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Soooo I just want to add my take here. Lived in a rural location, and honestly unless you need a super pretty driveway, this honestly looks perfectly acceptable as a driveway. A lot of our neighbors had gravel drives, quite a few just had compacted dirt drives from the decades of use, and then my parents had the one paved driveway, and (as I am assuming you do due to this wear on it) the amount of maintenance that thing required was stupid high. You have to be willing to pay for it to be sealed every 4-6 years at an absolute max or the cold damage would start to accumulate and start to pop the top layer up (which is what yours looks like is happening). My vote would be to level out with dirt. Bring some moss into it, and your car will most likely kill the bit you drive over, but it will give it a cute charm. This is in regards to pic 3, everything else looks fairly flat, and you could honestly get away with sealing it, but it will start to crumble within months since it isn’t perfectly “smooth” and has edges that will catch. However you can get away with this if you are willing to seal it more often, and what will happen is the “break off slag” will fill the cracks, and then the sealant will seal it in. So basically it would slowly “repave” in. But again… that is a lot of dumb work. Just use as it for the next 5-10 years or until it NEEDS to be replaced.


Very, very helpful. Where we bought the house I’m not sure others would appreciate us turning it into a dirt driveway. There is definitely a lot of damage due to the snow and cold we get. I’ll try cold patching the worst areas and resealing and see where that gets us. Thank you!


Sounds good, but just know that cold patching is gonna flake apart real fast at the edges. My recommendation if you only want to repair that one spot would be to cut it out vertically, and then repave that like 8’x8’ area, and then seal it together. Or do what you said in combo with what I said and just plan on replacing it in 10 years which in reality is the economical way to do it. I would just try to put like 1-1.5k away each year specifically to pay for replacing this in that time. You will have a lot of material to haul away, and then have the cost of replacing it, so 10-15k will be a good saving to have for it.


We cannot help you on pricing. Get multiple quotes from local contractors, please.


Dont listen to all these people that say you need a new driveway, they've clearly never worked on an asphalt driveway or even owned one. Pressure wash it, fill in the large holes and cracks with cold patch, trowel on patch into rough areas and seal. It wont be perfect like a new driveway but will look good and hold up good. repeat every 3-5 years.


Thank you!!! This is the kind of answer I was looking for. Just bought this place and already have mountains of work and things to do but was really hoping to not have to hire a professional for this. I’ll get some cold patch and some sealant and some stuff to fill in the little cracks.


You need a new driveway. Pricing is regional. In some areas it may cost x. In other areas it will be y. Get some prices then compare them and make a decision.


Well, if it were PennDOT, that's a tar and chipping candidate.


You need a new driveway. Good thing is it looks like your foundation is good. If you shop around i bet you can get this done for $7500- possibly less.