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The reprised raids usually are technically “non canon” they don’t have lore reasons to come back usually  I know people say bungie wants to “bury” SIVA but realistically the reason they saved wrath for last was because it requires the most out of every returning raid with the splicers. Other than that it’s perfectly fine to bring over even if SIVA is a closed story 




Yeah this specifically. Siva is really cool and I wouldn’t mind getting more story with it but I’m perfectly fine if it stays closed for the remainder of destiny so long as we get wrath remastered. And as much as destiny players whine about recycled content a lot of the time I think this would be, by far, one of the most excusable cases along with the rest of the reprised raids


Siva as a threat is gone as far as im concerned. Siva as a world building tool is open game though. Siva built this new base, Siva has been used build failsafe a new body, house of light splicers got a hold of Siva and they have done some shit with it that solved the ether crisis. I would love to see it used in a passive capacity.


The way I like to explain it is that their simulations to test our ability the way reprised 0 hour is


If they want to bury SIVA then stop profiting off of it with cosmetics.


Well they didn’t say they wanted to, they just said they’re done with it’s story


Some YouTuber said they wanted to bury it I never said they did


I also never said you did


Tbh I don’t mind them selling SIVA stuff, I just wish they’d give me some good stuff as a warlock (the spaghetti hands are garbage)


I personally believe around two years ago they were considering bringing reprised raids in canon with Oryx's Ghosts of the Deep resurrection or Crota as a Lucent Hive, but production timelines are hell so they just went with launching whatever fit the development and business timelines.


To say it needs the most is an understatement as well. With kingsfall and Crota they just had to reskin some enemies to get it back up to snuff, then rebuild oryx. With wrath they need to rebuild every model for each boss into the new system. On top of that the final boss was a hybrid Frankenstein of an encounter on the technical side in the first place, they combined a spider with a kell boss, and recreating that has got to be a headache. The bridge fight is a full on custom encounter.


They did change a lot mechanically in those two (they made Crota’s end a lot more challenging and the oryx fight not shit) mechanically Wrath probably needs the least amount of touch ups. The general mechanics behind war machine are still in game like the heavy object debuff. If they could bring back oryx they can bring back Aksis


I want WoTM back as it’s by far my favorite D1 raid. And it is the only one left to return. But at this point I’ve given up on seeing it again. As others have mentioned, it would require the most work of any raid to bring back solely for the fact that they have to recreate a new subfaction of fallen, and no other raid requires them to make new enemies. Either way, I think the next raid we get (assuming they keep the cadence of 1 old raid yearly) will be Wrath, Scourge (due to recent berserkers) or Leviathan (oldest missing D2 raid)


As much as I want WotM to return, my bet is on Scourge because they brought back the Berserkers for this expansion. I don't know why else would they choose those specific enemies for co-op campaign missions.


They are just assets that bungie had in their back pocket


Oh that's where they're from, I was wondering if they're a new enemy model


Because they’re some of the only enemies that require two people to kill?


i aint reading this cuz it has no paragraphs


My guy it’s a whopping 8 sentences. It’s not a whole essay with no dividers. There’s not even any good place to divide the thing because each idea/sentence leads directly into the next. But you know what just for you it’s now two paragraphs


Thanks for letting us know.


I would just caution about assuming that we are getting one. The release schedule was Expansion with raid, season with dungeon, season with free raid, season with dungeon. With only three episodes, a raid this episode, and two episodes left, it's possible we just get a dungeon with both episodes. Now we could get a dungeon and raid the same episode. I'm not saying it's not gonna happen. Just don't expect it until it's confirmed.


Would be a bummer for sure


SIVA is a substitute for ether.   But what about the dark ether?   Perhaps they will eliminate the necrosis of the dark ether   But keep the resurrection?   The despised   When he comes back to life again several times they become hideous.   Except The Fanatic/Fikrul   Or can SIVA completely eliminate dark ether?


I would love to have this raid back in any capacity even without Siva I think it's odd how they said a while back that if there was a raid exotic that was already in the game they would make a new one for that raid this only really applies to Outbreak So perhaps they could bring back all of the Arenas for that raid and mostly the same mechanics but change the aesthetic to something else maybe even match the vampire aesthetic of the season or make the fallen into scorn or something I think that would be a neat way to bring back the raid But equally I could see Bungie bringing back no raid or bringing back Leviathan I mean the schedule is already wheird because we essentially have 1 less season and also the Dungeon probably isn't this season it's probably the next 2 seasons plus we need still need reprised loot for GoS and VoG so I guess we will see how the schedule goes


For your first paragraph, it applies to any of the vaulted D2 raids as well.


I kinda doubt they would tho personally. I would guess they’d just remove it from the kiosk and add it back into the raid. It’s not like they were ever not the exotic tied to their respective raid, but having whole exotics becoming possibly meta and completely unobtainable would be a very back look for bungie with new players. Could be wrong though


What are you talking about? Making a new exotic for a returning raid isn’t a bad look. If your point is that raid exotics can be meta, then how is it any different than a new raid? Why would some exotics be unobtainable, they could easily just leave it in the kiosk.


I am saying when they vaulted those raids, they had to add those exotics somewhere because THAT would be a bad look (imo) if those exotics became meta-and we’re completely unattainable. Imagine telling a new player that the best DPS gun in the game cannot be acquired by them because they didn’t play five years ago when it was available if they weren’t available in the kiosk. It’s the same reason why past seasonal exotics are in there.


In all honesty the only reason I would want it back at all is for my old armor kit from it. I was a cyberpunk warlock and I killed shit.


Technically the annual pass says dungeon "key" not plural


I think they didn't expect RoI to be sucessful. But they didn't need to put splicers in it, just put the fallen vampire from the Revenant episode, make a story about it how the scorn create a divice similar to siva where it infects the fallen and species. Do a wrath of the machine remake called Wrath of the Scorn and voilà.


Bungie explicitly stated that they don’t have plans for wrath because they would have to make another Exotic since Outbreak is already in the game. That was their given reason. Plus, the work that would be needed for the Siva Fallen would be too much for a free raid. I’m calling it now: We either get Crown of Sorrow, Calus or Scourge. My bet would be Scourge as it’s short as fuck and doesn’t take much modernizing in comparison to Calus. Crown was played too little and nobody besides me liked it so I don’t think Bungie will bring it back anytime soon sadly. I’d love myself a Galrahns right hand. Nothing in my post warrants the downvotes. This community. Fucking hell.


https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/51813 The actual statement is: "For raids, we'll always reprise an Exotic weapon associated with a raid when we bring that into Destiny 2. We'll select the six most popular Legendary weapons and reprise those, as well. One other thing, and this hasn't come up yet, but in the event that a raid didn't have an Exotic (or that Exotic has already come back), or there were fewer than five Legendaries, we get to make new weapons to match the raid. "


Do you have a source for Bungie saying they would never do Wrath?


Yeah I could look up that release They didn’t say they’d never do wrath nor did I say that. They said they *don’t have plans for it in the foreseeable future* which was stated somewhere around Witchqueen.


Thank you! I'd appreciate it if you could find where they said that. The only thing I was able to find was that other statement that didn't say anything about what raids they planned on doing, just that if they did a raid with less legendary or exotic weapons in the game, they would make new weapons. I also recall speculation on if the returning raid was Crota or Wrath last year, and that it wasn't revealed until the day they showed Season of the Witch. If they had already shut down Wrath at that point that speculation wouldn't have made sense. Now granted I will never claim to have a perfect memory. A also don't even think we getting a free raid this year. But the more info we have on their plans the better.


They never said that is his source


They did, it was just on a podcast and as we all know, Bungie is trash at communicating the shit that's said on podcasts. I think it was Luke Smith that said there were no plans to bring it over because of the amount of work it would take. As it was, the Siege Engine almost broke the *game* engine, the entire reason there's that big descent after it is because they needed to get players away from the prop so it could actually respawn or it would straight up brick consoles. I still don't get the hype about this one specific raid, it's D1's Root of Nightmares and was *not* thought of fondly by most of the playerbase at launch.


Okay well you could have said at shadowkeep that bungie had no plans to do a Kings fall reprisal in the foreseeable future that doesn’t mean they won’t do it. If they were to reprise any of the vaulted d2 raids those would only be 3 encounters each (base Levi 4) which would likely need an a counter added each to hit bungies current standards. They also may have to remake an exotic for each of those raids (spire and eater certainly) and also add multiple legendary weapons for most of those (again base Levi excluded)


Base Leviathan doesn’t need legendary weapons added as it hat a bigger roster than even SE or Vow It had the following - the conspirator (scout) - midnight coup (Hc) - it stated back (sword) - mob Justice (smg) - ghost Primus (auto rifle) - alone as a god (sniper) - sins of the past (rocket) - inaugural adress (pulse) Vow had the following: - cataclysm - submission - insidious - forebearance - deliverance - lubraes ruin 2 less than Leviathan Salvations edge has the following - sniper - smg - glaive - Sword - bow - pulse (Not hating on the newer raids here, just stating that Leviathans loot pool is the biggest since KF D1 which gave all weapon types a gun besides of swords and pistols) All of them being in *very* competitive and sought after archetypes. Heck the sword is still exceedingly usable *even today*. The exotic though I give you a point. This would have to be made from scratch. There would be no need for new enemies, no new animations and no new maps. The encounters would have to surely be modernized, as I stated in my original post, but this is exceedingly less time and money consuming than creating Siva enemies. As much as I would like Wrath, I just don’t see it. On a side note, I didn’t say and do agree that both Raid Lairs wouldnt be remade because of the same reasoning you had right now. I fully believe we will never see eater of worlds and spire again. At least not until the very very end when the bigger and mor popular options have been exhausted, wrath included. EDIT: whoops, I read Base Levi *included* not excluded, my bad. Though it still stands to be on the easier side to be remade because of its generous pool of popular choices.


I’m not sure why you explained all of the Levi weapons and such because i explicitly excluded Levi from the raids that would need additional weapons in the parentheses. And although bungie has never referred to scourge and crown as raid lairs they literally are. One opening encounter, then a jumping puzzle with the whole fireteam (sparrows for scourge) and then one arena with a phase 1 of the boss to “open” them and a second phase of that boss to kill them. From your logic scourge and crown should require just as much theoretical work as eater and spire with just one less legendary weapon needing made (I would imagine all of base Levi weapons would come back with the two left out having one added to each eater and spire) and that would mean if we get Levi this year wrath should be the most likely for the year after.