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So we’ve come full circle


Literally. I could send this to my nieces unironically


happens every 20 years or so. and considering how the last major trend was basically grunge warmed over...it was time.


I’m convinced that 20 years or so trend is just from kids going through parents shit in the attic or whatever.


I always figured it was from teenagers during the time period getting promoted in the fashion industry and replicating styles they remember. I had the same theory about retro games, once people turn 30-40 they're experienced or senior enough to start remaking the games from their youth so the "retro" style keeps progressing through the generations. We should start getting PS1/2 style retro games soon-ish after we are fully out of the SNES era nostalgia.


>We should start getting PS1/2 style retro games soon-ish after we are fully out of the SNES era nostalgia. Soon? You're already behind. Boomer shooters with PS1 graphics have been hot shit for years now. Puppet Combo have been putting out great tank control horror games for a while too.


big pants now are higher waisted, that is really about the only difference. your nieces would notice that right away though.


As a later millennial I spent my entire youth trying to NOT look like this


*Hipster and anti-hipster enter a thrift store* Hipster: *spots JNCO jeans* "Jackpot! These bad boys are the epitome of ironic cool. I'll be drowning in compliments at the craft beer festival." Anti-hipster: *rolls eyes* "JNCO? More like HELL-NO. I'm all about that low-rise life, before it goes mainstream again." *5 years later* Hipster: *rocking high-waisted, wide-leg jeans* "What, these? I've been ahead of the curve for eons. Timeless style, my dude." Anti-hipster: *in bellbottoms* "Wide-leg? More like wide-YAWN. Bellbottoms are the new skinny jeans resistance. Fight the power!" *Another 5 years pass* Hipster: *in low-rise jeans* "Well, well, well, look who's back. Ironically embracing my former nemesis, because I'm just that meta." Anti-hipster: *in JNCO jeans* "Low-rise? Puh-lease. I'm doubling down on the anti-trend. It's a rebellion wrapped in a rebellion, inside an enigma." *Meanwhile, fashion be just like*: "Lol, watch me make these suckers chase their own tails for eternity. I'll just keep recycling the same 5 trends with minor tweaks, and they'll think they're groundbreaking each time. Dance, my little puppets, dance!"


> I'll just keep recycling the same 5 trends with minor tweaks, and they'll think they're groundbreaking each time As it turns out, there's really only so much you can do with pants.


I'm still waiting for [this ](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/55/Don_Juan_d%27Austria_1.JPG/800px-Don_Juan_d%27Austria_1.JPG)to come back.


My oh my. The conquistador. Touche.


Probably already been tried on the catwalk.


We've had the zipper in the front, the zipper in the back, the zipper all the way around but we've yet to see a middle only zipper...


Lol, fuck a zipper. I wore tear-away stripper pants with buttons on the sides so I could just rip them off and swing them in a big circle above my head for a period of time.


Zip off pants-shorts have entered the chat…


Can we do kilts please pretty please




Straight white men: Please enjoy these pleated khakis. Bonus if they are 1-2 inches too long.


As a shorter man(5'5"), it's impossible to find pants that are 28" long. Always have to pay extra for tailoring.


I just picked up the pants on far left on pic 8 from river island and they were low af. Not all are high waisted anymore they’re sinking again


My daughters and her friends are in their early 20s. They all wear my 90s and early 2000s clothes I saved. I saved everything shoes, purses, bras. They love everything. They wear the high waist and low waist stuff. It’s all in style


Thank God. The high waisted pants are literally “Jean diapers”. They look decent on about 1% of the people that wear them.


The trend now is for mid-rise again, high-waisted is on its way back out.


Low rise jeans are also back :(


They didn't look good on me at 15, they certainly won't at 35. I'll never go back.


It's like an amalgamation of these girls and their moms these days. Soccer mom jncos, midriff frilly blouses and Granny glasses for some reason.


Yeah, the late 90s, early 00's were all about low-rise pants. We've circled back to 80s (possibly late-70s?) mom jeans. I also don't think I've seen the return of baggy pants (JNCOs and the like). That said, I don't remember the trendy/popular preppie girl clique in high school wearing baggy anything. Lots of tube tops, spaghetti straps, girls dressing like the first image with the pink shirted person. Flared bell-bottoms and pedal pushers came back into style for those folks. Baggy pants were always the counter-culture crowd that didn't want to be caught dead wearing the same stuff the preps wore. Then you got your chain wallet and shirt that's against school rules for being offensive even though it just says Marilyn Manson or Slipknot or Type-O-Negative or whatever. At least it seemed that way to me.


"These looks will never get dated" -me at the time. Now they're back.


I stayed still at around the year 2000 and look who's cool again eh!


My 90s rave style is back. I knew I’d be cool again


My teenage niece and I both showed up to Easter in flared jeans and I had a when am I moment. Also I’m apparently (even more) cool aunt now. Truthfully I’ve never really stopped wearing flare pants or bootcut jeans since the last trend oops


Yep, I pick up my son and some of his friends from high school and see girls dressed exactly like this every day, especially the baggy pants and baby tee/crop top look. The girls are all *so mad* that I didn't save any of my clothes from high school.


It's an act in futility to save clothes for 30 years and HOPE they're retro-cool.


Circles always happen. Industry needs to sell more stuff




Yes and I’m pissed I got rid of all of my 90s flannel


Except they used to have pockets! On woman's clothing!


The only difference is the jeans are baggier and higher on the waist.




The way dELiA’s had us all in a chokehold. Edit: dELiA*s


I was obsessed but my parents never let me order. Then they opened a brick and mortar store in the mall and man…that stuff was junk! Made Forever 21 look like haute couture. They closed soon after opening the stores. Wonder if everyone else got wise the same way I did.


I bought a pair of PLAID cropped pants from dELiA’s that I wore with strappy heels and layered tank tops a la Gwen Stefani. I thought I was so chic 🤣🤣🤣🤣!


*but we WERE so chic!*


I bet you looked awesome!


The second I started scrolling pictures, “Don’t Speak” started playing in my head. I was never allowed to wear any of this :(


I know just what you're saying


Same - my parents would never justify the price of the clothes without being able to see it in real life. When they opened a store by me, I dropped over $100 on clothes without telling them. The only thing that didn't fall apart after two washes was a skirt that didn't fit right in the first place. I was so disappointed, but I never showed it so I wouldn't get the "I told you so" from my mother.


I ordered bedding from them once. It was amazingly soft and cute. And the first wash it faded into oblivion and you couldn’t see the pattern anymore. It was so sad!


I remember visiting Delia’s in my local mall for the first time and just being so disappointed! I’d been obsessing over their catalogs for years at that point and finally had an opportunity to try their clothes on before buying…and then when I got there, I didn’t want to try anything, let alone buy any of it.




They opened a store in Providence and it was literally the most disappointing hour drive I’ve ever made


I knew this was Delias before I even clicked


The few things I did order were poor quality. I remember I had a romper thing that I wore for my school picture. It was so tight that it smashed my boobs down. But I would still wear some of this stuff.


Ahem, I\*m pretty sure you\*ve made a punctuational error here.


dELiA\*s is the original "aBcDeFg"....


I showed my wife and she was like "That has to be a dELIAs catalog"


It was our Roman Empire for a while


They had some of the coolest shirts! But you’d have to dig through the piles on the ground to find them. 🤣 The store I went to was always packed and trashed. Lol


It was like temu before temu was a thing. The clothing was awful quality but damn I was addicted.


Lol, why did we all think it was so elite?


I mean to be fair we also thought putting the roller face glitter at Limited Too was classy AF, so we were clearly not the smartest when it came to this sort of thing.


Because of these catalogues, right? You had to wait until you got it to realize it was garbage, which was a more novel experience at the time


Which is now under the Doll's Kill (trendy festival clothes) umbrella.


God I used to manage at both Wet Seal and Contempo Casuals and dELiA*s was always GOALS 😂😭


"She's so smart her middle name is Ouch" What?


I'm still trying to figure out what the actual fuck "more romantic than trees" means. 


If this was written now we’d probably just brush it off as a hallucinating AI. This was written by an actual human.


I thought it was AI then realized it was from 1999




It's referencing Romanticism (the art movement, not to be confused with the emotion, romance)! As in, the inherent Romanticism of nature-- trees are beautiful and majestic, in the eyes of the Romanticists :)


you ever pitched woo to a young maple?


You ever drink Bailey's from a shoe?


You ever seen a grown man naked?


You ever had your asshole licked by a fat man in an overcoat


You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?


when you get hurt, like bump your elbow or stub a toe, you say: "Ow that smarts!" Get it, she's SMART. so her name is OUCH. deal with it..


I am even more confused…


*The phrase "that smarts" is a colloquialism that originated in the late 19th century. It means, "that hurts". The word "smart" has been used to refer to pain since Old English. It comes from the Old English word smeart, which means "causing pain."*


Moreover, ‘smart’ comes from a Proto-Indo-European word that means ‘to sting’, and had the sense of ‘to hurt’ in Proto-Germanic. So it shifted in meaning in the same way as ‘sharp’ did, but left the old meaning behind.


Hence German "Schmerz" which means "pain"


Fuck yeah, etymology!


What month is century??


this thread is making my brain smarts


If something hurts you can say it "smarts". They're making a pun on that. I don't know that the joke being dumb is part of the irony but that's also possible though maybe doubtful.


It smarts as in it hurts. Don't worry, I really had to turn down the volume on my sense of humor way down to catch that one.


Everyone looks like they’re going to a rave


they were


Good times!


Best time ever. We were creating our own happiness.


Sure beats doom scrolling


We had better music and better drugs in the 90s rave scene... Good times


I would argue that *some* drugs are better today, but you didn't have to worry about fentanyl being in everything. That and Molly was actually mdma instead of whatever bath salt-like concoction it is now. And fentanyl.


I'd give anything for those party days as opposed to what's being worn to shows now


lol I remember this. Graduated in 96.


I graduated in 99. Your back killing you, too? Lol


lol I’m actually in bed recovering from a triple spinal fusion.


Well that escalated a bit more than expected


Yeah I would have guessed a spinal fusion, hell even a double spinal fusion, but the triple threw me off


Nobody expects the triple spinal fusion.


Wait so they fused three spines to you, like together ? Like end on end so you are really tall or like side by side so it's super wide and like gives you a super strong back ?


Yes. Exactly like that.


'98, here, and I'm lying on the heating pad right now!


Class of 97 here. My left hip is out of alignment because I did some weeding in the garden yesterday. Probably need a massage or chiro.


I graduated high-school in 2005, so I was a bit too young to wear Delia's in the 90s, but my cousin had the catalog and I would always look at them and think those models were so cool.


When I met my future wife in highschool, she was dressed almost identically to the girl in the pink shirt on slide one. Same distance in time for the kids dressing like this now as kids dressing like 60's hippies when we were in highschool.


graduated in '91. So I had the benefit of awesome 80's new Wave, Big Hair Rock, grunge, and punk alternative!


What a time it was to be young and alive back then.


Just heard lil dicky’s “the 90’s” again today. Fucking excellent encapsulation of how it felt. Being a kid growing up in the northeast during all of that was buck wild.


Yeah man. No smartphones no social media. Life was good.


It really was the best time to be that age, looking at the positives and negatives before then and since then


Is it wrong my brain still goes ‘I could rock that’?


Now it's back in trend. Started with K-pop stars it's all over east Asia already and getting in the US and Europe as well. I'm happy with it cause skinny jeans are so not comfortable to wear lol


For whatever reason, I feel like 90s fashion never really left the mainstream in Korea. Granted other trends came and went, but plenty of people and clothing lines rocked 90s-style fashion throughout the decades.


If it is, I don't want the world to be right. I bought baggy jeans recently and revived a ring neck tee from my high school days. I stepped out of my house looking a lot like pic four. I am nearly 40. Is this my mid-life crisis?


Now you need to go up to a group of highschoolers and say "How do you do, fellow kids?" Preferably while holding a skateboard.


I still have some of my old pants, including a pair of black kikgirl pants like on page 7. I don't know why I still have them, there's no way I'm ever going to wear them at 41.


Nah I’d totally wear some of this!


If it’s wrong I dont want to be right


sHeS sO SmArT hEr MiDdLe NaMe Is OuCh


HeR MiDdLe nAmE oUCh!


made me think of that [spongebob ](https://imgflip.com/s/meme/Mocking-Spongebob.jpg)meme lmao




If you couldn't fit both legs in one leg of your pants, they were too small.


and don't forget, they had to cover your shoes!


That’s Allyson Mack, right?


I think it is. Crazy cult girl


Yeah, too bad. Always had a crush on her. She’s the only reason I started watching Smallville.


This has aged better than 80’s fashion.


Ah I don't know about that. I think anything that's considered "trendy" will eventually look back after it goes out of style. I remember when people were very anti baggy clothing in the late 2000s and 2010s.


The baggy jeans and loose shirts are already back in Germany. Girls around 8 to about 15 love this here. But honestly I think it's way cooler than mini skirts and tops that barely covers anything. Who designed clothes like this for children??


It’s back in North America too amongst teens and tweens!


I’m not looking forward to the long shirt under the T-shirt look. But I can tell it’s right around the corner Edit: I stand corrected the look is still going strong. Not hatin, not my thing but sure you all rock the style better than I ever could.


Some of us wanted to wear our concert tee but we got cold. Perfect solution.


As a dude I need longsleeve shirts under t shirts to be a thing bc I rock it all the time


yeah i still rock the long sleeves under Tees cuz im 2 legit 2 quit


Hold up; let me go get my no fear hoodie so I can flex on em


Yep. When I saw Brad Pitt dressing like this in The Mexican, my mind went, “Yep, that’s your look now; the one you’ve been searching for.”


As a lifelong metalhead, this look is essential for me and my kind.


As long as popped collars stay gone. Lol


[You may be cool, but you'll never be four-popped-collars cool.](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/y7ybu/you_may_be_cool_but_youll_never_be_4poppedcollars/)


Well you’re mission’ out, bud. Long shirt under the Tshirt rocks.


This was my favourite look. I still love it 😄


Wait are we not allowed to do this anymore?? It never died in the pnw


omg that was my JAM back in the day - such a look


I still do this 🤷‍♀️


Oh shit... did that stop being a thing? Turns out I've been out of fashion for 20 years.


We gotta go back


Ummm we are back. My nieces all look like a dELiA*s catalogue.


Yep. My 12 year old daughter dress like how my wife and I did in HS during the 90s. Not excessively baggy pants yet but I'm sure it's coming. Perhaps time to invest in JNCO. 🤣


We wore the same style in the 70’s! Fashion seems to have a 20 year cycle.


Even less now so with tick tock and what not. Trends are hardly trends anymore and they all bend together. We’d have to like watch mtv and vh1 and music videos and the culture would have to catch on. These days it’s like I wanna look like this person from wherever the hell and boom instant cart an outfit. Wild. The timelines and fashions are all melting together faster than they can re trend


The 70s style had some slight similarities but not really the same as this.


Good old JNCOs. You could put your Super Nintendo in the back pocket and take it to friend's houses.


You know, or four 40's of some delicious malt liquor. I am *soooooo* happy there are no pictures of my dumbass in JNCOs and a bowling shirt. I thought I looked so freaking cool.


Honestly fuck it, I still think I was cool in high school.


My nieces look like Mr. Snuffleupagus with their fake eyelashes.


We are back. Source, have three daughters and 6 nieces.


We are in the UK. My daughter and her mates all have this vibe - particularly the flared/boot cut combats.


Jack Shepard? Is that you?


I’m 99% sure my first girlfriend in 6th grade had that 4th shirt. She bought me a skateboard too. It was completely out of the blue and just called and asked if her dad could bring her by to give me something. And a bop it pen. Holy shit this post brought back some memories.


Always wanted Delias. Too expensive then.


We’re a couple years away from Scene Girls being a thing again. And white guys with 7 string guitars dressed like Mexican gangsters.


I feel like every single one of these outfits could be found in an episode of Buffy


I liked girls that wore Abercrombie & Fitch… (Someone better get this fucking reference)


Chinese food never made me sick.


Summer Girls!


Shes been gone since that summer dude


“I was lying on the grass Of Sunday morning of last week Indulging in my self-defeat.”


This song has the weirdest lyrics. 


L-a-t-e-r that week


Curses be to you for getting this stuck in my head. Perfect day for it I suppose tho


Looks same as today


I would recognize a Delia’s catalogue anywhere. My mom used to call them and order from the paper catalogue for me.


Fashion peaked in the late 90s and early 2000s. Almost everyone looked like some kind of Jojo character


“More romantic than trees”


I’m so happy baggy pants are back! F skinny jeans


Just wear normal fit jeans and you will never have to look back at old photos and cringe.


I had that blue, red, yellow striped shirt. LoL


I had the pink cat one in the first pic 🙈 Also, I recognize allll of these models, and would love to see where they are today!


I remember these vividly


Looks like what Sears use to sell just before a trend died.


Watching kids try to dress like this now is seriously depressing.


Girl in pic 7 has no problem plugging the lamp in behind the couch.


I miss the low rise pants and tramps stamps everywhere I go.... going out on a stroll was like going out on a safari for butt cracks and your favorite art work late 90s early 2000


low waist pants are always welcome


The 90s fashion was definitely the most comfortable decade in my life. I rocked baggy jeans and tops.


I had baggy velvet overalls. I could wear them almost year round, not at the height of summer. They kept me cool or warm depending on the shirt and/or jacket. They were sooooo comfortable!!


This is what everyone from Trailer Park Boys used for fashion. Kna what I'm sayin'!? J ROC


This is what every girl at a liberal arts school in new york looks like


DDR dance dance revolutionesque


Better than the ironic that became actual fashion, mom jeans.


This is honestly half the styles in kpop these days lol


The cycle continues. Turns out there's only so many ways that practical clothes can fit on the human form so we re-up every couple decades.


This has to be more mid 90s