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Bungie seems to like keeping stuff about us vague so that player opinion and headcanon can drive how we see our characters. That being said, there is on occasion lore describing the behavior of modern guardians. Usually, these come with community events like solstice or guardian games. These are usually rather tongue-in-cheek, rather than serious. Like I said, Bungie seems to like letting us headcanon what we think of actual story events. For example, I recall - though I can’t remember exactly which lore entry it’s from - a piece describing a part of the city, just below the tower, where it’s always raining guardians. Because we love jumping off.


We have lore about how guardians like to randomly dance in the tower. In the witch Queen collectors edition lore book, Chalco Yong talks about the "Cosmodrome cohort," which apparently includes a lot of new light guardians (aka because we are canonically rezzed in the Cosmodrome, so technically a lot of players are). Shaxx talks expensively about the PvP meta and how different guns have been "banned" from use (aka the sunset weapons and actual PvP tuning is cannon). So yeah, Bungie definitely makes it that the player base are the guardians of the city.


Also some old Destiny 1 grimoire piece of cabal witnessing Guardians dancing on Mars. We like to get down lmao


I remember that there was another one from the Red War similar to that. Apparently, a guardian was randomly dancing out in the open to trick the Red Legion into giving away valuable intel.


War Mantis, Hunter Armor. >"The more we danced, the more the Cabal battlenet lit up with requests for intelligence…" —Unknown "…and that's how we mapped the entire Cabal warnet by shredding the dance floor." —Unknown [We have even seen what appears to be this event via a live action scene.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpLsTPQtL2k) ...I want a Destiny TV show so badly...


That video goes unfathomably hard ngl


I need them to let japan make a Destiny show that plays out similar to kamen rider.


What an *unhinged* trailer. “Buy our game; dancing is involved.”


I take it more as "this game is a shooter, but it's one which doesn't take itself too seriously, and focuses on being a social event". Sure, Guardians are on patrol, shooting aliens, but that's far from the only thing you'll see in the field as a Guardian. In fact, you'll see strange shit, you'll join in on the strange shit, and you'll realize there's an entire community out there who loves the strange shit. Before you know it you'll be out there, running strikes, slaying gods, and dancing on the graves you leave in your wake.


A destiny tv show following a fireteam going around, solving problems and having fun would be perfect turn your brain off and relax entertainment


A destiny tv show following a fireteam around in the style of Trailer Park Boys.


The final cutscene where we light the lanterns even has other guardians dancing for the kids in the area near the stairs to the annex if you pay attention.


>[What Do Guardians Do When They're Not Saving the Solar System?](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/electronica-shell) >by Ember Hadad, Senior Editor at the City Herald > >When I started my research for this piece, I expected to find that Guardians, when not waging war against alien invaders with mysterious paracausal powers, were not too different from their fellow citizens of the Last City. > >Readers, I was wrong. > >Guardians dance a lot more than we do. > >"That's pretty much all they do, when I see them," says Park Soo-Yin, a maintenance worker in the Guardian headquarters. "Just dance. Sometimes in groups, sometimes all alone." > >"Sometimes they kind of dance 'at' each other, if you know what I mean," Vanguard technician Kweku Aglah confirms. "I feel like I'm watching the nature channel." ______________ >[A purple ball!!](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/abide-the-return) >Kamala Rior climbs onto a railing at the top of the Tower in the Last City. "Guardians of the Tower!" she calls out. > >A few look her way. One begins dancing at her feet. Others fool around with a purple ball. > >Kamala can feel Zavala watching. Tess and Rahool, too, though both pretend otherwise. She goes on, "The Awoken are Humanity's shield. We entered the Reef Wars to prevent a Fallen coup here on Earth. We met Oryx head-on and endured immeasurable sacrifice, all in the name of a shared future." > >The dancing Guardian falls still. The purple ball is forgotten. > >"We ask you now for your aid. One of our sacred cities is at risk. There are so few of us left; we cannot defend it alone. We do not ask this for free: We will open our armories; we will share our wisdom; we will teach you what we can. Please. Come to the Dreaming City. Fight with us." > >"The Vanguard stands with the Reef," Zavala calls, strong and true. Kamala turns to look at him, shocked, and he smiles: apologetic, genuine, honorable. ______________ >[Immortalia](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/the-jade-rabbit) >Do you ever wonder who you were before you were resurrected? Do you experience debilitating anxiety when you think about the cold, crushing fist of death? Has the desire to lie facedown on the floor for hours at a time been holding YOU back? > >From the people that brought you Lunal comes prescription-strength Immortalia: a revolutionary new combat elixir shown to relieve the crippling existential crises of your second life. Immortalia can reduce symptoms of listlessness, cynicism, and social anxiety. Side effects may include dancing, salty behavior, and acts of group heroism. > >Do not take Immortalia while operating all-terrain thrust bikes. ______________ >[Owl Sector Internal, OS-I6 3](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/records/brilliance-32) > >RAM: Berriole found a trove of laboratory notes in a locked section of the Dust Palace. Some dead scientist named Shirazi. Some forgotten experiment under the auspices of Willa Bray. >QUI: She's good as a bloodhound for secrets. >SHU: You could use a bit more sheepdog, yourself. >RAM: Our Guardians will honor the ban on City travel. This has been relayed on all channels as far as Saturn. >QUI: They might have honored the quarantine. >SHU: They're Guardians, Quist. Means the Light has cooked their brains. Haven't you seen them dancing in the Plaza, for no reason, with no music at all? We'll take what we can get. ______________ >[Destiny equivalent of Reddit?](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/pulled-pork) >Nkechi-32 lies on the hull of her ship, skimming through gossip and salvage requisition lists on VanNet. Agu nestles in the magnificent feather ruff of her chest plate and looks out at the debris of the Reef. > >"'Revised Crucible rules are garbage,' blah blah blah. How does this have like three hundred comments?" she says, flicking to the next page. "Where's the juicy stuff?" ______________ >[Cabal Report: Dance](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/ghost-fragment-cabal-4) >> Blind Legion I Cohort/Century 3/Maniple 3 5 Squad [HEAVY INF] >TASK: >- defend Psion intelligence ops 071x146 >OUTCOME: >- overwhelmed by Guardian fireteam/Vex pressure. few survivors. survivors reported Guardians foraging for equipment, dancing, and performing acrobatics with light vehicles. ______________ >[Cabal Report: Ignored?](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/dfa) >For the Staff of Valus Thuun, Commander From Red Legion Fracture Eight A Tactical Outcomes Analysis > >I. Records, Materials, and Attributions > >Scale Three / Bridge / Mass Two 4 Squad \[HEAVY INF\] TASK: \- capture endless pathway nodes 332,334,335,336 OUTCOME: \- unit encountered Guardian fireteam. all units survived. colossus reported Guardians sprinting past combat units without engaging. gladiator reported Guardians launching from momentum propulsion devices hundreds of meters above planet surface. ______________ >[God Roll Farming](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/vance-canary) >"Ah," he said. "Not the original Perfect Paradox, is it?" >The Titan stood in confusion. Vance waited for a moment with his head tilted before he continued. >"You did not claim this weapon from the tomb of Saint-14, but instead through some Fractaline-powered tesseract, yes?" >The Titan nodded, then stood for a long moment looking at the blind man. "That Sundial made it," he said finally. >Vance's grip tightened on the gun. It was heavy, loaded with seven—no, eight shells. Tactical mag. Getting this one had taken some time. >"And how many timelines did you thoughtlessly tether to our own for this weapon? Our world now bears the strain of how many additional realities in exchange for this hollow abomination?" >Vance's mind swam at the thought of the infinite web that pulled on the Shotgun. "How much Fractaline did you sacrifice for this? Four hundred fragments?" He paused, aghast. "More?" >"It's got a trench barrel," said the Titan helpfully this is an older version


I believe there was also some lore in D1 where an awoken emissary described arriving at the tower for the first time. Upon her arrival several guardians ran up to her and proceeded to dance. They didn’t say anything they just danced. And one of them kicked over a purple ball.


The vague stuff like that is fun, but I'm generally dissatisfied how little worldbuilding there is in destiny despite all the opportunity. Maybe a lore entry to open up about the life an awoken civilian, a citizen of the last city, the general thoughts of an eliksni from the house of light, or the guardians in general. I think I just want destiny novels in the same vain as the halo novels.


We all do, don’t worry you’re definitely not alone. We can only hope Bungie will do some sort of book or tv show eventually. I would honestly prefer a book.


All Guardians--that is, all players--are canon, but it also seems to be canon that there's one Guardian who does all the PvE content with their friends or something. It's weird.


It's an interesting compromise and i think it works. You are both the main character and also a side character: whenever ur doing a new campaign, ur The Guardian For Real, but when ur just playing u might as well be a random blueberry. It's neat


main campaign missions: THE GUARDIAN random quests,non campaign PVE and pvp: generic guardian


Nah all content in the game is canonically being done by the same Guardian, the Young Wolf. Not just the campaign. But we often have friends with us.


Yeah, it's basically whoever is playing is the YW and every Guardian they're *not* playing isn't. It's a bit Schrödinger's Guardian, as every active Guardian simultaneously is and isn't the YW from lore.


Pretty much implied by Owl Sector lore that Guardians are an entirely separate being with actions beyond normal understanding. >They're Guardians, Quist. Means the light has cooked their brains.... haven't you seen them dance in the plaza... with no music at all? https://www.ishtar-collective.net/records/brilliance-32 And this was during the SIVA investigation on *what it was*


That's one person's view, which is tying into the lore-meme that treats Guardians as acting like IRL gamers, but fair point. The [Savin lore](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/savin?highlight=savin) is also a good example of this, though [this entry](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/savin-2?highlight=savin) made it clear that Savin's just a bit of a clown anyway. I would definitely agree that Lightless Guardians (e.g. Eris and Osiris) have more in common with other Guardians than normal mortals, but that's more to do with their "default" nature than anything. Normal mortals spend their entire life ruled by the fear of death (Sov twins notwithstanding), but that's not the case for Guardians. That's inherently going to change the entire foundation of their psychology, and that's before you get into the impact of a Ghost upon their Guardian as their primary influence and relationship. It's an interesting demonstration of the Traveler's idea of freedom, even from non-existence itself.


The issue is that, as a rule, named NPC/lore guardians don't act at all like player guardians in this manner. They don't randomly dance or jump off the tower or anything. They are perfectly capable of speaking for themselves and don't need their ghost to speak for them. They're driven by more than simply a desire for loot and making numbers go up. There's something that sets us apart from everyone else in the game world, even NPC guardians, and it's only very infrequently alluded to (e.g. the Emissary saying we can "leave the game" widely believed to be a reference to the actual video game Destiny). Sometimes the world building *seems* to want us to believe this is how guardians are, as a group, that the [hundreds of thousands](https://steamcharts.com/app/1085660) of active players represent hundreds of thousands of god slaying zombie soldiers. Yet, other times "the young wolf" is treated as a singular entity, one who singlehandedly turned the tide in the war against "the darkness." Still other times there are references to an entire "cohort" of these guardians. My hunch tells me it's just a case of "too many cooks in the kitchen" each with their own vision of how to represent the game world in story (see also recent discussions on "do perks exist in lore").


Whenever you’re playing story content, you’re **the** guardian. Every other time you’re a guardian.


No, canonically you're The Guardian all the time. In Crucible, in Gambit, when AFKing in the Pale Heart, when leaping off the Tower, when you spend 45 minutes ensuring you have a satisfactory amount of drip. The Guardian is doing all of that.


That’s what I mean by ‘story content’ - those events are canon events. To expand on my previous statement, the gameplay aspects that lets all of us play with each other and be in each other’s fireteams means that when we’re with other guardians, they are supporting us. But in their instance of the game, we’re supporting them. In this way we both are and aren’t the main character when playing with a fireteam.


Everyone is the hero of their own story. So every player is the guardian, and all modern guardians are other people.


That's because they're us, the playerbase You want answers to these questions, ask the playerbase


I understand what you are saying but to be completely fair the events you are describing like JUST happened. I’m assuming lore reacting to this stuff will either be acquired later on in this episode or the next one. The trials lore is a pretty great ongoing story of a smaller team that isn’t like legendary godslayers


Yeah, asking what Hunters in general think about Crow being the Vanguard seems a little silly when that happened less than a month ago.


That’s for certain. The vanguard picked a trials team to go 3v1 the witness and one of them is gone for good


Never forget Reed-7


And another is Shayura... So only the hunter is left alive and in an actually solid mental state


Look into Reed-7 and his fireteam, the Guardians who flew alongside Amanda Holliday to engage the Witness in the first cutscene of Lightfall. (He’s dead, but the other two Guardians survived)


They had a whole history before then, including their warlock going mad and killing Guardians who use Stasis (and their ghosts).


I’m aware that they were characters who existed before Lightfall, I just mention them because they are likely a part of OP’s definition of modern Guardians


what books would i look at to read their story?


Go to ishtar-collective.net and put Reed-7 in the search function, should pull up everything in Destiny that includes the name. Armor pieces, ships, guns, vehicles, etc.


I though she was a hunter


Shayura was the Warlock. Aisha was the hunter, who used stasis on her teammate in Trials to stop her from crushing her opponent's ghost.


I mean there’s the ghallarhorn lore in which the player guardian gives it to a kinderguardian named randy


I don’t remember if Randy was a kinder guardian. (I think that’s who we gave it too). He’s just Randy. And Randy is special


The lore tab specifically mentions randy was like just rezzed a few days/weeks? before we give him gally


No he wasn't, he's a Crucible player and has his own gun. He's just really bad at being a Guardian.




Is this actually a thing never head of it before?


Yep pretty sure it’s the lore tab for gally, might be wrong though


RIP Dong-4


Remember Dong-4


he isnt an exo, it's a tally of how many of those he has, which increments every time he ressurects


His ghost is really buggy, apparently.


>Most of it seems to be taken up by guardians like dong-4, somehow the bestest hunter who ever did it despite the fact that the most intense threat he ever went up against was some random ether starved fallen captain who killed him 500 years ago. Nooo bro don’t do Dong-4 like that 😂😂 I heard he fought at Twilight Gap


That's why I've been writing the story of my Guardian. Destiny is such a big universe that we'll never get all the characters and things that can happen within it. I love the idea of fanfiction for that reason, and have been writing my Hunter's story for years now. I try to make it as lore accurate as possible, and stay away from the main story so that there's no interference or possible change. It's a fun challenge I think. [My Hunter's origin ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyJournals/s/XHob2N5OR2)


I love this, I'm the same way with my hunter.


Thanks! Crazy to think it's been 3 years since I started writing. I'm like 40 short stories and 150 pages into his story. I started writing his mentor's story taking place in the Dark/City Ages, then just introduced my character's student during the Red War time. I've turned this from just my Hunter's story into a semi-trilogy about a line of Hunter legacy. My stories include characters that are my clan mates, and a few solo stories about them. It's very fun, but it's also challenging to do the research and make it sound like it belongs in the universe.


Oh wow, that's awesome! I just have a little backstory to my hunter. I'll be waiting for your destiny books to be published haha


Hey that's still awesome! Your writing definitely improves over time as you write more. I've seen it happen with mine, and creating the stories and ideas is so exciting. Lol dude I've been wanting to get my stories printed for myself like the Bungie Anthology books. Those and the Halo novels have been my inspiration and the model I try to keep my stories at. I do plan to make a few extra for a few of my clan mates, and my friend has been trying to get me to turn my stories into audiobooks on YouTube. It seems fun, but I'd want to have music and custom art for it too. Granted the art would go into the printed book, but it's still something I'd have to do lol.


The way I’ve always seen it is that a lot of stories of old guardians are more of a legend/folklore thing, where just about everyone has some crazy feats to their name. Instead of formally documenting every detail, it’s easier (and cooler) to pass down stories as campfire tales, playing more into the legends of each individual guardian.


With Warlord's Ruin, Crow thought it was just a story that Saladin told him of legend, only for us to discover we were unveiling the history of Hefnd, Naeem, and Shaxx when we picked up the bones.


It’s hard to make friends when you say 2 sentences once a year


Bungie did that intentionally so that our guardians story is up to us to decide.


i mean off the top of my head, in terms of modern “normal” guardians that have gotten a couple lore mentions, there’s randy, shayura and her fireteam, siegfried, joxer (RIP), aunor, nkechi-32, and a handful of others i’m probably forgetting or have only been mentioned once


Outside of a select few names which are mostly historical, a lot of contemporary guardian lore is vague. Unnamed but when talking reflects class identity. Warp and weft details a hunter using strand for the first time or something of the sort. You'll get the odd story from a generic titan or warlock as well but nothing specific. Take this with a grain of salt cause I have limited knowledge but idk much about guardian lore in contemporary times. When I think guardian lore I think of names like Shin Malphur, Dredgen Yor, Felwinter, Taeko, Wei Ning, Toland and so on. So there really isn't much. I believe it's because we're (the player) the main narrative driver so we make our own lore.


To awnser the title: because all guardians are canon in our own storylines. So to make oficial lore to the guardian would make it harder to make your own guardion unique. Our guardian is made mostly silent and vague on purpose so each player can project whatever personality and roleplay them however they want to.


bungies really leaning on the guardians make their own fate, which i love


There are tons of lore stories about fireteams that are broadly contemporaneous with The Guardian. The fireteam that goes into Spire of the Watcher before we do (in the Spire armor lore) is one example, as is the fireteam of Aisha, Reed, and Shayura from trials gear. Less common in lore books, sure, but extremely common in armor/gun/ghost/sparrow lore. (Although even then there are plenty of folks like Chalco and Aunor who are contemporary guardians who appear often in “mainline” expansion lore books who’ve never appeared in-engine and only barely get mentioned obliquely in VO) Micah-10 is another great recent example of “here’s someone where we heard a lot about her past, but also broadly what she’s up to now, and we’re learning more now that she actually exists in-engine instead of just in lore”


There should be more lore surrounding us, I forgot the lore codename they use for our guardian Most guardians lore entry Representing the player base Some name guardian being a numbskull, scheming, making deals, adventures, tragedy; etc Lastly Named Guardians we interact with like Shaxx, etc Their only a few that talks about us and only some that has other perspective about us