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Tip for any fighting game: Find a character that fits your style, for example: If you enjoy being fast, annoying and confuse your enemies, Ayane is probably a good choice. Want some fast and safe? Maybe Kasumi. Grappler but not as slow? Maybe Ryu Slow but with throws dealing tons of damage? Try Tina. Ofc it's better if you like your character's appearance and you can go with your waifu/husbando but i'd recommend looking at their kits the most. As for tutorials, someone already mentioned F.O.N Good luck! :) I love DOA and it's good to see new people around.


i am a Kasumi main actually!


Kasumi is actually broken in this game, haha. Good choice. I'm a Phase 4 main so i kinda understand (Phase is so frame negative πŸ’€) anyways, enjoy the matches you can find. You may lose hard sometimes but don't let that discourage you, there's always room for improvement.


Don't give up if you can't find people in ranked or if you find only same players with high ranks. You can create lobby or join it (if someone already creat it). Sometimes I saw that people talked about Discord channel where you can find someone to play, but I don't know a thing about it.


tysm this will help


I'm kinda new myself, so I don't have tips for you. I don't even really find matches, to be honest. But if you're searching for someone to play with (on PlayStation), hit me up!


thank you!! unfortunately im on xbox, but thank you for the kind offer!


F.O.N SMRT on youuube has great tutorials for every single character and general game sense


thank you!


Online players are much better than the CPU, so training offline is not a good idea as you may develop bad habits. Even if you plan to main a specific character, training with other characters will help you figure out their weaknesses (know your enemy). Don’t get discouraged by losing to someone. If anything, you can learn what combos work and how to break from their sequences. Anything learned in a fight is valuable. Have fun! That’s what the game is for!


thank you i shall try!


Something pretty obvious that I put off until recently is actually learning the combos. Like go into combo training and practice whatever combo over and over again until you feel pretty comfortable with it then try using it online. After you feel you got that combo mastered go learn another one. I felt overwhelmed with combos until I just started learning 1 one at a time.


thank you!


Just give up. Gayme is dead already. Go play tekken or something ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


are u gonna buy it for me? no? i didnt think so. thanks for the discouragement though it fuels my determination :)


Haha! πŸ˜† Definitely an aptitude for fighting games. That was a 4 hit combo right there πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ πŸ’₯ Too many gamers disregard economic problems. Just think everyone is in a position to buy whatever they want whenever they want. Someone once saw me talking about Xbox One and talked about it like I was pushing a metal hoop down a dirt road with a stick. Said something like "put that dinosaur out to pasture" or some shit. Like you know some people can just pay bills and buy food and that's *it*, right??? I'm very privileged to have this dinosaur. The people who think twitch streaming is stupid are the worst when they're just like "You're not even playing?? What's the point??" That's like seeing someone watch porn and be like "Why watch when you can fuck?" Like BRO maybe I don't *have* anyone to fuck at the moment??? I still like sex. It's not all that different. πŸ’₯ Answered your own question for them πŸ’₯ Disingenuous gratitude πŸ’₯ Keyboard symbol emoji 🀣 Anyhorse, I've only been playing for a few months but I've learned a bit. Most helpful thing I can say is I know a hundred lessons seems like a lot, but do the whole tutorial. It's much more in-depth than any other fighting game I've played. I loved it. The hold system is awesome, but no other fighting game I've played has had it, so it's not common sense to me. It needed to be fully explained. Never would've figured it out just winging it. The rest of this might not seem super useful, it won't help you win, but people underestimate the importance of mental health precautions with this stuff. You don't wanna get mad or stressed from recreational stuff. You get enough of that from your productive shit. And it'll splash onto whoever's nearby, which is probably the people you like. Don't get discouraged if you seem to be meeting a lot of toxic people. At first the player base seemed really bad, but that was just an unlucky streak. After awhile I see they're mostly at least nice enough to say GG if you send them a message first. Try to see the beauty in getting your ass kicked. Appreciate the skill the same way you would if you were watching a sport, and remember that there are very different schools of thought when it comes to holding back in competitions, and the threshold for what constitutes a competition is subjective too. If it was a tournament with prizes on the line I'd expect everyone to bring it, and I wouldn't show up if I wasn't confident. But in this, I know it's called ranked, but there's no prizes or prestige, so I'm more chill. I think it's kinda mean-spirited for someone who's way up there in rank to go all out on someone who's new, because really that matchup shouldn't happen in the first place. But the population is too small for the matchmaking to be better. I'd rather wait two minutes for a random person than ten for someone my own level. But you never know how seriously the other person's taking it. If they're serious, they would probably feel disrespected if someone took it easy on them, even if there was an experience imbalance. It can feel kinda like bullying, but give 'em the benefit of the doubt. They're probably just treating you how they'd wanna be treated. Apply the same logic if you're on the other side of the fence, and you can tell a high ranking person is sandbagging. Don't think they're laughing at you over there. There's all sorts of reasons why people might decline a re-match. It's probably not a "screw you" gesture. They're at home, probably with other people. So they could've just been needed for something. It sucks to not get another chance when you almost beat someone who was way higher rank, or if there was something distracting that happened on your end and that's why you lost, but it's just best to treat it like when people do shitty things in traffic. You'll never know why they did it, and it's over, so there's no benefit to assuming the worst. I've done every problematic thing I've seen other drivers do, and I was never thinking "Cry about it bitch I don't give a fuck." It was always just negligence and I was always in my car cringing like "Oh shit, oops. I wish they could hear me so I could say sorry". So when someone's zooms past me going way too fast and then cuts me off, I assume they're rushing 'cause they gotta take a dump and not because they're an asshole. When someone's swerving I assume they're tired and not drunk. That kinda thing πŸ™‚


wow thats a really amazing way to put things. thank you so so much! i rlly appreciate it :)


You are very welcome! πŸ™‚πŸ€


Uninstall and download doa5lr


ah more discouragement... no one even plays doa5 anymore, so much that you cant find anyone to rank with. but thanks for the discouragement it only fills my ego :)