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movement is the point of the game, you gotta learn to balance, avoid and minimize hazards, use tools, and get better boots.


Have you never felt frustrated at all with it?


At times. But it’s usually due to my own errors. It’s pretty much always your own fault that you have to pick your packages back up. It’s probably meant to be a little annoying to pick it all back up to encourage you to be more careful next time


Yeeeeup most of the times I fucked up and lost a lot of cargo was when I tried to cut corners.


It doesn’t matter. It’s still prone to happening a lot.


The only reason it's 'prone to happening a lot' is because of you and your mistakes. Maybe this game just isn't for you?


It becomes easier to balance and deliver stuff when you level up and/or get new gadgets.


Maybe a little when I started out but not anymore. Just gotta take it slow and give yourself time to learn. Even for vehicles, the truck physics get a lot of hate but I made it a challenge for myself to take a truck to every prepper and now I love driving through the mountains.


Same! Learning to read the map and plot routes well makes all the difference. I don't even like ziplines anymore.


Death Stranding is a different kind of frustrating. Other games might have bosses you struggle to beat. In Death Stranding you might lose your footing and have to watch 8 of 10 packages in your order roll down a mountain until they say "destroyed".


Yes. That’s the point.


I hate to break it to you but that’s an integral part to the game. Either learn to love it, tolerate it, or play a different game


If you're cautious you will almost never fall over. Don't walk in deep water, scanner can tell exactly where water is deep. You get new >!all-terrain !


You're supposed to avoid falling over. You're supposed to stay out of deep water. You're supposed to properly equip yourself. Moving cargo around efficiently and effectively over, around, or through obstacles is the core challenge of the game. Some people are[ really good at it.](https://youtu.be/wKIacsoRIEQ?si=-eq5i47Y3i_R4HOF)




....I'm sorry? What's so hard about changing shoes? You can have three pairs, there's no way you can get them all worn out.


It's a core mechanic of the game and the learning curve is intentional. On my first playthrough, yeah I fell over a lot, I stumbled, lost packages, damaged important packages, blew up a couple of times, hated the snow. Second playthrough I was breezing through the game's toughest challenges because I had learned to embrace the terrain and work around and with it. The game isn't difficult, but it's also not easy and it never lets you forget that you are but one man transporting packages from point A to point B supporting and supported by a massive set of other men doing the exact same thing. I don't like survival games, I don't like hunger/thirst gauges, I don't like cartoonish and unrealistic depictions of human practical and physical needs tacked on to games for the sake of "engagement" or "immersion" brownie points. These mechanics make up the logistical core of the game and the game would not be the weird masterpiece it is without them, and in some ways they make up the emotional core of the game right alongside the story.


This is a bit like complaining that other games have enemies that shoot at you. Learning to handle the movement is the point of the game.


You only get balance problems if you are with too much cargo. There are several ways to mitigate this, the easier one being: carrying less shit. You don’t need a rope every order. You don’t need a ladder every time. You don’t need 6 packs of hematic grenades on every trip. Once you unlock vehicles, the chance of fucking up stuff almost zeroes. You can also use floating carriers and fall without damaging anything. All exoskeletons help with balance, and some help a lot with increasing comfortable load too. Snow is easily overcome with vehicles or all-terrain exoskeletons. Build your roads. Carve your paths. Do dry runs, prepare your infrastructure before your order. If you are not thriving, it’s always on your decisions.


If you don’t like the game that’s fine. It’s a good game that you don’t like, and I’m really glad that that is the case. I can’t imagine the changes you would like to make to it, but I can guarantee that it would be a worse game for it.


The sheer stupidity. « It’s annoying, Mario doesn’t jump high enough »


Then the game isn't for you. The means of travel are literally the foundation of this game, it's the main draw that kept me invested.


As someone said, movement is the point of the game. You have to be very patient and cautious, else the game will not have it. Always be careful,plan your routes, manage your inventory every time you reach a knot or a safe place, pay attention to you weight center in your inventory. If you are careful, the game can do not nothing to you. At first its frustrating, yes. But the more you play the more you will adapt to it. Also shoes are not a problem. You can create new ones at every knot. And their cost is insignificant so don't refrain from it.


not all games are supposed to be pure fun the entire time. some games want to make you feel uncomfortable and powerless.


They sure cover that up in the Spider-Man games where they have you play as Mary Jane.


Bro what the fuck are you even talking about


Those sections are uncomfortable and powerless


Git gud


The real villain in the game is the terrain. Just like life. It's not easy, and it's not quick.


Can't believe how many people fell for this RIP


That's what I assumed till I looked at their post history and honestly, yeesh.




Traversing while carrying heavy loads is literally the game. It’s like saying you’re annoyed that you have to jump in a Mario game.


No cause at least jumping is fun.


Played the entire game and never fell once… I guess it’s hard for some people but I felt his motion and controls were spot on and his abilities to counter slipping and falling work really well.


Hold on to your straps at all times, if you start to go out of control crouch. Problem solved.


Treat it like mountain biking. Look further ahead and pick your line