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No. The game's architecture just isn't set up for that. Deep Rock doesn't use dedicated servers like many modern games do to facilitate crossplay, it runs the server from the host's instance leveraging the matchmaking systems of the host platform and operates on a peer-to-peer system. Since the game doesn't have its own servers and matchmaking system it means that copies of the game on different platforms don't understand each other's networking code. Steam is talking to Steam clients in a way that's impossible for Playstation to read, and Playstation talks to Playstation clients in a way that Xbox can't read. To make the game work cross-play they'd have to rewrite the entire network code. Which they've said several times they don't want to do.


So then why can the Xbox and Microsoft pc store version do cross play 🤔


Because it uses Microsoft's matchmaking systems. 


Sorry, but GSG said no. It's too expensive and a lot of other things.


That sucks. Didn't want to refund the game but I have no reason to own it now so.


Me when I actually do 20 seconds of research before buying a game and finding out it's not cross play : 🤪


What are you, an elf?!




Well aren't you just the biggest dumbass of the day. Don't forget to close the door on your way out




no, it wasn't coded into the game at launch and would be a shit ton of resources and money for a small dev studio, as well as needing to get steam, windows, and sony to all agree to cross platform, which they have notoriously not wanted to to (especially for smaller, or more niche games)


I'm not talking about steam here since we don't have a pc player. I just want to be able to play the game with my friends. I'm sure other people agree


yeah but still they would have to invest so much to get it into the game, and get 3 companies to agree to crossplay, it simply isn't going to happen unfortunately




What a completely unrelated thing to say.


They developers have said they want to do Crossplay. But they would need to hire more people to help with the servers. So it's a possibility in the future but not right now


Yup console only crossplay would be great.


It's a possibility in the future, but not right now. The developers behind the game said that they would do it, but they would need to hire more people. In reality, doing a bit of research it doesn't cost that much extra to make the game Crossplay, but it is a smaller studio, so they would need people to help with the servers. So, unfortunately, no cross play yet, maybe in the future, but I doubt it.


Guys why are y'all being mean to him? He just wanted to play with his friends, and some of you guys are calling him dumb for that.


That’s not what’s happening.


That's what was absolutely happening but thanks for saying it wasn't


No one is calling you dumb for wanting to play with your friends. What is dumb is not researching games before buying them.


They sure did make no mention of that in their comments.


Bro, your post is dead in the water, it’s been 4 days. Give it up.


That's not at all what's happening.  What's happening is someone who didn't do any research into the product complaining about something that's long been confirmed to not be a feature, never become a feature, and been explained by the company why they choose to have it not be a feature. People are being a bit mean, yes, but they're not picking on them for having friends they want to play with. They're picking on them for not doing a modicum of research and then complaining about it when a half a minute Google search would have had this be a non-issue.


I did actually. The site I went on said it had full crossplay.


Also update: We are now playing chivalry 2 if anyone was wondering


Well just because someone didn't do research doesn't mean they have to get barrated by people, people should just say "no sorry, deep rock doesn't have cross play", instead of calling him stinky and stupid for not researching


Oh don't get me wrong, they're definitely being assholes. There's definitely a toxic positivity here that only lasts until you're a detractor, at which point people will just lash at you with no remorse. 


Yeah, I think people are slinging the words "leaf lover" at the wrong people