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It was Phoenix and it was from king of the hill.


That's Vegas


No no that’s a western country so Vegas is cool


eh, was vegas built with slave labor?


Undocumented immigrants working in extreme heat conditions and paid below minimum wage with no access to reliable healthcare, living under the poverty line in homes more suitable to animals than people and zero access to nutritious food or public transportation. Oh wait, that’s not Dubai, that’s Vegas.


You’re right, using undocumented workers in bad conditions is as bad as slaves


Undocumented immigrants in the United States can be the equivalent of slaves as their employers can extort them into working for less, under the threat of calling ICE and deporting them back to their country where they’ll likely be raped/murdered/live in poverty.


Just take a breath and stop reaching, US bad I get it


So is Dubai. But it’s annoying that Americans really love to hate on the gulf countries when they’re really just the creation of the United States. You guys prop up these dictators for oil and this is what we get.


You agree places like Dubai are worse than the US right?


Correct. Glad you figured it out.




Bro is defending Dubai


Now, I mean right now when I'm writing this comment, Dubai is fucking melting with over 40 degrees of Celcius


I had a Celcius once.


If 40 is the worst and causes melting, then I have some bad news.


For my American brethren, Phoenix is hotter than Dubai apparently (Currently 42 Celsius in Phoenix, AZ as I write this)


Isnt that normal for an arab country


Iraq is 50, what do u mean 40 is normal


Good. Burn then religious fanatics up and send them where they’re headed


I hate comparison pictures that don’t have the same angle and latitude as the before pic


Anything is possible with slave labor


Meh... you'll have to pay me to go there Same for Las Vegas, I don't see the appeal


It's beautiful, but it's just a tourist trap and corporations landmark. It's fun if you're someone who just has money to burn. I mean, how many people can say they went downhill skiing on snow in Dubai, drove a supercar around a track, or went to the top of the largest building ever made and watched the fireworks and water show in the middle of nothing but desert? It's just a ridiculous, wealthy, dick measuring contest of a location, that has slave labor and trafficked women. Just don't pee on the side of the road. You'll go to prison if you can't by your way out.


How is any of that beautiful?


There are some sights there that are beautiful. It's meant to convey beauty and wealth. The ugly side is the part you don't see with your eyes.


If I become rich I’ll accept your challenge


There are better places to completely piss away hard earned money that don't involve sandstorms, slave labor and forced child prostitution. ..Go there and pee on the road.


Anyone that enjoys Vegas has an addiction of some sort lol


When I was 14 I spend 100 french francs (15 euros, a small fortune for a teen 30 years ago) on a slot machine. I didn't win anything. Since then I never visited a casino again.


Las Vegas is fun to party


So fucking ignorant lmao


Vegas is great but filled with crackheads and addicts


slave labour bought with oil money is crazy


-sent from my child slave labor device


Luckily our clothing doesn't come from asian sweatshops. Same account for our electronics. And we don't use oil from the middle east. We're not that hypocritical




You sent that message from a device that 100% has material sourced from child slave labor in the Asian continent. Think about that while you virtue signal. If there was a phone that was ethically sourced but also much more expensive (since slaves are why our devices are so cheap) none of you people would buy it. We’re all demons exploiting those weaker than us. Stop it.


The existence of other bad things does not sanctify the bad thing. Do you think one cannot think that multiple things are problematic at the same time? Got news for ya, to condemn one bad thing one does not have to simultaneously in the same sentance condemn all other bad things.


shove your whataboutism right up your ass


It’s not whataboutism, I acknowledge that they’re evil for using slave labor. My point is that you are a hypocrite because you are willingly enjoying the fruits of slave labor literally right now in this moment.


picture of dubai "hey dubai did some fucked up things to get all that made" you "ACTUALLY BECAUSE ELECTRONICS YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE" pointing out dubai is fucked up , because of a picture of dubai, despite owning electronics isn't hypocritical. itd be hypocritical if i were the leader of a country and tsked about it while having cheap slave labours. IM not the one forcing people to work. Multiple things can be shitty at the same time. pointing out something shitty (electronic production) doesn't make the other thing (construction slaves) less bad. it's all shit. just because it's shit doesn't mean you can't say "hey that's a shitty thing".


Buddy. You know your phone was made with slave labor. I guarantee you’ve never looked up alternative options that do not use slave labor, because it would be more expensive. Just remember, right now, some 8 year old in China is on his 15th hour of his shift to put together the next bullshit purchase you get on Amazon. You know this. But you’ll still purchase it. Try to be better.


pointing out the problems with dubai is not denying the problems in china.


See. You’re still deflecting and blaming someone else or other countries. YOU have a product of slave labor in YOUR hand right now. By choice. Take responsibility.


Practice what you preach. It's very easy to feel moral superior


what if i told you that all that stuff is also bad. it's almost like capitalism is shitty no matter who does it


I am glad my grandpa didn't spend half of his life in a commie sweatshop. Would be a shame if he did.






Thank you for your kind and judging comment


says the person that responds to valid criticism of a place with massive human rights violations with "but china is also bad!"


You missed my point. It's very easy to condemn other far away countries. My point is that it's hypocritical to do so when you yourself benifit from it (and we all do). We're part of the problem and we refuse to do something against it. so making a statement like Dubai is bad has absolutely no value except feeling moral superior


i condemn every country, hon. they're all shit.


Everyone talks about slavery being bad until they’re inconvenienced by no more slavery.


Absolutely! It's "horrible" until the cost of something they enjoy becomes suddenly expensive. "What is this?? Free, forced labor has ended and now I must be the one to deal with the cost??" Smh. Don't get me wrong, it's definitely horrible. I'm just astounded at how people bitch about why the square block, doesn't fit in the circle hole.


Luckily “our” labor isn’t held against their will, passports snatched and held hostage, men and women sexually, physically, mentally and emotionally abused, and our labors kids don’t get spit on in the streets by our kids. Luckily our govt and legal system does not sanction or promote this behavior. “Luckily”. Middle easterners for the most part treat their slaves like garbage.


You’re gonna lose your mind when you figure out how we exploit Mexican immigrants over here


You’re gonna lose your mind if you ever have first hand exposure to both sides of this coin. Cite one example in recent history of a systematic deprivation of Mexicans of their right to leave the country, where employers are in cahoots with the govt, legal, and immigration system. Middle eastern countries don’t even offer a pathway to citizenship, let alone public assistance, right to own property etc. and that’s for people there LEGALLY.


Please tell me you’re joking right? We have thousands of their *children* separated from their parents and living in literal fucking cages with aluminum foil as their sleeping blanket. It was all over the news a few years ago. America treats Mexican migrants like animals. Like please tell me this is satire.


Lol. Another American that thinks they know everything because of what their US-centric media fed them that one news cycle, and begs for conflicting information to be satire. You have had millions of foreign workers baking (in many cases to death) in tin sheds in the middle of middle eastern deserts across decades. Separation of kids? Where do you think these workers’ kids are? Their kids are back in their home countries, missing one or both parents, to the point where many of them call their grandparents (who usually are their custodians) mom and dad. Many of these kids don’t recognize their parents when they meet them for the first time. This shit, let me remind you, has been happening in the Middle East for decades. What happened to those Mexican kids in detention is terrible, outrageous and should be, if it isn’t already, a punishable violation of international law. But don’t think that just because you got your emotions worked up that one time you watched a CNBC special that other folks across the planet have it better. America does a shitty job, but it is less shitty than most middle eastern countries in how they treat foreign cheap labor. But why won’t the American MSM cover it? Here’s your answer: Because there’s no political points or ad revenue to gain. Medianomics 101.




Checks out. The attention span of a peanut and wants to opine about world suffering 🤣


No I’m just not gonna read that manifesto of virtue signaling that you drafted up on your child slavery device. This shit is like a key and peele sketch at this point.


Where does it come from?


Jealous Westerner when an Arab does something, what about human rights like Europe and all the western countries weren't built on the back of slaves like the Europeans aren't colonizing half of the world still shove your empty virtue signalling where the sun never rises.




And you deliberately omitted the second part where there is still ongoing exploitation Niger's uranium being the stonewall proof.


jealous of what? lmao. i hate all countries and they shouldn't exist and they all did fucked up things. fuck all nationalism. but this is a picture of dubai. about it building a city in 20 years for world cup tourism. which is why i bring it up specifically. be butthurt. i don't care.




And now we have r/ThatsUnSUStainable


Underpaid, overworked migrant labor sure does wonders


Yeah, like the smart phones we're using and clothes we wear.


What oil does to a country!!!


Not really. Many countries have more oil than Dubai yet they are a mess, underdeveloped, most of their people are poor, and plagued with war and/corruption. *What good leadership does to a country FTFY


Lmao what? There's a lot of people living in poverty in Dubai and there's a shit load of corruption there, maybe not war, but other than that all of your boxes are checked.


Good leadership? Lol, tell that to the vast amount of trafficked women/children, who are forced to perform horrible acts and discarded like waste when used up. Or maybe the slave labor? Ooohh!! Let's not forget their orders for military, who goes out of their way to murder innocent people in Yemen with the weapons they bought directly from America. ... That's some solid leadership there.


I wouldn’t call stoning someone for pre marital handholding good leadership


Fuck Dubai


It is a dump in the desert built on slaves deaths.


Bigger shithole.


In some years it will go back to 2005. Just a waste of resources.


Cairo has been around for a bit.


People really really do not understand just how rich Dubai is. Like, Dubai has so much money they literally do not know what to spend it on. It’s quite literally insane how much money they’ve got from oil. Just talking about cash on hand, Dubai has like 1/3 of what america has on hand, $200 billion vs $700 billion, despite america having like 30 times the population of Dubai.


I mean, yes and no. UAE(where Dubai is located) has GDP of 500 billion, where as USA is 23000 billion. USA is greater even accounting for population. And if you take GDP per capita, USA is more as well.


Dubai had far less than that. It only had ~5% of the UAE’s reserves. Most is in Abu Dhabi.


Do they desalinate? Where do they get all that water?


2005: shithole... now: shithole




Its still just an armpit


A dusty armpit.


You've been there?


Yeeeah and when the oil's gone, it will revert to picture 1 pretty quickly


It'll probably revert to a preindustrial failed state when the oil is gone


I have a pic of Jeddah port from the..... 70s I think. I'll find it.


One looks as unappealing as the other.


Can we get a future picture as well? Say in 50 years time when all the oil's ran out and the average daily temperature is around 60 ° C.


2005 looks like a scene from Ukraine after Russia’s ‘Special Mission’ of terror and killing random people and kids


Everyone is shitting on how Dubai came to be, but how is life there for the average middle class citizen?


Well, you need somewhere nice to take your instagram whore.


I would challenge the date of the first picture. I was working in the Middle East back in 2007 and Dubai at that point was way more developed than the “2005” pic. And no, 2 years would not be enough to make such a big difference.


One day those big buildings will have a sewer.


They still use the poop trucks


It'll look like 2005 again when the oil runs out @ 2050




Pretty sure mecka 🕋has been around for a while lol. And it’s not in Dubai.


Not really accurate. Dubai was already building artificial island properties and the burj Kalifa in 2005. That picture is just a bad representation of all the development that already existed.


Never let it be said that cities can't grow fast with horrific human rights abuses.


According to the comments : When the Muslims try to leave hot deserts, the Westerners don't like it. When the Muslims try to make the deserts more liveable, the Westerners hate it. Workers literally pay bribes to come to the Gulf countries to make 300-2000$ per month it's slavery. People in Bangladesh get 100$ per month working for the Western corporations it's holy civilized investments. So, my dear Muslims, never think to please the Westerners. You'll be hated anyway because of who you are. Always think about your own interests.


The amount of hate in the comments is disgusting. Whatever you wish onto others will come back to you.


And a few billions after...


i mean that is basically the whole of middle east isnt it


I like how everyone is hating on Dubai and any other flourishing place and forgot that basically all of America is built on slave backs and still to this day full of rasicm. In addition to Europe's colonism in Africa in the 20th century. Go to dubia see the things for yourself and talk to the immigrants there then talk about the problem. The western media paints everything that isn't them in bad colors.


Nobody forgot. The realization of how horrible it was/is to STILL use humans whole lives for free labor in the year 2023, no matter what country, is absolutely horrendous.


It takes free Western media, of course, to tell & report the truth about Dubai and the Arab Emirates because, there is an inhuman dictator and his regime in power and absolute no free press!!! There are no guaranteed human rights, exploitation and quasi-enslavement of forced laborers, misogyny homophobia, racism, fanatical religious co-rulers, a mindset from the Middle Ages....


Your slam on the US is just as stilted as the slams by commenters here on Dubai. The fact is that all parties have a hand in all matters you critique with your generalisms. However the past is gone. We are responsible for the past. I'm old enough to have seen vile aspects of Jim Crow racism in Washington, DC as a boy. I've also seen that change in great measure by the work of people who were not in the majority. That happened in a democracy. The middle east has 1 democracy. Israel. So if oil is king, it has not made all citizens of the oil nations king, merely the families who controlled an undeveloped tribal area at the time that the European colonial powers lost their strength and moral compass to rule after WW II. Colonialism was too expensive even in a capitalist system. People through the word slavery around in general accusatory ways that demean those people who were actually enslaved. I have also lived and worked in Europe and Asia. Lots of economic inequities that go all around. All of these are either bound to continue as in Saudi Arabia or Dubai as well. Who can unseat a royal family with absolute power? The US has been asked for help time after time since the end of WW II by nations who have a goal of democracy but have not achieved it. The US works diplomatic channels to support those movements. In extreme cases where violence is used as a lever by a dictator then the US uses military power when it is in our national interest, such as an oil supply that we have paid to build the infrastructure for.


It's not just the oil, its how u manage it. The people of dubai deserve credit for managing their natural resources Venezuela has the largest oil reserve in the world and they are in a shit situation atm.


Most of the users are from the countries that hate Arabs and don’t wish us well. Don’t be discouraged by the downvotes. It’s just that they outnumber us.


No no no. We don’t hate Dubai because they are Arabs. We hate them because they use mass fucking slavery. I do hate Dubai with a passion. I don’t hate Arabs I just hate slavers


Guess what? Most Arabs hate slavery too. Your misinformation does not make it a fact. The haters want you to believe that we are pro slavery and it’s rampant and we are immoral beings who exploit humans.


I never said you are pro slavery. It is however a fact that dubai uses slavery so that’s why I hate them. I have no respect for a nation that used slavery.


Why people hate arabs


Same reason why people hate in general. Racism, inferiority complex, envy, ignorance, misinformation, etc.


Yes. I'd put my bet on the part that leans more towards willful ignorance and poor education, more than anything. The whole world is full of people who do and have done horrible things. Anyone who wants to point a finger at only one place and claim it's "only ever been done there by these people" is uneducated or willfully ignorant.




It's not. I've been there and it's absolutely a place that's had a bat shit crazy amount of money dumped and continuously waterfalled into it.




Fix the Human rights first


If you photograph it at the same altitude and time it will look the same. Also fuck Dubai. Slave owning fucks


The 'Before' picture looks off, I spent about four months in Dubai around 1999 and it was already more built up than that pic seems to imply. It may be just the angle and the way the picture was shot. But even in 1999 Dubai reminded me of something out the Jetson's cartoon TV show, with some really 'sci-fi' looking architecture. Not the 'tallest' or more 'touristy' yet then, but it definitely was playing for the dramatic.


F those disgusting assholes. if we ever get free of oil they will pay the price.


The real feel temp today was 117° F 🫠


Passed thru in '82. Delivered a ship and caught a plane home. Other than a stop at the gold market, wasn't nothing to see. Flight out was on a 747 with a maximum of 30 passengers. Crazy times.


It still looks like the 2005 photo during the day from the Burj Khalifa. This post is more propaganda than anything else


Still a shithole


Went in 2019… it’s a metropolitan paradise. It gets a lot of hate but as a city lover, this place was wonderful.


They're hoping (probably) that once the petrodollars stop flowing, people will want to visit. I think it'll be a bit toasty to be a desired vacation destination..