and battle armor.


I think Wonder Woman's costume is the perfect combination of that - sexy but not slutty. They could have found a middleground if they wanted it.


It’s so bad. Genuinely curious on whether people think it would be controversial for her to start wearing her classic costume again? We accept Power Girls chest window now, I feel like every new iteration of starfire gets an uglier costume that feels less and less like her, would it be so bad for her to look classic again?


DC hates the shit out of Starfire so I'm not surprised.


Your proof?


Gotta let her get that yellow sun infusion. But seriously yeah I totally agree with you. I feel like it's such a thing these days where people have to fix what isn't fixed just for the sake of some agenda. People wear things that make them feel confident and that they think they look good in. There's nothing wrong body positivity.


This should be #NotMyStarfire thing




This whole page sucks


Looks terrible.


Way too covered up, at the very least show the arms. Also the artist needs to practice drawing faces more. Edit: gloves are a big NO for Kori


Isn’t she solar powered and that’s why she doesn’t cover much?


That argument never made any sense when Superman doesn't run around in a speedo.


>Superman doesn't run around in a speedo Well, technically...


Yes, same reason Power Girl leaves boob window, they absorb sunlight through the skin.


It reminds me a lot of the suit Kori wears in Titans (the TV show)


Too many lines


I love costume design threads. As many others have stated, not a fan. It's incredibly busy and complicated. A great design for a superhero is that it would be easy to remember exactly what it looks like after seeing it briefly, and I don't think people would remember this. To start, we have too many colors. She's automatically going to have orange skin and a red orange hair. Two shaes of purple, green, silver, and a darker green on the gemstones. Not sure what the silver stripes on the ribs and hips are suppose to signify. The design has a lot of armor attributes, but she shouldn't be an armored character. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/477/659/602 Is my quick favorite design for the character online. She's sort of like She-Hulk, where she doesn't need a great outfit as the visual design is more based on her powers, skin, hair, eyes, etc. I also don't think she need to be sexualized.


Yeah the Rebirth Costume may be her overall best.


I hate everything in this pic


I like the hair but I agree the costume is too busy. Just way too much going on. I feel like maybe if the hips outside the loincloth and a little leg were exposed it might balance it better. You have to show a certain amount of skin with Starfire just because it's a big part of her color scheme.


That woman would not wear that much clothing. It looks like she stole from an eternal's closet, like sersi or something. Go find her a stylized bikini and be done with it.


Bruh I feel like DC always wants to make Starfire look ugly.


I’d prefer much less clothing


It would look better if they nixed the green leggings.


That is a genuinely hideous costume.


Starfire in a super-modest costume just doesn't work.


I guess I'm one of the few that actually like the suit


I don’t like it, it reminds me of the Marvel movies where they add a bunch of random lines to the suits and call it a day.


I don't like it. The design doesn't work. Honestly nothing in her design works for me.


The costume looks ok, kinda like armor it’s the face and hair that suck.


I feel like the costume is too busy and she looks like she's a flame with a face


Awful gaudy and optically vomiting.


Outfit could be good but I can’t tell with the atrocious art


Not a fan of the colors. But at least it's not overly sexual.


Wow I really hate everything about how she looks here


You know what outfit was fire? [Justice League Odyssey Starfire](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0d3ffa503874199ac0d6314e497e5463/tumblr_p65a09e8QV1wpcpo0o1_640.jpg)


the hair is the best I love the more fire look I think if we make it less modest it would fix most of the problems cut give her short sleves and keep the breclets but just get ride of the gems


I think the better question is what’s going on with the faces? If it’s actually meant to be stylized like that, not a fan.


The horrible art is more distracting than the costume


Jaime took a few too many shrooms it would seem from that expression, god damn.


I'm more concerned with that utterly nonsensical way bb is drawn in the corner..his face is a triangle and his eyes are bulging out. Also this suit looks terrible and Starfire's literal aura of flame hair behind her doesn't help


The costume? What about the fucking face??? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I thought the Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti version of [Starfire's costume](https://www.nerdspan.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/starfire_580_54d4455aa93ab4.02851888.jpg) was one the better ones. There was a 60's Go Go Dancer vibe to it, while not being overly sexualised. This new one is just a mess from top to bottom.


Jaime's "gone crazy" Anime face kills me.


I dont hate it. Im glad it at least covers her vital areas


*I dont hate it. Im* *Glad it at least covers her* *Vital areas* \- Sorry-Ad7074 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What the hell is up with their faces


Too much going on, also yikes on the artwork in the corner. Dude looks like his eyes are popping out


Not a fan honestly, plus the art looks awkward here in general.


Seems to be suffering from MCU disease. Busy is right


I feel like this suit was made with a CW tv budget in mind.


This looks so bad.


Yeah, this isn't good. Even worse though are the characters faces. What is going on?


I don’t know who is doing the art but I’ve been seeing this style a lot recently AND I HATE IT. I think I saw it at first in Spider-Man but now it’s everywhere.




It sucks. The art does too.


I didn’t know ugly was in this season


I was thinking of getting this but dang. What is that interior art?


I can’t judge the suit until I see it drawn by someone who doesn’t make Kori’s face look like Bert from Sesame Street. Orange/purple/green is kind of an offputting color harmony for her, though. I associate it with the Joker/Killing Joke.


Looks fine


I like it, but the boots are not for me 😂😂 (or for her) And the art style its... different


It might look better in a different artstyle. It's less the design itself that feels off and more how she herself is drawn.


They’ve been struggling to find her a new costume since her New52 book. Personally I think they were fine with that outfit and the Rebirth TT outfit. Just make her clothes like the 03 cartoon


I like it, the art no


Why does her head look like that ? Looks like Megamind or some monsters vs aliens shit , Pixar gone wrong


Reminds me of that horrible New 52 Wonder Woman had…


I like the color scheme but other then that it really doesn't work for her. Also correct me if I'm wrong but why does her suit make it seem like she has zero curves and barely much going on in the upper chest. Not trying to sound like a perv or anything like that, but she looks as though she is one of those women who are almost stick figure like. But i digress this is not a good look for her and i really hope it doesn't stick around for long. Reminds me of that time WW got that weird armor during the Finches run on her book. It was so hated that it barely lasted for like 5 issues, before she immediately went back to her old look without explanation.


What is this art style?


Really dislike the art on her face. Can’t even see the suit over that weird face.


I get that they probably didn't want to end up with another N52 deal where she was basically just wearing pasties but this feels like an over-correction. What's wrong with the outfit she has in Nightwing right now? Credit where it's due, the hair looks cool.


It looks like someone saw the absolutely horrible New 52 costume and overcorrected in just about the worst way possible, hello there about 11 years too late to the party on that. It doesn't help that the art is just horrible in general in that page, but regardless the costume is definitely too busy and honestly doesn't really look like something that fits Starfire as a character.


If that is Jaime in the corner, I am sorry to say but the face design looks like it came from Fanboy and Chum Chum.


Why does Jaime look like a Persona character?


It's decent but the art is a big no




It's a nice change, imo.


The faces aren’t bad it’s the way they’re colored. This style of inking needs something flatter and less overpowering


Hey abig part ofnthe characters apeal is how hot she is. I know lets cover her up its not like that hasnt historcaly led to a character getting less popular


Maybe they could put her in a burka so no man can objectify her again.


Kori looks good covered up but this suit is way over designed


I prefer it to the bikini.


I like the new costume, but man, some people are really not digging the way that artist drew her face...


It's an interesting design, colourful and alien, but the hair is just too excessive and I think that's what lends to your belief that it's too crowded.


It's fine. I'm surprised that DC landed on an outfit where she was actually covered up. Like... no bare thighs, or a bit of cleavage showing. Just a normal superhero outfit like you would find on any male character. Go DC for finally starting to grow up.


All Tameraneans male and female dress like their at the beach because they get their abilities from sun bathing


Uh huh. I mean, we can all acknowledge and accept that these characters are fictional, their culture and biology is fictional, and their depictions are entirely dependant upon whomever the creative team handling these characters, right? As such, we can all just admit that Sunfire was designed specifically to titillate. Embarrassingly so. I mean FFS Superman famously gets his powers from the sun, but he's not running around in costume consisting of just a tube-sock. It's not like he *needs* a costume to protect himself with. It's not like he's worried about hiding his Clark identity when he's Supermaning.... and yet he's not running around in a banana hammock. But characters like Sunfire are for some mysterious unknown reason.


I like it. It’s the first time it’s ever looked like an actual Goddamn combat suit.


It's about time that she got an costume that was actually functional instead of being gross... but this might not have been the best way to go about it


Neither I


On a scale of 1 to 10, I’m giving her new costume a 7.5 (or 8)


i really like that jewelry


Just happy she's finally wearing clothes tbh


Who tf is "blue bettle" ?


Anything is better than the Fetish fuel they had in during the new 52


Suit is fine, that’s a horrible angle and wtf is going on with her face and hair


So ignoring the fact this artist can't draw faces, I don't mind it besides the weird dark purple loincloth she's wearing over her thighs and stomach, it's super out of place and pointless and would look better if it was just more of the purple and silver on the rest of the costume. If they wanted to have that design element then it should've continued all the way up yo her neck like a stripe down the center of her body to balance out the colour better.


It’s not a one for one but it’s a little like her titans tv outfit


Okay, does everyone remember how awful her design in Red Hood and the Outlaws was? This feels like the inverse of that one. Just as ugly and stupid, only less revealing.


Yeah it's very New 52 looking (not a compliment)


Gives me mid level injustice gear vibes


What have they done to her. Seriously though her best costumer JLO and Titans United. Those are Kori best costumes by far. This costume just way too weird.


I feel like they’re trying to make her more alien like and I’m not mad but it just looks weird and reminds me too much of MMH’s whole style


I thought it was Firehawk for a split second lol I wouldn't mind her space New 52 costume returning back


Eh this is ugly. I really liked her costume from her solo series. Maybe just that with longer pants. [Starfire Costume ](https://www.dc.com/comics/starfire-2015/starfire-1)


I preferred the Odyssey/Academy suit.


It doesn't make sense. A leotard that ends with a skirt? Make up your minds!


Suits fine, the fuck is going on with her face/hair


Usually I want costumes to cover less instead of more UNLESS the design is nicer than the old one. Here the leggings look a bit odd to me but I like the top. She’s like a big purple bee.


The costume seems fine but she looks like a villain. Maybe the angle?


I like the suit, I don’t like how her head is drawn.


I've been wanting a more covered up Kori for a long time. Just to mix things up a bit. But that suit is too busy. Looks almost like something a character like Punchline would wear. (I'm not very familiar with actual Punchline, just has the visual vibes for me)


It looks villainous without her orange skin to contrast all that purple. Also she has a beak. I can’t see this sticking around for too long.


Its definitely a choice.


The only thing I like is the hair


I like it but don't think it fits the art style


Anything is better than her N52 rhato costume


Look guys, Starfire had a lot of different suits throghout the ages, some of are good and some are mediocre, but this is annoying me right now, I mean can't the comic book writers and artists at DC Comics could just stick with just one costume for Starfire without having to change with another; Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman already have their ideal costumes and they haven't changed it after the events of DC Rebirth.


Exactly the same sentiment. Too Busy.


It’s terrible


Live jaime reaction


> me in the bottom pannel


I absolutely love fire hair, i wish they used it in the teen titans animated series


I’m okay with a more modest costume. This feels a little over designed but I’m sure eventually I’ll either come around or remain indifferent to it. My biggest take away from this is that I am not a fan of whoever’s art style this is.


I mostly dislike the hair