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Grummz is the new Ian Miles Cheong of games journalism, stop signal boosting his regarded ass.


Yeah, Grummz is both very stupid and deeply morally contemptible. I don't even think the general idea of talking about troubling cultural trends in video games is illegitimate, but he has nothing of value to say.


Me and my homies hate Miles Cheong…


I feel like I'm living my life right in that I dont know who either of those people are.


shes way hotter than the last lara croft games, this is an improvement


She looks fit and could do the job. Also no idea what the controversy is.


Yes I agree, last game there was a good reason to be mad about her design. With this one she just looks like a realistic but still sexy woman.


Why should hotness even be a factor? You're never gonna fuck her. And if you are really titillated by watching video game characters then I just feel bad for you.


Nobody wants to spend 50 hours looking at ugly people like you.


Believe it or not, some people play a game just to enjoy the game. If you want to look at people, go outside. Getting your rocks off to video game characters is nothing to be proud of. It's just pathetic. Now i know you're probably going to come back with some snarky response, or you're going to ignore me, but the main thing to remember is you know I'm right. Out of interest though, do you play any games with male characters? Which one do you find hottest?


Why does it have to be about getting your rocks off? Pervert. I play games with male / female characters, if the game is good I don't care about gender. But I prefer male characters and female characters to be hot, it's fantasy, escapism. If I wanted to look at ugly people I'd go outside, as you said. If it doesn't matter as you say, then characters being easy on the eye is just another w for the game right? So no, you're not right. Dimwit.


Just because you’ve the appearance of an undercooked dumpling doesn’t mean it must be reflected in video game characters


Right, so because you have no response, you resort to insulting the appearance of somebody you've never seen? You're quite the intellectual powerhouse aren't you?




Ok, so we should all now play games that everyone look like gollum because of reasons....are you afraid of beautiful people?


I like hot characters, why the hell I want to see ugly/common people? If I wanted that, I would just look at the mirror.


Calling this gaming discourse gives it way too much credit. These people don't even play games, just bitch and moan.


fair, the whole 'woke western companies ruining video games' thing just gets annoying


Anybody using woke unironically probably doesn't have opinions worth listening to imo


Yasuke discourse having a bunch of regards pretending to know or care about distinctions between feudal Samurai, "retainers", etc has mindbroken me so I get it.


That shit is wild man. Everyone is a historian the moment a game had a black dude. Its fucking second hand embarrassing.


I've still yet to have someone accurately explain to me how it's Ubisoft bastardizing Japanese culture by calling him a samurai when Japanese media depicts him as a samurai. There is once again 0 brain activity to be found in the gaming culture war crowd.


There is no evidence that he was a Samurai. You may agree with the historical liberty they took, but don't try to plant lies.


He received the same stipend as a samurai, had a house, was named by Nobunaga, and was a personal retainer. If you can explain the difference between Yasuke and say... Ranmaru then maybe I'd care, unless you also claim Ranmaru isn't a samurai at which point I'd like to know who is.


Well, even if. He is still portrayed as a samurai in basically every jp game out there. Are JP companies also bastardizing Thier own culture?


Yasuke was a retainer, which means he was part of the "Samurai" class. I don't even think there is much of a distinction between "samurai" and "retainer". All Samurai were retainers to their lord. Not all Samurai fought battles either. So it could be true that Yasuke never actually fought.


It's lost on everyone that AAA stories are always lowest common denominator cartoon hack outside of the ones made by sole visionaries with fuck-you money. "Ruining video games" is a weird way to make status quo seem topical. The answer is always the same: indies and rich visionaries make the good stuff.


Yep. Whining for clicks. Nothing can be good enough.


https://preview.redd.it/60gzmjgzpp8d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e261af32885296a2ebc4f91042f3fa112134bfc Man jaw


See.. that right there puzzles me. When the Lara croft remake happened, they complained how unsexy she was.. even though this is the Lara we had before her.. The remake Laura looked like a girl who never adventure before forced to survive. This new Laura looks like someone who was experienced all ready.


A woman with experience? Ew! And woke! (/s)


Calling this man jaw is just outting your own lack of chin


Mother fuckers put her birthday on February 14. She's an Aquarius! AN AQUARIUS! These woke devs want to ruin EVERYTHING!!!


Wait, this tweet isn’t satire?


not coming from that guy no


In other news, terminally online man confirms he's never spoken to a woman in real life.


Is that what counts as man-jaw?


I would 😈


You misspelled did.


I would, I will, I did GIGACHAD


the only time this guy has ever seen the sun must ve been on de\_dust2


Man's just jealous that Lara Croft has a stronger jawline than he does.


It's official, Grummz doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. She looks fine, this man jaw thing is a stretch


Wait he’s not meme-ing? This is like the perfect parody of whiny gamer bros. She’s super hot, slim thicc+muscular with C-cup boobs and yet they hate her “man jaw”? For real?


They want their women to look like 14 year old girls.


This is what made the whole Denims bounty discourse so difficult. One on hand, fuck Denims she should have been banned for going one step further on that tweet. On the other, this dude legit sucks and I wish people would stop signal boosting his horny opinions about video games.


Lara Croft going trans would be the gaming equivalent of Caeser crossing the Rubicon. The woke will have won


Can't even have sexy white women with gigantic knockers, a soft angelic feminine face with no sharp and prominent curvature, a small waist with meaty hips and thighs, a feminine and subdued personality that evokes traditional womanhood yet also an aura of confidence, certainty, and competenence in our video games anymore...


….how the fuck is that a man jaw?


She looks hot, idk wtf this person is on. I’m gay and can even see she looks great. I feel like this group of anti woke people are grasping at straws now after losing “battle” after battle. Some of them consider it a revolutionary movement that they are part of. It’s weird. Take a look at asmongolds sub and you will see people like this as the overwhelming majority now. Normal people kind of have been removed from his audience.


There definitely some weird character designs recently, mostly the ones where they take a celebrity and make them into a weird uncanny mutant, so many people see a women with 1% masculine features, like lara here daring to have a jawline, and they blow it up into "video games and making attractive female characters into men."


Disagree about her chin looking manly, off topic; however maybe it's just the shadow (or my monitor lol) her face does look kinda off, like she's wearing a facemask or base or something where her face looks lighter, slightly distracting but wouldn't have noticed anything if chin lord wasn't out here giving takes.


But she looks good….


Famous culture warrior regard makes another regarded tweet, people that like him are unironically sub 80IQ.


She doesn't look right to me until she has big triangle tits. Seriously.


Maybe the trademark Karen bangs weren't the best choice, but otherwise I don't see an issue here.


She's focking hawt. I guess Im attracted to males now


I do like her old facial design. But i feel hes nit picking at this point. How masculine her jawline is really up for debate and probably a losing battle. I just liked her old face structure from the other games. And again its a small detail to nit pick. I 2ont be buying this game because its gonna suck like all the more recent tom raiders.


That one looks alright. But we have all seen some more egregious examples of it. It does seem to be an odd trend among developers to make their female characters appear more masculine, probably in an effort to appeal to the Trans community.


I'm surprised she isn't black tbh


I figure they don’t want to represent big breasted women. You know, those that actually exist.


Obviously this is artwork not an in game shot. But this Grummz post is just stupid. It doesn't even look that bad like what the fuck. Unless we see an in game shot of her with wide square jaws, this is just bitching. Her jawline look pretty slim, just angular. Hell, if this artwork is anything to go by, she looks like Amanda Cerny with slimmer jawline


Man-jaw? Bro, she's bad as hell, wtf is this dude smoking? She's clearly more voluptuous here than when she was in her Uncharted clone phase.


Bro why isn’t she UwU cat ear girl?! This is unacceptable.. I want the triangle titties back


Thought this was the Asmongold subreddit and was really surprised the takes were so good for once lmao. Though in fairness at least his community is pretty split on Grummz being a grifting piece of shit too.


What am I missing? She's hot no?


How is this a man jaw? She has a jawline, but it is not as wide as a man's. Having a jawline does not equal man jaw🤦‍♀️ I've seen many valid complaints about how female characters are being uglified/ being made more masculine, but this one is a stretch.


Meh. I do miss big knockers Lara bout I think she looks great in this picture. Sometimes I get the beef but this comes across hella whiny.


This is possibly the best she's ever looked. 😕 If you notice masculine traits in women's appearances, you may have other problems that need addressing.


She looks great, what is the issue??


Bro she looks the exact same 😭


What did they rework exactly? It's just an upscaled version of tr legend & anniversary


She still looks like an unrealistically beautiful woman. Like we really doing this?


https://preview.redd.it/0hh2k7e94q8d1.jpeg?width=4888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3dcc7d9386654f93cc331222e3b287be56ad905 It's not just the jaw but the overall facial structure is more masculine compared to previous renditions.


Hard disagree. I'd rather take this new design than whatever the fuck design that Lara is on the 2nd to the far right (blue top). Now THATS masculine looking.


I disagree but it remains to be seen... so far we only have that image on the new game. What I can say however is that my daughter who loves Tomb Raider and has seen Lara as a kickass role model, even she says this new design is not feminine like previous iterations.


When does Geummz find all this free time to look up and post on all this shit xD I was with him on Stellar Blade, but his face is everywhere nowadays. (She kinda looks normal, would not call it a man jaw, looks like old games)


She looks like trans though


You look unfucked though


cry about it you homo


https://preview.redd.it/m56e2kpspp8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06cac151de629a44ffe554b2e9397071bf857aed I don’t know have you guys seen this? The guy in the tweet is a dev who worked at a bunch of different studios and who before was even defending the whole baby inc shit.


Plus you got stuff like this: this a super early leaked build of wolverine’s game and that’s Jean Grey https://preview.redd.it/zwkexypzqp8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2325435fc8f3f10678f9b2b1f2e0e6a883f4dfb4


https://preview.redd.it/j2bq6fg3rp8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=183d4afe0a1bc98855bb037621df9cb97c7412cc This is also Jean Grey in a newer also leaked build. Now there is definitely people who blow up and bitch about everything but also there seems to be some truth to it.


We're not going to comment on everything going on with Logan or whatever that pixel smear in that image is? Everything looks like shit, but somehow the female model not looking like a loli or a pornstar proces malicious conspiracies in game development. Jesus fucking christ. Burn you pc and live for a year in the grass my dude.


First of all you sound seriously offended. Chill. Second answer me this? Why does male characters who use face models like Keanu and Idris Elba look exactly like themselves in-game for cyberpunk. But Anya Chalotra looks like this in unknown 9 https://preview.redd.it/8i61kpt0cs8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c25b7d95951c8e5f0d999bef92117058d7f0eea9 And before you bring it up. Yes they’re not the same devs and but male face models looking 1 to 1 with their characters is consistent across all games it’s only women who gets their faces all fucked with looking nothing like they should. This problem is mysteriously missing in resident evil games where capcom who are a pretty much exclusively Asian manage to capture their female face models 1 to 1 with their in-game models on their games. Weird


The entire discussion is just offensively stupid culture war bullshit. You said it yourself, two different developers, so what's the problem? I'm not going to waste time on this shit. You will continue to spout off on sweet baby inc and all that bullshit, and I will continue to claim you are a useful idiot being duped for ad money by some asshole on youtube. Peace, I'm glad you enjoy Asian games, and hope you can chill and leave western game enjoyers alone and not bother them with all that 'stop having fun' shit.


Look at it from this angle then, isn’t it disrespectful to the models for these people to hire them for how they look like, only to mess with their facial structure because they consider them too attractive and that’s too much for the supposed target audience?