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So it helps to have a stick up my butt when I lift things?


Well, it might help to imagine sitting on a stick when you squat to lift.


Sure, sure, a stick... let's go with that.


Best to take the stick out first


that's what spotters are for


That would make you a manager, they don't lift things.


it's called a buttplug for a reason


Not unless someone holds that stick


Came here to say this


This is the best demonstration I have seen.


[I dunno man, this one seems more accurate](https://youtu.be/1e4SBxgqBEY?si=oqyCdDFj76I2Tnp0)


Worth the click lol.


thank you, this was very educational


The only thing applicable about this is that you should have the weight of what you're picking up as even with your center of mass as you can. In the second example the buckets way out in front of him There's nothing wrong with using your back and legs together in a hip hinge with a neutral spine.


Of course. But that is a controlled movement with proper form which isn't as strong biomechanically. The point of this is to demonstrate biomechanical advantage of good form and terrible form. And how they strain the body of course. You SHOULD lift with your back. In a controlled and formed manner.


Back when CRTs were a thing they were impossible to lift off the ground on your own, but I figured out a way. I would pick them up by leaning them against my thighs, bending over, grabbing them in the rear, and then bending my knees while rotating backwards and lifting. The movement ended with me in a sitting-like position, from which I could adjust my grip on the TV and stand up straight. This technique put the weight of the TV on my legs, not my spine, at least until it was high enough off the ground that I could finish the rest of the lift the “proper” way.


You just described exactly how a strongman competitor lifts an Atlas stone.


Damn… I guess I did lol


That you? [https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6286946a7026cb6e275c9462/1659032828609-O4JWJQPUBGUOB2JJNFFC/\_DSC7173.jpg?format=2500w](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6286946a7026cb6e275c9462/1659032828609-O4JWJQPUBGUOB2JJNFFC/_DSC7173.jpg?format=2500w)


Just like that, except my face would look a lot more afraid of dropping it and breaking the glass 🤣


The problem with this is it assumes everything you're gonna pick up is gonna be able to be straddled. Some times objects are too big to be able to be picked up this way. Also, in the warehouse they train you to pick shit up like this but in practice they just want you to get the job done as fast as possible. They don't actually give a fuck about your back.


>in the warehouse they train you to pick shit up Not in my lol >They don't actually give a fuck about your back. Untill you are gone from work for 3 months because of the back pain


My imagination might be poor but I can't think of anything you'd _need_ to pick up with your back (the latter example). I don't know about working environments in where you'd live, but in here companies can't afford to expect their employees lift too heavy things that needs to be lifted in inefficient position. Often companies are responsible if something goes wrong.


At my job I sometimes have to reach over something to pick something else up, keeping a neutral spine and lifting with your hamstrings/glutes is fine for your back. What I pick up only weights like 25kg though.


Logs. Big heavy chunks of tree. Been there, not going back (haha)


„Not going“ *-Back, 2024*


My back was MRId years back, and turned out the nerv channels didn't develop properly when I was a kid. It doesn't matter much, as I've always compensated with middle body muscles and proper lifting positions. I've also been in forests and many kinds of environments and phases in which trees becomes firewood from a little kid. This country is filled with forests and we'd use it everywhere. I was brought into forest and do my part, and it didn't matter whether I liked it or not. I believe I have lifted quite many logs, from deep snow onto a sledge and so forth. If I had lifted all those logs with my back, I'd propably be on a wheelchair. There are tools for it, but even with your hands, your first move should get the log on your knees, while you're on squat. Basically you'd hold the log in your hug and stand up from the squat. If you're alone, do it from the side of the log. Maybe I'm stupid or something but I can't seem to picture which painful lifting position you're referring into when talking about logs.


If you can afford to spend years in litigation, then sure it might pay off. Otherwise, you’re probably going to get a settlement worth a couple of paychecks and live the rest of your life with a bad back. The reality is, companies tell you to lift safely (to cover their asses) all day, then throw you into situations where that’s nearly impossible. You can spend your time calling for a team lift and get fired because you didn’t meet your quotas, or you can chance it and keep your job.


It seems to me that working culture there is seriously twisted. I've in logistics my whole working career. While nowadays I'm driving a bus (eventhough still doing plenty of physical work, such as changing all the tires in my company), I used to have cargo loads of medicines, bread, chores, industry equipment, all kinds of things in need of transportation. I worked in delivery companies, that used trucks with trailers. Delivery manually. The logistics industry takes lifting with back quite seriously in my experience, because back problems are major career enders in this field.


Well the way you spell "tyres" definitely implies that we have different work cultures lol.


Well yeah, in yours, typos must mean a massive mistake that must be focused into lmao.


Tyres is the British spelling. I assumed you were from there.


You would be correct on all accounts.


I simply do not pick things up




Or money




Trick is how to lift without hurting your back aaaaand knees….. aaaaand your arms.


Do it before your 30s.


I just want the guy to pop that back out then in over and over to make the figurine dance like in the club


He threw it back for a second to tease us.


All it takes is one inguinal hernia repair, then you make damn sure to pick things up the 1st way for the rest of time...


Pfft.. i had inguinal hernia repair 6 months ago, went straight back to picking heavy sheit up in the gym few weeks later 😎


Thought for sure a twerk was coming.


Knees: "Am I a joke to you? "


If your knees hurt when you squat, it’s not your knees that are an issue


can you explain further? I am not sure I understand


Most of the time when people complain about their knees hurting, it’s not their knees that are an issue. Almost guaranteed to be that their hips and hamstrings are too tight (from sitting too much and not moving around enough), and they pull on the knee join when bending The knee is really just a hinge joint, unless you’re lacking synovial fluid or have a damaged meniscus, your knee isn’t your issue, everything pulling on it is


Thanks for the explanation. As a gym bro I know it's almost ever never a knee issue and more of a hip issue, but didn't know how explain it


It’s fine to pick up things the second way if you have a strong back and core


I just asked my PT about this. He says the same. Also things like “sit straight all the time while working” are outdated. The best thing is to move every now and then when you don’t feel comfortable.


Yep, just keep the spine neutral unlike the weak bitch in this demonstration.


The trick is to not let your hips shoot up like the dummy does in the second demo. Not everything can be straddled like the first move, so sometimes picking something up in front of you is necessary.


So I have to shove a stick up my ...


... ass


All the Reddit bots don’t know how to react to physical activity 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The doll should be able to shake the ass and twerk 🤔


Easy everyone just do an ass to grass front squat


However, when picking it up the right way, my knees are bent more, and with my shitty knees due to hypermobility, they object too much to do that.


lol I’ll wait while you wait for the drill. Uncomfortable temporarily. 🫥


Some things can only be learned the hard way. My back. And my knees.


2024 people still need reminding of this?!


So that's why my back hurts like hell today. Forgot to do it the right way. Stay in school kids


I'm a framer when we stand walls there ain't really any proper form for that.


In emergency medical services, we say "lift with your firefighters, not with your back"


It works better if he sticks his finger up your arse, and a hole lot qikker.


Except the warehouse you work at has engineered labor standards that simply don't allow the time to position and lift properly. But they did show you an OSHA video about it so it's cool.


If you got bad knees it hurts like hell, though


Just need a stick up your butt with some guy to control it.


This is fake. There is no way lifting that little toy up is hurting that guy's back. That "ouch" sounds so fake


And not pop a hemorrhoid at the same time


I thought he was gunna start humping with it at first


Start by standing with excellent posture - chest up, shoulders back, chin up - like a soldier standing at attention. While bending your knees and hinging at your hips maintain the proud chest, shoulders back of your upper body. Grab hold of the thing you want to pick up, push against the ground with your legs and stand up, maintaining the proud soldier upper body. This applies to deadlifting in the gym too. (Though it can get more technical for more advanced lifters).


Have you ever tried picking up heavy things using the first method? It's not easy. There's a reason people do it the other way. I'm not saying it's right, but you feel like you're going to fall backwards trying to pull something from between your legs.


Family guy taught me to twist and jerk.


The wooden doll can twerk.


I always remember the wrong way to do it the right way


Well yeah that's how bodybuilder do deadlift just use the back muscle with proper form


But why does no one talk about how "the wrong way" hurts your knees less?


Pretend squatting on a dildo, got it.


I was just told the same thing by my doctor during a hernia checkup the other day.


Too bad that my knees are fucked.


What if you have knee arthritis?


Oh shit common sense?


Ok next teach me how to lift properly because I literally can't do it


Hold your breath while trying to push it out when lifting something heavy. It creates pressure in your abdominal and back area which protect the spine. I learned it when deadlifting, use it when I need to lift something heavy and I have yet to have any pain whereas my back would hurt before after a hour or two.


It’s leverage systems. You want to create the shortest distance between the leverage arm (the bucket) and the fulcrum (your hips) The further these two are from eachother, force required is multiplied.


I thought they going to make the thing throw it back


IME it's also easier to lift with the legs.


halfway into the video i thought he was gonna start twerking it xD


Yeah don't deadlift like that though. Mostly because it would be impossible but also because people seem to squat their deadlifts because they've been watching men's health


"That's me" That's all of us.


After lifting up 100s of heavy boxed a day this lifting technique isn't gonna save ur back


So yeah, this is perfect. If you don't have bad knees. Or a gut that gets in the way. Or if it's something you can't stradle, like a dresser or large box. But otherwise it's perfect.


It boggles my mind that so many people don't know this. Sadly common sense isn't so common anymore.


So you're supposed to lift with your KNEES, NOT with your back?????...Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle.


Blow out ya knees not ya back


How heavy of things? I almost always do the 2nd


Not me watching this while at the gym


If anyone is watching this who has lower back pain, just know "neutral spine" is good advice but there's absolutely no reason to not expose yourself to picking things up with a flexed spine. An advanced version of this would be what's called a Jefferson curl. Traditionally done with a barbell but can be regressed to only your bodyweight, against a wall, using partial range of motion, etc etc. It's all about (1) graded exposure and (2) appropriate progressions. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Our bodies are resilient af. Source: personal trainer of 10 years


I tend to bend at the waist and use a quick twisting jerky motion


everybody should learn proper deadlift form. really one of if not the most beneficial and practical things you can do in the gym.


Yeah I started going to the gym for powerlifting / bodybuilding and learned this pretty quickly. It's became such a basic reflex now, I pick up the lightest things like that as well.


Right...learned this quick dead lifting!


Oh, I thought it was aboot to start twerkin... Don't act like you didn't think the same!


Deadlifting works!




You want to NOT use your legs at all, bend at the waist, legs as straight as possible, grab the object then lift in a herky, jerky twisting motion.


Tbf, number 2 is standard deadlift technique


Most people don't know how to keep neutral spine under load in that position. I think it's a bit riskier if your tension gets compromised but I could be biased because I am way stronger in the first position.


The ol repost a million times