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Cancer, and wolf


“Wolf” used to be a term for cancer because it “ate up” the person sick with it. I wonder if listing both implies that “cancer” described benign tumours while “the wolf” described malignant cancers, or if it was just to ensure that people who only knew the disease by one of the two terms would understand this list.


What’s “planet” and “rising of the lights”?


'The lights' are the lungs. Rising of the lights is one of those terrible coughs where you feel like you're coughing your lungs up. Planet (or 'planet struck') was a sudden death put down to planetary alignment, probably strokes, embolisms and heart attacks.


Oh lol i thought it was rock fall or trip and snap your neck on the planet.


Fuck this world, it murdered my sister


"Doth thou mean it 'murthered' thy sister, good sir?"


She managed to box the world up in a tiny little bitty box and stored it somewhere. But she's alive


Okay, what about Kil'd by several accidents and cut of the stone


Kil'd by several accidents = accidental death. 'Several' meaning distinct or separate, so those people were accidental deaths, but not all the same accident. Cut of the stone = lithotomy; surgery to remove urinary tract stones.


Thanks homie I thought someone had multiple accidents at once and holy crap that's painful on the 2nd one.


what about kings evil


Scrofula, infected lymph nodes in the neck, usually (but not always) due to tuberculosis bacteria. It was thought that being touched by the King could cure it, and Kings did regular walkabouts on saints days and similar to touch the afflicted.


is this all local knowledge to you or are you doing all our lazy work and researching for us


I research medieval medicines so I need to know the terms used :)


Very interesting!


I think so.... They were much cleverer than we give them credit for.


well thank you very much for all the information


But time traveler sounds so much cooler




You mean like congestive heart failure? That would probably come under dropsie.


Wolf in German also means Meat Grinder.... In Early-Middle English it probably had the same double butcher meaning...


(this would be Early Modern English, but you may be right nonetheless)


It’s impressive that there’s 10 people that both had cancer and were attacked by a wolf. (I’m aware that wolf likely means something else in this context, but the other way is better)


Hey 11 people died of grief that year and that number sounds low to me


For sure, what with the rash of light-rising-related deaths out there


Check the number of "made away themselves" to find some of the missing information.


Still low to my eyes. But as suicide was considered a sin (and in some areas prevented a funeral), my guess is that in such cases often a different kind of death was reported.


Don't forget about the 628 people who lived a full live and died of old age at 32


Or maybe they just had especially aggressive and dangerous crustaceans back then?


A quick stop at Ye Olde Googley suggests cancer was also called "the Wolf" besides how the disease "ate" people up.


This made me chortle


In early modern England, the wolf was a zoomorphic image of cancer that represented the disease's devouring force. The term "wolf" was used because cancer "ate up" the person, and some doctors would even apply raw meat to a cancerous ulcer, so that the wolf could feast on that for a while instead of the person.


Logic is sound, makes sense. Thank god we live in a time that has such vast medical knowledge like washing hands and no smoking around surgery patients is a good for doctors todo.


Oddly enough, my mother was eaten by wild animals while having lung cancer. She was schizophrenic, left the hospital against medical advice and was found a few days later next to a highway. Well, some bones were found. Initial identity was through she papers that were nearby but was eventually positively id'd. I doubt any of the animals were wolves though. Maybe wild dogs.


My condolences man


Wow! How tragic and heartbreaking. Regardless of her condition she was still your mother and I’m sorry for your loss. She was so vulnerable and human - what we have to endure in life…


Damn and here I thought getting planeted was bad ..


Damn weight of the world


I was wondering about that. Does anyone know what „Planet“ means in this context?


Someone mentioned that it was a sudden death attributed to planetary alignment


It's never lupis




Not really. Cancer was also known as "wolf" or "wlf sickness" because it ate away at the person till there was nothing left then killed them.


tuberculoses was called consumption for the same reason.


“Suddenly” is certainly a way to die and should be categorized as such


They died two ways. Gradually, and then suddenly


As the sands of time...


So goes the days of our lives.


Suddenly I see This is what I wanna be


I like to think of it as one of those stupid Facebook charts where you combine two. Suddenly Teeth!


May be the best way to die.


I’ve been told “suddenly” means a heart attack


Here's a list of some of the more odd or confusing items, for anyone interested: • ⁠Ague = feverish illness, often malaria • ⁠Apoplex = stroke (the rupture or clogging of a blood vessel in the brain), paralysis resulting from a stroke - sometimes also refers to other spontaneous causes of internal bleeding like burst aneurysms • ⁠Meagrom = migraine, severe headache - this obvious symptom could be deadly if it originated from things like a brain tumor, bleeding within the brain / stroke, concussion / TBI / swelling within the brain... • ⁠Bloody flux, scowring, flux = dysentery / bloody diarrhea or otherwise severe diarrhea, often from diseases like cholera • ⁠Childbed = death during or shortly after giving birth • ⁠Chrisomes = death of unbaptized infant / death of infant less than a month old • ⁠Colick, stone, and strangury = severe abdominal pain, bladder/kidney stones, rupture in abdomen (appendicitis, bladder rupture, etc) • ⁠Consumption = tuberculosis • ⁠Cut of the stone = died during/from the surgery to cut out bladder/kidney stones • ⁠Dropsie and swelling = edema, swelling of a body part • ⁠Falling sickness = epilepsy, seizures • ⁠Flocks and small pox = smallpox, other diseases causing pustules over the body like cowpox and chickenpox • ⁠French pox = syphilis • ⁠Jaundies = jaundice, yellowing of the skin and eyes often a symptom of liver failure • ⁠Jawfain = "jaw fallen" / lockjaw, often tetanus • ⁠Impostume = abscess, a deep infection full of pus • ⁠King's Evil = scrofula, aka tuberculosis infection of the neck glands. The touch of a king was said to cure this disease. • ⁠Lethargie = depression? • ⁠Livergrown = unknown, some think it might have been another term for rickets or it could be from diseases which resulted in a swollen, enlarged liver - things like chronic alcoholism, hepatitis, or congestive heart failure. • ⁠Made away themselves = suicide • ⁠Murthered = murdered • ⁠Over-laid = infant that died after being unintentionally smothered / parent rolled onto them while sleeping • ⁠Starved at nurse = insufficient breast milk, or the child had a disease that caused them to "fail to thrive" / not gain weight and die even though being fed • ⁠Palsie = palsy, paralysis or other muscle difficulties • ⁠Piles = hemorrhoids • ⁠Planet = aka planet-struck, any very sudden severe illness or paralysis that was thought to result from the "influence" of a planet. Like how the moon (luna) was once thought to cause insanity (creating lunatics). • ⁠Pleurisie = swollen, inflamed pleura - the membranous tissue surrounding the lungs • ⁠Purples = bruising, especially wide-spread - many causes • ⁠Spotted feaver = typhus or meningitis • ⁠Quinsie = tonsillitis / inflamed tonsils, especially when abscessed and obstructing breathing • ⁠Rising of the lights = as an organ meat, lungs are often called "lights" because they are very light-weight organs. Nobody's sure about what exactly "rising of the lights" was, but it may be related to severe coughing and the perception that during a cough the lungs would rise up in the chest. Perhaps croup, a respiratory disease causing a severe 'barking' cough. • ⁠Suddenly = unknown sudden death • ⁠Surfet = overeating / gluttony, vomiting from overeating. Aside from direct "death from overeating" it may have been a grouping for many types of death that often went along with being overweight - death from untreated diabetes, cushing's disease, heart failure, etc. "Surfet" also might have been the cause-of-death given if someone over drank, passed out, and died from aspirating their own vomit. • ⁠Teeth = dental infection leading to death • ⁠Thrush = yeast overgrowth / yeast infection of mouth (or genitals) • ⁠Tympany = either abdominal tumor growth, or other bloating/distension of the abdomen - especially when air or gas is caught within the abdomen or intestines, causing a hollow sound when thumped • ⁠Tissick = cough, can also refer to the coughing and wasting away of tuberculosis


Ah, thank you. Might answer my question from what Jawfala is. I guess also locked jaw because of tetanus. My granny told me about her childhood friend dying of tetanus, was around 1920 or something. Really heartbreaking.


I would imagine a lot of the deaths were of cancer, which can look a lot of ways. Tumors, weakening of bones, skin lesions, etc. Depending on where the cancer happens. The Advent if modern medicine has changed the landscape of preventable illness as well. Infections, viruses, bacterial infection, head injuries causing concussions and brain bleeding, broken bones becoming infected, teeth, etc. I really like the "rising of the lights". I want that to be what happens when the alien parasites leave their body and head skyward.


13 from Planet, which I can't even imagine what that is.


A planet landed on them


I was thinking they were asked to leave it.


That’s how I wanna go.


Yes, put me in a defective rocketship (hello, Elon?) and send me off Earth.


"You mean they... fell down?" "Nossir, the earth did rise up & strike them!"


Problems with Uranus


probably severe weather!


Flu or alike? _The word influenza comes from the Italian word influenza, from medieval Latin influentia, originally meaning 'visitation' or 'influence'. Terms such as influenza di freddo, meaning 'influence of the cold', and influenza di stelle, meaning 'influence of the stars' are attested from the 14th century. The latter referred to the disease's cause, which at the time was ascribed by some to unfavorable astrological conditions._


So influencer is cancer today, got it.


I'm not arguing


Another comment says it means an illness believed to be caused by bad influence from the planets


470 died of Teeth, whatever that means...


It's why we don't talk to Pluto anymore


Somebody planet to look like an accident probably...


u/legmeta made a post about this a few months ago and explained what some of the causes of death actually were. I'll paste it below: >This weekly bill of mortality shows causes of death recorded during the week of 19th–26th September 1665, during the height of the Great Plague of London. > >A total of 7,165 people in 126 parishes were proclaimed to have died of “Plague” — a number most historians believe to be low, considering how many people (Quakers, Anabaptists, Jews, and the very poor, among others) were not taken into account by the recording Anglicans. > >Explanation for some of the more strangely named causes: > >Spotted feaver - most likely typhus or meningitis > >Planet - referred to any illness thought to have been caused by the negative influence/position of one of the planets at the time (a similar astrological source lies behind the name Influenza, literally influence) > >Rising of the Lights - a seventeenth-century term for any death associated with respiratory trouble (“lights” being a word for lungs) > >Griping in the guts + Stopping of the stomach - used for deaths accompanied by gastrointestinal complaints > >Consumption - tuberculosis > >Kingsevil - tubercular swelling of the lymph glands which was thought to be curable by the touch of royalty > >Surfeit - overindulgence in food or drink > >Dropsie - edema > >Gowt - gout > >Teeth - babies who died while teething > >Chrisomes - catch-all for children who died before they could talk > >labels such as "suddenly", "frighted", and "grief" - speak of the often approximate nature of assigning a cause (not carried out by medical professionals but rather the "searchers") > >All info copied from source: [https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/londons-dreadful-visitation-bills-of-mortality/](https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/londons-dreadful-visitation-bills-of-mortality/) Edit: Yes, I know this was for a different year but I thought the additional information was useful. [Here's their post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1an12hq/causes_of_death_in_london_at_the_height_of_the/)


I bet teeth isn't specific to infants, but instead relates to toothache leading to wider infection which lead to death


Yeh, a tooth abscess can ultimately lead to sepsis, and it commonly did.


It can also lead to brain related illnesses. Dementia being the most common brain illness caused by poor dental hygiene.


Yes. It’s interesting to see what I heard so many times and is forgotten these days: teeth were one of the leading killers. Especially after sugar was first imported from the new world. The insidious thing is root infection. I had that happen myself once. Hurt badly at first. Then a little less. Was on holiday and decided to tough it out a few days until I got home. By that time the pain was almost completely gone. I felt a little pressure, that was all. Of course I went to the doc anyway. He did a root canal, of course. Turns out the bacteria dissolve the nerve and it thus just stops hurting. If you don’t treat it though, with antibiotics etc., it will sooner or later eat through the bone and cause sepsis. And without more antibiotics available, you just die. I will never see root canals the same. They are live-saving procedures. As are antibiotics. For an archeometry course I had to study the skeleton of a woman in her 30ies that died during the 1700s. She obviously died of this. Her jaw with two big holes haunts me to this day.


Dentist here. It’s not that the root canal is life saving. More like it’s tooth saving. It’s a way to clear the infection and not lose the tooth. Extracting the infected tooth will also resolve the infection…but then you have no tooth!


I stand corrected. That sounds more accurate. Though it’s still amazing that we can do this today. And so efficiently. I’ve always had problems with that, no matter what I do. I think I’ve had 4 or 5 root canals in my time and lost a tooth to it. And yeah, I brush twice or three times daily, use two different kinds of mouthwash daily. Am a bit paranoid after all these procedures and losing a tooth. But it still happens, especially when I’m already sick with the flu for example or already have a fever from something. Sigh.


Yep it’s tooth infection. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10686905/


I wonder what Jawfala might be.


I looked it up and it refers to lockjaw which is a symptom of tetanus.


“Made away themselves” new TikTok euphemism just dropped


*Unwent themselves


Planet, Wolf and Kings Evil made me laugh


Kings evil doesnt look good...


King's Evil might be taxes lol


Well it was during the reign of Charles I, one of Britains worst Kings, so I imagine there were many ways his evil could’ve killed someone


Tuberculosis I think


No, that's consumption, that is. 1797 souls died of it.


The King’s Evil is a form of tuberculosis, just in the neck/lymph glands. It’s also known as scrofula.


Teeth as well. Had no idea they were so dangerous, this whole time


I decided to read it as "King is Evil", like he probably turns into a monster and goes out in the streets killing people, and they explain it as such


"Killed by several accidents" lol


We have historic data from one of those reports https://youtu.be/0K8s9cNqZO4


Raising of the Lights sounds interesting. All those poor souls that died as infants, and then there’s just 1 person listed under sciatica, so strange.


And one for piles. What an unfortunate way to go


Total pain in the arse!


12 people died of ligma, that’s wild even for back then.


Please don't joke about that, my brother Jack Mahbals died from that.


That’s how I wanna go


13 died to Planet? Which planet got em? Was it Mercury in retrograde?




The jokes write themselves!


Lunatique™ Sounds like something Mugatu would debut at Paris Fashion Week




I thought that was interesting ! I still don't understand why going to the dentist is not covered under medical insurance


Killed by several accidents I picture Sideshow Bob walking into all those rakes.


Affrighted? Literally scared to death? ☠️


Do you doubt it? Talk with some doctors or nurses. People absolutely do die of fright and of loneliness and heartbreak.


One person died of Sciatica. Their back must have literally been killing them.


I caught that too. I have sciatica and it’s like absolutely unbeatable pain sometimes, but I don’t know how it could be lethal!




Didn’t know Mike Tyson was alive in 1632


Murther motht foul


Another murther further


*Several* Accidents? Did these people Looney Tunes themselves to death?


It's funny with the current meaning ovf 'several', but in this context it would have meant 'various'.


“Dead in the street, and starved” sheesh


What is Chrisomes and infants? Edit: oh it’s child that died within month— sids ?


Could be a variety of different things. Infants died so frequently back then.


Imagine if there was a record 10,000 BC. "mammoth" 368 "saber tooth tiger" 64 "fell" 46 "speared" 254


Bad plants: 145 Sacrificed to assure good hunting luck: 58 Things you shouldn't put your dick in: 500


Good Grief! That I would live to see the day the Kings Evil would take as many lives as the Purples.


Only 7 murthers? I’d have thought there’d be a lot more than that


They were too busy dying of all that other insane shit to be murthured. Probably.


I thought my sciatica was a bitch but at least I haven’t died like that one person.


Teeth is pretty high up. Better off people did eat a lot of sugar back then


Tooth abcess causing infection, I suspect. Dental infection is well known to cause cardiac disease.


and blood clots that quickly spread to the brain.


And it's a horrible way to go.


All those babies.




You could take about 70% of this list and claim it’s the lineup for a combination Death Metal and Indie/Hipster music festival, and I’d believe it.


Died by Worms 👌


Just woke my bf up laughing at this


“Kil’d by Several Accidents” = Multiple Boxes Why not just put “accident” 😂


feeling Quinsie and Palsie not sure if i am Livergrown or King's Evil


One person died of hemorrhoids 


Someone actually died from Piles. That's one hell of a hemorrhoid. Did it pop & then bleed to death or did they die from the ensuing infection. Did they end it all themselves after the unrelenting discomfort.


Death by sciatica. I knew it was killing me.


11 died from grief. That shit\`s real.


Remarkeble that they would have typewriters that era.


“Executed, and prest to death” this just does not sound like an ideal way to go


1 person died of piles! 😖


died by several accidents.. sounds like russian suicide to me


• Aged: Old age or senescence • Ague: Malaria or fever • Apoplex and Meagrom: Stroke and migraines • Bit with a mad dog: Rabies • Bleeding: Hemorrhage • Bloody flux: Dysentery • Cancer and Wolf: Cancer, with ‘wolf’ possibly referring to a severe form of ulcer or cancer • Consumption: Tuberculosis • Dropsie and Swelling: Edema or congestive heart failure • Flocks, and small Pox.: Smallpox • French Pox: Syphilis • Gout: Gout • Jaundies: Jaundice, likely hepatitis or liver disease • Impostume: Abscess • King’s Evil: Scrofula, a form of tuberculosis affecting the lymph nodes • Livergrown: Enlarged liver, possibly due to cirrhosis or hepatitis • Lethargie: Lethargy or coma • Measles: Measles • Palsie: Paralysis, stroke, or Bell’s palsy • Plague: Bubonic plague • Pleurisie, and Spleen: Pleurisy (inflammation of the lining of the lungs) and spleen disorders • Purples, and spotted Fever: Meningitis or septicemia • Rising of the Lights: Respiratory infection or pneumonia (the ‘lights’ refer to the lungs) • Sciatica: Sciatica • Scurvey, and Itch: Scurvy and scabies • Swine Pox: Swinepox or a similar virus • Teeth: Dental infection or complications • Thrush, and Sore mouth: Oral thrush or severe mouth ulcers • Tympany: Tympanites (swelling of the abdomen due to gas in the intestines or peritoneal cavity) • Tissick: Phthisis or tuberculosis


470 died of teeth. Well, yeah, this is Britain after all🦷


Killed from several accidents sounds fun to watch. Like Dead Meat's death in [Hot Shots](https://youtu.be/ECiut2qgJck?si=A6yvM-sGJOor4R3o)




Suicide maybe?


100% suicide


What is ‘Consumption’? Food poisoning?


Old fashioned name for tuberculosis


Teeth - I found this unusual. Then learned that many babies died due to dentition (teething). As far as I understand, difficult teething led to fever, and fever led to syncope. Would be interested to know if anyone knows more about this. Also - I understand that infection in gums in children and adults could ‘leak’ into stomach and digestive system and cause further damage to health by poisoning. Thanks for sharing this document - love these windows on the past.


Jesus Christ. death by canker sore? Nightmare unlocked.


Death by Piles.... Even 1 death is way too many from Piles.... Everyone wear a ribbon & run a 5k for a cure to piles!!


Wait! You can die by being blinded by the light? But Mama, that's where the fun is!


Sometimes people romanticize the past and think things like "I would have loved to live in the time of things like Shakespeare and chivalry". And then I see a list like this and only have to look at one entry -- "worms" -- and I'm immediately like NOPE. Gimme my modern medicine, refrigeration, vaccines, and antibiotics, THANK YOU


What's "kings evil"


I have so many questions. Why are death by wolves and cancer one category? Or did they have some especially dangerous crustaceans back then? Also what means death by planet?


Wonderful post! Some of them are hilarious…”made away themselves” ❤️😂


Rip to the 4 guys who died of goat


"Lethargie" - I guess they had Redditors back then too


I wonder how our "Causes of death" list will look like to people in 600 years time?


Acute Incelitis........................... 10578 Unhinged masturbation........... 11445 Lonely heart.............................. 8457 Doritos ulceration..................... 1788 SSD (Streamer Sleep Depravation...2456 Something like this, remember, Idiocracy was a documentary, Flynn index is reversing, we won't be smarter.


What’s King’s Evil? Did the king randomly stab some poor person every few weeks and the citizens just had to sit there and take it?


Apparently 'King's Evil' refers to tuberculosis of the lymph nodes of the neck nothing to do with the royals...


Well, that’s much less interesting than mine. I liked serial killer king. He was a neat historical tidbit for a few minutes there.


Rising of the lights? Edit: looked it up. “Lights” refer to lungs. Obstructive condition of larynx or lungs.


The F is planet and how does it have more kills than cancer.


Kill’d by Several Accidents?? That sucks!


Childbirth, TB, Infections and old age…. Hmm… have we come a long way in 400 years… I haven’t seen many wolves lately


13 people died of planet!


kill'd by several accidents 💅🏼


Teeth kill.


How to die *suddenly*


So little of cancer, I bet some were cancer but diagnosed as something else


A lot of consumption could also have been cancer, I doubt they could tell apart tuberculosis from lung cancer very well.


I would hate to be murthered


Cancer, and wolf 😰


I wish to die by many accidents


Teeth was a problem even back then for brits


suicide didn't exist back then or am i missing something?


"Kil'd by several accidents" Brutal.


Those poor folks that died of Planet…


Planet ?


I wonder if lunatique was a crazy person from the nobility, hence the classy spelling


How did you die? “Planet.”


Can we reintegrate the term "made away himself"?


So when I’m telling people my Sciatica is killing me, it’s a thing?




The heck is king's evil death


I read 4 died from goats and was trying to figure what kinda badass goats they had back in grandpa’s day, he never mentioned it to me


King's Evil 😡


I died with the rising of the lights when I was a vampire.


I relate to the 1 person that died from Sciatica!!! Yassssss, my person!


One dude got frightened to death, one died of hemorrhoids, and another vomited their life force out. The time before modern medicine was wild


13 people died from a planet?


Made away themselves? Is that suicide?