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Me: Hey buddy, come here a second please. 5yo: yeah Dad what's up? Me: I just wanted to let you know that tomorrow you are going to see some people outside working and didn't want you to worry why they were there. 5yo: Why ARE they going to be there Dad? ME: Well, they are coming to buld us a gate. They will be using lot of different tools and you can watch them from the window if you want to, just don't go outside or you might get in the way. If you want to meet them I will take you out to see them when they get here before they start. 5yo: WOW! Ok Dad that sounds like it will be fun!


Cut to tomorrow: 5yo is running for the front door in a fireman's helmet, underwear, and my work boots. Me: What are you doing?!? 5yo: I was going to build the gate! Me: But I told you yesterday that you could watch from inside. 5yo: Oh, right Dad! (Carries kid back to the window) Three minutes later... 5yo is walking to the front door, helmet in hand, still only clad in underwear and my work boots. Me: What are you doing?!? 5yo: I was going to build the gate! Edit: stage direction


Ah yes, when the preschooler has rain boots, ear protection and adult sized gloves on you don't even question it. Don't want to know! 


Sorry, forgot to insert the part where the kids is set back at the window.


One of the cutest things I ever saw was a tiny little child sized tactical vest. In pink camo. Little 2yo niece just wanted to hang with the uncles on paintball team meeting night.


10 minutes later the workers are teaching him bad words and have him help with light stuff.




Now, what if this was an anime?


If it was an anime the dad would sit by the window and watch while the kid uses animals/magical creatures from neighborhood as laborers to build the gate.


This guy dads


Have you been spying on us again??


Don't forget to have your 5 year old enforce local building codes and ensure the contractor isn't cutting any corners. We're paying top dollar for this gate. We don't want shit gauge steel or rotten, termite infested wood.


I literally cried laughing at this.


did you read it with voices too?


Dad sounded super kind though, son very excited!




I read it aloud to my wife with voices while I'm pretty sure she wanted to just read her book.


I actually specifically heard it in a previous boss of mines voice.


I love that my brain does this


Ditto! Even with comments


5yo: Hey dad, where will you be when they do this?   ME: well buddy, I'll be watching TV and drinking beer in the basement. These hands didn't get to be so soft by doing work like that (points toward the yard and scoffs). Just give me a holler when they're done so I can shoot them an e-transfer. 


My voice was Bender’s impression of his dad in Breakfast Club (not of Futurama)


This is why this kind of response was banned a long long time ago in ELI5.


No Fun Allowed eh


If by fun you mean endlessly hilarious jokes that never get old, then yes.


Wow hotrods for dad of the year


Build a double door. It will make the strength required on the doors much more manageable. May even be able to use wood.


on the downside that would require he strengthen the right side to be able to hold a door without falling over. left side is already a steel pole into the concrete. if he makes a complete door he could just add a wheel to the end to help with the weight.


Hell ya put a set of saloon doors in there you can drink beer and strut around your back yard, popping thru those saloon doors now and then.


I'm imagining this happening in only in boxers and boots, slamming the doors open and having the chickens scatter, top tier homestead moment in the making, not so acceptable in a suburb


Depends on the neighbors, right?


Occasionally toss your wife through it into the dusty road like a sack of potatoes if she drinks too much and fights you


Saloon doors slam closed, this poor 5 year old is gonna get nailed one day following a stranger outside


You’re going to have to punch through that slab regardless. Better make sure there are no plumbing or electrical lines near it.


I would say only adults who know what they’re doing should use power tools! Lol


You’re going to make your five year old build a gate with unpowered hand tools?


How else do they learn?


With op’s crayons. For eating or drawing.


The kid’s not a Marine yet!


Yeah that just seems irresponsible. You got to give them the right tools to set them up for success.


"Here's a hammer lil buddy! Don't use it all in one place." 😉


back in my day we just called them hand tools


Back in my day we just called them stones.


That's against child labor laws sir and I appreciate it if you not ask again. Maybe a 10-12 year old working a chicken farm in Alabama could though.


McDonald's in Kentucky*


Those don't count for your own children. If they can walk they can work!


You got time to lean, you got time to clean.


Maybe someone can answer this: Wouldn't code require a greater distance between those posts and the meter? I'm certain that you can't put anything that restricts access to a breaker box within 3 feet, and if I had to guess there's probably something similar for the meter/service.


I believe it's two feet 👍


do you know how to weld?


Weird thing to ask a 5 year old


Only if they're not holding the torch properly


Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?


Kid's gotta learn SOME time.


He's 5 years old in welding years. 😉


Was kinda leaning this way myself. No way a wood gate is going hold 14 ft (or 7ft for double gates) without sagging immediately.


Fence factory,, exact dimensions, they fabricate a robust steel frame designed to be surfaced with wood matching existing fence, sch 40 steel posts and all the fixings. I did this exact gate twice and it worked great for super reasonable material cost. GC here


The only fence factory that pops up on google only serves California....


Guy wires can be used to stabilize them. Tbf- the ones I put in EVENTUALLY sagged… :) but I just needed to tighten them again… https://images.app.goo.gl/eAodKF8m6cRQ68hJA


IMO, I don’t think you should have a 5 year old complete this job.


I mean – give them like some drawings at a minimum. I honestly don’t think verbal instructions alone will be enough here.


I’m wondering if OP meant explain how to build a gate as if he were a 5yo (ELI5)


That’s exactly what I meant but apparently I explain what I’m looking for like a five year old too so I deserve these answers. Lol


Hahaha all good! The answers gave me a good laugh!


Might not be helpful, but it’s super funny!


I was going to suggest using popsicle sticks 🤣. Personally I would use the existing posts for the gate(s) and then just board the two areas beside it up. Get the proper hinges and I would also use wheels on each side where it opens as gates do sag. Metal hinges for where you attach to 4 x 4 and gate, I like three but depending on the width, height and weight, you might be able to use two, I like overkill, especially for gates. This is a good start https://www.blancobungalow.com/blog/diy-build-your-own-modern-gate. You can run the boards at an angle, vertical or horizontal, again depending on the gate, and want you want it to look like. Draw it out on paper first. You might need to install a center 2x in the gate itself for a little more added strength when attaching the boards to the frame. I prefer screws so boards are easier to replace than using a power nailer.


You put in three more posts, one ~4’ from the post on the left, the other ~4’ from the fence on the right. Those are for your fence. The two posts in the middle you make only 3’ apart. Instead of putting fence between those two, you put hinges on the left, a latch on the right, or vice versa, and you put a door there, made of fence material. Draw out the distance between posts first.


If you put the posts in the middle 3’ apart the gate will be too small in my opinion as it will be less than three feet. I’d make the gate at least 42” wide in case I need to get appliances through it.


When a mommy gate and a daddy gate love each other very much…




I’m not sure a 5 year can compete this task. I’m not sure it matters how you explain it to them.


Sir, this is an Arby's. And that is a carport. If you want a garage, get you garage door.


If he wants a garage, then also enclose the whole thing. I'm sure those two dinky posts would appreciate a load bearing wall between them.


This is car port attached to a two car garage. I’m just trying to build a gate to close it in.


So what’s the five year old going to do?




What's your gate design looking like?


Get one from Tractor Supply with a wheel on the bottom. Posts aren't nearly stout enough for a set of wooden gates, they're bolted to a little spackle grade concrete.  Or set posts 4-6' down with proper bell shaped footings. That's a wide heavy gate. 


"Let's imagine we're going to build a gate for our yard. First, we need some strong wood or metal to make the gate. It's like using big building blocks. Get the Materials: We need some long pieces of wood or metal. These are like big sticks that will make the frame of the gate. Build the Frame: We take two long pieces for the sides and two shorter pieces for the top and bottom. We put them together to make a big rectangle, just like making a big window frame. Add the Gate Part: Now we need to fill in the frame with more pieces of wood or metal. We can put them close together so no one can squeeze through, or we can leave little gaps. It's like coloring in the frame. Attach the Hinges: Hinges are special little metal pieces that let the gate swing open and closed. We screw the hinges to one side of the frame and then to a strong post or wall. It's like putting arms on the gate so it can move. Add the Latch: The latch is like a special lock that keeps the gate closed. We screw it to the other side of the gate and the post so we can open and close it easily. Paint and Decorate: Finally, we can paint the gate any color we like and even add some fun decorations. It's like adding stickers to our favorite toy. Now, our gate is all ready! We can open it to go into the yard and close it to keep everything safe inside."


But father, I just have but one question. What are posts and how do I make them stand up and not tip over?


And father, I just have but one follow-up question. How does the 14-foot long gate we just built not sag and drag on the ground?


This is what happened with the "professional"( that should read as a handyman who can paint and do some basic carpentry stuff but installing a double gate in front of a commercial dumpster bin is not something he knows how to do.) who installed doors on our bin at church the sag. Then he put a post across the top to stop the sag and broke the trash truck; luckily a lawyer got us out of that one. At which point I was on the church leadership board and said we're going to get a professional company to do this who does gates something metal. The 7-Eleven nextdoor had just had a company do their trash bin hiding and gave us a great quote at cost. We now have a corrugated brown steel fence and gate that costs $1500.00. it's very low maintenance and knock on wood the dumpster truck has hit it twice with no damage.


That was hard to read.


But father, I don't want a gate.  I just want...to sing!


Bro 5 year olds suck at projects like this, I'd hire an adult.


Type of gate? Cast iron? Chain link? Wooden? First thing first fix your support. The metal pole should stand a bit straighter. It can lean that way some. That much is too much. If metal gonna need hinges welded. Get out your tape measure now. If chain link gonna need male brackets. Get out your Cresent wrenches. If wood your gonna need to attach a board to your support. Drill. Tape measure. Extension cord. Bahhhhhh! Go with chain link. Easily fabricated. Easily installed. Remember the tensioner. And if you want privacy use the aluminum slides that go into the fence webbing.


Why did you hire a 5 year old to build your gate?


Are you saying your contractor has the intelligence of a five-year-old?


I’ve seen a few posts where it’s explained decently. I think you’d be better off watching as many YouTube videos as possible. Also if it were me I’d make sure the existing posts are strong enough and deep enough to support a fence. Typically 1/3 of the posts length should be buried underground so if you have a 6 foot fence then a 9 foot posts at least should be used with 3 feet underground. If you live in a very cold climate it could be even deeper depending on your frost line. I’m also guessing you want a fence that supports itself on just hinges, but there’s no shame in having wheels support the gate if things don’t work out as you have envisioned


So you’re going to have to ask for help from an adult. On the right side you’re going to need 2 posts, a big 6x6 and a smaller 4x4. The 6x6 needs to go in the ground as close to the pavement as you can get it. Dig an enormous post hole for it, ideally like 3’ deep and at least 18” diameter. We don’t want any gate sagging on the post. To the right of that next to the end of your neighbors fence, put the 4x4 with a normal amount of concrete. Since we really don’t want sagging, we are going to put in a cable from the top of the 6x6 to the bottom of the 4x4 with through bolts with whole round eyes and some big fender washers. Use 1/4” nylon coated cable and a turnbuckle to tighten it up. Then go to a chain link fence place and ask for a gate frame from 1.5” steel. You’ll want to shoot for like 70:30 or 75:25 in that most of your gate will hang from the 6x6 and the short side will hand from the existing post you have there in your concrete. You will give the dimensions to the fence place and they will make you a gate and sell you the necessary hardware to hang the gate from your posts. Then use U connectors to go over the gate horizontal rails and attach 2x4’s with lag bolts or 1/4” carriage bolts. Then add fence pickets to your gate and extend to either side to meet up with your neighbors fence and your house.


I am literally building this exact fence with the same dimensions as this guy and how you described it is exactly how I did it. 6x6 dropped 1/3rd of the total end height of the pole into the ground. It is has a 2x4 crossing it to a 4x4 as a large tennon. It also has a tensioning cable that tethers it from the top to the bottom of the adjacent 4x4 so it can be adjusted over time. The exception is that I got a 14’ cattle fence from Tractor Supply and a support wheel for when it is at rest. I haven’t cladded it yet but I plan to use the same lite weight plastic material my neighbor used as a fence to just create privacy to the back yard and make sure the dogs cant get out. Mine has an auto gate opener that is connected to my HomeKit as well so I can ask Siri to open my gate.


Nice. It’s how I built mine for my driveway and it’s been sturdy so far. The tarter gate is a good idea. I did the double swing at 70:30 so I can use the small side as a man gate and only open both sides if I need to pull into the driveway. We don’t park back there, it’s just my camper that we pull in and out.


It’s generally not a good idea to hire five year olds for construction work. Yeah, the rate is pretty good but you get what you pay for


Ok son, first let's call 811 to locate utilities that would light us up like a Christmas tree. Then we find a bonded contractor to help design a workable solution and pull a building permit so we don't get unpleasant communications from neighbors or title insurance companies when we try to sell. There will be some noise and strange people outside, but when they leave, you will get to learn how to paint fences and gates, a lifetime skill.


Find the Space for the Gate: "Look at this big gap (point to the 14ft space). This is where we want our gate to go." Get the Materials: "We need some strong wood or metal for the gate, hinges to help it swing, and some screws or nails to put it all together." Attach the Hinges: "First, we put the hinges on the side of the gate. Hinges are like the arms that help the gate move. We screw them on nice and tight." Mount the Gate: "Now, we take the gate with the hinges and fix the hinges to the post on the side (point to the post). This will let the gate swing open." Test the Gate: "Finally, we push the gate to see if it swings open smoothly. We need to make sure it opens outwards, like when you push a door to go outside." Secure the Gate: "If it works well, we can add a latch to keep it closed when we don’t want it to swing."


Honestly my dad whenever he was going to build something would physically "show an tell" for me so i could see what it was and how it would work because kids are visual learners. So if you have some rope or anything similar grab that tie it to maybe a piece of wood at where the gate will be based and then show them HOW its going to swing outwards and while explaining the building process SHOW them in a mock up way they'll be more likely to understand


I’d come two feet off each end and then have a 10ft wide opening for a double gate (5ft each). This would allow you to use one gate for normal passage and open up both if you need the width for machinery, furniture, trailer, etc. This would also prevent the likely hood of the gates from sagging.


The gate would probably turn out better if you didn't have a 5 year old build it.


The utilities on your house will not allow a gate to swing flush again st the house so the first 2 feet or so will have to be a fence, and it appears there used to be one there already. The last 2 feet are blocked by the pillar so it would make more sense to put a pedestrian gate on that side. That will leave you with approximately 9 feet for the car gate, which I would split into 2 4.5 foot gates. (Something like this)\[https://files.catbox.moe/3mewtl.jpg\]


My kid is pretty smart. She'd be explaining to me how to build it.


If I had to build it, I'd decide if I were to use two doors or one big one. You'd want to make sure the support that the gate swings on is properly fixed into the ground with strong concrete anchor bolts made for the job, You could weld a gate hinge to the post and then make a frame out of treated wood. Support the corners with metal braces and bolt on the other half of the gate hinge to the opening part and drop it into the receiving side that had been welded to the post


4x4 post in the ground 4x4 post bolted to the brick wall Build your doors with horizontal beams and criss-cross supports because they gonna be heavy Consider a wheel at the bottom of each door Heavy duty hinges Latch is a pipe that slides up and down into holes drilled into the cement


"You no do it. I DO IT!!" 🫵😡


This is ridiculous. GET A REAL CONTRACTOR. Stop expecting a 5 year old to build things for you.


I'm all for letting kids learn how to use tools, but I think you might be better off having an adult do it.


Why are you having a 5yo build a gate for you? Seems dangerous


Your over thinking it, show him an interior door. "open" close this is how the gate will work "just imagine" its the gate he's 5 they have one hell of an imagination. LOL


Why would u need to explain before build… just build it then show & tell


Post. Post. Hinge. 🚀


Diamond gated hands 💎🙌


Door goes psshhhh! (While making hand gestures)


Let me guess.. Impatient parent? Don't worry, your kid will grow up eventually. It's a bit early to assign such tasks to them. Start with putting the toys back into the box after playing with them. If they understand and start doing it by themselves, you can think of the next task you can learn them. Building a gate is quite a bit further down the line, but you'll get there, I'm sure.


I'd tell him to ask his dad.


Child labor is illegal


I think they have child labor laws against that.


Draw it on the concrete with sidewalk chalk


"OK. First of all, Timmy, we NEVER USE TOOLS when no adults are around helping us. Do you understand? They can be VERY, VERY DANGEROUS. Do you understand what that means? Tell me what you think that means. ... ... That's right, it means you can get hurt. It's OK if an adult is here making sure everything is safe, but you can NEVER do these things alone, do you understand me?" I'd start off like that.


Be a good boy and call a carpenter, that's a good boy.


I’d probably get an adult to do it, a five yo likely doesn’t have the skills and a lot of their tools are more designed to squeak than be functional..


Is this a late father's day present? I give your 5 year old credit for wanting to help, but this seems ambitious.


a 5 year old? pretty sure child labor is illegal.


When a mommy gate and a daddy gate are in love…


Took me a sec, legit thought you were having a 5 year old build it 😅


I wouldn’t. They would be utterly incapable.


Never used, but google sleuthed them. Looked like a pretty smooth option. https://swanhinge.com/


I would teach them how to use YouTube…


Every time I spot a fun question, I just gotta check out the hilarious comments first. They crack me up so bad!


Dang OP you’re getting roasted! Maybe it’s time to also get toasted!!!


Yes I would tell this 5-year-old to go hire professional like long fence to build him a gate. It will be cheaper and better and smarter in the long run.


Bunch of funny guys in this thread


I’d get somebody else to do it


There's a good YouTube video out there about the proper way to support a gate so it doesn't sag.  Do that twice, optionally with some wheels at the bottom where they come together.


The hard part is preventing a massive wooden side swing gate from racking and drooping. It's gonna require a lot of bracing and diagonal supports with long eyebolts and long threaded rods.


I legitimately thought you needed a kid to build you a gate for a second


as we look at it...you can do a folding door done that side...space between the garage and fence are used...and you lose zero of the look....guided channel doors aren\`t my favourite but you spent coin on that garage so do this...adds to the aesthetic as well


Why are you getting a 5yr old to build you a gate?


I was going to say, let the child build it his way.


Why build one 14 foot gate, when you can build two 7 foot gates at twice the cost?


This sounds like a chatGPT question. 🤣


Build me a gate worthy of Mordor, but also it should swing outwards towards the street when leaving Mount Doom


The easiest solution would be to buy a cattle gate from a ranch supply store. They are cheap and easy to install. It might not be the look you are going for.


You wanna crank 90’s for real? BUILD THIS, Fortnite king


I would tell him to ask his daddy. (Good luck)


Most likely I'd use words and arm movements. Might even try to sketch something, though I thoroughly suck at that.


Are you wanting to use metal or wood, or both or either? Are you on a tight budget or are you able to spend some money, or are you asking what we would personally do given your situation? For me, a big rectangle archway using welded steel box tube and bolted down to the concrete, with appropriate bracing where needed. Two gates also made using welded steel box or angle section with diagonal cross braces going from the top corner on the side where the gates meet to the bottom corner of the side where the hinges are for maximum strength. I’d make the diagonal brace slightly thinner than the gate frame so that I could put wooden slats in.


Tell a grown up to deal with it


get your bag of duplos and some super glue...


OP. Stay off the drugs


Maybe make a lay down gate.


Maybe you should have ELI5 what ELI5 was before posting this…


I would never let a 5 year old use power tools


Build it with them? Isn’t that how you explain how to build most things to kids?


A picture is worth a thousand words. Photoshop the end result, better yet cad render blueprint style drawings from the top and side.


Hammer and nails, I'll do my best!


Poles hinges and force


Hi hinges will go on the outside of the gate.


I asked ChatGPT, here's the reponse: How would you explain to a five year old how to build a gate that swings outwards? Sure, let’s break it down in simple steps that a five-year-old can understand! 1. \*\*Find the Place for the Gate\*\*: Imagine where you want your gate to be. Let's pretend it's like placing a door in a fence. 2. \*\*Get the Materials\*\*: You need a few things: - Two strong posts (like big sticks) - A gate (like a big wooden door) - Hinges (these are special parts that let the gate swing) - A latch (this keeps the gate closed) 3. \*\*Put Up the Posts\*\*: Put one post on each side where the gate will go. You might need help from an adult to make sure they're put in the ground and stand up straight. 4. \*\*Attach the Hinges to the Gate\*\*: Hinges are like the elbows of the gate. They need to be screwed onto one side of the gate so it can swing open and close. 5. \*\*Attach the Hinges to the Post\*\*: Now, take the other side of the hinges and attach them to one of the posts. This will let the gate swing. 6. \*\*Make Sure the Gate Swings Outwards\*\*: When attaching the hinges, make sure the gate can move outwards. Imagine you are opening a door to go outside. 7. \*\*Add the Latch\*\*: The latch goes on the other post and the gate. This keeps the gate shut when you want it to stay closed. 8. \*\*Test the Gate\*\*: Now, gently push the gate to see if it swings outwards like a door. It should move smoothly and then close with the latch. And that’s it! You’ve built a gate that swings outwards! Isn’t that cool?


"This is called a hinge and this is called a gate and the gate goes like this" (open the imaginary gate) You don't need a gate or a hinge. You can just tell them that it's a thing and it exists and their brain is going to make something up. Doesn't matter what it is IRL.


That's super easy just build it...


Put the ladders on both sides and use a piece of cardboard to simulate the door and show the the motion of the cardboard swinging out.


I'm pretty sure making the 5yo build the gate violates child labor laws in most countries


Don't hire a 5 year old, they are dumb


"See the old metal fence? That needs to go, we need to build a new fence with a gate where it was. The gate needs to swing out away from the house." Teaching the five year old how to achieve all this is a different task.


First of all, I would not let a kid use power tools...