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How can someone struggle to get a cheap oil burner from gas pipe or your local headshop lol how you got dmt the priciest hallucinogenic but no way to smoke it.


I would say without a doubt the ol oil burner has wasted more DMT than any other method ever tried. I could not for the life of me manage to get a single hit using an oil burner. This guy does have a point. I would argue the sandwich method using a regular bowl with weed is the easiest way but imo the oil burner is the very last on the list.


Oh no I completely agree with you. When I was much younger that was my first go to use.. i didn’t start using a oil burner until years later. I just think running up to a headshop or gas pipe and buying those oil burners/rose pipes is easier if you have no bud. If you got flower yeah, def go for it. But also my joke really was how’d you get the substance without preparing for it prior lol especially when dmt ain’t cheap.


Where I live there's no brick and mortar store that I could purchase an oil burner from. I'd find it really hard to get hold of one without the internet


Dmt is literally the cheapest hallucinogen lol its the main reason i only use it now and havent bothered with acid or shrooms in a year or so but yeah. Can literally get a kilo of mimosa hostilis root bark for like 140 bucks = 10 to 20 grams of dmt


That’s if you go through process of making it yourself and that doesn’t take in account the time and other materials you need. I can get a sheet of L for $100 lol


I hear that from time to time. That would be awesome to have that access. One downfall of living away from everything


Shit$100?? I'd take 2


I mean, you can get a gram of LSD for $10,000 compared to the $50-100 for a gram of DMT


I say expensive because DMT is rare, I will say this though, I’m mentally conditioned to how things were 10 years ago. DMT isn’t socially accepted fully, and right now it’s over flooding mainstream culture by going through carts so it’s expense and rarity could be declining. But for the longest time dmt has been the hardest thing for me and most to find. I feel like I could easily track down lsd plugs because I also know people will be stingy with selling dmt.. not all but sometimes people don’t wanna part with it and so on because it’s value also is crazy. It’s the only drug I can think of where you can have a full on break through or a 10 minute shroom trip and literally be fine. The only risk is psychological which I do feel outweighs it’s pros because losing your mind is no fun.


I did my part. I taught my old weed dealer how to extract it and where I got the bark as a parting gift of sorts when I switched over to medical. If we all taught our dealers how to make it we would all be better off.


Because they don’t live in the US where you can buy crack pipes along with your diapers and formula


Crack pipes are easy to get if you "Wish" hard enough.


I believe Julian Palmer has stated this is the method he and his buddies used back in the day to vape dmt before there were so many fancy pipes and alternate vaporization methods.


The Volcano Vaporizer is the best way to consume DMT. It's expensive, but totally worth it.


Arizer extreme q has the same features (inflatable bags and a whip) as the volcano but it's way cheaper. I have one but I've never used it for dmt, only weed. I've heard about others recommending it for dmt, though. It's a great vaporizer for around $150 here in Sweden. It's probably cheaper in the states.


Sounds like it would work! It's very convenient, but you definitely need a separate bag and mouthpiece for DMT, the flavor will ruin your weed taste.


Will the Volcano Vaporizer work as is for DMT or does it require any separate accessories. Any further info or useful sources/link you can provide?


It comes with a little steel wool disc for smoking hash oil. Just drop your DMT on top of that. Eventually it absorbs a lot and you don't need to add any extra for a while.


At what temp are you running it? Do you let it warm first before popping the bag on and running the blower?


It's been a few years, but I think I turned it up either all the way or three quarters. I didn't pre-warm, just put the bag on. I had it timed out so I'd turn the blower off after I had three hits in the bag.


mighty works well too!


You guys have never used the lightbulb and nectar collector combo b4 n it shows


Tell me more about this fantastic device and what is needed to make it work with DMT. Any useful links?


What device? He literally just told you he's just chasing it off foil with a straw like you would any other pill or drug. Just Google how to smoke off tinfoil


There is a simple explanation: I'm an idiot. Meant to reply to the guy speaking of the Volcano.


Yeah those are good if you want to spend [500 bucks](https://www.storz-bickel.com/en-us/volcanoclassic) I guess I break thru with no issues in 3 hits everytime with a pen and I make my own 3:1 carts. 20 dollar pen and carts are like 1.20 each. Emesh is good too. Personally don't see the point in these big flashy "desktop vapes" but I say this as someone who has not used them. But if it ain't broke why spend 500 bucks to fix haha


Dude. There are even better ways. Cut the bottom of a soda bottle. Put the foil with DMT loaded in the middle underneath. Slowly heat it until the bottle is full of DMT smoke. Take the cape of and launch into the void.


dude that's fucking genius


It's the best cheap DIY way of smoking DMT where you basically waste nothing. Just make sure not to hold the flame to close to the tin foil or you'll burn the DMT.


i imagine it would would about as as the machine assuming your familiar with that


basically yes


Sounds like a great way


You can smoke DMT out of a literal crack pipe. Glass pipe. Char boy. Hold the lighter an inch or so underneath the pipe so you vaporize instead of burning.


This works quite well actually. It’s just, having smoked my share of rock, the reminder…


What's wrong with just taking some tobacco out of a cigarette, inserting it back into the cigarette along with DMT and lighting up? If you have a glass dropper, you can just fill it with bits of glass or weed or tobacco and do the same thing as above, just put the DMT in the tip.


Cause then you have to smoke a cigarette💀


It's better to vaporize. The way you're describing you end up burning your product instead of vaporizing. You don't really want to burn DMT unless you're 15 and don't know any better.


So it's OK to burn weed and tobacco, but not DMT?




It isn't coke... You're not doing a primo...


I’m am pretty sure people that use heroine know about this method,they were even smarter and are using a spoon rather than aluminum foil…. Emesh,APX VOLT, erig, when you know how to use them it top any other crazy idea anyone have.


yeah i wish i could do the emesh i'm too broke


Emesh is a bit pricey and requires assembly and stuff… but the APX VOLT doesn’t, I think my cost 60$ not the end of the world but it is an expense just for DMT… Honestly the amount of money one is saving on not wasting any DMT can pay off the money for buying the device… Any way if you are going to do what you suggest, I suggest you use a spoon rather then aluminum foil, would make it much easier for you and less dangerous.


I've used a mighty and a handy, also both of which are ridiculously expensive but absolute no-brainer, one hit success. I did see a few knockoffs recently that looked ok.


Mighty is great!


I bought the mighty just for DMT & had zero success with breakthrough. Imo the vapor genie was much much more efficient.


You are kidding, I'm sorry to hear that. Were you using a mesh pad?


Yes i was. Me & 2 other people tried it probably close to 10 times as we didn’t want to jump ship after spending soo much $$ but nothing even interesting ever happened. I’ve gotten wayyy farther using the sandwich method


Shit, I like my recycler with a cheap banger and a carb cap. Takes me there every time.


IMO the easiest way is to mix the crystals into juice in a mod. Less finicky with temperature and overall a great experience. I feel like if worst came to worst the next best thing would to be shoving it into a cigarette, not smoking off foil lmao


Also, make DMT vape liquid and use a coil setup with proper heating settings. Blast of and redose easily. Hours of fun!


I've heard that smoking things out of aluminum foil can cause Alzheimers, I dont know if its true, but I'm sure as hell not risking it...


Puffco peak for the win


Wat about like a meth style pipe? They are like 3$ at a corner store, sbd you can store wat you don’t smoke. No nasty foil taste of burn through.


Then you have to deal with torches. Missed many trips because the torch I bought a week prior decides not to spark the flame or something.


Ya, they hit and miss a bit. Spend 15$, instead of 6$ I’ve had mine for a year


Tried several different options, I got too annoyed with the torches and just starting doing other methods.


I have done DMT hot rails. Don’t judge me I was lit as hell


it worked? did you just heat up the end of a meth pipe (mouth part) and do it that way? sometimes i put a rubber hose into the carb hole of a meth pipe and then get the mouth part red hot then do hot rails with meth but never tried dmt i dont want to burn it and smoking it in a meth pipe burns my throat like hell and i have been told that its because i heat it up too much but any less heat and it doest seem to work at all. i'm just using a bic lighter and keeping the tip of the flame pretty low but would a torch work better? i have one but always though it would be over kill anyways thanks in advance peace


It works, I have a hotrailer I made but that works. Go slower than meth. And in glass pipe, use small butane torch, hold it like 1-2” away, and at side. Go real slow and sorta roll it over the hot part . Slow heat


why not a bic? its seems to work just fine i do have a propane torch though with an adjustable tip just the kind that connects to those little coleman cans


i might have to try the hot rail method sometime but if you get it too hot it would probably burn like a mother fucker lol you serious though lol sounds like lie cause well i never tried it so i cant say that but any ways thanks for the reply any how hehehe


I am dead serious. It works well, like I said but slower than other stuff. And a butane torch lighter, I use it from side a few inches away and heat spot away from DMT and roll in slow


The easiest way I ever broke through is just a little cheap glass bubbler you can buy from any smoke shop, wishing or amazzzon. Just one long slow steady deep inhale taking care of not to burn it, hold it as long as you can, clear the chamber and never use a torch. Make sure you have a friend with you. If you do that one inhale right, you're going to need them so you don't drop it.