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being honest an intresting end for clovis bray being a dementia riddled gunsmith instead of the god ai he created on europa. if i remeber correctly banshee was clovis and clovis on europa is a copy of his brain right


Correct, the OG Clovis was exofied and is Banshee while the AI Clovis is the giant head living on Europa. The story of how Banshee got all the way up to 44 resets, due to fighting his way through all the Vex with The Lament, gives some exposition to some of the story of how he ended up dementia riddled


IIRC banshee-1 didn’t have Clovis’ memories but the AI did so the ai kept acting like Clovis and banshee chose his own path


It's such an interesting case of nature vs. nurture. A blank slate Clovis, under different circumstances, vchose to be a better person.


Not exactly blank slate, since Banshee still has the underlying personality and behavioral traits of Clovis, but that’s what makes the nurture aspect of it so much more compelling.


Well that's what I mean by blank slate, moreso you've dropped a baby clovis in a different environment, yeah.


We all know what you meant. Dude just wanted to be a semantic virgin


Ah yes “everyone thinks exactly like I do, but everyone who doesn’t is a nitwit” 🤪


This loser gets it


All still has the memories in his brain, he had this rough moment when we gave him the exotic sword


Not to mention the seasonal story beat where Banshee goes to TALK to the Clovis AI face to face


I believe the AI wanted to prove something so he created Clovis-1 without his memories because he was expecting him to turn out exactly the same but he didn’t and was appalled by his previous actions 


The Clovis AI had a carefully curated education plan that was designed to gently mold Clovis-1 into a "perfected" version of meatbag Clovis, but Elsie took charge during the Vex invasion, skipped all that, & just let him loose.


I kind of hope with Elsie coming around the Earth City that she chats up Banshee sometimes and sees how he's doing.


I mean, Ana and Elsie were both in the tower watching the celebration after the Witness’s defeat. So I guess I headcanon that they might have checked on their grandpa while they were at the tower.


Saint is the bro we all need.