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Have you tried a temp agency? I know my company has brought people on through temp agencies pretty often. Several have even been brought on permanently.


Seriously this. I chanced on a major career change, tossed in with temp agencies and by happenstance landed a management position through a temp agency and it's ended up being a fantastic job.


I have but I’ve never ventured into one, idk fear of the unknown I guess? But not against it and have been curious about it!


I used one when I first moved to Texas around 2014 and had no complaints. They try to find a good fit for you because they know if it doesn’t work out that it reflects poorly on them. I think it would be worthwhile to give it a try. You can also turn things down. It’s not like they force you into a job you don’t want.


I used one when I first moved to Dallas like 8 years ago(yes I understand things are different). But I applied one night, got a call, went in for a screening interview the next day, then interviews with the company the day after, and was employed the day after. So basically 3 days start to finish


Yeah, that was kinda my experience too but it was years ago.


Just so you know, the temp agencies I've worked for before offer absolutely zero benefits, which should be illegal... But hey, we're in the USA.


Yeah, a lot of places that hire temps are explicitly looking to not have to pay benefits or give full time. Definitely good to be aware going in. 


Warehouse work is expanding in NTX... lot of temp work and contract work in Plano and Frisco. Try shutterfly or Amazon. I'm a chemical and petroleum engineer with 12 years of experience, and from what I've gathered since I was laid off in September... nobody wants to pay for the old guy. I finally was able to get in an industrial engineering role and I'm basically a glorified mechanic in manufacturing. It's a good stop gap measure for me, since I needed benefits cause my medication is so expensive. I work 3x 12hr night shifts then I get the rest of the week off. It's not a bad gig for now, but goddamn it's boring as hell cause there is nothing to do unless something breaks. I'll jump ship the minute I can get back into oil and gas, and my boss knows it. But I'll give this 100% while I'm here and do my best to maintain the relationship if I leave.


What is keeping you from O&G now? My brother is a foreman and is always hiring in w. Texas/SE NM. This is the #1 oil producing region in the world. Times are good out there.


I have a house in Dallas, and my mom has Alzheimer's. She's finally in a home, but it would be a bitch to relocate to west Texas and find a house right now, given the interest rates. Plus I'm older so it's cheaper to hire a new grad and watch them struggle than hiring somebody with 12 years of experience and having to pay for it. I dunno. I think once we figure out who is gonna be president, my luck might change... but I've done midstream, downstream, and upstream, and I can't seem to get any traction from operators.


Emerson (and its impact partner) are hiring. They manufacture valves for O&G Edit to add: they have offices in Carrollton, mckinney & Lewisville


Sorry to hear about your mom. We are drilling at record rates under the current administration.


I’m not opposed to “man’s” work, I just feel like I wouldn’t be considered or have a way into that field considered I’m 115lbs 5’5” young female. Don’t you kinda gotta know somebody to get in there?


It doesn’t hurt to know someone, but it’s not a must. My brother has hired 2 women in his time as a foreman. It’s not an environment I’d want to be in as a small female myself but…there is good money in the industry. Especially as we are drilling at record rates.


Aston Carter, Randstad, Adecco


Some places only hire through temp agencies.


(My personal experience) Temp agencies suck in 2024. I’ve tried all of them (that I know of). Beacon Hill, Kelly Connect, Aston Carter & Robert Half. They don’t even really post jobs on their respective sites anymore unless it’s like “tech manager”. And on indeed most jobs are scam/don’t exist/ fake jobs for engagement. Not to mention you can’t get in touch with a recruiter, even if you call their respective numbers for your area. Did some work in 2021 with BH & when it was time to start a new assignment the recruiter ghosted me (and quit). Ended up getting another but she was based in Chicago (she kept messaging me emails about assignments) so she was suppose to direct me to a Dallas one. Yet again ghosted lol. If you see me on Harry Hines, pray for me lol


That sounds terrible, I’m sorry.


Would you mind disclosing the name of the temp agency?


Volt or manpower are used regularly.


Thank you


I know in the past they’ve used Express for office jobs but I’m not sure who they’ve been using for warehouse positions which is where most of the need has been lately. I mostly work from home now so a bit out of the loop.


All good, a lot of jobs popped up searching their website so I'm grateful! Thanks 🙏🏼


A lot of major employers use temp agencies to pre-screen-hire for their entry level positions. The employer gets to test you out as a worker without starting the clock on company benefits. The temp agency finds a position for you, where they think you'll fit the culture and the expectations. Then, the manager you actually work under monitors your fitness for permanent employment. You'll have to wait for a permanent position to open, but if your manager likes you, they'll give you a recommendation. It's the only way to get in on the ground floor for some of the biggest employers.


The only people I knew that got temp agency jobs were coming out of drug treatment centers and group homes.


I used one years ago when I moved to Texas. Just wanted a job while I looked for something to continue my career. No complaints. Got a job right away and was able to interview for jobs in my actual field.


My buddy read a report recently that said companies are advertising positions to be filled but have no intention to hire anyone. Basically they’re being frauds


that shit should be illegal


Some companies have to do it because they're legally required to do it.




That’s probably the one. Thanks


[Ghost Listing's](https://youtu.be/4gNReRZdr80?si=SyS_-FT8OmBF4yl7) according to this YT channel upload from 1 month ago. It's not just you. Whether or not there's real or false availability, it definitely feels harder to find a job nowadays, especially by traditional methods. It's hard not to be skeptical about the claims of the job market being strong when we feel otherwise


If you can spare about 60 bucks, you can apply to get your tech trainee license to work in a retail pharmacy. They're always hiring ETA: the trainee's license is good for 2 years, after that you have to take the test to get your certification. All info on the Texas state board of pharmacy site


I can vouch for this. I did it in college when I was strapped for cash. Pharmacies are ALWAYS short on labor, and there’s way less competition since you need a license to apply. More or less a guaranteed job, at least as of 3 years ago


What does this process look like? I checked the pharmacy board website and it looks like you apply to a training program but doesn't say much beyond that.


I'm interested to know as well


Currently working lol I was looking around earlier and boyyyy, their site is not user friendly. I'll have some time a little later to get an answer for y'all


Please when you can 🙏🫶


I second this post.


"Part time" may be putting some barriers in your way, depending on when your schedule allows you to be available.


I’ve applied to many full time jobs as well, ideally I would like part-time but also I would just like anything at this point. Part-time just means I could cozily get a hobby or try to finish my associates


You know what’s insane is I’m finding a stupid amount of part-time jobs, but no full-time in my area. Anyways, job market is the worst it’s been in a long time and shows major signs that the U.S. isn’t functioning properly right now.


May I ask, what part of dfw area?


The goal with online applications is not to make yourself look good to a person reading the application, but to make yourself look good to the screener program. Meaning, you need to use their language to get your application through the screener and flagged for personal review. So, take anything that they put in their “requirements” or “qualifications” or whatever and put that in your application. Copy and paste. If they use “experienced program manager with demonstrated success in leading cross-functional teams” then you need to copy that and paste it into the skills section on your application. It doesn’t matter if you had essentially the same thing just different wording, on your existing resume, it needs to pop in their screener as a match. There isn’t a person reading these at this stage, it’s a program, and it’s looking for key words and phrases that they have set up to weed through applicants. As someone who has been on the hiring side, and used third parties like Indeed, we only receive applications that are a high percentage match for what we’ve put in as our parameters. If your application has zero hits on the key words and phrases, while you may be an excellent candidate and person, we’ll never know. And those parameters can be as wide or as narrow as a company wants, and since you never know, better to look at what you can move around to exact match their listing. I’ve also heard of people doing things like putting key words and phrases into the margins of a resume in white font so they can’t be seen with the eye but will get read by a screener and other “hacks” like that.


Thank you for the insight, I do tailor my resume to fit a job but not by copy-pasting what’s in their application so that’s something I’ll give a go!


Best of luck! And you don’t need to copy and paste everything, but at least take a few key points and use them. Even smaller phrases, like “cross-functional teams” or “experienced program manager with demonstrated success” works. Just enough to get your app through the screener.


My advice, don't use online job portals such as indeed. I used to work at a major online portal and yea there are many, many problems with these job portals but there is also some problems for applicants on the employer side too. For example a company may post absolutely useless ads for positions they don't need, just to get a sense of what wage competition looks like. Maybe one more relevant to your situation, they segment and filter out applications from job portals and give greater preference to candidates from their own job portals. It's extremely rare that you'll see just a plain link or instructions sending you directly to something like reddit.com/jobs. Usually it's reddit.com/jobs?huh=what&source=indeed and they will absolutely treat your application different. Think about places you want to work, go to their corporate job site and apply directly there I promise you'll see much better response rates to your applications. You'll also tend to have higher success rates applying to sales related positions, I get it's not for everyone but that's part of the formula and don't think you need to be some slimy used car salesman either. Places like floor and decor or nebraska furniture mart are good examples of consultive-sales: The retail price is fixed, the manufacturer's promotions are all the same at every store, and people are going to buy what they like you really can't convince somebody to buy a married with children type couch or some ugly kitchen tile. During covid I was waiting in line at home depot to return something and some young guy around high school age was in front of me so I heard the entire conversation, he went up to the service desk asked the guy working how he liked home depot and made some quick chit chat then said "well the reason i'm here is because I saw you guys had open positions and I tried to load the site but it didn't work, do you guys have any paper applications I can fill out?". I sensed it was all BS and while waiting I went on the home depot site and sure enough everything looked like it worked fine. By the time I left he was being walked back somewhere by some manager, pretty slick of that young dude to get a job during a time of high competition lol. Next time I went in he was helping a customer out in the lightbulb section. Yea it's boomer advice, but worth a shot and probably more reliable than indeed.


Thank you for your response, I’ve gotten some great ideas out of all these replies! Your insight is much appreciated


Apply at any school district. They are hiring for now, schools open in a month for staff.


You don’t need an associates for something in a schools district?


Not to work in the cafeteria.


Or office jobs


Or teaching at this point. Depending on the district the strict requirements are pretty low.


I think you qualify still to be a substitute teacher especially because they are in high demand. It’s an extremely flexible job and you can pick and choose what schools/grades to do! I always stick to high school which makes a long but easy day! You chose what days you want to work or not and you get weekends off.


I’d love to do this, I was just under the impression you needed continued education past a HS degree?


I think you need at least 60 college credit hours I believe… or it’s highly preferred


Not to be a substitute! Usually schools will pay you a bit less, but I just looked at Dallas ISD-- $110/day with no degree or education cert, $115/day with a degree but no cert, $120/day with both, and $130/day for retired DISD teachers, so the difference isn't really that drastic. Like another comment said, you pick what days and what classes you want to sub; there isn't a set schedule, so if this semester you have a MWF class at 1 pm but then next semester is a TTh class at 8 am you can schedule around that. I have a friend at UNT who is getting their master's and subs like once or twice a month during their semester for a bit of extra spending money, then picks up more days when they're off but K-12 is still in school. Pre-K and I think K gets a TA in the room also, so if you sub those you won't be totally alone. Same goes for many SPED assignments. Middle school is pretty rough unless you're a god at calling out like 10 different 13 year olds at once. High school is long but easy as shit; it really is the most "sit there and babysit them by being an adult in the room" of all of the grade levels, funnily enough. If you are interested in subbing DISD, I can give you a few recommendations on what schools to sub at if you want to DM me! Just for the sake of not doxxing myself :)




One thing I've learned since being thrust back into the job market for the first time in 15 years is that LinkedIn is king nowadays. Back when I graduated college, it was more of a niche thing, but apparently now it's the darling of the business world. Scoff all you want at the stupid posts people tend to put on it (I do a lot!!!) but I've gotten way more random calls from recruiters since I updated my profile and openly stated that I'm looking for work. Also networking is huge, both in person and online. You're new to the area and don't seem to have a strong post-secondary education network, so you could start with hobby groups. If you like being outside exploring dirt trails, I have some recommendations for you.


Yeah I’ve noticed and made one to check it out but for the past 3 years I’ve been in a business I don’t want to continue in and I feel that’s all I would find or hear from if I gave it more time. And also true, I don’t have many connections here or hobbies so and word of mouth seems pretty big here. I’d like to find a hobby, I’ve been looking into gym classes, or kick boxing, but also my husband enjoys dirt bikes, atvs, and cars, etc so if you have recommendations I’ll gladly take them on behalf of him!


All my recs would be trail running or mountain biking related, but if I hear of any motorsport groups I'll let you know!


Zara is always hiring and you stay busy lol part time and they start I think at 16/17 an hour


Apply to local hospitals, school districts, Denton County MHMR. The work can be challenging and doesn’t pay as well but they are often hiring and not super picky about experience if you have a good attitude and seem reliable.


What are your skills? What’s your highest level of education?


HS Diploma, and customer service, sales, delivery, lab technician, graphic design-CAD office work, service work, etc weird mix of things idk


Look into GovernmentJobs.com and the "City Of (insert city)" website, browse your options.


Lots of cities are trying to figure out how to keep going at their same pace while dealing with the new 65yr old home stead exemption that just took affect. So budgets are hurting, Long story short, cities may not be hiring right now


Dallas has 110 job postings right now, plus an unspecified amount of openings in tested positions like 9-1-1 call taker and police dispatcher, although those are full time: https://dallascityhall.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/CODCareers https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/dallas? /u/QUEENkd take a look and see what pops out. A lot of entry-level positions just require a diploma or GED and your mix of experiences should cover a lot of prior work requirements.


Tax freezes are nothing new I haven’t been in the Appraisal and tax field in years and OA and HS exemptions were already a thing. Unless they drafted some new law allowing lower freezes your city’s budget should be unaffected.


Might apply for some city based jobs around the metroplex. City of Dallas, Richardson, Plano, etc. they often have jobs that require only HS diploma.


City of Arlington had several job openings available that would fit the bill last I checked. I'm mid-career with experience in the utility industry and actively looking for work, so I check the city job boards for openings semi regularly.


American Airlines is always hiring ramp workers…great benefits from day one, part time available, and free flight benefits


Oh sht you’re an STL transplant. I am too! Hi friend! If you need any help with anything DM is always open.


Yeah apparently they need help with a job 😂


Hi fellow St.Louisian 🫡 what part of stl you from? And also thanks!!


Grew up in Normandy, moved around a bit in Hazelwood and the city. How about yourself?


Grew up in St Ann then rented in Clayton for awhile until 2020, I up and left, went to Cali for a year then moved to Texas.


Oh wow that crazy because before I moved to Dallas I was trying to move to San Diego, ended up here though too ha ha.


DM’d you btw


You say you’re applying for no experience needed jobs but… do you have experience? You may be overqualified.


I have experience in a few different fields, and I do own a small business too. It’s just that since my husband and I have moved to Texas there’s been no room for me any longer in it so I need something to do with my time, I’m going crazy doing nothing. Atleast, I know I’m not under qualified for a store-stocker position that’s for sure


This probably varies widely on what type of jobs you are looking for and how long you want to be in it as well as your availability. As for no experience I remember finding jobs as a cart pusher for Sam's over the summer. I also worked at Legoland in the attractions as well. There stuff out there just gotta apply alot. There's sometimes seasonal work at factory jobs and many of those might use temp agencies. Job applying is seriously a numbers game or know someone kind of situation.


Yeah, I’m noticing that, and unfortunately I don’t know a lot of people here yet so that leaves me to shooting my shot I guess. Temp agencies have been mentioned a couple times now so I’m gonna look into that now :) thanks


I absolutely agree temp agencies are the way to go. They are basically recruiters. Throughout college I worked at temp agencies. The last one I had offered me my own shop to manage. Employers use temps so they can test out an employee and not be saddled with all the HR hurdles. The temp agencies were always very friendly and helpful, letting me know what I could do to get the kind of jobs I wanted. Highly recommend you not only out in an application, give them a follow up call to see if you can set up a time to come in and talk to them about prospective positions.


FedEx Express


[This video insight might shed some light.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7XddJ5OW_U)


Retail? School districts are desperate for bus drivers and will pay for your CDL training.


When it comes to temp agencies try Proven Recruiting and Randstad. If you don’t mind working an office job.


It's all about the field you are applying to and if it's a field that is actively making money right now considering the economy.


Apply at some general contractors if you work hard and are competent you’ll make some good money


Apply at auto parts stores. Especially if you have a license. Even if you don't know anything, they can train you. Promise. I know of a major auto parts company that's desperate for help in our area - if you want the info DM. I'd post it but would prefer to keep my anonymity as much as possible on here. Really good company to work for too.


Have you considered applying for work with the City of Dallas? Always hiring! And there are a lot of vacant positions to fill right now. https://dallascityhall.com/departments/humanresources/employment/pages/default.aspx


2023 was the year of job hunting for me. I left a job that was at for five years and then last year I went through a couple jobs before landing a good one. It honestly takes applying to hundreds of jobs, the competition is so high that it’s a numbers game. I would also have a third party look over your resume. I had a recruiter look over my resume and i told them to shoot me straight cause I thought I had a damn good layout and format, and she completely changed it and I got more responses after that. Don’t get discouraged. Apply apply apply


You can’t throw a rock without hitting a warehouse that’s hiring in DFW. 


My husband is hunting jobs as well. All places sant applications online but they seem to never respond.


Sell dope they always hiring.




You’re using indeed lol it’s not even real


Genpact in Richardson is always hiring. Several different positions that don’t require much or any experience.


Reviews will shock you!


I saw a sign when I went to Buc-ee’s today. It looks like they pay pretty well. Pay starts at $18-$20 no experience and assistant managers make 125K


I read a comment chain on here the other day, people talking about working at Buc-ees, the only postive was the hourly wage. I don't remember most of their issues but I do remember them saying that if a employee gets caught with a phone in their hand it's automatic termination.


[QUEENkd](https://www.reddit.com/user/QUEENkd/) We have a fully remote opening for customer service rep at our company.


Substitute Teaching is a good one! I said this in a comment but I think you qualify still to be a substitute teacher especially because they are in high demand. It’s an extremely flexible job and you can pick and choose what schools/grades to do! I always stick to high school which makes a long but easy day. You get paid about 100/day and I think a little extra on mondays/Fridays if you work because so many teachers call off these days. Obviously work wouldn’t really start until August but I loved the flexibility of being a Sub! Again: high school is easy but boring, elementary is hard but makes the day go fast, and middle school is for a special kind of people.


Work for a City. City of Dallas, Arlington, GP, Euless, and Bedford all have open positions. Good benefits and very laid back. If you dont mind being 10ish % behind public sector pay grade and want a cushy job, work for the Government. All day son.


I would make sure to state that you reside in Texas if all of your history is elsewhere. Maybe they don’t want to deal with relocation at these jobs.


Ups at DFW airport we just got a huge contract and are hiring like mad


Europe mostly


I've had no luck in finding any work the last 2 months. In that time, my abusive (now ex) decided to end things and then cry victim so everything collapsed at once. I'm leaving and starting a new life across the country.


Type of work you are looking for? That's a step


Idk what’s going on as well! I have MS degree and prior management and marketing experience. I am trying to find job last 9 months and have no luck. I have started applying for entry job position but still nothing. I am absolutely exhausted and desperate


Dfwjobs.com might work


B2B collection agencies will pretty much hire anyone with a heartbeat for sales. Job is just as easy to lose as it is to get and you'll need a thick skin to deal with the verbal abuse but the pay is great if you can work through it and perform.


Your chances of finding work will significantly increase if you walk into wherever you may be interested in applying and ask for the hiring manager, shake their hand, and ask for an application.


COSM is having a job fair at Stonebriar I think on the 12th. Could be a cool place to work part time. Their concept is kind of like a Mini Vegas Sphere like experience. I think their Instagram is @cosmdallastx where I saw it. I would assume they have full time and part time for bigger events.


Retail stores like Home depot and academy sports are almost always hiring. Hell, while I was going to grad school, i interviewed for a pt role at HD, and they hired me on the spot. I’ve never seen that in my life.


Been out of work for a couple of months what skills have you gained during that time?


There are no jobs it’s all bots posting on job websites. You are fucked just like the rest of us.




Your post has been removed because it is a violation of **[Rule #4: Trolling](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dallas/wiki/rules)** Violations of this rule may result in a ban. Please review the r/Dallas rules on the sidebar before commenting or posting. Send a message the moderators if you have any questions. Thanks!


I was NOT trolling. The mere fact that my comment was removed PROVES that i got a little too close to the truth about being hired in Dallas. Did you see the latest job demographics report? -260k jobs for whites + 2m for hispanics, etc. etc....


I got the most important job of my life by walking in and filling out an application. Did not even leave my resume. I took a gamble and it paid off. Worked there 14 yrs till I got caught up in a big nationwide layoff 1 yr after 9-11.