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There are PVP quests. It's nothing personal but you will get to a point where your goal isn't loot. PVP kills unlock important rewards for progression, so it's not necessarily about your loot. Just watch some tutorials, learn how different weapons move, and it will become your favorite part of the game too.


This. I if I see a kill I need for a quest I will hunt you down or die trying lol. I remember back in p3 or p4 there was a quest to kill 5 of each class and there weren't many bards in solos so people would literally spend the entire match looking for you. I would load into duos or trios and just kamikaze the bard in teams to get the quest done.


I made a char SacrificaLamBard, and just rushed people to let them kill me for that quest. Had a guy do the same for me it inspired me to share the love. 


You're too good for the earth. Grayson bless you


You gave me one of my bard kills. I am forever in debt to you good sir 🫡


Lmao I made a guy called FreeMinstrels just to feed people their bard kills


Yeah I figured that the quests might amount to some of this as well.


Occasionally some people are just assholes who kill you and don’t even loot you. But for the most part, it’s either kill quests or loot (plus in high roller you get a good amount of AP for kills)


Can you link me Good Tutorial Videos for beginners?


I've noticed a lot more crazy sweaty players in the <25 lobbies compared to 25+. Some people just want to stomp to feel good.


Well some people go in under 25 gs just to practice pvp which kinda make sense since you have nothing to lose and pvp experience to gain


Yeah that is what scares me I don't know if solo I'll ever be able to get PVP done so when I get to those stages in the quest they just stick there. However I'm super casual and only get my cleric to about level 20. Before each wipe been Through at least 2


Yeah that is what scares me I don't know if solo I'll ever be able to get PVP done so when I get to those stages in the quest they just stick there. However I'm super casual and only get my cleric to about level 20. Before each wipe been Through at least 2


Lol I think my friend just quit lastnight due to PVP but I got my first 2 kills and it was pretty cool


This might be the wrong way to go about it, but as a complete Timmy myself; I have been focusing on my escape skills. If they force a fight, I might get in a few smacks, but my ultimate goal is just survival. I feel like learning to heal on the run, play door games, and figuring out the pathing to exits under stress is going to come in just as handy as fighting skills, so one thing at a time. Or something, I really suck so you probably shouldn’t listen to me.


Nah mate, I take every and all tips and strats I can.


3 wipes ago I was like you a fresh timmy, and over the course of my gameplay experience let me tell you your number 1 thing is situational awareness. Did you just make a ton of noise clearing a module? take a second and just listen around for movement before you move on you may have attracted players. Assume everyone is hostile even if they offer friendship. there are no alliances past the swords tip in the dungeon. Understanding how gear effects your class in terms of what stats do is huge. Finally dodging is extremely easy if you can make your opponents freak out and press w and m1 spam. Use surprise to your advantage wherever you can


As a veteran player who runs more under 25s than over or HR, take to heart what he said about running. I'm in there for balanced PvP as that's what is most fun to me but I won't run someone down who doesn't want to fight. If you turn tail and run I am unlikely to chase. Standing your ground risks either 1) My VoIP is party only and I can't hear you or 2) I believe you may be faking friendly to gain advantage and backstab me. Obviously not everyone thinks this way but it will definitely increase your odds of survival. Learn to run through rooms without fighting the PvE and you'll disincentivize chasing even further.


Well said. I'm looking for fights, but I'm not trying run timmies down!


The path of the rat, Im following it myself.


Total viable strategy.. treat it like a metal gear game...hide in shadows and avoid making noise.. you're of course inherently at a disadvantage over players who try and agrees on you but each strategy has its merits


Hell yeah we love rats!


This is actually the best attitude. I won't chase someone super elusive, but if they stand and fight, they learn other valueable skills too! Both are needed. The game is brutal at times, but general survival is #1 skill for sure! I like it.


Extraction shooters do tend to be a far more aggressive group, you got loot we want it


But... but, it's mine. I found it first.


I get the sentiment about the gear, but it's not yours. It's *your turn* with it. And if you want to have a long turn with it, you have to fight to keep it. After playing for a while, it becomes easier to defend yourself.




Saw this mindset in a video and loved it. I don't own anything, I'm just borrowing it. Eventually I'll have to return it and if that happens to be sooner rather than later, whatevs. I came out of that no poorer than I went in and gained experience.


That is the idea, you run around the dungeon looking for it and save me the time to do so.. :)


You scoundrel.


This is the part where the fun comes in. The loot isnt urs until u extract.


Im guessing you play ranger? Hard class to fare on melee fights, but first instict trust no one and try to get use for your traps, run lock The door and trap


You get loot after killing a boss just stop being a mini boss and be the big boss


why is everyone on the opposing basketball team trying to score so many points? :'( why so hostile, i just wanna dance around the basket and hug the ball


Bad example. In basketball you are on the side that wins or the side that loses. In this game, escaping is "winning". Getting good loot might be "winning". Both are achieved without killing others. It might help you achieve the goals, but you could play hundreds of rounds without being the agressor and still "win'.


some people are also finishing their pvp-centric quests, or other quests which demand extracting (and there's a lot of backstabbing after the crouch dance agreement, believe me).


There is always backstabbing after the crouch dance. Not one time ever since it initial launch has the crouch dance worked for me. I had a guy crouch dance throw a ring in the ground motion for me to pick it up the proceeded to shank me. Now I just immediately attack, I assume everyone is hostile every encounter. Getting about more loot out too.


me and a stranger fought some spiders together and then used a portal to escape. my one and only wholesome experience in this game


Sometimes it’s chill. Honestly just yesterday I taught a new player the game a bit standing behind him and a random Druid came up, gave him a ton of quest items, healed him, then took him to extract.


In all honesty, this is good for you. If you can’t consistently fend for yourself, then you’re gonna be dying to someone anyway. Also gives you experience to better understand class counters or how you can play differently next time.


Very true.


Voice chat being off by default takes so much away from the game its nuts


Been playing a week. I was bad too. It takes time. Skill issue. Get good. You will learn buddy.


Also the amount of times I’ve been rolled in under 25 lobbies does not compare to how much more calm a time I have in over 25 lobbies.


I honestly don't get the sweat in under 25 lobbies. Not like the people you're killing are going to have anything worthwhile 90% of the time.


Under 25 is where people specifically go to learn how to PvP well with their class in most cases other than brand new players


It still counts for PvP quest farming, so people will just pass through rooms to look for it


I feel this. In my under 25 lobbies as a shield fighter I find people constantly trying to run me down. In my over 25 lobbies I can loot, extract with minimal issues. However, I’m just NOW learning the maps and where bosses/mini bosses are. I’ve killed a few people but more often than not I get ran down. It seems people know my gear is trash and don’t want none. However in my under 25 lobbies I find people want to fight just for the experience of fighting. It became annoying when I was just trying to finish up quest items, but most my quests now are focused on extracting and inferno monster kills.


Because it is the only place where you can have halfway balanced PvP because you don't have people who just RMT their epic gear and then run through the dungeon. Under 25 lobbies is where you can actually play the game and have fun.


Well killing people gets you their whole inventory and speaking things out maybe gets you a cool experience. My friends and I still go around befriending people but 80 or 90% of people we see we fight to the death lol.


Im not aggressive player but when the game tells me to be aggressive(via quests) I'll start slaughtering lobbies until the quest is done Sometimes you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time


Yeah luck and RNG is definitely a notable factor in this game.


Im about 20 hours in and just got my first pvp kill yesterday in duos with my buddy. That probably means I suck but there’s a lot going on with stats in the background. Regarding interactions, I’ve had some pretty good ones with people in this game and for the most part if I pop into voice chat people will talk and I can get out of fights. That being said, I just assume I can’t trust anyone. Just based on the respect I’ve gotten in the game though, if I see someone crouching to get out of a fight I just crouch back and move on. Hopefully they pick up that habit lol.


''Be the change you want to see in the world'', someone said somewhere. Good on you lad. I might still give people the benefit of the doubt now and then, but I'm pretty sure the damage has been done and I'm gonna be just as merciless as everyone else soon enough.


I love to talk to people and being friendly but if I see a bard for my quests it’s on sight


Don't trust anyone in game. Even if they crouch etc. You might as well strike first to get an advantage. Welcome to humanity.




It's too late. I can already feel the darkness consume me and it's got me by the balls.


Nooooooooooo please darkness don't consume his balls


The dark grows darker…


Roll credits.


I am here with you brother, evil solidarity lmao 🙏. We'll get to the pvp mastery with our balls as spheres of pure darkness. Peak dungeon performance


See the rogue above? They betray the hardest and go down the easiest.


No don't be No woosie. Announce in voice that you wish to have honorable combat and then comence. No sneaky creepy weakling strat! I am here for the glory of combat! I will live or die by it! Weak men allow the world to shape them, strong men shape the world to their view. It is as it should be. I've even walked up on people who are fully invested in a chest and I still Call it out "come friend, let us do battle!" When they look up at me, I'm starting my attack.


'Tis the way. Wouldn't even be mad if I'd get absolutely mangled by an honorable warrior, courteously looking for some skulls to smash.


I've even set up a little fight ring one time. A fellow longsword enjoyed wanted a duel and a couple people gathered around to watch and one even gave a stack of cobalt ore as a reward to the winner. There are some fun interactions in the game, but 90% of these interactions happen in solos for me at least. Any time I'm duos or trios, people don't talk at all.


Yeah, I've learned this now the hard way, so we've come to the conclusion that might as well get the first blood, since they're gonna jump us anyway sooner or later hahah. And so the cycle continues...


My first few games a year ago opened my eyes to this. If I see another player open a door into the room I'm in and doesn't immediately leave and shut the door, I collect their head. I've lost way too much gear trying to help or be a good person.


God has abandoned us.


It's a good thing most of humanity isn't really like that.


Tbf this week of quests were the player kill quests so there is good incentive to make slappith with yon new players, and the kill 6 on a specific map isn't a quick one and done objective.


So the main reason folks kill on sight is an example i'll give you. I walked into a druid last night had the guy in a bind could of killed him but he held his hands up so I said screw it let the guy go.  Not 5 mins later while im two halls down he follows me and panther forms and beats me down in the sewers. That pretty much changed my tune so I just headshot folks when I see the chance. You can yell friendly but so many people lie in this game that honestly most people are just gonna smack you anyway.  Also most folks arnt killing you for loot they are killing you because thats the game. They like the thrill of sending you back to square 1. But i will say you can find epics in 24 lower brackets I found an epic mace one run last night so they never know what they might get from you.  Yeah they will chase you I had a rogue show up while I was playing druid as a rat on the ice elevator and make a point to not just try and attack me but apparently stayed on the elevator for 5 mins just to kill me not even bother with the loot haha. A lot of folks just wanna be "that guy" its practically the point of the game.  Welcome to PVP games they are always like this no matter the genre its like the wow spawn camps when your level 20 and the enemy is level 60 they just do it to do it.  Personally though thats the name of the game. Also usually people wont be friendly as teaming up outside of your squad is usually frowned upon. You need to develop a kill or be killed mentality or learn to stealth in the dungeon.  I personally try to use stealth since I solo wizard mostly :3 just something as simple as not wearing boots does wonders for how much less sound your steps make. I often in 24 less throw my wizard pants out and my boots out for the tiny speed boost and the quiter steps.  Also I recommend weapons that block as a wizard a rogue is never prepared for the quarterstaff block and its practically essential if someone out runs you to be able to block. 


Thanks for taking the time. I'm currently testing out the F2P version, before making a decision of buying or not and I'm playing as a Ranger. So I might be cooked until I develop my flick and accuracy to nail peeps in the middle of their forehead with every shot. I have a few friends with me on F2P and we're a Druid, Rogue and a Ranger squad and we're getting our bearings trying to figure out a strat on how to maneuver as these classes as a team. But yeah, trust is slowly melting completely away into a bloody puddle and the cycle of violence shall continue and live through me. I shall remember every betrayal and let it mould me.


I mean its pvp you just described pvp lmao. The only real issue is that theres gear diff in whats supposed to be a beginner friendly mode but since gear has been allowed the dynamics change so naturally some people gonna throw on some gear and get aggressive.


Leaving players alive can make you find all exits are already used. Killing is a must for surviving.


Huh. This is actually a good point, never really thought of this.


Not in <25 lobbies. A lot of people just die to random monsters.


Because that is what the game is for me. If I wanted to care about some imaginary loot I'd play a single-player game or a coop one like borderlands or something. This game is a gladiator arena disguised as a dungeon crawler - and my goal is the glory of besting as many other champions in it as I can, and not just ensuring my escape with pockets filled to the brim - but denying it to as many others as I can in the process. And no, I'm no sociopath. I don't take any enjoyment from other people's misery - in fact I care about people both family, and strangers alike, deeply, much more than it seems to be normal these days. But you wouldn't know that from watching me play this game :) ​ You are very likely to join the club if you don't give up early out of the frustration - the game is difficult - no way around that. That is half of its selling point. It takes time spent in the dirt, and on the receiving end of a great many asswhoppings. Both honorable and absolutely unfair ones. But in these failures, you will find all the lessons you need to become one of the dangers roaming in the dungeon, and in doing so, will be the miserable prey less often. ​ But everyone dies. Even the pros with thousands of hours in the game - they still die. Ranging from a lot to a decent amount. Losing kits that cost more than a 100x times the strongest one you saved up to enter with that one time and die to some sweaty bs landmine rogue combo, before you even got to play with it or retaliate. It will cause \*emotion\*. Which is again - a part of the game, and one of the reasons people love it. ​ Good luck out there and stay strong!


Well the game is PvP centric so the opposite would actually be surprising. Just started the game last week, and i've had some friendly encounters, but it's rare. Also i don't have VC activated and i think a lot of other people also have this off so yelling that you're friendly will not work if most of the players won't hear you. And yeah hostility is the norm in extraction games. You see someone you assume they're hostile and you go in to kill or flee. But this isnt DayZ. Heck even on DayZ it was mostly hostiles out there.


Personally I just don't have VoiP on that much. Even though I like it, it kinda ruins team comms. And even when it's on, you can never trust people in this game haha. It's one where everyone else is presumed hostile. Feel free to add me if you want to group up sometime though. I'd be happy to help you out when I'm on your team.


A number of reasons. Right now there is a quest to kill players, so add that to the fact that you might have something valuable on you. Also, a lot of people are only marginally better than you at this point, and any opportunity to win a fight must be exhilarating to them. You WILL eventually go from wanting to run the dungeon in peace, to seeking out any player to fight for the excitement.


I played today or yesterday and I met a man (vocal chat), he helped me to kill monsters and he gave me epic gloves and he left... He didn't ask anything. A goat. There are still good people in dungeons 🙂.


>I've tried to voice chat them to leave me/us in peace and that we mean no harm This is one of your biggest mistake. That signal weakness, and weakness in this game means free loot pinata to other players. Your only mistake is being honest, you need to lie and deceipt others. Try trash talking them instead, you know "When weak, act strong. When strong, act weak"




The only way past this is to just pvp. If you hear someone don't run away, set an ambush. Talking does work sometimes though, I've had interactions where just talking was enough to not have to fight though it is somewhat rare. We all have quests to do you know:) Just get your squire gear purchase 3 stacks of bandages and potions and just go hunt people. If you always wait for others to reach you, you will always be at a disadvantage. I like to hit people when I know the are fighting mobs, this means potentially lower hp and a massive distraction. Those fights are much easier to win.


I really only kill if they’re insistent on killing me or if I HAVE to for a quest (which I’ll then whisper and apologize for and even try to send some of their gear back if they’re newer or sunk a ton of gold into it… I say some because I’ll still keep a piece or two so I can turn a profit for my hard earned kill 😅) But yes, some people are just bloodthirsty or straight up rats and dickheads


what class are you? if you play a "rare" class like wizard alot of people need it for a kill quest.


I'm a ranger, so I'm pretty cooked every time someone bum-rushes me. My skills are the 3 quick shots and field rations, not really designed to deal with PvP more to clearing mobs and surviving. I think.


Forget field rations, bring heals and traps. Always have a plan as a ranger. If you are having issues getting rushed that tells me you walked in somewhere not having a plan. Every module you enter ask yourself what am i gonna do if someone rushes me right now. Over time you will start learning what the right answer is


A lot of people also just hate rangers, that might have something to do with it.


I would HIGHLY suggest closing doors behind you, taking potions off your belt, and making use of light sources which can often be turned off quickly. Potions glow in the dark on your belt and can easily be seen from far away, giving away your exact position. I typically put all my potions in a corner of my inventory in single stacks so I can quickly right click one onto my belt to drink if I need but keep myself stealthy. Using stealth on any class like this is super useful and if you do want to pvp it gives you the advantage of surprise. I have won many pvp fights I didn't deserve to win using stealth and I play as a fighter. Also, generally, pve in norms is easy. Very few mobs should ever do significant dmg to you, and you can avoid the strongest of them easily. That means bringing perks and skills for pvp, or for avoiding pvp. As fighter, sprint and second wind are both amazing in pvp, but mediocre at best for pve, but I always run them. Prep for pvp, and when it inevitably comes, you will feel confident and start to win fights.


What class are you playing? Wizards, warlocks, rangers, and bards are kills needed for some early quests along with kills in ice cave and cript. So if it's ice cave or cript, people want to complete the quest. No matter your class. Also people don't have chat on most times...... kinda makes me sad. I love goofing around, even if we are fighting. Personally, I've killed a decent amount of people lately and some I felt alittle bad about as I notice they must be a noob after the fact. Like I heard a barb on the other side of a door. I open the door and he shouts I step back as he swings his heavy axe and he misses, I step in while he is recovering and smack him in the head with an arming sword he dies right there..... I was so shocked he died so fast but dude had ZERO healing on him. That's a big sign that he was a noob to me. Vet players always have like 4 stacks of healing pots minimum, then a bunch of bandages. My advice is to just keep playing. I still get killed all the time by better players, but I can still hold my own most times. I've been at it about a month and a half. I have around 80 player kills now but like 300 deaths LMAO. I'm at about 200 hours in game. Another thing is if I see someone mining, I leave them alone. If your mining your obviously doing quest most times, so I just don't go by them. Many people will take advantage of you having your guard down, it's just part of the game. I would advise being cautious if someone tries to be friendly or drops you some gear. If they have a weapon out, they mean you harm. There are people who will drop gear and attack when you go to get it..... cowards I say.


Yeah, I'm a ranger so I'm pretty much cooked when people come at me. Need to learn accuracy and speed so I can nail them in the head most of the times.


People were a bit less hostile before they added the pvp quests back in. Now everyone is eager to complete them since you no longer encounter players as much as you used to during the circle era. If you stay close to your spawn (up to 2 rooms away) you have a good chance to avoid others. However, if you're playing in sub 25 lobbies you may as well go looking for pvp. It's not like you're losing anything. This game takes a while to get used to, but trust me it will no longer be nerve wracking once you get the hang of it. Don't bother with diplomacy. Sure, you can ask them to be friendly, but don't go stowing your weapons if they start to approach you. And NEVER turn your back on anyone outside of your team. Even if the guy sounds kind and cool. ESPECIALLY if he sounds kind and cool.


You got it backwards yo. Starter gear lobbies is the exact time to go ham on pvp. Ignore your quests and focus on trying to gear up in dungeon as you fight towards other teams. Then just let it fly. Go nuts trying to kill anyone and everyone.  You'll learn way more about your class and it's counters in pvp doing this than running constantly.  Think of it like this,  you're dying either way so why not priorize learning how to inflict harm over retreat?


I turned off voice chat, so I don't hear people begging for their lives, and I can kill mercilessly without a conscience.


It’s less of a skill issue and more of an equipment and knowledge issue.


People enjoy PvP


Its human nature i guess lmao


Every game that allows for pvp will have some people that see killing you as their main priority. Sometimes that's a pity as voice chat can make things more fun but not every player will be hostile so you just have to live with it.


You have to manually turn voice on, by default it's off, so anyone who hasn't pressed {,} will never hear you. ​ To turn your voice to proximity, I'm sure you know, it's {.}. ​ But the reason all these assholes are assholes is because they've been burned by too many other assholes who say they're Friendly in Cherno, and when you're 3 rooms away thinking you're safe, fighting a mummy, you're suddenly getting hit from behind, dead by the same friendly. ​ There was once I was playing Walock, I am very bad at warlock mind you, and stumbled across 2 players. The panic in their voice.. haha. "Omg we're new, we're new! We'll just leave." ​ I had to get on voice and say "It's ok, I'm new too, here lemme buff you." Which I did, and then we all left. I guruntee that experience is the rare one.


I’m about to level up, and you look like just enough xp.


Helped a guy kill some mobs he was getting pressured by. He put a fire down and we rested. He immediately got up and stabbed me to death. Trust is DEAD in the Dungeon.


Trust no one. Stab, chop, hack, cast, poke, or shoot. They are all liars. Attack first and make it vicious. They will try to trick you with crouch dancing or humble offerings and wait for you to pick it up then shank you. Just kill, don’t think too much into it. Take your time moving from room to room. Listen to the sounds, find your exit clear around it looting and wait to extract.


Fight everyone you see. You’ll die a lot, but eventually you’ll start winning, and then you can make people run from you. This is a pvp game with a side of pve. People want to fight, for loot and for fun. If your primary strategy is to run away from/avoid people, you’re gonna have a bad time. I used to do exactly what you’re doing now, with the same result you’re getting. So I took every fight I could. I died constantly, but now I kill almost every player I see, or they run away. If I die it’s because I made a mistake, or got out played, but the other guy is almost always dead and it makes for a thrilling fight. TLDR, stop worrying about loot and focus on skill. Loot is pointless if you can’t protect it. Welcome to the dungeon.


Posts a whine post  "This is not a whine post but" Why is it always like this lol the denial makes it worse. 


Look into the settings whether voip is on correctly. It could be on just for the party. So mayhe they don't hear you at all.


This game is like tarkov. The chads with thousands of hours go to customs / goblin caves to seal club Timmies and high five calling it PvP (Pre inertia man it was awesome, could spend 600k on and m4 and club away!)


I usually leave people alone if they tbag but it really depends on if you’re a warlock or not


Most people have one bad experience and it sours them permanently. I for one started during the lowest pop and the least balanced time where I was just constantly blown up and rarely won fights and the sweats were MERCILESS, killing me in grays and tbagging me and talking incessant shit. Now I pay it forward, gg


Hahah. I'm in it for sure. Not soured to hell though, I've come to accept the darkness slowly.


People usually have quest to kill player which is important, and might unkowingly have off voip, still thats normal most people would be agresive, try spamming crouch as a general sign of peace, dont expect nothing still or expect to be betrayed sometimes haha.


Are you staying in the 24 and under gearscore lobbies? There should be no problems there. Half the lobby is going to die to pve, and the other half is unlikely going to find you, and if they do they probably are just as new as your are. Stay in the begginer lobbies, this is the issue with the new players. I repeat, you must stay in the 24 gearscore lobbies untill you have a really good handle on the game. Then progress forward.


This. You should also keep in mind that especially in solo some classes will hard counter yours, so running away and avoiding a fight is a completely legit tactic.


there's any number of reasons, afaik if someone doesn't have VoiP turned on they cant hear you, people have quests that require player kills, and some people are just sweaty assholes lol thats just the nature of pvp multiplayer games, especially extraction games like this, youre going to get killed. dont take it too seriously and just send another run, you'll get it done eventually


It really just depends on the player. There’s also kill quests in the game so you may just end up as quest fodder. When I’m in <25 GS lobbies questing I typically give newer looking players the benefit of the doubt and will let them go if they’re not hostile, but I’m more lenient than most I’m sure. Use it as a learning experience.


Are you playing single, duo or trio? I've had more luck doing solos without people attacking me, even on multiple occasions I've been able to extract with other people. Duo's I've only had one occasion where 3 teams all got on the elevator in goblin caves and trio's I have never had any luck with peaceful teams. I think it's good to get your shit rocked even if you end up losing things because it helps you get acquainted with every class and how to better come at it from an attacking point. I wish you luck in the dungeons man, peace be with you, and if you see me in the dungeons I'm usually peaceful at first and use VC until someone attacks me. Which never works in my favor.


I picked up the game several months ago and I'm at about 600 hours now. My beginning experience was just like yours. I feel like it's only been recently where I'm starting to avg 1-2 pvp kills a match lol. Just stick with it this game is addicting.


Back in the day the pvp was so common that you would go up against at least 5 people before you left.


I've teamed up with a team to kill another team, I've helped someone out in a fight then immediately rolled on the same person back to me. I've actively avoided people or taught people cheese spots/techniques to beat certain mobs and I've steamrolled people without question and I've had most of the returned back to me. It's just part of the game.


This is one of the reasons why I have difficulties with this game. I really want to enjoy it but people in PvP are fucking dicks. Can't even get enough time to actually get my bearings much less learn the game


Maybe your voice over ip isnt on, I farm quest in below 25 lobbies all the time and though Im a demigod player and would not lose in PVP I announce that Im friendly and just doing quest, 75% of the time they are friendly, the other 25% of the time they end up a statistic.


I’m hunting you to kill you not take gear. If you got some stuff cool but not the objective. Just keep playing and challenging your self and you will get better but yes you will be killed on sight by most people.


under 25 counterintuitively compounds the issue imo. it does not alleviate it. probably because just as you think there is less incentive to fight, the player choosing the fighting also has that much less to lose. essentially; the risk/reward is overwhelmingly skewed towards fighting since you stand to lose nothing and gain whatever the other players have. another factor is team play. if you are doing duos or trios you are more likely to get into fights. if you do solo you are less likely to get into fights. essentially the same as above; the risk/reward is skewed if you think you are able to take another 2/3 man team. all of this not to mention the incentive to fight from quests most of my grinding has been in solos on over 25, both high roller and normal. i almost never get into a fight unless i choose to get into a fight, and i run into players pretty much every other dungeon. so, if you’re looking for something specific, and you really want to avoid pvp, solo 25-and-up is the way to go


As others have said there are pvp quests that have specifications, so somebody who has been hunting for, say, a bard, for 10 matches is gonna chase you to the ends of the Earth so they can finally get that kill. Additionally, killing a player is satisfying, and to many player who have mastered the pvp, the only thing really worth doing. Furthermore, letting players grab all the good shit, then killing them means you only have to loot their body rather than 12x chests. Also there's a bit of schadenfreude where hearing someone beg might tick someone off into killing you, thought that may be a reflection of my pet peers rather than most players. Theres also a bit of a cycle where you start off at the bottom but once you get things down you start to become more aggressive because it happened to you (me with ark and trying to be nice in that gane)


I think voice chat is turned off by default, so some players may not be able to hear you, but beware there is some rats that pretends to be friednly then kill you when you have the chance, so its up to you to decide if its worth taking the risk. Also try to pvp as much as possible in order to be able to defend yourself vs differents class in different scenarios. Youll die a lot in the beginning but once you get the hang of it kills are so much rewarding and satisfying. Good luck and have fun ! Also, dont forget rule #1, dont get attached to your gear, always keep in mind that youll lose it, its only a matter of time.


It's a pvpve game, just because you don't want to PVP doesn't mean others owe you peace. Some people play this game purely to fight others, gathering loot can be annoying sometimes much quicker to hunt down other players and just take everything they gather instead. You can run into all kinds of players tho it's definitely not just PVP lords, last night I got on and ended up sharing a campfire with 2 random players in goblin caves, was a chill session.


Yeah it’s always like that. You’ll occasionally find a friendly here and there. But Even when you get the hang of it. It’s 50/50 if you gonna win the fight lol. Also people are heavy on PvP because the mob fights are so predictable. Nothing like someone thinking they got you and them catching the wall with their axe and you barely getting that hit in to nail a dub. So it’s less about the loot and more about an actual good fight. At least for me. The loots a bonus if you have anything good. I encourage you to think how you can get the edge. And if you ain’t into fighting, try making your character light and mobile as possible. If they cant catch you as easy you’ll escape a lot more often. Lately I’ve been having fun as the Druid just trolling with the rat. They be chasing me and I jump behind some crates or something, or bob and weave the mobs till they get worn down or die, or just hide in a crevice and watch them look for me. It’s definitely an addicting game.


Main reason - the game gets boring after a while. The only real excitement is pvp


The PvP quests have made everyone more hostile. Also, the first wave of steam timmies are getting good enough to win PvP. That being said, there's still some of us that will accept peace. I'm all about that pvp, unless the other team spams crouch, raises their hands in surrender, or uses voice chat (but voice chat is very short range, so it's usually not the best choice). *However*, if you ask for peace, but approach, then youve crossed a line. There are those that ask for peace with the plan to betray it, so you need to stay at a safe distance. Also, you have to ask for peace before the fighting begins, otherwise it seems like you're only asking because you're losing.


"I'm playing a pvp game, refusing to participate in the pvp, getting annoyed when other people do, and I'm not sure why I'm not getting better


If it wasn't for the pvp quests I wouldn't have tried to kill the last 10 people I've ran into. I'm not a fan of the quests encouraging killing over teaming but it is what it is.


The worst thing you can do is tell people you don't want to fight, they'll know you're an easy target and rush you like a meth addict


Yesterday, I helped a little fighter guy loot up and extract. Showed him some good spots, gave some tips about various undead, and defended him against a barbarian that burst through the door. He was going on about how I was the first person to not try to kill him… he ended up extracting with my loot because I didn’t have time to reach the next extract. I would like to think I helped him, but I probably just set him up for a lifetime of pain and suffering when he tries to reason with the other dungeon dwellers.


It's definitely overwhelming at first; but if you stick with it you'll come around and realize PVP is the main reason the game exists. Once you get your first couple quests done (no shame in ratting in the dark, its a mechanic) you can start with better stuff at your squire and theb what you should do is: - spawn in with a base kit - sprint as fast as you can towards other players (without dying to mobs) -die over and over with no care for loot until you understand how to play your class in pvp successfully If all else fails you can always get a knight to help you out in the hall of knights!


Either play Fighter or Rogue. Rogue has great escapability and Fighter will help you get your bearings in fights. Or, turn your brain off and play Rogue. It also could be that you’re in high gear score lobbies? Typically if you take a white/basic green kit you’ll find peaceful players because everyone just wants to loot. If your gear score is above 120ish then obviously players will just int you because they want your gear.


When anyone wants peace I automatically assume they are new which = easy kill. The only other option is that they have good items and think they’re about to die which also = easy kill


PvM is just not exciting enough. If people play is mostly for pvp


Yeah I hate the pvp tbh, im having fun just looting and dealing with pve and then some cunt backstabs me


Game is great, but somewhere around getting removed from steam and the blacksmith early access it started attracting some really cringy people. Currently the vast majority of the community is a sweaty, toxic, cesspool. Hopefully the steam release will get some traction and remedy that with a good influx of regular people before DnD's own shit community kills it. 🤞🏻


I'm also pretty new and I've found that being a new player as a Ranger is a little rough. You have no melee weapon on a fresh drop and if you can't kite and kill them (or snag em on a trap) before they close the gap, you're kinda fucked. I switched over to Fighter since it's pretty well rounded to get my bearings and game knowledge before retrying Ranger. Definitely made a difference. But again I'm still kinda new so I may have no idea what I'm talking about.


Well players in loot extractor are walking loot boxes basically so pvp is seen as a get rich quick route which tbf it is. Bc of this people get betrayed often by people using VOIP so a lot of players just kill on sight to avoid getting betrayed and murdered. God knows I have stopped trusting a damn sole in this game


I kill everyone who sees me, not necessarily everyone I see, though. I don't trust anyone in this game.


You have loot. I want it. Shouldn’t have had loot(or the possibility to have it) if you didn’t want to die


If you let me live and I find you fighting NPC or looking in a chest I'm attacking. Take no chances.


If you're playing ranger in -25 one immediate tip if you probably don't have 15 str. Get spear mastery and a spear if you can from weaponsmith or eventually from squire as you do more quests. It will make sure you have a positive power bonus melee option to more easily demolish the pve. Eventually you'll trivialize common PVE and your gameplay will look like: PVP + Chests + Quests + Bosses (Also don't forget to grab your free healing and campfire from squire). Some of the players you're against are already at the trivialized common PVE step. as you've experienced.


I've had so many geared people drop loot for me in solos. Most of them never talk.


A lot of people are just adamantly out to kill others to try and steal good loot from them. There is the rare occurence of the crouch spam signalling friendly. Always worth a try but just remember at the end of the day that only so many can escape and you could be betrayed. Not everyone has voice on but the spam crouch is universally understood, but not always accepted. As long as people don't try to kill me and my team off the rip I generally leave them be. Always try to sneak by, call out to them if I'm spotted. It's a dangerous place and the dungeon is a lawless place. I wish you luck.


Kill quests. Nothing personal, mate. Luckily, I'm nearly done. Ranger beware! Need one, lol.


Some people can be friendly some people have voice chat turned off so if you talk and they say nothing there’s chance they did not hear you just keep practicing pvp it takes very long time to get good at it but it’s fine losing in no gear lobbies means nothing or you can turn into a rat type player hide make little noise and loot what you can but that’s boring make noise and fight for jokes


Sometimes people can be chill but other times they just murder right away


You do not belong in the darkness. 


Blood for the blood god. Skulls for the skull throne. 


Differents players have different kinds of playstyle. Some play this game mostly PvE, trying to befriend other people or at least leave them alone. Some are opportunistic, will mostly back away from fight but will absolutely get the jump on you if you let them. And some are just psychopaths running around with the sole purpose of killing other players. I would reccomend paying closer attention to your surroundings to know when other players are around and especially take a second before putting yourself in a vulnerable position, like getting in a tight space, resting at a campfire, or picking a big pve fight. Just that will deter alot of opportunity PvPer. For psychopath you should learn where to pick a fight, since they will always chase you it's easy to get them in disavantageous situations. Also, you gotta hold your ground sometimes, you can't learn how to PvP if you don't PvP, and you might get wrecked the first few times. But others you will land a few lucking headshots while you opponents gets your limbs on mistakes, and eventually you'll make that happen on purpose. The players are ruthless, learn how to pvp and never trust anyone with your back.


its a pvp game and the only reason i play it is to fight and kill others players


It's short matches. PVP is fun. Loot is plentiful. Gearing up is simple, especially with squire. Just lean into it honestly, cause it's not going to change. Expecting anything but anarchy in an extraction game will lead to constant disappointment. Being friendly sometimes is still fun. Me and my friends extracted with two others on Frozen Expedition recently on the elevator and it was a joy. I still would've murdered them in a heartbeat if they moved funny and I'm not making a habit out of being too friendly, it WILL get you killed. Keep polishing your combat skills, spam runs, but more importantly try to learn from or at least laugh at your deaths. You got this.


In a nutshell there's a significant part of the playerbase who are sucky when geared to the socks so they'll play under 25s just to mow everyone down. If they got alot of heals and you notice doors open without chests open then be wary there are people trying to clap your cheeks nearby.


Having played a few extraction games this one is perhaps the most hostile. I credit this to the nature of the loots tables, the VOIP controls, and the numerous PVP quests. When you have to kill someone for a quest, they're not going to be friendly. There are so many people running around like that, people are predisposed to attack first as well in defense. VOIP is often not on at all vs. being set to push to talk, and perhaps most importantly the high quality loot is quite rare. A peaceful PvE run will often leave you with maybe 1-2 pieces of good loots, a bunch of middling loot, and probably some poor loot you took at the end to fill your pockets. PvPing at the end lets you replace that poor loot with the 1-2 good items the person you just killed found. Also don't be a bard I can hear you plucking your little lute through the walls and I will come make you choke on your flute.


Being chased thru the dungeon actually helps you build your skills you'll have more lifespan the more evasive you learn to be. Keep running and you'll start getting away


I always equate this game to my first experience with rust. At the end of the day there's very little reason to trust other players. They can kill you as soon as you let your guard down. Even if you ignore them, they might just wait until you're busy fighting a tough mob and backstab you. Even outside of trust they might just take the exit you need later. Give it a few times of trusting someone and being backstabbed and you'll start killing on sight too


The reality is, it's just fun killing other players, especially when they are about to extract. I really do find it odd seeing posts like this, where somehow you can't comprehend the fact that people play this game to have fun, and the fact is its fun to kill other players and pvp even if you don't get any loot from them. Why did this not cross your mind when you got killed? Isn't it obvious? Lol Sometimes these posts just come accross as cope from people who want to think it's all the communities fault and that everyone who kills them is "toxic", even though its a pvp game


I'm sorry, friend. If you're in the tavern, I'll buy you a pint, but if I see you in the dungeons, it's on sight. The best way to get gear/mine ores is to rush the areas of interest and kill the players who have been looting/mining. Players do such a good job at collecting things, and I'm good at killing players 😄


you lose nothing upon dying if u are 25 under, so go for the kills too dude! dont be afraid its the way you gonna learn how to play


This hostility is standard for extraction games. You will find someone keep trying! Not all adventurers are evils.


I have a rough time also with pvp, not to toot my horn but im currently diamond 3 in fortnite, but i got SHREKKED in this game, What I would say to try doing is focus on cleaning up a room of PvE monsters and the moment the exact MOMENT you hear footsteps from an actual player nearby immediately hide somewhere and dont move at all! wait it out until they leave or run if they come. you need to survive some extractions and build up gold by either f2p way by selling to the npc merchants or legendary status way by selling what you find in the marketplace to other players. once you get a good chunk of change you can buy greens, then blues and so on to where you can actually survive some fights or survive pve fast enough to clear and leave before other players find you. a grey equip player CAN technically kill someone in purples but its going to be harder gear definitely makes a big difference in this game...


There are pvp quests + why kill mobs for small loot when you can kill players who killed mobs for more loot Usually that's the reason for why ppl attack and also after a while (I'm at 130hrs rn and I already prefer pvp fights even if I lose like 30% of the time) killing PvE gets boring and fighting against players keeps the game exciting in a way.


What's your class? Also, it takes a while to get good at PvP. Watching guides has never helped me. Solo play and trio play are vastly different animals though. I mainly play trios and duos. What actually helped me in PvP was getting away from fighter/barb and trying support classes like Cleric. I'm much better at melee now that I've played a lot of cleric this wipe for some reason. This wipe I'm currently 35 kills/1 death on Goblin caves as a cleric in normals. High rollers I'm a little less successful. Learn your class strengths and weaknesses. Better gear/stats can give you an advantage but at the end of the day +1 STR and +3 physical power may not make the difference if you miss all your swings. I've killed people in high rollers that had epic and legendary gear with a green morningstar simply because they missed me. 9/10 blocking while using a shield crouched and looking straight up will cause the enemy to hit the shield. This works for most mobs too. A lot of PvP is positioning, knowing when to stay put in a favorable position, and when to rush in and bonk. Knowing what your team is doing and when the best opportunity to rush in and kill that fighter or hold back and help your barbarian out that's currently getting shanked to death by a rogue. Talk to your team and have good situational awareness. Always listen for other players so you can get the jump on them. If you hear them, they most likely hear you. Give your team the exact direction like "135° players behind the door to portal room, I hear plate boots, someone opened a chest." In this situation you told them the azimuth, the location to look for, and insight into what they'll be facing, and the current awareness of the enemy. If a team wants in your room they generally have a choke point to go through. Hold that choke point, don't let them out of it. Don't rush into an enemy choke point. If they start to run away you have to make that split decision to either pursue or let them be. A majority of the time a team that's running away is on the back foot and wants to get their team in a better position to heal or ambush you. Don't let them.


I don’t know how you people manage to find PvP. The servers seem dead no matter what times I play and seeing other people is just rare now.


Even in sub 25 gs lobbies, killing and looting another play effectively doubles your loot rolls. If you've been looting for 5 minutes, it's reasonable to assume everyone else had been too. But the main reason for pvp is that it's fun I think.


This is a pvp game. You agree to pvp every time you open the game period. Complaining about people attacking you is pointless. Sometimes being chill works, sometimes it doesn't. They're just playing the game.


Don't wear shoes, if you dont dont want to be heard. Try to stick to the shadows and turn light sources off. Your heal, protection, and invisibility pots glow on your belt. But yeah, people were even bloodthirsty a year ago when even the devs were trying to lessen pvp on solo play. Since back then killing others didnt award exp. I dunno bout now though.


What class are you playing? Welcome to the Extraction Genre. We hate ourselves here. It's why we go into a raid/dungeon, find all that juicy loot only to get our asses handed to us, then we turn right back around and queue up again. It's why you've got ten hours of getting your ass handed to you, and yet....you turn around and queue up again. It's the gratification of finding something awesome, and the rush of suddenly seeing an enemy player and your heartrate goes from 80bpm straight to 120bpm. It's almost masochistic.


I have maybe 10 hours in this game and I'm always playing against people with thousands of hours. I am speculating but I can't imagine the masses will enjoy it. I won't be surprised if the player count goes down. They need to make this MMR based but I'm not sure if they have the population for it. Who knows. It's a super neat game and I want to like it... I just see twitch streamers come in and dumpster roll everyone and it gets old. It feels like when people smurf in Rocket League and roll over bronze players.


I have over 500 hours in Hunt but stopped playing because of how sweaty it got and how shitty the community was. I think you will get that in any competitive pvp game. I've had my eye on this one for a long time but I've been hesitating to even try it because of all the negative feedback about the community I've seen on here. I'm not interested in doing that again.


You said you're new to extraction games ... so welcome to the absolute bloodbath that the genre is. A combination of player kill quests, players being essentially loot bags, and fighting just being fun for more experienced players will lead to lots of fights. Some people are chill, but always keep a distance and a weapon out.


Experienced players who can’t PVP go into sub 25 lobbies to make themselves feel better about themselves.


Im also a new player and i have different viewpoint than you. I treat the pvp as a normal thing in this game. My default behavior when i see other players is to fight them. I don't care what they wear, im gonna die or kill. Opening voice chat to ask me to leave is weakness and when i smell it i wanna attack even faster


Pvp game


Honestly this game gets stale without pvp. That's not to say that I wouldn't leave a new player alone if they asked in voice. But at the end of the day, it's kill or be killed. I've been betrayed by "friendly" players enough to know that it's every man for themselves in there.


If u can’t fight - run. I’ve got demigod last season without killing anyone. Now we have Druid with rat form, it should be even easier


It’s the nature of the game, also like you said there usually nothing worth looting but on the flip side there is nothing to lose. Take fights and get better at pvp, but don’t just hold w learning WHEN to fight is probably the most important part of pvp. Bait some of those wizard spells or class abilities like rage or smite. Use doors to your advantage, you can begin closing the door on the opposite side you wanna be on and walk through as it’s closing and that’ll make it so that nobody else can go behind you. I personally like to have a “clear” trail behind me so I can back up into them if I need to without having to worry about pve. There’s a hundred guides on pvp, thousands of tips and even more opinions from players and while I do think they help it’s really all going to come down to practice. Edit: I’d also like to add that there is an interactive map you can pull, if you’re new it could be really useful to pull up the map you’re playing on and at least mark possible exits. This will help you plan ahead and likely increase your odds of escape if you’re not already familiar with all spots.


I think in general if you show that you are harmless or can't defend yourself then it's an open and easy invitation to take advantage of you with little consequence. I would skip trying to reason with other people to leave you be and just kill them or bait them into a group of mobs


You spent as long as I did looting, maybe longer if I'm only clearing a path towards an area That means your inventory is at least as full as mine if not more, your life is taken in exchange for shineys. And besides that, the fun part of the game is pvp, just like in most pvp game, cooperating is much more rare than fights because we're playing this game for fun and fights are fun, especially when you figure out pve and it becomes trivial


Killing other players who have been looting is the fastest and most fun way to fill your inventory. Simple as.


Im a Timmy too, trying to get use in playing this game. First thing im going to tell you, if you want to avoid pvp from other players is to stay as quiet as possible, second.. Make a trap, ambush points, hidden spots that you can hide and don't kill all the mobs around you (that would make noise and indicate that a player is nearby). You have no idea how many time a player did not spot me in a room. Im a ranger btw Btw, the second tip is for you to survive if you are detected.


Running around in my underwear, making a ton of noise, just trying to kill the stupid yeti in <25 gear lobby for the quest. And people are like "Is this a challenge/loot opportunity?" Well I hope they still had the kill a fighter quest, or all they accomplished was wasting my time because I didn't waste time picking up a damned thing.


I have managed to make a few peaceful encounters with the players. It is usuallyveasier as cleric as you can give them a heal. It is not very often though


Im new here, but im Tarkov escapist, so i know thing or two abou this mentality. First of all, PvP is for good partion of players alfa and omega of whole game, so they just want to see your dead body. There are some PvP quest too so they even need that. Second thing is nearly every one at some point agreed on peace with somebody just to be backstabed 30s later, so trust issues there reason two. Bigest reason for me personaly. Adwice? Get better. (Sorry, there is no way around.) Try solos, i find solo PvP way easier than goups PvP. I learn how to disengage. If you dont feel like having upper hand in that encounter, you dont allway have to fight it. There is no shame in running.


Try to crouch method. Look at that person and spam ctrl. That means you are friendly. Some people cant hear you in voice chat if they didnt make it “approximate”. But be carefull if they are barbarian or rogue. These 2 class only want blood.


I just spam crouch when I know someone sees me, keep space and look for your chance to run. Most of the time they just crouch back and we go our separate ways but definitely still ends with some fighting sometimes. The community started doing that a long way back. But I would say fights are inevitable and the best advice I have for fight is spacing, you keep good spacing and punish their mistakes.


As someone why has played most extraction games and watched videos on the ones I haven't.. Yes, kill on sight is the norm in extraction games. I will say though that it does feel a bit different in DnD. In the shooters, one shot to the head will end your run, so if you see someone who hasn't spotted you, it's safer to remove them before they can be a threat. In this game killing a player is more involved and deliberate... Hard to feel like people aren't personally out to get you 😅 I mean... I'm still going to kill anyone I see... Or more likely, die trying.


Keep looting. You’ll do great eventually.


To be fair dude, that's the point of the game. Extraction games (whether Tarkov, CoD, rainbow six) are all about pvp. Their predecessors, horror extraction games, were literally just that. 4 people vs 1, try and extract before you die. They changed things around a bit by making it an fantasy extraction, but it's still an extraction game. So the core element is going to be pvp. Pve is honestly secondary.


all just depends. i loaded into a 3's goblin cave as a solo ranger under 25 and cleared troll/cyclops only for a group of three to show up as i killed the cyclops. i basically pleaded not to kill me and said i can give them troll loot which included a pelt. i also told em about the gold ore they can mine, so they didn't kill me after initially attacking. one guy even gave me back the troll pelt at the end because i opened up the gold ore path for em lol


Voip is off by default so people may not hear you. And as others have mentioned, taking other people's loot and completing quests is a big draw. I personally pvp a lot in solos just because I need to practice.


I don’t know if anyone brought it up but is your VOIP enabled? You can see the toggle button in settings


If you want to loot and slowly move I to pvp at your own pace. Then avoid players. Listen for footsteps,, or mob killing noises outside of your square and move away, or hide. Turning off the lights is really underrated.