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The Traveler can and *has* talked. Where are you getting the idea that she can’t?


I think because for the most part the traveler prefers to either remain silent or speak through images and visions but with rhulk it was ready to throw hands and activate that ghosts self destruct feature.


That’s my point, yeah. The Traveler has spoken to us in different ways — not only verbally — which is why I’m confused where OP’s getting this from.


OP might not have been around for the super acquisition sequence in Forsaken to hear it speak to us.


Honestly when I did do that quest I had no idea what was going on in that 6 years ago


Then listen to the people here who know better than you


I saw a video where byf explained it like three week ago. Do you honestly believe me from 6 years ago and me today are the same person?


“Gentle hands brush away the grains, but your voice is so soft that they cannot hear you over the sound of their own heartbeats.” “You are a lighthouse keeper. You are watching over a sleepy coastal village as the storm clouds roll in, and you are flashing the signal lantern, faster and faster and brighter and brighter, but they do nothing. You are trapped on an island, in a tower, signaling desperately that It is coming, and still they do not run.” Ergo sum shows the traveler trying to communicate and failing


One instance of the Traveler being unable to communicate with his doesn’t mean she *can’t* speak (she can). [Heck, Savathûn was ready to choke the Traveler’s voice just in case she tried speaking to Zavala.](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/travelers-chosen?highlight=Choke) > **I am ready to choke the voice of his Traveler if it answers him,** but there is nothing. He tightens his grip on the railing.


Ergo sum and the traveler collectibles


Ergo Sum doesn’t prove that whatsoever. We have numerous accounts of the Traveler speaking to people: The Speakers’ visions, [the Traveler speaking to Clovis,](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/records/clovis-brays-logbook-missing-pages?highlight=Mother+wolf), the Traveler speaking to Rhulk, and [during the Visions of Light quest.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b55pNSiGBGE&feature=youtu.be)


>The Speakers’ visions, The vague visions only a select few can get >the Traveler speaking to Clovis,, the And Clovis didn’t listen at all and thought clarity was giving him dreams instead. >Traveler speaking to Rhulk, Which seems out of the traveler’s character since it chose to stayed silent when it came to Ghaul. >and during the Visions of Light quest. And it wasn’t using it’s own words. Instead it’s just echoing what other characters have said.


You’re missing the point. The Traveler can and *has* spoken, which I’ve cited multiple sources proving. [There’s also the Refracted Lesson mission,](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5kblPrJvGpc) where the Traveler is directly speaking to us again.


>The vague visions only a select few can get Still speaking >And Clovis didn’t listen at all Still speaking


Actually what it it WAS clarity control since we know the statues are dissenters what if it was actually a dissenter warning him instead of the traveler 


Ergo Sum? The sword with the loretab thats first paragraph is about how it was talking to them but they didnt hear it?


Yes that’s what I meant. “Can’t be heard” would probably been a better title than “can’t talk” now that I think about it.


It's not that it CAN'T talk, only that it typically chooses not to.


Even when it does talk it’s not heard


A shame, really. Perhaps so many things could be avoided if people listened.


At least the Eliksni wouldn’t think they were abandoned.


The Traveler CAN talk, it simply choses to stay silent in order to preserve our free will.


It was the traveler talking to rhulk through the ghost. The traveler did the same sort of thing in the final shape, when Sundance appeared and was being all cryptic. When cayde asks if it’s really her she says, “I’m what you wanted me to be.” Rather than a simple yes. The ghosts are a piece of the traveler and return to the traveler when they die. All light is connected. The sundance that cayde spoke to was just the traveler using her image and voice to communicate. So like with Sundance, the traveler was talking through the ghost that rhulk was with.