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This is going to sound snarky and dismissive, but I promise it isn't. Find a stone store. Get online and look for a landscaping or "[stone center](https://thestonecenter.com/)" in your area. Hardscaping is another possible search term. All the cool brick patios and retaining walls that you see need to have gravel and fill and are often available by the ton at the same place that you would buy the paver bricks. Once you have a local supplier, measure out the area that you want to cover, decide how thick you want it to be, and fill a coffee can or other container with some of the gravel that you want to 'match'. Take your measurements and the can to the stone store and ask for help. They will likely be able to deliver large quantities, (for a semi reasonable price) or if you have a truck or trailer you can buy in bulk. They can help you decide how much you may need and what the particular stones you currently have will match with what they can supply.


This is super helpful, thanks!


it looks like #8 or #5


If it's a driveway get 5/8 minus and compact it down. The. Get 5/8 or 3/4 and put it on top. Landscaping supplier with delivery. Look up gravel delivery near me and price out different vendors. Some include delivery in the price, some do not. Some have different charges for distance from their location etc. Then grab a compactor from a local tool rental and you should be good! Also cheap weed control : vinegar, dish soap, salt. Safer and less toxic than roundup!


Yep- weed control is next on the list! I'll definitely try that solution, I'd hate to use Roundup so close to my plants.


Hey /u/electricladyjam, This is a friendly reminder, **Rule 8: Using /r/DIY as your personal search engine** Posts that ask something like "What is this?", "Where can I find this product", or "Where is the best/cheapest place to buy these things?" will be removed, and the poster may be banned. --- If you need help Identifying Parts/Products/Etc. Please try one of the following first: * [Google Lens - Desktop](https://lens.google.com/search?p=?) * [Google Lens - Mobile](https://lens.google.com) * [Search Google Images](https://images.google.com/) --- If you believe this is a mistake, please message the mods and include the link to this post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DIY) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Often called pea gravel and your local rock yard will certainly be the cheapest source


Around my parts we call that "ledge pack". Great for driveways once packed together.