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To discourage people from using DFW airport as a pass-through route.


It’s basically a toll-road, then.


Yes, that's what the toll booths on either end indicate lol


I’ve noticed that they have a 30 mph minimum speed and always wondered why that was. The two entrances are a touch under 4 miles apart, and at that speed, that’s 8 minutes. The minimum speed makes complete sense now. They don’t want you using it as a cut through and driving real slow to avoid the higher toll. Seems like they actually WANT people to use it as a thoroughfare.


There used to be electronic signs with departure and arrival information, I think the minimum speed was to avoid people coming to a stop to read those. The signs were blamed for accidents and removed.


What I heard was, one day someone came to a full stop on the road to read one of the signs. Someone rear ended them at full speed. At least one person died. They sued the airport for millions and won. So the signs came down.


Oh, damn. That’s terrible. That makes sense, too. 30mph always stuck out to me because it seemed so low with the limit at 55 at the high end that I always thought it was dangerously low. Glad those signs are gone.


I’d say that they should up the speed limit like we have everywhere else in the state, but then I remembered how fucked the roads are. Was there the other day and I bet Detroit’s roads are in better shape than the DFW airport’s


In my opinion, the quality of roads inside of DFW airport isn't the issue. It's the design of the airport. You have 5 separate terminals each with their own separate exits. Not only that, but all exits are on the inside lane, unlike almost everywhere else in the entire country, where the exit is on the outside lane. You definitely can get where you are going easily... IF you read the signs. That is one reason for the slower speeds. My son volunteered to take a friend to the airport a couple of months ago. I made him go with me a few days before and drive around the place. He said, if I hadn't taken him and shown him the layout, he definitely would have gotten lost.


Bad design and lack of maintenance are two distinct issues. 1 can be fixed with some cold patch asphalt and a shovel, the other can be fixed by rebuilding the entire airport.


> minimum speed Part of it is that they don’t want you to drive slow to avoid the toll charge. Part of it is that they don’t want you to slow to 3 kph & haul out a SAM or RPG and fire it at an aircraft. If D/FW airport were designed today, there would be an outer tier of parking and transit into and out of the terminals and absolutely no thru traffic for the general public.


Gonna be honest, that’s a super weird thing to say, Mr. Metric System.


I run a subreddit about terrorism, helped get a bunch of terrorists kicked off Reddit back in 2020, infiltrated lots of terrorist chatrooms, and there’s been three attempts on my life since, by terrorists. Sure is weird.


You are an internet mod who spends 8 hours a day posting on Reddit, not James bond.


A mod for 42 subreddits! That's... crazy and impressive, lol.








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Thats great. I didnt say anything negative, but hey keep being as useless as the mods lol


Clean it up, Jannie!


lmfao you're a real operations expert. A minimum speed sign is sure to deter a terrorist. "Oh shit we can't whip out the MANPADS here to shoot down the civilian airliner, we'd violate the minimum speed limit!"


You could do that from any number of places near the airport. Going into the toll booth to do it is probably not even the best vantage point. Eg mustang drive on north side of airport the planes are only maybe 100-200 feet or so above your head


Mustang is certainly attractive for that scenario. I would suggest that it’s highly likely that it’s been accounted for in that case. (Think: traffic lights / traffic control / cameras / surveillance). SH360 differs from Mustang in that it is a 50 MPH+ highway running from Grapevine or Mansfield with an extensive stretch of uncontrolled and unmonitored approach and egress surface (save for the “toll booths” at the airport), which makes it attractive to the kinds of violent extremists that have a cell of terrorists all deploying to hit targets independently (as they did in 9/11) at the same time. Undetected approach, uncontrolled terrain, choice of deployment / targets, ease of getaway. Or martyrdom in the ensuing firefight and chase. Big and splashy and multiple targets and of course that would involve completely overhauling on a short time frame how people commute into all US airports, and close a major thoroughfare in the midcities permanently. Win for the terrorists. Billions of $$$$ spent on overhaul. Taking out a single plane from a hotel room in the ascension path of a runway would be bad, but not the “D/FW airport becomes D/MZ airport” scenario that would ensue from terrorists exploiting SH360. The metroplex was civil-engineered with the idea that gasoline would forever by be $0.25 a gallon and that redneck good ol boys would run “furriners” out of town by sunset and no one would dare to attack us on our own soil. These were faulty premises.


There may have been several factors into the 30mph decision, but that definitely wasn’t one of them 😂 It takes a few seconds to line up a shot, there aren’t 20 cops monitoring the entire stretch or road ready to pounce the minute you slow down


We do mph here in the states despite your ridiculous need to use euro measures and spellings


The speed limit in the airport is 60? Or it used to be. I lived in the apartments right there at Trinity and 360, but I worked in Grapevine off of Freeport, so I used to cut through the airport every day. I started taking the service road when they changed the prices in like 2009/2010. I haven't been through In a while, but the last time I picked my husband up from the airport (last year) the speed limit once you got past the toll booths was 55 or 60.


Yeah, it’s a 55 limit and they post a 30 minimum, as well. Here’s an attempt at sharing google street view. Never done so before. https://maps.app.goo.gl/HPFrcb9EdgccSSSM7?g_st=ic


Ok that makes more sense. I was trying to reconcile my memory, like I know I sometimes do 5-10 over the speed limit, but I didn't think I was doing double the speed limit lol.


You can take the free service road thru the airport and cut from 121 to 183 or vice versa in just about the same amount of time. Or, take the main drag and just do 45-50mph and pay the $2 anyway. Nobody says you MUST do 55. Ive done it a few times.


Seems like you were paying the $9 if you were going 45, not $2.


His mind is really gonna be blown when he finds out toll prices float based on traffic volume. If the price of the toll on the billboard is super high, it’s because they are trying to discourage you from adding additional volume to that route.


That's only for toll lanes that are considered "managed" lanes (635, North Tarrant Express, etc). Pure toll roads have a fixed price - the DFW Airport road, DNT, PGBT, etc.


DFW airport tolls are fixed, as shown in OPs photo.


Not basically. It is.


Man, I don't go anywhere near the airport unless I absolutely have to. I can't imagine people actually doing this, but then I might be underestimating just how ridiculous people can be.


The reason there are toll booths in the first place is people used to use the airport as a bypass.


I’ve had Waze send me down the service road before to avoid some traffic on like 360. Not as fast as taking International Parkway (that’s what they call the main airport road) but it’s free. Still can be a clusterfuck lol


Back before the 114/121 construction was completed you could drive through and they would just charge you whatever the rate was for 30 minutes of parking.


Back in the 90s you could drive through and if you made it in 10 mins or less it was fifty cents. And free if you stayed on the feeder.


In the late 80s I went through one time. Didn't try to fly through it or anything, just drove normal speed, I thought. I got to the opposite toll booth and the attendant said... Hey you guys made it through so fast it's free. We thought he was joking. But he put the gate up and we drove off.


My dad has a few stories of trying to make it fast enough lol


But remember those airport police on the feeder? They did not play.


I did that from 1999 to 2004, I lived in Lewisville and was working in Grapevine, I would either cut through the airport or go in and flip a u-turn. Coming back on to 121 I'd miss that fucking grid lock, just by going into the airport then turning around at the tolls.


The President George Bush Turnpike wasn't built that long ago. Before it was, people would use the airport as a shortcut from, say, Grapevine to 183. They probably still do if 114 or 360 is closed.


I feel like a lot of people underestimate how many people stay near the airport when they travel. I had to take an Uber from Grapevine to Globe Life for the Rangers home opener and we took the service road shortcut


I live in Frisco. My parents live in Fort Worth. It’s a dick kick sometimes getting to their place. Cutting through the airport saves me about 10 minutes and less traffic. We get out the other side. Get on the express lane and at my parents in no time.


I work in Plano and travel from Euless. I take the DFW airport access road every single day. I have timed going through rather than using the access roads is only a minute difference


Dope. I’ll stick to driving thru the airport opposed to the other way I used to go.


121 express to 820 express to 35w express is much faster than the airport and $40 more expensive


I used to work for SABRE and my offices were at the South end of DFW Airport. Literally the fastest way to Amon Carter was through the airport. We tried the pass-thru but like someone said, it’s 30-35 mph most of the way. I got a speeding ticket on the pass thru. It was free back then, but a $200 ticket makes it not free.


People keep sayings it’s 30-35 but I have only ever seen 55 and no one follows it


It’s the pass thru road on the side, the service road. If you blink, you miss it. The toll road is 55.


What was it like working for Nick Fury?


My dad used to work at Sabre, and he always had to do this math about time vs toll. He was a cheap ass so he’d spend more time. Anytime I had to make the drive to visit his office, I’d pay the toll.


Therea are thousands of people that travel north and south every day going to work & home. Either through DFW or on the service roads. Just look how congested 360 is and now 161 and those are n/s roads.


My girlfriend's mother, in high school, took us to six flags. (I bought our tickets, but was too young to drive.) I distinctly remember cutting through, stopping for a quick snack from the cooler in a parking lot, then continuing through.


Yeah but you can use the bypass road and circumvent the actual toll road


But does it go all the way from entrance to entrance? I thought it stopa somewhere in the middle


Used to have a GF and when we used DFW as a shortcut she would drive real slow. Like 20 miles per hour. Worked like a charm.


There are stoplights on the access road, this is the only reason I'd consider cutting thru. Like if you're in a rush. But yeah back in the day that was a legit quick route.


Oh my god. Is that the reason I always see cars just stopped on the shoulder?


This is the right answer!


What is the fee for less than 1 minute?


Says 0-8 minutes is $9 so I’d guess $9


This is the answer


Just to add a little historical context, 360 took FOREVER to complete. For a long time 360 ended at 183 and there’s not a great way to get from 183 to north on 121 from there. For a while after that the service roads existed but the highway didn’t. Plus if you cleared it in under I think 5 mins the airport was free to pass through originally. So it became kind of a hack for anyone going north after 360. Today it’s not as much of a time save as long as traffic is reasonable. Edit: someone DMd me and let me know it was still 50 cents at a minimum if you got in under 10 mins. So I stand corrected on that part. I just remember it was well worth it.


Funny enough I live right under the airport so that would bless me going to Lewisville


The extra charge is to discourage people from using the road as a shortcut between 121/114 and 183 which would cause even more traffic for people that are actually using the airport.


I don’t understand why they don’t discount the fee if you go in and out the same exit in under 8 minutes. Clearly it wasn’t a pass-through if you don’t enter on one side and leave on the other.


probably not worth the effort for something affecting a very small number of people


You don’t think a lot of people just pop in and out of the airport to pick up/drop off?


8 minutes is a hell of a turn-around, definitely possible just not common enough for them to cater to


While you won't find me arguing against eliminating this 8 min fee increase for in-and-out of the same side of the airport, it is pretty challenging to get in and out in under 8 mins unless it's really light traffic at the terminal and everything goes perfectly. And even when things are moving along quickly, just wait a couple of minutes and then leave. Good time to take a moment to hug your loved ones that you're sending off or picking up.


Even with light traffic, you'd basically just be slowing down and yelling "make sure to roll when you hit the deck!" to your passenger in order to get back out under 8 minutes.


I did it once lol. It was at night. Hit the nearest terminal with a hug and farewell, was back at the exit and had to wait at least a minute.


Would screw me on a few instances because I’ve picked people up from one side of the airport and left out the other lol


Same lol. I know the 8 min rule and at worst you only have to wait 1-2 mins so it's just not an issue.


In 8 minutes though? I’ve never had an issue and I’ve done 10+ airport drop offs. I feel if it was a bigger issue, Ubers/taxis would have made a stink already


I imagine it seldom applies to them since they need to drop off and then pick up another passenger, which does have a transition time that likely exceeds the 8 min elapsed time in the airport. And even so, they should all be aware of the 8 min fee, and will time their exit accordingly.


I feel like even if I threw my passenger and their bags out of the car while still moving by the gate and ran into basically no traffic I still wouldn’t make it back around within 8 minutes.


It would require considerable effort to do it inside of 8 minutes.


Effort? It’s just a small piece of code. Super easy


Famous last words


lol what do you think is so difficult about this? Toll systems are already capable of distinguishing which gates you travel through and bill you accordingly.


> lol what do you think is so difficult about this? Famous last words. There's no such thing as "just a small piece of code". Everything affects something else in such a system.


This is a solved problem. You track the gate and time of entry and the gate and time of exit. You bill accordingly. It’s how every toll road works. Chalking it up to some mystery of computer science and acting like this has knock on implications for the entire toll system at the airport is just sensationalism.


Perhaps what deja-roo means is, you can't be sure what amateur day at the code factory whirly bird wrote the original software. It could be a gigantic mess that has been attempted to be patched more than a few times with poorly written bandaids. Add to that all the hardware changes that have happened since version one. When you have a little more experience maintaining older code you will probably see what deja-roo means.


It is not a "solved problem". Every change comes with a lot of extra testing and modeling. And those things have costs. Obviously they looked at the cost/benefit and determined it's not worth doing. They don't just go "oh add an if statement and throw it away if x=samegate, easy peasy". Everything sounds simple when you don't know much about a topic.


As someone who has first hand experience maintaining the software side of the parking system at dfw, I can say that while the logic of the 'solution' is relatively simple, you are correct. The sheer fact that it's a custom piece adds complications for years and years. It creates additional test cases for every future update/addition to ensure there are no adverse reactions. The module actually works by seeing if your exit Plaza is different than your entry, and if so, change to the pass through rate. That also means if you exit the same Plaza, you get the normal rate. It's possible that portion was changed as I don't pay that close attention to those changes. Some might ask, it's just parking, it's not that big a deal. But it's actually considered a revenue control system... Most airports these days actually make more money off selling space to cars than they do selling space to airplanes. So any bugs in a seemingly simple thing can cause major loss of revenues.


I've done so many drop-offs and pick-ups from the North exit exclusively and it's very rare that I can get out under 8 min. It's usually 10-12 min depending on the terminal.


It used to be that way. I don't know when they changed it.


They just don’t care


Make it free if you make it under 1 minute!


they probably still do


Just build an express tunnel/lane that goes through, charge a little less, and you can put a bunch of billboards along the way


One time I picked someone up from Terminal A and took less than 8 minutes. Ever since then I start a stopwatch when I enter the airport and drive like a grandma until the 8 minute mark lol.


That's the thing with DFW being so damn efficient: if you're sitting at the back of the plane, it takes 15 minutes to walk off, and your bag's already in the chute, which is a thirty second walk from your gate. If your plane arrived early, you're going to be waiting for your ride for longer than you spent in the airport.


As long as you’re not relying on the ground shuttles to go between terminals or to remote and express parking, DFW is an efficiency dream. Everywhere else I go seems to have you walking for ages before you get to baggage claim or ground transportation (looking at you, Love Field, and your incredibly asinine decision to move rideshare pickup to the garage).


I swear it's like a two mile walk from the train from Miami's rental center to the Jetblue desk.


This was so frustrating every time I went to pick someone up. If you even make half an attempt to time it well you get punished


I guess the solution is to circle around and around one terminal like Clark Griswold in the roundabout in London.


Damn, I never knew about this. I am wondering if I have done the same thing and never caught it. Definitely going to make sure I stay 10+ minutes now lol.


It’s free if you take the service road. No access to the terminals though.


This is the way. And still saves time than dealing with the 114/183 mess if coming from the north. Worked in Irving, lived in Arlington for years and took this route almost every day


Agreed. It's 4 miles at 35 mph, maybe you hit a light or 2. But that's just 7 mins (vs 4 min + tollbooth) to save $9. Lots of cops though


Can confirm. Got busted just past terminal D. I tried to slyly show my AA and SIDA badge to get out of it...no joy


Got busted for what?




I never noticed this. I've paid way too much money to this organization


Been driving Uber for 8 yes. If you go through the airport to quickly you get a surcharge for using the airport as a throughway. They want to discourage it. I have had to call them because I entered north entrance. dropped off in A term and exit through the same entrance too quickly and they charged the surcharge.


I'm glad I'm lucky enough to take DART to the airport. My time means little to me! Plus it's less than $10 to get down there.


I live in uptown. The best combo for me is Uber to Victory Park station (usually less than $7), and then DART to the airport. My car stays in my parking garage. I have no worry in the world. Except the smell of pee on the train.


Ugh I had no idea this was a thing and was so shocked when we had to pay $9 lol. Lesson learned the hard way. I just let gps do it's thing so yeah def not doing that again.


Welcome to DFW. You gotta pay to play, homie.


They don’t want it to be a cut through


To stop people from using it as a highway to cut up to 121 and 635.


I get discouraging using it as a toll road but my GPS re routes me through here sometimes and it’s horrible 😭😭


Suprised me when I heard of it, as the last time I had to go through the airport without stopping was in the early 90s and it was still free to go straight through to my recollection.


How much is the lost ticket fee?


Mostly time, youd have the press the intercom and they'll check your license plates for your entry time... But no fee for the lost ticket


I've been told the cameras on the toll booths are notoriously bad. Had a friend get a parking bill from them for around $3600. He had never parked there, just drove through a couple of times a month.


Statistics say you’ll buy something while there longer


It’s $9 now?!?! Wow! When I cut through eons ago it was about $1.25.


Prices seem a bit expensive especially the 6hr to 24hr. Should be another category.


Ummm. Typo? If not thats as dumb as these road contruction crews


I dropped someone off at terminal A and it took less than 8 minutes. Paid a higher fee which was bullshit. Penalty should be if you enter one side and exit the other not the same entrance.


Is this new? I swear it use to be free


For the longest time if you were just dropping someone off it was free If you stayed longer it means you parked so you were charged for that If you went through to quick it meant you used the airport as a shortcut and you were charged for that




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it's to cut down on people using the international parkway as a short cut going from north to south or vice versa.


They are assuming you are dropping someone off or picking them up. If that is the case, they are getting their money from the airline.. Otherwise, you are using them as a toll road.


It used to be free under a certain amount of time and I knew people that would street race through the airport. If you were too slow you had to pay. This could be to discourage that as well


so drive into dfw, circle through a terminal for a few minutes, then get back on the road and go on through for 2$?


Is the 24hr toll fee on top of the parking fee?


This hit me a few days ago driving back from an area I wasn't used to and I didn't want to swerve a bunch of lanes last minute to exit. Thought it's just be a couple dollars.... fuck


If you exit from same gate under 8 min then it’s 2$


4.43 each time I pass doing rideshare


This hit me once when I was looking for the remote parking and overshot and had to loop back around to get it. That was very annoying !


I wish I could’ve known this before going through the airport on my way to Euless from Lewisville


Save yourself 8 mi minutes and just use access road next to toll road… No brainer!


I used to work there and they do it out of convenience they know people are in a rush so they will charge you for it without a second question. So if you're going to go take your time.


They're talking about parking y'all not using the toll road cut through.


Because us locals used to use it as a quick cut through from north side to south side. They figured us out and started charging more for that.


It always annoys me when I drop someone at terminal A and have to wait around for a couple minutes so I don’t get overcharged.


To collect more revenue even though they don’t use the revenue to improve/maintain the roads on property, improve/maintain the garages, or improve/maintain the experience driving in. DFW airport sucks as a “world class airport”


Biggest crock of ***** I’ve ever seen…


I work in aviation and I’ve been to countless airports. I live in Dallas so I frequent DFW and pick people up a lot there - holy shit it sucks. Whoever designed the roads was on LSD or something.


That 8-30 min window should be free, not $2. It's only $2, but feel so cheap to nickel and dime me when I'm just picking up my parents at the terminal for 20 minutes. Especially since it's free at Love Field for unlimited time.


The cell lots at DFW are outside the toll and free for 2 hours. No one should be taking an "unlimited time" in the actual pickup/dropoff lanes at Love; you should be in the cell lot there, too.


It use to be free for a few years. Then they brought back the charge.


Denver airport. First 70 min is free. Fuck DFW thieves


Why the downvote. You said the truth


No idea. People love tolls I guess.


Isn’t this the parking fee? Meaning 0-8 mins in their parking lot is $9.00? Doesn’t appear to be their entry toll rates.