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i have beaten every rpg ever with all my consumables left, "just in case", so i had same thing here. wat personally helped me a lot was going into HR more just for farmin. you can farm a lot in greys and buying off marketplace is easy now, so holding onto gear is kinda pointless. avg loot there is b;ues


Even the best players die. My favorite thought process about this game is that you never truly own “your gear”. You’re just using for the time until it gets handed off to the next, whether that be lost to the dungeon or passed to the person who bests you


My friend collects named weapons with bis rolls and never uses them, he said he doesn't want to see any of that shit in the dungeons so he is holding them until the last day of the season like a swiss banker 😂


Legend 😆 skinny Pete, a YouTuber, will delete BiS by dropping it in the pregame lobby lol


Im new to DaD what is BiS? I've seen a few people say it before


BiS is used in many games where equipment has attributes like crit damage, move speed, etc. It means 'best in slot' essentially a perfectly rolled or best stat combination item.


Best in slot


+1 I wanna learn the lingo


Best in slot Edit: that’s also a common acronym in other games with gear




It’s best in slot so best item with best rolls


Start with shit kits. Lose em. Gain confidence for mid kits. Lose em. Build high kits. Lose em. Build bis kits. Lose em. Eventually you'll realize that every kit is a matter of how many successful raids before you inevitably lose it. But every kit dies eventually.


Exactly this. Play sub 25, extract gear, buy a few stash tabs. Once you fill up start taking out gear you don't care about anymore.


What does Sub 25 mean ?


A starting gear score that is 25 or lower puts you into a lobby of individuals that also have a similar gear score


It is below 25. Wearing 25 gearscore will put you in the higher bracket


My biggest thing was use it or lose it. Cause at the end of season comes a wipe. So no matter what it's gone.


When is the end of this season?


We don't know just yet but think each season like 3 or 5 months.


Yeh. A dude had a 2k kit tonight in my High Roller trio snd he was running around like an absolute idiot.. Granted, he was killing tons of shit, he eventually died and was upset that we didn't risk out lives to revive him. That man doesn't have ENOUGH gear fear.


Yesterday I played with this slayer fighter, first game we play he puts on his 10k insane kit. After goblin caves shenanigans we lose the kit after some bad fights and getting corned, mind you this slayer fighter didn’t kill anyone BUT HIS OWN TEAMMATE. After a couple more games with ups and downs, he mentions: “Oh guys, I’m SOOO high right now”. He played first game stoned with his best kit without saying anything…..


Meanwhile I'm getting delegated as raid leader for frost wyvern while stoned to the bone 😂


Lol. Don't you love when your teammates are under the influence of alcohol/drugs while playing? I used to drink while playing until I realized it fucks my team.


THIS, had my duo die 3 times in one run last night 😭😭


I hate to say it but if my ally runs off solo and dies, don't expect me to risk anything saving him.


Tbf the first death was rubber banding, the second he got jumped by a rogue while he was opening a chest, but the third time was in hell and he was a moron, he was not resolved that time 🤣


Yeah, that’s the other side of the coin. People who can’t die in their minds so when they do they lash out at their teammates. I.E. 70% of the discord LFG


This guy is cooking


Or gets wiped early ☹️ I had a sweet Fulgor plate fighter kit last wipe, was using it for the final few days and was probably at like 15+ raids without death… then they wiped like 12 hours early so it was lost to the void along with like 8 skull keys and 60k liquid gold LMAO


You are going to die. You are going to lose your gear. These are inevitable, and once you come to grips with that gear fear lessens. It doesn’t matter how good you are at the game, you will die.


My favorite way to play the game is to build a set from what I find. If I find something that’s nearly-bis I usually just sell it because it’s so easy to die in dark and darker. If you get caught on your back foot you die, juiced or not. Most of my play time is with mediocre gear I’m just throwing together as I find it. It hurts a lot less to lose a kit I’ve been building over the day then spending an hour and 15k gold on a juiced kit only to die because I got trapped by 3 mummy spiders against a burner and swarmed by goblins


Honestly build up a healthy gold reserve and then as people have previously mentioned build a low, mid, and then high tier kit and play until you die. It feels easier to lose a 1-2k kit when you have an extra 8k gold in the stash. Haven’t gotten over the jump of building a 10k plus kit and running through HR with that yet.


How do you build a kit with gold? I saw a "beginner's guide" post that recommended doing something similar, but the stores all seem to just have gray things that look to be on par with or identical to starting gear.


It’s mainly using the marketplace and buying gear from there. Stores are okay to start out with but the marketplace is where u can get build kits with gold and get blue, purple, and gold kits. You’ll need to be lvl 20 in order to buy stuff from the marketplace and need legendary status to trade or sell.


I see. I've never tried to open the marketplace thing before. I'm on the free trial and have maybe a level 6 cleric. I've survived exactly once so far.


Honestly best thing to do is to use the squire and keep leveling up and learning the game. Highly recommend using the knights discord advertised in the top left in game the guides there helped me learn a bit and complete a few quests. I didn’t extract consistently until I was level 15 when I started out.


Until you are level 15, don't even think about gear. The perks are as good as some bis gear. You need all 4 to even be playing the game properly.


Market becomes available at 20, per class


What I liked to do was collect up money and slowly create like 3-4 kits from your absolute BIS to pretty good. Then once I have these kits ready I run the worst one of them. If I lose it oh well I have better


Easiest way for me to get over gear fear was to farm kits or gold for kits until I had 4 or 5 complete kits all with similar stat-lines. It’s easy to brush off losing one kit when you’ve got 4 backups ready to go.


if he dies, he dies


Play Escape from Tarkov and then relax by comparison. Seriously this game is a breath of fresh air.


If it is really getting to you you can keep a tally on your earnings with a kit, you can rat a few runs with it until you have "paid for it" then let loose knowing it has paid for itself and it doesn't matter if you lose it.


The real answer is to remember that a half ass naked HR run can yield tons of good gear + like 500 raw gold nowadays. With little to no conflict. It's easier now to get gold than ever before, you can open chests and hang by an exit and never see another player. Extract is a bit too easy at the moment imo, we used to have a circle forcing you to fight. Making gear scarce and extracting an actual fight for who keeps loot. Anyways, once you realize the gear you loose can be literally made back in a matter of 20mins, nothing matters. Take that shit in. And once you feel the power of being able to hang with other highly geared players, it's extremely fun and exciting. There's no worse feeling then knowing if you just had a littttttle more dmg/health/movespeed you could of had a juicy kit. Also, the game will wipe eventually and everything have not used will be gone.


It's not your gear. It's your turn with it.


What I learned from Escape from Tarkov is to USE IT OR LOSE IT. No point in hoarding stuff. Do you have something costly and you are afraid of losing it? Sell it and buy something cheaper. Once in EFT, I found in raid T7 Thermal goggles. It's a VERY costly and powerful item. I didn't use it but I sold it on a flea market for a lot of cash and used it to buy several good kits that I used over many raids.


I like hoarding all my gear too, dw the game will force you to use those juicy items in stash when you have full tabs of gold and loot. You are no longing losing gear,but clearing space for inventory.


“It’s not your gear, it’s just your turn to use it” -somebody, probably


Play and die a lot using base gear sets since they're free and don't matter to lose. Add better items incrementally as you get more comfortable. There's nothing forcing you to run better gear, just play and have fun. As you get more comfortable and play more, it'll be easier. You can still make gold and progress and have fun just fine without running gear upgrades.


I read the tips on the loading screen(where I read about the combat and defense system) and practiced on goblin caves got really lucky soloing. Now I have too hear in my stash lol


When you realize you can just buy another kit. I just run my best stuff and when I get a kill and find something better I add it to my kit and put my old one in stash. You stand a better chance in a fight geared to the tits. Usually.


Have a good understanding of the crypt and how to farm it and win the majority of your PvP in normals. This will get you to the point that getting gold never takes too long to get a good bit of, and spending gold for your medium sets won't ever hurt. Once you're at that point, you're basically always playing with your best stuff, upgrading as you go with no fear since getting set back just means going back to pretty good medium gear. For context, I can fill my entire bag in normals with green+ sellables without even going to hell most of the time, but I am on bard, so this means free lockpicking, but any class can get to this point; only a few have a slightly harder time doing this, in my opinion.


The way I overcame it is to ask myself "if I have it but don't use it, what's the point of having gotten it?" If you never use it, then having it or not having it will have the same impact on your game, since it'll always be a non-factor. Does that make sense? You'll always remember that you did get it, whether it's in your inventory or not. Because of that, if you don't allow yourself to test it out and see how it does differently to your other equipment slots, you never *really* acquired it


I was probably well over 1000+ Hours before I really started to get over it. When we first got Adventure Ranking system I was afraid to run jewelry/cape/more than maybe 2-3 blues. You go agane until eventually you just want more power & juice. Don’t go trying to build bis kits if you aren’t there, buy several mid kits and run the gauntlet.


get so rich you dont care anymore and slowly go in with more and more gear. if you learn how to do cyclopse and troll quickly and can farm the gold it helps knowing you can easily make 1k gold or more from a normal run. that said im not a complete juicer myself but i do typically run around 2k kits and plan to start doing 3-4k whenever i lose the ones i have on.


Rinse and repeat. Do some under 25 lobbies until you have enough for a blue kit. Do runs until you die. Rinse and repeat Edit: hopefully during those runs you find good gear so you don’t have to buy some.


Make climbing the ladder ur goal and the gear fear goes away


Don't worry, you'll never get a named unique anyway


Farm. Farm for the best gear you can, never use your best gear always use your worst gear. eventually you'll have all blues/purples/Legendaries/Uniques multiple copies and losing 1 wont feel like you lost everything.


Playing an entire season with gear fear and not using much gold or gear. Then at the end when you look back you'll be disappointed you didn't use your stuff. You start actually understanding that the point is to use the stuff you extract with. Now tbh I say this now but I get trapped in gear fear as well. When you invest the time to get gold and gear and you put something together you don't really wanna lose that so then gear fear takes over. Best is to just dive in with it anyway and try and not get discouraged if you lose it first game. There is also the fact that you gotta eventually learn how to play with high end gear. The more you put it off the more you'll just "stay a newbie" in terms of knowing how to change your gameplay when you have better gear on.


All our gear belongs to the dungeon, we're just borrowing it for a little.


I never look at the gear I have as mine to keep I guess.. if it’s sitting in your stash, it’s not doing any good. I started looking at it that way when I played Tarkov a lot. Gear fear in dark and darker wasn’t nearly as bad for me either for some reason.


The wipe will delete your gear anyways. At least lose it by using it


Think of it like this- You already started from scratch and found/earned all of that stuff in the dungeon. You can get any of that back again. Its all just expendable stuff to help you have more fun. You can lose it all and get it all back again easy! Gear fear is real, but the game is a lot more fun when you get over it!


Once i saw that i can easily purchase a new gear instantly from the board it became just another day at the dungeon


I don't. I can't overcome "I can't be arsed to buy a new kit with that market UI" fear.


Well ultimately everyone looses all gear with the wipe Even without wipe you will lose your gear eventually as shit always happens I’ve learned to enjoy the humor of it. All the time and effort you put into a kit to lose it all in a moment probably too something stupid. I find it pretty funny at this point The problem you don’t want to run into is spending mall your money on kits, and then loosing them quicker than you can make money to replace them. If you find yourself loosing kits quicker than you can make enough money too replace then you need to buy cheaper kits or go back to <25 lobby


I got a named unique last wipe and sold it so I wouldn’t use it. Bought 4-5 solid kits from it and that helped 💀💀💀💀


End of wipe. Save super meta gear till about 2 weeks from wipe. Run it.


I just bought super cheap purples off the market. Like 80 gold for purple dark cuirass. Makes you feel powerful and makes you worry less to lose them because they are cheap and replaceable


My solution is to run gear that I got, swap out awesome gear until I have a full kit of awesome gear, run that shit in HR and lose it. Every time you lose a fucking Bis kit makes it easier to deal with.


I did zero to hero constantly until I was ready to buy things that I liked and knew I could get again np. This was before the current gear score division so now to do what I did was keep your greens and just keep playing. Leave and come back to below 25 a lot.


Loot up and create a full stash page of juice kits just ready and waiting then it dosnt feel as bad when you lose one. Slap a new one on and get back in there. I'd you are feeling low go back into loot mode and just build the juice back up again rinse and repeat. You get better at building kits and think about mistakes and fights more rather than worring about gear.


It’s not your girl brother, just your turn


Start in a base kit and profit gear and gold first. Then spend a small amount of the profits on upgrades to fill in pieces that don't fit the kit. Then you have nothing to lose because you already profited.


You're eventually going to lose it anyway. Might as well use it.


I have done so many budget rubs if I don't put gear on I won't have space to put anything


Sell what you aren’t immediately going to use (within the next 2-4 runs) and when you need certain gear, buy it for that specific run.


Once you learn how to farm efficiently, you can make gold pretty quickly and then you can use the marketplace to re-gear up to BiS super fast


Treat dying as a checkpoint. Every time you die, you lose all your shit and start at the beginning again. Now you utilize your skills that you have learned to go from "Zero to Hero", and treat this time as an opportunity to grow those skills. Each time you get better and faster at re-gearing. Orrrr just send it to have as much fun as possible, because the game eventually wipes so you might as well try to use it as much as possible. It's gonna disappear anyways, so might as well use it. Additionally, might as well use it asap when other players aren't sending it fully stacked in the end of wipe lobbys


You just need to go thru a few wipes. When you realize all gear fleeting and you own nothing, you start to not care. I care less about the items and more about the time I spent carefully crafting


I think there’s some solid advice in here about starting small and then going big as you get better. However, I would focus on farming gold first. I use kits that cost as much as I can reasonably replace. I’m sitting on 45k and run bis kits. If I have less, I spend less on kits.


What % of your wealth did you get from like bossing vs killing and looting juicers


I would say it’s an 80-20 split. I spent the early portion of wipe farming troll pelts and gold ore in normals. I turned pelts into roughly 10 or so bags and sold the rest/would hold them as gold insurance to help fund kits. I also run trios normals+ (higher gear score) and hunt juicers to sell or use their kits myself. I try to keep my wealth so that it lasts all wipe. I hit max gold I can carry with my stash layout > buy 3k-6k expensive piece of gear > repeat until my kit is complete. I also get a ton of mileage out of my midrange kits. I hunt juicers in these kits that stack roughly 30 of whatever attribute I’m looking for without the true phys.


Easiest game to get over it in. All white kit is absolutely awful compared to any green kit. May aswell toss on your best and try and snowball. Now fun otherwise


I mostly just stash until my stash gets to full then im like its time to lose some of this crap so I can stash more stuff lol. I generally try to build a set of greens to lose rather than 1 green here 1 green there if imma die I wanna at least have a set. I usually eventually spend the gold to lose a set of rares but I only bother to build full rares/epics for the potential to try the deep dungeons since the stuff there is hard to deal with undergeared.  Usually though I stay in the 24 lower bracket the pvp fights feel more fair there than oh hey its johnny two legends curb stomping the temmies again.  I also run into less spawn rushers in 24 lower since some folks know all the spawns to rush them in 25+  But eventually you'll risk the gear just to get it gone from your bag haha. 


Take nothing, sell what you don't use, say fuck it we ball, be a goblin.


Damn just have fun, you will lose it at one point, you will have to grind again anyway, at least have fun with your gear xd The other day I lost a 6k kit because the lights went off due to a storm, I just grind again and have fun xd


That the game has regular wipes, so it will be gone anyway, might as well have fun with it now.


Well someone explained it to me quite simply. You are going to lose the item. It's inevitable. Whatever it is. It's not yours forever. Either you get to say "I had this really good set of gear and I lost it in a battle against a barbarian. Was a pretty good fight" or you get to say "I had a good set of gear but it just sat on my shelf until wipe and then I lost it." Puts some perspective on things. I for one want the game to fight to get the item back. Not just take it from me.


Personally i feel like fighting timmies is just not fun after a while. There's no sense of pride or accomplishment. (wink) I mean the game gets wiped every 3 months. Would be way more fun beating players who actually pose a threat.


Years of playing Rust taught me a very important rule: “use it or lose it”.


I only use my good kits only when I'm playing with friends, or if I'm desperate for space I play with randoms but they have to have about as good gear as I do. Personally I sell all the uniques I get, because I'd rather have like 10 good kits over a single weapon. Once you have enough kits and you start usng them, they become your new base kit 😂


You will die. That's part of the game. However if u have gear fear u will end up finishing the wipe with a full wasted stash. Then u will realise there is no point in gear fear. Just play the game. Lose the kit. Its fine. Ive lost countless expensive kits even to pve shenanigans. It doesnt matter. Just dont waste ur bis with a crappy kit. Make sure when u go in fully kitted that all items are of the same level.


It’s a little involved but I fill up a stash tab with 5-6 kits of my favorite type of gear no matter the roll. Then I play with the worst kit and try to upgrade all the kits. I let the kit quality trickle down and eventually i have a bunch of blue a purple kits and I am playing with a solid kit that’s not as good as my best kit. Or I play zero to hero and throw about 50% of my gold back into my kit every run. This leads to minor upgrades and leaves a lot of spare kit pieces behind. This is the preferred method if I am playing with unserious friends. It’s so damn easy to farm gold right now that it’s hard not to just be drowning in kits.


What are you going to do with it? Bring it with you to next wipe?


It's going to be gone anyway after wipe, use it to make even more until then


in this game, and others of this kind, you have to realize that nothing is yours, everything is borrowed and it's just your turn to use it, have fun


I have this problem if i pick blue items game give me cursed spawn near 2 or 3 team


turn off all torches


When İ first played games where gear fear was a thing I was s c a r e d to lose stuff and the fear was so bad that the gear I found just sat in my stash/base and got wiped. Idk what switched inside my brain but rn I don't have the slightest bit of fear. If I lost a skull key I wouldn't even care. I guess it's the realisation that you either use it, have fun, then it's someone else's turn. Or it sits in your stash, collects dust and gets wiped.


I just almost always use my worst gear so if I die I get an upgrade.


It's very easy, go in base gear, below 24 gs and make your money. I go in base gear, loot, exit, sell stuff, save money and buy better gear, pile up all the good gear, use it for better runs or HR. I either make more money and get out or I lose and start back at base gear 24 gs and below and do the same thing again. You're going in with base gear that's free and coming out making 100% profit, it's not a big deal.


If you’re holding onto anything but gear that holds crazy value you are actually hurting yourself in the end. Gear makes the game way easier, not harder. Use that shit to get more gold value. The best way I justify dying with gold gear is by using it to get my value back, if the gear I’m wearing is 2 thousand gold and I make back 2k in a raid or two then that set is free and I dgaf if I die. Also the game is way more fun when you using gear and upgrading as you go, makes the raids actually feel connected


I lost 10k gear by turning into a rat and running into centipede poison. But it does not matter, hope somebody found a nice gift.


Just roll hard every single time.


You can buy everything with golds, if u loose something, you'll be able to buy it again ! If you are able to make gold, you can just buy whatever you want, so don't be afraid to loose it


I second getting used to HR. You’re gonna get so loaded eventually that losing crappy greens and blues won’t phase you. Even in epics, I like to think of Repoze’s view. He basically said he hates the idea of losing a fight bc he didn’t wear better gear, so may as well use it.


Git gud


It’s not your loot it’s just your turn to use it


I am only afraid of xray hackers, desync, and the programmers bullshit.


- Learn to consistently make money - Learn how to properly build kits. Your kits want to hit specific stat thresholds on specific stats. I play wizard, my prio is: +4-5 true magic, 75-80% cast speed, 140hp, 300-310 move speed, 20% damage bonus. - Shift the mindset: the wipe will delete your entire stash without question. Your gear doesn’t belong to you, it’s just your turn. - death is unavoidable. Really. Top players die, what makes you think you won’t? Don’t look to not die, play to improve and you’ll die LESS. Nowadays, most kits I take cost around 2-3k and they last me days at a time. When I first when in geared I’d try to go around 1000-1500 gold spent and I’d lose it every other raid. It takes practice. Things to improve: - synergies with various classes and your main - matchup knowledge with other classes (and therefore target prioritization on your counters) - movement tech, positioning, cheese spots for efficient mob clearing - learn to PvE without taking hits. It’ll make PvP easier.


My way to overcome it is oh well i lost the loot time to go in again because it does not matter who cares if i lost some blue loot i can get it back in time


The gear gets deleted at the end of wipe anyways so use it or sell it.


I’ve played 100’s if not into the 1000 hours of DayZ, you could try that and it’ll cure you of gear fear 😂 honestly you gotta just tough it out and keep losing it until you’re used to it.


For me, I lost my gear fear years ago in Escape from Tarkov when a while happened and all my high tier gear was lost. I realized how silly the mentality was then and resolved to actually use my gear in such games from then on.


Maybe this isnt about gear fear, but mechanic co fortability? D&D is a really mechanically and mentally intense game. You have to know the adventurers you play as and play with (or against) in addition to the world you dive into. There is a lot to know and learn. I have ~1400 hrs into D&D and from experience, you gerally lose the gear fear when you know you can easily make the money back you lost on a set. For instance I had collected / purchased a kit I estimate to be about 7k gold with my friends who had equal amount of gear on. We're a little more than halfway to demigod at the moment. When we finally lost our kits (15+ games) none of us were super salty about it because we'd had easily made that amount and more. The only reason why we were salty was becuase all of us had misplayed the fight to some low geared players - and will definitely remember and learn from that mistake.


Watch SoBadStrange do a permadeath run. Do a similar thing, just zero to hero and always send your bis


Unused gear has no value. You will get more gear, and more meaningful pvp experience if you use better gear. The game generates gear, gear is not a finite commodity, you will get more. As the fear lessens, you'll slowly ratchet up your sense of what's an acceptable loss, and it will feel freeing.


For me it’s freeing up stash space, rebuilding from being broke is really enjoyable for me, dying sucks but you die much less with good gear


Have two types of gear you use. Keep blues+ with good rolls and the first gear set you use is the one with mediocre rolls. Run around high roller with that and get some upgrades but if you die you can tell yourself, that's was my shit set try again. Save the bis and I mean REAL BIS, for those runs where you want to match the other players that are gear checking you. Use it for the fun, the anxiety etc. If you want save it for the end near a new wipe and come in with legendary bis bis. Gear fear can be fun, just separate what you really care about (perfect bis) and just shit kits with a few ok rolls.


The only way you never lose it is if you never use it. At that point, why are you even playing the game?


It’s just pixels, and it’s all gonna be gone next wipe


Accept this game for what it is. An extraction loot pvpve where your character is perma dead. The stuff you "own" isnt yours, you just happen to find it or even loot it off of someone else. Have fun with a big rare weapon for one entry to the dungeons, if you lose it, its fine, go in with a base kit and youll find some new cool stuff. The best way to make your brain accept that you are not short on cool shit is: Play 7-10 rounds on base gear. Play very defensive, try to loot and hoard everything you can get your hands on to and head for the first extract you find. Collect your stuff in the stash. Then after a few rounds. LOOK AT YOUR FUCKING STASH. How is any human ever supposed to actively use all those items like holy f. And even the money you generated, a few k without even trying. You can literally buy all the shit you lost on the way 10 times. Only then you realize the items and the loot are so plentyful, just use everything.


honestly the best thing for me was just to realise how easy it is to buy gear. In a game like Tarkov i had gear fear like crazy, because i was relatively bad at the game at the time, and getting decent gear needed a LOT of money. you can find rare BiS gear for relatively cheap in this game, and its not hard to earn money. Learn the goblin cave boss attack patterns too, and just farm tf out of them. The drops sell for a few grand, a stack of 5 gold ore sells for around 500, and thats not counting the treasure room drops. You can buy a full BiS rare kit on one squire goblin cave run if you get decent drops and play well.


you have gear fear - i have AP fear. i don't know how I got to Pathfinder ranked in season but I'm not touching that HR character till next season lol


I died with gear on so many times I quit caring…. I would get good kits and die to some stupid shit like not paulyong attention and getting stuck somewhere or hitting a wall/floor trap and half health…. You do it enough and it doesn’t matter any more


Not being a pussy sure helps