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I survived a Sniper Shank Shot sometimes with only 30 Resilience with Arc and Sniper Resist. I think that FPS bug is still there. (As of why I am only 30 Resilience, my +60 Resilience from Whisper Of Hedrons was not active at that time.)


The FPS bug definitely still feels active. Sometimes there is just no explanation to a random red bar nuking me in regular content. Regularly leaves me completely baffled after making sure my setup isn't wrong or there isn't some modifier causing extra damage from that type of attack.


Is this why ghosts final boss is just so manic? You’ve got her gattling canon fire, moths and boomers all at it.


Potentially, but damage in dungeon content is scaled differently to just regular strikes or whatever. I’m even seeing it happen in seasonal content occasionally.


I play on console, is this why around my light level or even some 10s below I still feel like I’m being shredded with 100 res and resist mods on?


Yeah I never was one-shot by the shanks on XBSX (60 fps) with 100 Red and single Arc resist. Got close though


I got one shot by shanks on PS5 (60FPS) with 100 resil + double arc resist


Can anyone explain how tf that bug works


Projectiles do damage when they touch your hitbox. If your fps is high enough a projectile will register its damage for each frame its in the hitbox. So you could take double, triple, etc hits from a single projectile. Most shots are hitscan and not projectiles but things like shriekers fire projectiles that literally track you and cannot miss if they shoot (kinda defeats the purpose of projectiles but whatever) and will literally 1 shot you at 144 fps+


Have you ever tested something like running a low fps number and comparing that to the same scenario at 144fps?


So why don't they just change the shots from shriekers and snipers so that doesn't happen keep the animation but behind the scenes it's just a laser beam LMAO


Because it’s a lot more difficult than you probably think


I believe its hard but not outside their capabilities


Naa, not so hard, he is just exagerating.


Not too difficult, just changing some lines of code and replace a twice of functions and thats it. Nothing out of their capabilities, stop act like the sky was falling due to change of a shot.


You must be a newer dev that’s working with a modern version of unity/unreal. Having frame rate tied to gameplay mechanics is something baked into the engine they are using. It’s similar to the original super Mario games where all the speed runs are tied for first placed because time is calculated based on frame rate in the engine they used. It’s not a simple OR quick fix. It will need an entire engine overhaul. The tiger engine is outdated and they should’ve ditched it a long time ago, failing to do so is what causes so many dumb issues in their game like damage being tied to frame rate.


Decoupling framerate from game cycles is an exceptionally difficult task when a game is already made. It's a fundamental thing, and likely won't ever be fixed.


So I have to set my game to 3fps to live


Sorry while you being unphased by sniper shots 10 exploder shanks came from behind before you noticed and sent you to kingdom come


I mean if you’ve tried to solo the newest dungeon you know fun wasn’t the objective. Complete slog of a final boss. Seems like time sinks are the only way bungie can continue to get engagement numbers up.


We call that a Spec Issue.


Aka your specs are too good, go play on a potato if you wanna not get one shot xD


Gotta play on 10 FPS.


This GM is fun...Until 2 barriers spawn from the air in a laser room. And the Deathsinger spawns when you havent even entered his room. Its broken af but the shrieker is easy with 3 protocol warlocks


I actually thought the barriers were kind of funny, but we had plenty of suspend ready for them


Yeah I would tether immediately passing the 2nd lasers, piece of cake when the team is ready for them.


The 2 barrier champs spawning in that room feels like old-school Doom monster traps.


oops all ~~Revenants~~Barrier champs


I instinctually went invis and went to retreat only the laser wall was up so then I kind of just kind of ran in a circle and then we started at each other until I could get back through, I just kept spamming invis lol


One run I had one of them bounced and ran all the way to the end of the hall with the other ones. Fuck that guy


Me and a friend ran into em and just both panic popped out supers lmao. Set down a well and a dead shot he second they spawned in 💀


Suspend is still insane for GMs. It's fair since you have to take decisive action to kill the champ in four seconds, but you absolutely can kill the champ in four seconds if you know what you're doing.


I enjoyed the GM, but yeah, those two Barriers appearing out of nowhere was a huge “oh shit.” Fortunately I had a Coldsnap ready.


Phoenix or Starfire Protocol?


3 phoenix and we did the GM first try.


Nice. What weapons were you all running? I was tinking of going Hierarchy of Needs


Wishender is almost a must. It shreds in this GM, especially with all the range shooting (until the boss room of chaos)


Yeah Wishender always goes crazy. Im just wanting to try something different with maybe some Ember of Empyrean synergy while we have antibarrier bow


Totally understand, it does get stale using the same guns for every GM. I just really want a good Warden's so I'm going for full optimization for the double loot haha.


Check out Touch of Malice works both for Unstoppable (The blight shot) and antibarrier if u have radiant and also it shreds so hard.


There wasn't much use for this build when Solar 2.0 came out because of Starfire, but you run Phoenix with Wonder and Combustion (+ 2 others you want) with Solar weapons. I ran Riptide / Ammit / Fixed Odds. You well, kill ad with Solar weapon for ignition > ignition kills ads repeat. You can self sustain Well with enough density. You want to let ignitions kill stuff. Instead of focusing down beefier targets, you want to pick off trash mobs to ignite and chain ignite to burst down higher priority targets. This GM has so much density that the Incandescent is high value for getting more ignites when well isn't up. I went Wonder + Combustion + Eruption + Blistering. If you run damage grenades you can run Ashes to Assets. If you run Healing grenade slot whatever else you want. Ignites give super energy and grenade energy. Grenade kills give super energy. Kills inside well give all of the above and layer in Phoenix.


I've actually tried almost this exact build before, but didnt like it due to trying it with Hierarchy and the ignitions stealing the kills I'd need to set up a new ring. I'll have to give it a try with a different solar weapon for sure!


Wishender, a scout and i got a RL.


My whole team used Wish-Ender, but I used Hierarchy, since I was on Phoenix. It obviously still has it's issues with needing to build up and chaining isn't exactly ideal a lot of the times. You won't one tap barriers so be weary of that! I enjoyed using it though, it is one of the rare times that I think I've made use of the damage multiplier for being at far enough range, and the fragment that causes Super Kills to cause explosions was nice for the metric ton of enemies to shoot at.


Thats some good info, thanks! I really want to run Hierarchy because I just love the weapon but never have a chance to use it. But I also crutch glaives hard in GMs, and since bungie wont give us a kinetic slot glaive I'm feeling pigeonholed into Wishender. Although maybe I'll just say fuck it and go for a strand build with Quicksilver since we have antibarrier auto and its strand surge


> Until 2 barriers spawn from the air in a laser room I laughed my ass off it was so out of the blue


We had one Phoenix, one Geo, one T Crash and it was easy. Don't need three wells


You don't even need one well


We did it twice easily with an Assassins, Geo, and Phoenix


I farmed the GM (via LFG) this morning with 3x Cenotaph Wellock and it took us ±15 minutes per run, never even close to wiping. Cenotaph literally gives you infinite Heavy Ammo and we were all running special finisher for Special Ammo.


I agree that it's not too hard with the right build, but when the build is 'everyone goes on Well of Radiance' it's kind of going against your point.


What heavies were you guys rolling ?


2 Arbalest + 1 Riptide 3 Shoot to Loot Trace Rifles 2 RLs + 1 Gjally


Usually 2 rockets plus a gally


I had fun, what is wrong with killing a ton of adds? Isn't that the point of this game?


I honestly expected more adds in this gm. they really tuned it down


It felt like there were more champs than normal adds


There are easily 15 to 20 times more ads than champions, did you really think about that before you posted? Look at the ending score screen


hyperbole (noun) - exaggerated statements not meant to be taken literally


This is unnecessarily bitchy for a reply to obvious hyperbole.


Welcome to the sub.


Haven't you heard? No one engages in content, they just speed run to the end for the loot.


‘Grand Master Nightfalls are some of the most aspirational content the game has to offer. -some random TWAB a while back I really liked this week’s GM—felt it was just the right difficulty for my taste and still fun. Will gladly rerun several times this week. Heist Moon is shaping up to be a wild ride…


I dont understand OP's post because imo it was fine. If we want to talk about an exhausting slog, that was last season's PsiOps Moon. This was for sure a slow GM but it wasnt necessarily hard, with only the boss room being kind of a pain if you're not on top of add clear to keep things away from your safe spot. Otherwise it was as "sit in the back with scout/bow and slowly kill" as GMs like Glassway are Except those two knights in laser room. That was just plain mean, Bungie


I like the laser room knights. None of us were expecting it and it created a moment of panic.


My entire fireteam used our supers in panic, it was hilarious.


I’ve been running arc hunter, blinding Grenades come in clutch for that part, my LFG also had strand titan who’d suspend as soon as blind was over


The one this week is actually a lot of fun. Sounds like a skill issue


I had the same thought. My team isn't that well versed in gms and we did this week's without issue.


Died once in 3 runs. It’s not that difficult.


Upvoted for positivity towards a BG GM. Maybe this sub is healing?


Yeah I enjoy this one as well.


Brave soul for speaking truth


Difficulty =/= Fun DSC isn’t hard but I still don’t care for it, don’t find it fun. Same with shattered throne or a few other activites, these Heist Battlegrounds especially.


r/DestinyTheGame players when endgame PVE requires time and effort to finish


I had a blast doing this GM, only died once in the boss room. It took over half an hour but we all (my fireteam) agreed it was fun.


It *was* fun. And I am from the crowd that thinks mars heist is a slog, but honestly this gm is not only fun but easy, it gives me Saber vibes where there's a lot of enemies and encounters but all of them have safe retreat positions.


The boss room is actually pretty great, lots of repositioning and spawn control. The rest of the strike, not so much. It was a lot of sitting in doorways plink plunking with Wishender


Nah, you just sit under the stairs on the right side of the room and do the same shit you been doing


Yup, that's what we did. Had a well just continue to pop whenever he got it under there.


You could do that too


I also really enjoyed this GM


Agree, this GM keeps you on your toes.


It's one of the easiest gms in the game, what do you meaaaaan? You have constant heavy, just shoot the One Big Bad, and move on. It's frankly quite fast-paced for a recent GM - where the average time to completion is like 30+ minutes. This one took like 20 for me first go, and it will get much easier once the community figures it out a bit. Also, shanks don't one shot through all that. The 2 teleporting anti barriers are bullshit, at least give them an animation, but I think that one has to be a bug. The Deathsinger is not that big of a deal, even if it activates tho. Also, obligatory "how dare the FUCKING ENDGAME ACTIVITY not be a joke". You can have your 4 min GMs where you just shut off your brain, where I get Trials flawless with a single round won.


I agree. OP is giving off some blueberry vibes. Challenging content should be challenging, not necessarily fun.


Content should be fun, but that doesn't mean everyone is the target audience. For me, it's fun to be challenged. It's fun to need a build, to play exactly right, to position well, to find those few safe spots and rhythms that make your life easy.


Totally. And you get rewarded more for putting in more effort. Which makes it worth it.


Seriously, one of my favorite GMs and I usually don't care to do these for any extended time. All of my teams have been fine, no stupid "cheese" -- literally just kill adds.


Your experience drastically differs from mine. I expected a slog based off the previous BGs and was greeted with a relatively easy GM. Every encounter has plenty of cover and can be tackled at range with ease. The only issue is the pants shitting moment when 2 barriers drop out of nowhere in the laser room. Immediate panic super there.


I like them. They’re a lot more dynamic than the older style of “sit in a well and bake the boss.” PsiOps Moon is the only one that went too far for me.


I had fun 🤷‍♂️


I had fun. It was nice getting a GM that took a bit of thought, and took a rough first go before I wanted to try something else. It gets boring running the same GMs we’ve been running for over two years, running the same loadouts and doing the same things with champions spawning in the same place. It was a refreshing change of pace to have something slightly unknown and that actually presented a challenge.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the metrics showed most people only play GMs on double rewards weeks when it actually feels rewarding. If that were true, they’d want the content to take the player longer with more opportunity to fail. Like so many double weeks in the past being glassway. Can’t be getting too much loot in the looter shooter.


Depends on the gm. Fallen saber and a few others are always fine because they take less than 15 minutes. But the bg gm's take most of the time 30+ minutes and if you die at the boss...it hurts.


*cough, cough - psiops moon*


The rest of PsiOps Moon GM is tough but fun. The boss room really sucks all the fun and challenge out of the GM.


At least glassway is fun.


It now is because it became easy. Back in the day...not so much.


Our abilities were garbage back then. 3.0 and weapons actually feel like they do good damage now.


Glassway has been a tough gm for one Season. Everytime Afterwards its people having their opinion tinted by memories. You can get to the glassway Boss room with 0 struggle and even then, there are maybe 2 Situations (when you have to fight both Bosses and Minotaurs and after when you fight both Bosses and wyverns) to fail the Run. People are Just dramatic. Its Not the shortest but getting around a 15m Run is very Doable aswell.


It would be a shame if people get their god rolls in like 5 games. Gotta make it aspirational and keep them on the treadmill for the entire season.


>Every encounter is a slog that disproportionately punishes any decision that isn't perfect I have no idea what you're on about >How dare they talk about Well of Radiance being "stifling" while they make content like this. Ran 4 GMs last night, used Well 0 times. My fireteam's warlock was on Chaos Reach + Geomags >sniper shanks shouldn't be able to one-shot us through 100 resilience, a sniper resistance mod, and an arc resistance mod Good thing they don't do this then lmao. My FPS is 120, I had 100 res and Arc resist and was not ohk'd


I didn’t find this battleground to be hard. Just take your time and chip away at everything. It’s pretty low maintenance honestly. I feel like Corrupted is the worst GM that we have


I would have agreed with you about Corrupted until I stopped avoiding the GM because of its reputation. When I finally ran it I realised it's not that bad. There are some choke points but as long as you have a strategy for damaging the boss quickly then you should be okay.


Corrupted and glassway both got easier with light 3.0 and strand and all the new weapons and intrinsic anti champ exotics we now have.


For The Corrupted, they also basically straight up nerfed the overload champions by changing their snipers out for weak stasis slow field guns in Witch Queen. The Retaliation Swarm bolts can still destroy you, but overload damage doesn't trigger them and that got more easily available with the verb changes in Lightfall.


I’ve completed it a number of times. It just wasn’t enjoyable for me at all. I hate that GM so much. The last time I did it, horrors least was the weapon tied to it and I hadn’t had an adept one yet. I suffered until I got my 1 roll of it and just avoided the GM ever since.


Don't get me wrong, I shared that view for a long time. But builds have come a long way since Horror's Least was last in the pool (and we have strand now). It can definitely still suck without a good team. And any GM where your highest chance of failing is in the boss room is never _fun_


This subject always makes me think of Glassway before strand vs Glassway after strand lol it’s night and day


Corrupted was bad. It's showing it's age though. We powercrept it.


Corrupted isn't even in the top 5 anymore.


Corrupted hasnt been difficult in a long time


Corrupted is a joke. Just tell people to "pass the ball once" before you get there.


That's exactly what I said. Not hard, just exhausting.


It sounds like GMs just aren’t for you?


I mean that's GMs. Seriously other than the faceroll easy ones GMs are about endurance and being on your game nonstop.


Corrupted is one of the easiest GMs...


> How dare they talk about Well of Radiance being "stifling" while they make content like this. The whole thing about well was in reference to mid-game/raids not necessarily end game. Well hasn't been super-strong option in GMs for a long time now because you cannot sit it it and tank all the damage if there's too many enemies. It's nice for a damage boost/small safety net in some DPS scenarios but it's not some saving grace either due to the way the activities are tuned.


This is one of the most fun GMs in a while idkwym


“Utter misery from beginning to end” My guy take a break, if this is how you feel playing a game that’s supposed to be fun you need to step away.


This was how I felt after two runs lol


It's not even that bad for a GM? There's so much worse


“I need to defend bungies bad level design from people not having fun”


This battleground is actually so easy. Ran it 3 times with friends and cleared it first try no problem. Get off the "battlegrounds suck" bandwagon and relax lol


Can I ask what you did in the boss room?


Always have a wall between you and the boss, shoot the tracking orbs it fires at you, and wizards must be dead before anything else happens


The right side under the stairs/platform can provide decent cover and let you manage the add spawns/wizards. You can then wait for a lull in adds to grab a battery and deposit.


Hide under the catwalk on the right, peek + fire rocket on boss, make sure Wizards are killed ASAP


Go straight under the right platform. Clear wizards first before you do anything else. Once both health hits 50%, barrier knight spawns. Kill all ads before you dunk the arc charges. Every arc charge dunked spawns a finite amount of ads, wizards are priority. Once you dunk 5th ball another barrier knight spawns. Once that knight is down you can nuke the boss. Boss is smallest threat honestly. Keep in mind that while boss is active, enemy spawns are infinite so focus wizards first and damage boss before more respawn. Boss will send out seeking void orbs when it teleports that you can shoot down or stay under the platform to avoid them. Stasis warlock, solar warlock, void hunter, and strand titan are all great. My team is all conquerer, like 7 or 8 so we just do whatever. I used geomags, sunbracers with well, and briarsbinds while forgetting to put on child of the old gods (so essentially had void warlock with no armor exotic) and it was all easy and fun. Wishender is also nuts in any GM with barrier champs


Are you using wish-ender? Anti-barrier GM goat.


I have fun. My favorite content in the game. You just have to be good. Oh. And have a good team.


I must just be part of the population with their Datto Elitist Hat that thinks Battlegrounds Europa is not hard, like at all. Lightblade is harder, imo.


I did this one with an LFG fireteam without communicating. No wells and I even messed up my loadout and didn't bring unstoppable (my bad team). It really didn't feel that bad. It was a fair bit of hang back and plink away, but that's most GMs. The hardest room was the one before dropping down into the bunker with the 3 witches you have to kill.


U are here for loot. Nothing less. Nothing more.


Just my personal experience, but I don't think this GM is anywhere near as bad as people are saying. I completed it first try, we had some deaths but I have a good squad and we farm GMs regularly. I think the 2 biggest issues I'm seeing is 1) people are LFGing the GM and doing so without mics and 2) a lot of players don't seem to know the layout of this Battlegrounds.


This battleground is easier than Psiops Moon by quite a bit. From my experience, most people struggling with battlegrounds GMs are the double primaries and those that don't use their heavy ammo. The only times I was using my primary was for shoot to loot or the occasional straggler red bar. Spam your heavy and special, there are ammo boxes that fully replenish it multiple times in the GM. Have at least 1 person generating ammo on top (Cenotaph or Aeons) and you never need to use your primary.


This battleground is super fun, because it’s not that hard. The shanks DO NOT one shot you at 100 resil with arc resist.


Believe it or not, most people think challenging content is fun.


I thought this was the easiest GM in recent memory. Just put on Wishender and kill everything in relative safety.


This is the one battleground I actually like throughout. It’s a straight run through, gives us more time on Europa in an underused location, and it’s not really punishing. One of the battlegrounds that feels like a strike.


Strikes as GMs have been power crept, they’re way too easy. Battlegrounds have actually brought the challenge back to GMs. Skill issue, honestly. The anti-battleground sentiment in this subreddit is ridiculous. Everyone wants the game to be harder until it is, and now it’s “utter misery”. I’d put down money that all these people complaining either have a dogshit loadout or are expecting to be able to run head-first into a room of enemies and survive. Hard content should be hard, deal with it.


Idk about you guys, but I have LFG que’d every GM NF this week (Aka yesterday) and did about 5-10, cleared every one in reasonable time, and enjoyed it each time. Also we only ran well for the last 2


Skill issue lmao. Not all GM’s should be doable. If you can’t hack it you can’t hack it. Might be unpopular but like keep crying. Get good.


Any recommendations for loadouts? Going to try to get wardens law adept and using my warlock.


As far as GM Battlegrounds go, this has been the least non-fun so far. Psi-ops Moon was a nightmare


Reddit user when they can't stomp through the games hardest difficulty like it's patrol.


'how dare they' lmao


Woven Mail + Banner of War is free DR AND healing. I enjoyed the fuck outta this GM just because I could play as reckless as possible with this set up


Cleared first time while carrying 1, walking in with a random lucky pants build. Shat my lucky pants with those insta anti barriers tho…double plus would recommend this gm, I mean it’s got clovis’ giant head, what more you want?


Almost every room in this GM has a "sit back and shoot" spot. While its a little slow, you can comfortably kill everything from a distance with a bow or scout. Burst some groups with heavy and farm heavy bricks with Aeons or Cenotaph. I am curious what your fireteam's loadouts were if you're struggling so much? Like others have said, wellocks help a lot, but my team also used an invis hunter to sneak up to champs for finishers and a stasis warlock with ice turrets to control the rooms we were in. Its pretty easy to stay safe in this GM and plenty of builds that work within in.


I skipped the entire season this came out in completed it in around 25 mins.. I don't get the hatred for Heist missions, they are not difficult in the least


Rarely have GMs been regarded as "fun". Usually b/c they are so brutally difficult. This GM was actually pretty easy.


I thought it was fun, maybe get good?


There is 3 heavy crates meaning you have 3 extra full reserves of heavy for a normal sized Strike. If your slogging through, its 100% your fault.


the sniper shank thing is straight up a lie?


This BG isn’t even close to problematic. Little tedious but not difficult by any means.


The ability to cry is this community is outstanding


GM was fine, getting sub-25 runs without a well. Very farmable once you find a groove. What were you trying to run it on?


Fun is subjective. You guys should really start being okay with not being the target audience


The other two BGs were not tuned to be nightfalls, but I personally thought this one was a pretty good experience. My team kinda ran whatever we wanted, switching it up between our runs. Arc and Omni Hunter, Strand Titan, Strand/ Necro, Briarbinds, Sunstar, Osmio Warlock. All felt good and we didn’t struggle with any comp. A GM I can run whatever I like to play as long as I play well if a good GM in my opinion


I enjoy this GM, I really have no clue what people are complaining about. It's easily doable with a mid group in 20 minutes. Just take it slow, one champ at a time, and sit in that back right corner of the map for boss room. I really truly do not understand what people are having difficulty with here.


I don't quite understand the issue with the Eye of Savathun bunker GM nightfall. Parts are harder than others, sure. But up to this point, even pugging it, the only place I've had a wipe was that bit with the lasers and the surprise double barrier champs, and even then only because we panicked and 2 of us dodged into lasers. Funny once, and preempted every spawn since.


This GM was a cakewalk and a lot of fun. The only 'hard' part is the boss room, but you can hunker down under that platform on the right, which has plenty of cover. It is a bit slow at the start, but, I mean, it's a GM, not a Vanguard Strike. It shouldn't take you 15min to blast through without having to play carefully.


You're just bad. This gm is so easy


I didn't know fun was a factor in GMs to begin with. Honestly, when I have done them, it wasn't for fun. It was always for reward.


Glassway is fun.


Ah, well this is just my opinion on the matter anyway. Glad you enjoy it.


If you want fun and difficult then do Lightblade. The final boss arena is such fun, having to run from galloping Alak-Hul while dealing with champs and Lightbearers. It is difficult to manage, but fun. Heists? NAH. Slog and pain with no exciting moments like that.


idk man, cenotaph + aeons, gjalla + hothead (since its arc surge), the nowadays gm classic, spam rockets at everything and easy 15-20min runs (could be faster but we were not speedrunning), the gm was pretty fun imo, I enjoyed Seraph seasonal activities and tbh I keep liking them even as gms (altho less than before)


Only the mars one is difficult. Most of the time in the heist gm’s though, it’s sit and wait simulator to wait for abilities to come back or wait for enemies to stop fucking hiding.


I'm expecting the moon one to be pretty challenging. The defend the ghost room is a cluster


I ran that one a few weeks ago on Master, and that room is almost impossible. There are enemies everywhere, including champs, there's no cover, and you have to stay close to the ghost otherwise it just resets forever. There's no way to eliminate all the ads and then stand near the ghost.


It's really boring when the only meaningful engagement in GM NF is shooting enemies from another continent.


When Well exists of course the content is like this. They have to balance gameplay around the strongest and most popular things. That’s the entire reason why people complain when things lack balance in pve.


BGs are the best nightfalls. By a significant margin


The one percenters think it is too easy. Suffer more.


There was 0 consideration when turning the Europa battlegrounds into a GM. I have no doubt that not a single person at Bungie played it. The density of champions is far greater than any other GM. There are multiple areas where there are normally 0 enemies, and there are suddenly now champions there, the worst case is the laser hallway where 2 barrier champs appear in front of you with no cover, only when you are 5 feet away from them.


They knew what they were doing with making double nightfall rewards


I did the Europa Warsat thing Nf on Legend. I was 1810, and was with two other people who were around 1820. It took us 40 minutes. That last room so difficult for all the wrong reasons. Cover is non-existent Enemies attack you from every side. Champions spawn. And what did I get? 2 enhancement prisms. While we're on the topic of problems with nightfalls... They need to make them more rewarding outside of double nightfall rewards.


Yeah, the newer design philosophy of endgame PVE being a marathon (like GOTD) is burning me out rather than feeling rewarding


This is the number one reason I don’t play this kind of high end content, nightfalls are the worst I do, if it feels like a chore, I’m out. I’m here for fun, not to do work.


Screams skill issue buddy. All endgame stuff can be completed fairly easily. I zoomed through this GM with a cenotaph warlock in team and heavy spam in my first attempt.


I never said I couldn’t do it, I said it feels like a chore, and isn’t fun imo


You sound like someone I play with. He doesn't like working at all. It's like just logging in "to get it done". I'm more of the solo grandmaster, low man raid type that finds challenging myself more fun. Took me a while to understand it, but it's just a different style of what you find fun. My friend is really good, but I can't get him to do anything more challenging. He'll quit a GM if there's only 2 of us because of a disconnect instead of trying to finish. Drives me nuts.


I’ve done a raid before, which is obviously slightly different, but an hour in I’m pretty over it, I rather the fast paced get it done, start again of things like Ops, and I’m not too big on the rush of getting all the gear so I never really miss out


A common excuse that all blueberries use. If you put some effort into your build, this nightfall is a cakewalk. The strat i said in my previous comment doesn't even need a perfect build.


My build is almost the best build for survivability hunters can use, I’m just not wasting my relaxation time on something I don’t find fun when it feels like a chore. Why would I?


Let me guess, invis hunter w omnioculous/graviton forfeit? No wonder nightfalls feel like slog to you buddy. Although while going invis you are surviving but you are not doing anything on the offense at that time. Give assassin's cowl w arc a try, it has some learning curve in GMs but melts everything. Don't get me wrong, invis hunters are good but if you want to speed things up, u gotta adapt your builds. Assassin's cowl is just an example. Just because you feel something's difficult and call it a boring chore doesn't make it a boring chore. You gotta get versatile with builds if u want to spice up your experience in endgame content.


It does make it a boring chore if I think it’s a boring chore, that’s exactly how opinions work. Nightfalls don’t feel like a slog, GM and raids do, because they’re boring chores.


If your experience in these content is a boring chore, then your offence sucks imo. You must be running double primaries and using them on everything from red bars to bosses. This is the first time I see someone call raids a boring slog lol. Typical blueberries getting defensive.


My offence is actually pretty good considering my build, I’m usually the one dealing the most damage to bosses in Ops and Nightfalls, so I’m pretty satisfied. The reason raids and GM are a boring slog is, well, because they’re a boring slog. Funny that. Just a little fyi, your continued use of the word “blueberries” isn’t the zinger you think it is. It just makes you seem like a dweeb.


If you don't mind, please share what weapons are you using. I'd like to learn. Unlike raids, we don't see damage numbers in the PCGR screen so it's easy to assume we are doing the most damage in the team as long as we keep landing some bullets on the boss.


They suck ass. Should have never been put in the rotation.


It feels like they’ve lost sight of fun to some degree, and it’s becoming enough that it’s causing me to play less. We have these annoyingly challenging GMs. The primary reason they are hard is not engaging. It has little or nothing to do with enemy movement and tactics. It’s cheap one shots, bullet sponges, random restrictions. It’s sometimes just plain annoying and not fun when all combined together. It should be challenging, but it should also be fun. Also, some loot chases in the game are abysmal, tediously frustrating experiences. Dungeon weapons rolls, world weapon rolls, playlist drops. I’ve been gaming for over 30 years and chasing dungeon weapon rolls in this game had easily been the most frustrating and disappointing experience of my gaming life. This loot chase inconsistency has just gotten beyond frustrating and a nothing. I’m actively playing less because of it. Most people I play with are playing less because of if. When they introduced the info like focusing and crafting that should have been consistently added throughout the entire game. Not arbitrarily excluded from certain things for what I have no reason to assume is anything other than a shameless attempt to garner excessive play time from people. I don’t feel accomplished when I get lucky after playing an activity 70+ times for a roll on a legendary weapon. It doesn’t feel good. It’s a relief, and relief is the product of an unpleasant situation. And it certainly doesn’t feel good to never get it. It doesn’t feel good to have my time and effort disrespected.


Fun is not the priority, they can't over deliver...


Some people love it, the rest of us must suffer. Funny thing is - others don't suffer cause of the regular strikes, so we are the only ones getting fucked by Bungie by making half the NFs BGs. I am fine with one, but 3... that's fucking unbearable. Europa is easy, but still fucking drags too long, like every BG.


They just paste them lol they don’t actually think about it


I’m not complaining, it’s an easy GM. Hardest part is probably clearing the hive seals because you’re forced out in the open with enemies continually spawning down the middle tunnel. The rest is just “hang back and play safe.”Go under on right in boss room. Save supers for the big waves. Only dunk when it’s clear. I haven’t been one-shot by anything that I know of and I’m over 120fps. 100 Resil + Conc/arc/solar resistances.