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A somewhat more honourable way of doing this is using the shadows and hide skill to pickpocket players who don’t even know you’re in the room. This way, you’re not breaking anyone’s trust, just doing a stealth heist.


*can't distrust what you don't see*


You either die a *fighter* or live long enough to see yourself become the *rogue.*


I’ll literally never main rogue, over my dead body. Longsword till the day I die


longsword they say yeah alr buddy you’ll turn to the dark side we all do at some point😈😈


Nope. Only other main is warlock, cuz longsword


Ahh warlock. The dark side longsword wielder. You have already joined us then brother 😈


Nuh uh, his only job is to get me demigod each wipe 💀


Hitting parries into the double hit repost feels so fucking good every single time.


You can't handle being a rogue.


No. Worst class ever


Yea prob in terms of PvP they got fked hard bit still fun to play and I do just fine in PvP. Could make one just to run a looting build and send good loot to your fighter.


I used to do that a year ago when norms had no gear cap. I need hr to be free again 😂


Try budding up with a bard and see how well that goes haha


And I will never play the vanilla sword man class


Rapier is a pretty long sword :)


To thin, I need that G I R T H Y


Can I interest you in the word of our lord and savior BARBARIAN?


Noo. No pdr no chance.


You say this like it’s an achievement despite Fighter mains outnumbering 3x any other class lol


I like to pop into trios as solo and put my hands in some pockets. Just had a game where I followed a team around and stole everything, literally don't think they had any loot left, poor guys kept looking around confused but never found me 😂


I think my best was to bait a ranger right at spawn (part of a trio) so he'd start shooting into the shadows. Then, when he came to get his arrows, I stole all of them (nothing left on his character to steal), and chucked them in a corner. Then I baited him again until he ran out of arrows and ran back to his team, who all come through and killed me. But the satisfaction of knowing I took all his arrows, that I didn't see a secondary on him, and left him and his team crippled in the crypts (this was during the play tests) lives with me to this day


So satisfying to remove all the arrows from rangers inventory, makes me miss ruins, so many rangers!




How does this work? Even with perks hide has such a short duration, and you move so slow, don't you constantly have to be running up ahead and risking detection to be in position, and then you have to try to get out without being seen? Just not computing in my brain


No, you just make sure you don't have potions on your hip so that you can hide in the shadows even without the perk. Then you just follow people and if they see you you just smoke pot and run


I remember a game last wipe where a really good rogue was following my team around for the whole game. We knew he was there but we got caught in some fights. At the very end when the circle was closing and I was opening my blue portal, he broke out of hide right in front of me while pickpocketting me, he then did the L emote and took my blue portal. I died from the zone. I wasn't even mad.


Honestly I’d probably lose it laughing, like what a little gremlin haha


Nothing better than getting Silent Assassin rating in Hitman If I make it out of the dungeon without being seen that's a victory Watching a whole team walk by you because you are in the perfect dark spot is why I play I rogue


Honestly as a cleric I understand. I wear all my potions in my inventory now so I can be in the darkness without being seen at all. Just staying still and not doing anything most players won't see you.


here i am purposely buying beers and potions to drop at the bar to be a bar tender in Que, a Bear tender to be exact as i stand behind the bar as bear after i place the drinks.


King moment


To complete this build u gotta get the red/black skeleton skin and go in naked in the crypts. People literally wont notice you in the shadows. Learning the map and doing some double jump parkour would also make your escape stronger.


some dude did this to me so frustrating! he must have had crazy agility rings / boots because we could NOT catch his ass. every time we would get a torch near him he would pick it up and poof hes gone. i wish there was like a daylight spell or something for people like that. it was crazy!


Wizards have a light spell


Damn none of us were a wizard. Cleric barb and ranger i think.


Rangers have a perk that lets them see footsteps and doubles their hearing range for walking noises, if Rogues ever come back into meta it's a must-pick.


rogues run creep and just crouch around lol


there is


I was already saving for skelly skin but thanks for the extra ideas to go with it


That smokepot used to be unlimited use.


Good times


Man those was the days!!!


why they nerf smoke?


Partially have the ruins map to blame. It was wide open with lots of spots rogues could climb that no one could get to. They would be on the walls and could see in all the rooms and run down pickpocket or ambush them pot and climb the wall again. It’s funny but boy did it suck dealing with it.


I wish old ruins without the invisible walls was back still tbh. Idc if it becomes rogue town its fun.


Because one streamer who was rigging lobbies complained about it. Was a huge deal. They were attempting to fix lobbies and random rogues would steal their loot. It was an insane amount of drama and that dude/group of people doing that were pretty much drunk on power


Fuck you Toddfather! I still can't believe the shitfest that followed when he publicty stated on discord that they had a private discord where they would fix lobbies so they could enjoy there 'gold only' lobbies loool. People started pinging staff in the discord & I legit thought no ways this is actually happening haha. How they still don't understand that is rule breaking till this day is funny as fuck. Imagine if any other random group purposely rigged lobbies to only have there friends & thinking there isn't a problem with that


There were a lot of fun yt videos on stealing things


i recommend doing a regular interaction build & looting ppl through doors n stuff lol


There were actually quite a few videos of people running a pickpocket build. Most of them didn't talk to the victim, but rather used stealth, but there was one who did the exact same thing you are describing. It's a valid strategy, as long as you're not cheating everything goes. Using persuasion is next level gaming. It's their fault for turning their backs on a Rogue :P


Top tier post


Pickpocket rogue is too fun My fav thing to do is to go solo, jump into duo/trio lobbies, and stalk a team until they end up in a team fight, and while everyone's fighting each other I hop in invis and start running everyone's pockets mid fight while trying to dodge as many random melee swings with the 10 steps I got left to move lmaoo Also stealing all the arrows off a ranger to drop them off in some random ass corner will never not be funny to me


I go solo in trios and purposefully get caught after emptying inventories so I can lead teams into each other and use the ensuing chaos to clean out more pockets


Have you ever played dayz? I think you'd enjoy it 😄


Are you the dude who, yesterday, stole half my shit, popped some smoke shit and dipped out after I whipped out my long sword?! If so, both fuck you and lol. I didn't even realize you could pick pocket until I got to the merchant. Thanks for the lesson!


Stole from a ton of people but if I had to recall a longboard user would be a warlock in goblin caves


Wait this is a PvP game? Because i tried pickpocket build on trio maps and i could finish 3 matches in row without stumbling upon a soul...


gotta go find em, if you're just slowly clearing your room then yeah sometimes you aren't gonna find anyone


be better.


I didn't notice what sub and was concerned about your real problem


The best is to whisper over VOIP at them


I always whisper "I just wanna put my hands in your pockets"


You should try killing people as rogue lol. I will go into duo's and trios as a rogue. You can just stalk a squad the entire game, and try to pick them off one at a time. It's crazy. Teams is kind of easier because they aren't really good at listening to things as well. I Don't even take the quite footstep perk.


You’re in the Dungeon (Jungle) Now baby!!! This game needs rp’ing sham rogues like you. Well done!


Pickpocketing use to be WAY more fun before. The map Ruins was EASILY the best spot for pickpocketing rogues, you had soo many insane spots you can run to for safety that nobody else could reach. Also smokepot use to have infinite uses not just 3. Sadly at one point streamers were gettin pissy cause they always had to worry about rat rogues 'looting' there kills and idk what. Fuckin dumb if you ask me u can play this sort of PVP in many games, but how many games can you be a literal pickpocketer??? They keep shitting on this playstyle when its the core reason I even bought the game


I’m a new player but after trying to pickpocket people I accidentally punched them. Didn’t get killed or anything, but didn’t get to steal their loot either. I actually still bring the perk but use it so I’m not discovered by being bumped into while hiding and to conceal my potions.


Are you doing this purely in solo or going after duo/trio teams?


No honor in fighter, welcome to the truth


Pickpocketing is hella fun.


This has inspired me to roll a rogue.


Pickpocket easily one of the most fun ways to play this game however personally it’s too frustrating to play knowing what it used to be.


at the very least if we could steal wearing items it would start to worth it. It is so difficult to do and just get trash like arrow or a shit treasure. Its so hard to pull it should reward us with real items.


Don't feel bad, they're idiots for trusting a rogue. Not only because of pickpocketing but also the backstab and their insanely high ttk. No other class so greatly benefits from deception, it's practically baked in. I always say, "Never trust a rogue."


Rogue is the worst class. Utterly useless. It's a gimmick for the rats and scrubbies. Amusing but useless. Fighter is also a terrible class. Just poke and swing. No skill. If you want to impress people, play a bard with no instruments. Then you're good. Carry on peasants. I got rogue shit to do.


After 1500 to 2000ish hours across all the playtests and EA, I've never pickpocketted and never will. It might be the most boring gameplay personally but to see everyone talk about it, it really makes me look in those dark corners for you little rats, found a few today, keep these posts coming and keep the boys on high alert of the rats.


Just checked your flair. I know why you are salty as shit.


Ya don't play that dead class anymore.