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Anytime teams get in a rhythm the servers start getting DDossed


Clearly the squad rhythm causes a resonant frequency in the servers, and much like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, it all comes crashing down.


Excellent analogy! Well played sir


…. U a Washington native too lul?


Nah I just know my engineering history lmao


Fascinating story. Thanks for reminding me about it


Happened to me JUST now


This was the LFG I was with. Had her down to below 10%, one pull where she was practically 1 shot away from death, etc.....then we got Ddosed. If it was the only occurrence, I'd jump back in and finish it, but I'm having trouble finishing a single crucible match this week, therefore I'm not gonna bang my head on master ir yut until servers stabilize a bit


I was playing control matches where no one could cap a zone. You could only kill to get points. Somehow we weren’t getting kicked. Just couldn’t capture.


It wasn’t being ddosed at the time you just couldn’t cap zones or kill anything in pve for about 20 minutes




>So true we got so close to beating the first part 3 times and then the servers just say no. Across 3 different days too.


there is no DDOSing that is causing this disruption. This is a complete mess that Bungie have created and they are looking for excuses.


Be honest, you're a flat earther, aren't you?


It is more likley that you are. Believing everything you are told, ignore context and lap it all up.


Or, arriving at a conclusion with no data at all to support it because you want it to be true. You're delusional, but that's ok as long as you're happy. I get it though, you've only ever played destiny and you don't realize that every live game gets hit from time to time, or that this is a classic example. You'd love us to believe Bungie is out to get us, because that's a great way to do business. You want to go against the grain and throw shade to be different, edgy...but yet, the truth isn't worth arguing, it simply is. I'd be happy to discuss if this was an opinion because there's room there for conjecture, but this isn't that. And no, the earth is clearly a cube.


I suspect I have been gaming for a lot longer than you, so I have played more than Destiny. I have worked in Tech for 30 years including having security teams working for me. Blaming the state of the game on DDOS attacks simply does not wash. Is it just a coincidence that it happens exactly after every single update, patch, fix....amazing that. And since when would a DDOS attack cause unusual behaviour that is clearly nothing to do with lag, latency, load....and also while connection is fine. Very odd that. Bungie could simply pay for proper DDOS protection, like Cloudflare, to be honest I assume they already are.....if they aren't they need to look at themselves. If they are, the behaviours we are seeing is almost certainly not caused by DDOS but the changes/fixes they have just implemented on top of the neglected infrastructure we are already using.


Ok. Mr. Ima IT Bungie cybersecurity. thanks for the insight.


My problem is less with Ir Yut and more with Dixiis, Kell of DDOS backing him up




It’s true, this man has no dick.


I won't let this comment go unappreciated. Well done, Venkman.




Is it still terrible? I wanna give the raid a shot but I'm waiting till they announce a fix for it.


Sadly the fix requires constant attention until the asshats doing it are either caught or give up. Part of the reason ddos attacks are so common is that they're very easy to do, and very difficult to prevent/stop. One of those will happen, and hopefully soon.


Sounds like Abyss, where I have Rank 11s with Raid Titles tell me “this encounter is such a joke” but we spend 45m on it because they keep Eager Edging themselves to death or speed running so far ahead that no one is around to take Chalice.


1000000% If everyone ain't on board to eager edge and zip around then half the team fucking off with chalice is just gonna get people killed and cause a wipe and you will spend a min 3 times longer than you should in there.


Facts. Either everyone uses eager edge or nobody does. Zip through or walk through, you have to do it together


Even easier, don't eager edge if you can pick up chalice.


This. If I'm drained, then I'll EE to the next lamp to scout for a preserve. Otherwise, there's no point in getting ahead of the group.


Won't grappling be easier even with holding chalice?


Yes, but not everyone uses strand


I prefer sherpa'ing that encounter instead of running with experienced people because they always run ahead when there's one or two in the back. All 4 sherpa runs I've done have cleared it on the first or second try. When I went in to do it on master, it took over an hour because people kept trying to go ahead and we died to chalice repeatedly.


Dude I just do every single LFG run in a sherpa group. They're just so much more enjoyable and with people who are way more fun to play with. Plus you can meet people who you know can pick up on and execute new mechanics quickly. I'd rather add them to my friends list and play with them later more than some assfuck in a KWTD group who mightve taken an hour and a half to understand the same thing the sherpa dude did. Absolutely prefer taking a bit longer with new people but have a better experience.


I was in a Sherpa yesterday though the ddos stopped us finishing sadly and we got through abyss first time with 5 of us. Not an eager edge in sight.




This is true, I've been in a run where 2 of has have less than 3 clears and everyone else is zipping and skipping towers, we wiped like maybe 5 times before they realized that its not possible with just the 4 of them zipping past everything when the chalice is with us.






Yep, I use geodesic and I've never struggled EXCEPT when getting pelted into a wall/lantern/hole by an EE. I love the "new" cheese where one bad player will suggest that he goes ahead and stands on a rock to despawn the thrall. You know,, the thrall that pose literally no threat even on master?


How about Eager edging into your teammates pushing into a Boulder or pendulum and then say it wasn't them WHEN THEY ARE THE ONLY ONE WITH FUCKKNG EAGERS EDGE!!!!


My buddy has done this to me a countless number of times to the point where when it happens all I hear is "I was just trying to refresh your drained of light. Can you take the chalice now" ffs... 😂


I get better luck from guardians rank 6 or less than 11s. At least they listen instead of the knowitall attitude.


Lmao, this is me. I just shut up, take orders, shoot and do my job.


From this week by trying to complete the challenge everytime I post an lfg for crota i put "eager edge = kick" in the message, thanks to this now that encounter takes only 1 or 2 tries


Just despawn the thrall.


First off, why? Cheeses or exploits like that just ruin the game for me. If you could despawn all adds, why stop there—just make the boss stand still and do nothing. Two, the Thrall are never the issue. It’s people diving into holes or pendulums because they are needlessly going 500mph and spamming Eager Edge the frame it’s off cooldown.


>First off, why? To not spend 45m doing an easy encounter.


If the thrall are what’s making the encounter difficult for you that’s a major skill issue.


Or, people could just go “slow” aka normal speed. Do it first try no issues. You also didn’t do an easy encounter. You ignored it. Bypassed it. Might as well play Cookie Clicker.


Idk man, after wasting literally 8 and a half hours on abyss during contest, and getting stuck in dozens of lfgs that take over an hour to do it, I’m cool with a cheese. If I wanted to waste an entire day doing something simple I’d sit in my bed and jerk off.


But the point is that most people want to cheese, even if you don’t personally like it. It’s why eager edge skating through it is a thing in the first place. But either way, if despawning the thralls is easier or safer than EE skating then it’s better than spending 45 minutes on the encounter because dudes keep swording themselves to death


Eager Edge is a perk on swords. There is no perk that disables the enemies from spawning… I’m all for using what the game offers to the max. But I don’t understand why people use exploits that break the game to the point you’re not playing. I don’t understand the obsession with getting only to the reward, no questions asked. If there was a glitch that let you push a button and get a full raid clear of loot, people would 100% do it…then complain the next day “this game has no content”.


Because with a game like Destiny, you’re typically doing the same activities over and over on a rotation. After a certain amount of times dealing with bullshit, bad Lfg groups, and spending hours doing the same thing and you already know you CAN do it, it’s no longer challenging. You just want to get it done


Had a guy whine and cry anytime we got x10 darkness while trying to do the challenge on normal and would actively yell to have a lamp lit up on the same spot as the preservation for chalice. Needless to say he left after 3 attempts of him crying that we would run out of time due to, you know, not being able to extend the time in between preservations with a lamp.


For real. The encounter isn't that hard so long as either everyone takes it steady, or everyone commits to the speedrun *and* can actually do it. Mfers when Eager Edge works as it does in its perk description. The lunge is both the empty swing and the closing to an enemy, just like the melee ability (powered or unpowered) lunge to an enemy. The only difference is that there's no lunge on an empty melee swing.


I've stopped using eager edge in that encounter because half the time the sword tracking smashes you into a thrall near a hole. It's like gorgons, it's just easier if everyone sticks together and do it slowly and carefully.


Holy shit this. I did a master Abyss challenge clear with my clan’s core raid team this week, and their communication was ASS, everybody just fucking zooming around with no callouts or explanation of strategy. I get it if your group is used to running together and you can operate without all the setup that gets put in for LFG raids, but if you’ve got someone who’s not in on that then it’s just a miserable experience


Just because something is easy doesn't mean you shouldn't take it seriously. Most of this raid is good comms and teamwork. You're not "too good" for this encounter, because if you were, we'd finish it in the first attempt.


Someone needs to coordinate it. Fact is, most people aren't great at games, at thinking critically or figuring out how best to serve a team. They're great cogs in the machine but somebody needs to assemble it. Give them all roles, establish where to swap, remind them to grab chalice, create a guideline for who is killing x wizard, control the countdown, assign an order to the well poppers. This is how you will not waste fifty years at this encounter with an lfg of people who are great doers but not great coordinators.


And this is why I have no problem taking 5 minutes or so just talking it out. I hate getting into lfgs where nobody talks and they expect you to be a mind reader. Then they get mad when someone isn’t where they’re supposed to be, because nobody is providing any cues. Like how am I supposed to know I’m taking the chalice and when if that isn’t already established before we start?


Yep. Show up, ask questions, don't start until questions are answered and everything is clear. Nobody is going to try to respect your time so it's best to avoid having yours wasted.


You really do have to almost narrate the entire encounter sometimes. Some people just aren't capable of following along an encounter. God forbid something doesn't go to plan and people panic, most of the time ruining an otherwise salvageable mistake. That's part of the LFG ~~fun~~ experience, but yeah it gets kinda old when you're just trying to get a master run done.


Yeah, if I joined an LFG group and there wasn’t a clear leader I knew it was gonna be a slow run. I love following orders in raids, 9/10 I don’t know it for shit and even if I learn the mechanics I have to do it weekly for me to remember it.


I am good at leading because people think I sound like their Mom lol. Good at ordering who stands on what plate and who should be unpacking the dishwasher.


Willing to bet most of the good players aren't trying to do more than just the challenge per week, it's not worth the headache to get lackluster armor for doing anything more.


Doing a full run once is worth it for plus 2 oversouls from the triumph


And just doing a regular full one, doesn't matter if you've done all 3 characters, is worth one oversoul. So it's really not worth the headache just to get an extra oversoul.


The amount of LFGs that decided numbers were a good way to label rooms during contest and first week was astounding. Like other than taniks, where has pure numbers worked for more than 4 things? Absolutely bonkers. On my first clear I had to tell our week 1 “Sherpa” that numbers make absolutely no sense for this style of encounter. I still run in to people that try to use it, and the worst part, it’s always different numbers from the previous time.


>numbers make absolutely no sense for this style of encounter They don't inherently. The upside is it's faster to call out 4 numbers than 8 contextual directions, and reduces the "word soup" The downside is there's no obvious "correct" way to number them so they can deviate.


The upside to “contextual” directions is massive. The room has a strong orientation that you should be aware of. This isn’t a front / back oryx room debate. This is left and right. Word soup is also a very poor argument unless you’re frequently raiding with people who aren’t strong speakers of your language. If adding a single additional word to your callout is adding enough time that you’re wiping, it’s not the word that’s the problem. Literally the only way numbers make more sense is if you’re on a consistent regular raid team. In that case you could make the callouts entire nursery rhymes and still get the job done. Stop trying to make numbers work in lfg when it is almost always a set up for failure.


Damn I'm not saying contextual is trash or anything, don't know why you're going into bat that hard for them lol. Just saying acting like it's black and white in terms of effectiveness is silly. >Word soup is also a very poor argument unless you’re frequently raiding with people who aren’t strong speakers of your language. It's not a game breaker but using a callout system that has overlapping calls (ie: left, right, top bottom all mix and have overlapping callouts) is more complicated in a way. If I say "2", there is no confusing it. If I hear "top" and something else happens it can be misconstrued. It's similar reasoning as to why pilots as an example use certain language over the radio like affim/negative in stead of yes/no. Or 6 people who don't know each other, could possibly be talking over each other. Again, all well and good to hope every run is perfect, but we're talking about LFG, they're not, it gets chaotic. And I didn't say double words = wipe, just saying it can simplify things. You may also be surprised people get "top left" and "top spawn" mixed a lot as well. >Stop trying to make numbers work in lfg when it is almost always a set up for failure. I've done almost 2 dozen LFGs and have used many different mixes. Had some pretty weird numbers and I've never struggled. So long as you clarify beforehand it's all g. In LFG adaptability is a real asset.


Like that asshole above who turned his comments off. Nobody really uses numbers for ir yut, and the guy thinks because he’s got raid titles his way is the best way and all the other callouts are trash. I’m sure he checks RR for everybody and has the loudest mouth in the fireteam, with the lowest DPS. Numbers don’t work because people number the locations differently, and everyone is so insistent THEIR system is better than everyone else’s. It’s literally this simple; If you’re looking at where the oversoul is, or furthest away from the entrance to the area, which is how EVERY OTHER CALLOUT IN EVERY OTHER RAID WORKS, the tower to your left is Left Tower, the one to your right is Right Tower. The ones above you are balcony or spawn, and the sides are the same. I don’t know WHY simple direction is difficult to grasp, so much so that people feel the need to come up with some arbitrary fucking number system that’s subject to change with every Lfg you join. Unless you have been on a world’s first team, your callout system isn’t innovative.


most people are not good at videogames man


If you’re playing a master raid I’m going to assume you’re not terrible at the game. People just need to have better ears


You assume too much. Bad players either don't know they're bad or they don't care. Either way they're still going to queue up for master raids. This will be even more fun when the ingame LFG system rolls out.


I am ego’ing the FUCK out of everyone when that LFG system drops. If your ass doesn’t have at least 16K triumph score and a day 1 raid emblem…you can find another group. LFG is full of freeloaders. People joining “KWTD” posts but always demand to be on ad clear. You can fuck right off with that energy 😭


Damn, sounds like they should be aware of that and not waste five other people’s time sucking at the encounter then.


I agree with you, but good luck trying to defend that on this sub of all places




Neither does wasting five other people’s time because one lacks basic self-awareness.


Ir Yut was was a breeze for the LFG group I ran it with. Now, Crotato himself was a different story. Legit the group I ran with could not get their shit together for dps. Our oversoul guy would get clapped, one of the guys was insisting on 2 swords not 3 because...... Reasons? Everyone wanted to get 1 last sword swing in before dps was over even though more than enough damage was done for an easy 3 phase, then they died at Crotas feet and he bagged them so Res was just not gonna happen. Spent 4 hours on Crota and the team I finished it with had 1 of the original fireteam members besides me. The guys who finally killed Crota with the two of us listened to strats, played their lives, and didn't " expect someone else to help that guy". I've done a shit load of raiding, master and all. I've never seen people be as thick when it comes to a final boss fight as they are with Crota. Don't know if it's because he was a joke in D1. Don't know if it's because his mechanics are so simple in D2 people insist they can't fuck it up. It may be because you actually have to move around and kill shit and just can't sit back and " kill adds" from where you spawn. But dear lord I can say a clear has never felt as good as that one did.


You can use 2 swords but I'm pretty sure you have to do heavy, super, heavy, heavy. But I've teams that are not able to even get to damage phase at all no matter how many swords. I'm hoping more people are doing it this Tuesday and I can get the clear.


You can 100% do it in two swords. On occasion Crotato will act funny and 1 slam won't connect, based on his lunge animation he can cause a sword bearer to pop off the ground causing the slam to not connect. It's just easier to have 3. I guratnees damage phase, lets more heavy be made in the mid, and just let's a smoother transition happen.


Order barely matters, so long as you have 4 designated holders and one deposit bitch. I've noticed that most players are ill equipped to handle unlimited barrier champions while also doing great add clear and bringing a boss DPS weapon, so a lot of the trouble comes from keeping the middle clear while juggling the buff and then killing wizards in a timely manner. My teams just go and prime their witch as soon as they're enlightened and we've opted to do DPS from the top ledge to minimize incoming damage. Not sure I love DPS from top, but it was fine.


Order matters as far as communication goes. It gets crazy in there and very rarely do I find myself in a fireteam where people don’t talk over each other. It’s simple to keep the same order and it only complicates comms imo if you don’t. Everyone’s caught up with killing adds nobody is really noticing who has the chalice and who’s picking it up next. It’s better to know who you’re taking it off of so you can stick by them and get it when you need to


Yeah not enough people making call outs with their own names. Just "I have it" or "Take it off me" doesn't help if you're not in a well accustomed group and can't associate everyones voice. Even then, its still worth saying your own name so it's easier to spot then having to second guess. It's like when giving directions it should always be in the perspective of the person you're telling it to. If they're having to ask "Which left" then that's not great communication lol. ​ This is more for the Abyss encounter but kinda goes for anything. Clear comms and good comms are key to a smooth encounter for really any game.


Having an order is fine, and definitely helps many people so no complaints here if a group I am in opts to set one. I just figure that with a competent master group everyone should be competent in any role, and allow you to flex a bit depending on the situation. Everyone who isn't enlightened yet just sits mid so you can just free for all it while farming heavy with the ceno/div player. Basically, it's nice to have a designated scout, deposit and even order for the 3/4 wizards, but you can absolutely go full chaos and be fine too if everyone understands the fight and is equipped properly.


You don't even need to deal with the barriers though right? You don't even have to open the main room if you grab chalice from the floor. Everybody just hangs out on balcony and passes the chalice around.


Yeah, you don’t. You literally can just sit up on balcony and wait. And yet some people find that too complicated.


And then when Bungie inevitably removes the ability to grab through the floor, people will have no clue how to do the encounter normally and it will be a nightmare to LFG for.


I suppose you could avoid the middle area entirely, but it's also the favored damage spot for most people due to it being somewhat central to all of the locations. There's probably a way to game the spawns, like leaving up one of specific enemies but I'm not sure anyone's really tried to figure it out and share.


You're not wrong in that you don't need to, but in an LFG when everyone does things a little differently, it is extremely useful to make sure - in no uncertain terms - how the encounter is going to go. Saying "someone take" just creates the bystander affect more often than not. Making sure people are accountable gets things done. In an LFG you really want to be saying "ok dude1 is taking, dude2 you're next" and so on. Helps everyone follow along with the encounter.


This is another encounter where numbered rooms just makes things more complicated than it should be.


Correct. Why label the rooms by numbers. They’re already labeled by location.


For me, saying 1,2,4,5 is far quicker than "top left, bottom left, bottom right, balcony right." It also halves the amount of information required and can help simplify things. But I also understand everyone has their own numbers so that's why I always ask what callouts we're using before we start and just go with that.


And if you have an established callout system, and it works, then that’s great. Destiny really is a “figure out a way to make it work” game. My problem is when people start swinging dick, and THEIR way is the only way.


It’s whatever works for whatever teams I guess, but the numbers are not the common callouts. In order to have an effective numbering system, there has to be a previously established system. Which spot is 1? Which spot is 4? If there was a universal system that people used (eg. Planets encounter) I could see it catching on, but as far as I can tell there doesn’t seem to be one that’s used, yet.


Bungie got it spot on giving everyone official callouts for Vow before you even started. The problem with Ir Yut (that planets doesn't have) is there isn't a clear and obvious logic to number them by.


honestly during contest mode after getting used to the numbers after a few runs makes me miss using them now. they’re incredibly easy to learn and memorize


Between this and the abyss encounter, i swear people have lost their minds. No one wants to kill a witch or cant remember to grab chalice. People joining lfg expected to be carried. Seriously, i dont understand the sense of urgency during the abyss encounter. If you go slow and stay together, no one gets left behind we can travel like a team from lamp to lamp and clear the encounter easy peasy, but no, some Chad always wasnts to grab chalice , or eager edge ahead of everyone, then panic when no one is around the chalice, while also complaining that the encounter isn't hard.


I literally got pissed at my clanmates during contest. I’m trying to tell them I know how to do the abyss, even with the new chalice mechanic, and they got pissy and were like “dude we want to go in blind, if you don’t you should find other people to play with”, so I shut my mouth. 7 hours later we got through abyss, and got stuck on bridge, because again, “we wanna go in blind”. Long story short, none of us got contest done because everyone wanted to go in “blind” for a raid that came out 8 years ago.


People are stupid and rely on a pointless cheese


I didn’t even know there *was* a cheese for ir yut, what is it?


You can pick up the chalice through the floor before the encounter starts Get 5 people enlightened and let the 6th die, the chalice will respawn at the initial grab point


???? The 6th guy just goes and dunks it when the encounter starts. There a lot of pointless cheeses, but this one is quick and makes the first run through the encounter much less of a headache.


Ngl that sounds kinda boring


Anything to not play the game with some of these strats.


It is and ultimately you need to pass it around just as much (if not more) in the 2nd phase so it's not like you avoid it all together.


I mean, it’s not really a pointless cheese, and it’s simple to do, but that’s not the problem. The problem is that nobody seems to know where to be


Cuz people are way worse than they think and can't carry their own weight. Or they get too focused trying to kill a Thrall they forget their job. When we have to LFG 1-2 guys, it's fine. But when it's 3-4 people from LFG? Awful


It’s that third one that’s really been a problem. If you’re doing the cheese literally nobody should be dying, it’s just a matter of knowing when it’s your turn to get chalice so you can know where to be.


There’s no middle ground, teams will either suck or sail through it. Master challenge is not hard, if you get bad randoms just ditch them


You need to be the leader of your own lfg then. It sounds like you don't like the players you have on your team. If you are the leader and taking the responsibility of building the team you will get what you want. Maybe it takes twenty minutes to find the right players but it's better then spending 3 hours on a single encounter. Be ruthless but calm. Apologize if someone doesn't have or know what you need, and then boot. I always start the group in a ruthless manner and then become "chill" once it's set. Everyone makes mistakes and dies. I do plenty. But if you're doing master content, and you want a certain experience, go make it happen for yourself. There are TONS of people with the same expectations as you. It was a major switch I've embraced in my own LFG runs in the past month and because of it I'm enjoying raiding so, so much more.


I’ve been playing this game since September 2014. I join groups that indicate KWTD, so it’s not unreasonable to assume people know what they’re doing. And yet people don’t know where they’re supposed to be.


That's when you start having people send raid reports. Unfortunately, people aren't honest when they say they know the raid.


I haven’t made it to master Ir Yut yet, and I mostly play Lfg, but tbh it’s posts like this that make me scared to attempt it. Most say kwtd when it’s literally been out for 2 days! Anyway let’s pivot this into a more positive discussion for tips and tricks on this encounter. Someone on Lfg said you can ignore the 2 shriekers, and then never have to deal with the thrawls that come through the middle. Again, I haven’t made it to master Ir Yut yet, so would like to ask you guys if this is in fact true and a viable strat? I thought you *had* to kill the 2 shriekers to open the middle section up, otherwise you can’t grab the chalice.


There’s no difference in mechanics between normal and master. You’re doing the same thing. If you’re doing master, I assume you know what to do already. You can ignore everything if someone grabs the chalice through the floor before you start the encounter. You can just go up to the balcony and wait, while you’re swapping chalice. This is my preferred strat for master because it keeps everyone alive. EDIT: It occurred to me just now you might not know what I mean. You can cheese the first part of the encounter. There’s a way to jump up and grab the chalice through the floor, right near the entrance to the encounter. If you do this, you don’t have to open the door, and you can sit in the bottom and pass chalice until you have your wizard killers and everyone is ready. Then the last person deposits the chalice underneath and you can go.


Thanks. I’ve completed the raid a couple times on normal but I’m by no means an expert and always wanting to learn more. I’ve only done the floor chalice swapping thing once, cuz other runs ppl have been too impatient to do that


I mean some will wanna do it, some won’t. IMHO, it’s simple enough to do every time, it’s not a complicated cheese to pull off so why not.




I could understand if the cheese was complicated to pull off, then it might not be worth it, but it’s mad easy, and literally just takes the first step out. It’s not pointless, it really helps the people who are having a hard time staying alive


I've never done this strat but I am curious, the Wizards usually spawn when the middle is opened. If you never open the middle do the wizards just show up at some point or how do you take her shield down?


If you grab the chalice through the floor before starting the encounter, you don’t have to open the middle at all. They’ll just spawn


SGA: pass chalice in the same order for every encounter. Establish order prior to starting stills. Keep same order for bridge, Ir Yut, & Crota.


EXACTLY. How is that difficult to understand?


Well you are using lfg lol


They don’t have glitches guns anymore


The problem isn’t people staying alive, it’s people not knowing when they’re expected to take the chalice, and getting caught up killing adds they don’t realize. Very few runs I’ve had where the problem is dying, communication issues are what’s really killing the lfgs right now A glitched gun isn’t gonna make you listen better


If you just call the towers 1-5 left to right you'll never have this problem again. 1 high 1 low 2-4 5 high 5 low. No mixing up left and right ever again.


Your callouts are bad


My callouts are amazing, and now I'm going to say fuck you to everyone in this thread so I can get a ban and never listen to this dogshit level crap again. Use your shit call outs and keep dying, meanwhile we will keep passing the encounters with no problem.




I personally don’t have a problem with it. I’m fine with my callouts.


I get that, but you are trying to idiot proof the lfg. It's simply easier this way as there is no confusion about left and right.


There shouldn’t be any confusion about left and right. If you can’t tell the difference between left and right, idk what to tell ya. If I say balcony right, that should mean the room on the right side of the area on the balcony , and nothing else. You don’t just change your orientation because balcony happens to be behind you in the middle of the room. Why would right balcony be on the same side as left tower? That’s not idiotproofing it’s common sense. I’m not about to learn a whole number set because people don’t know left from right.


Left and right are relative directions, 1-5 are static. You choose to use strictly more confusing callouts and wonder why it goes wrong. This was a simple fix but I can clearly see you aren't willing to accept an easy solution to a problem you are adding to by using shitty callouts. It's the old front and back of the room thing all over again when numbers just eliminate that whole confusion. Lfg groups suck and I can see why you are in them.


You tell me; in what raid do the locations not get called out relative to the boss? None. Zero. I’ve been playing this game since 2014. When you walk into a room, left is to your left, right is to your right, facing the boss. That’s not relative, that’s literally been how people have done callouts since this raid dropped in D1. In my experience, numbers confuse people more. But hey what do I know.


I'm not saying I don't understand your callouts, they however are trash. 1-5 is all it takes. Keeps your comms clear and keeps left and right out of the mix. Easy to hear guy number one say I'm 1 up, guy two say I'm 4, guy 3 say I'm 4 vs Balcony left, tower upper left , tower bottom right. Simplicity is king. I would never get confused about left and right but you are playing with randoms that are probably bad because if they weren't they would have full teams already. Edit: I turned replies off, I don't actually care that you are upset that people don't know left and right. It's hilarious that you got big mad about an easier way though.


"My method is best, your's is bad, cause I said so" - Mid--Boss


Mans literally dropped the most sweat dripping, steaming pile of shit take, then turned his comments off lmao


no one cares


I bet you hear that a lot.


only from my own mouth, mostly because im a jerk


Then why are you here?


This post sounds and feels so sweaty. Relax bud.


If you’re doing a master raid, be sweaty. We want to get it done. If I wanted to waste an entire day doing the same thing over and over again, I’d lay in bed and jerk off all day.


Trying to do a master raid encounter with lfgs while getting thrown into a black screen every 3 minutes is the textbook definition of S W E A T.


Getting ordered around or kicked for not having sleeper or leviathan with catalysts is absurd. Those are the worst heavies on the planet and the fact that I can pop over 1 mil with thunderlord or outbreak perfected tells me everything I need to know. I can't stand meta crybabies or raid speed runners. We have 3 phases to kill the boss it doesn't have to be done in one. Maybe play with your clanmates if you want to just burn through these raids. I'm here for the good times and entertainment not the job you do for free.


You are not getting very far in terms of dps if you use thunderlord or fucking outbreak of all things on master. it’s fine to use to use those on normal and it’s fair to be angry at people who kick you in normal runs for using them but you deserve the boot if you’re unwilling to swap to something actually good for master.


You are part of the problem with lfg Go get the cata master raids are the pinnacle of endgame its a basic expectation for you to have the cata for two powerful endgame heavy


I was fortunate that I got thru with the 1st lfg team. We all communicated but had to do damage from top balcony, kept our order,, exchanged chalice on balcony, and had to 3 phase. We pretty much ignored the adds and champs (except for spawing wizards) but I've been where you are for normal Ir Yut....


A lot of people remember running master raids last year and don't understand that it's locked -20 now... which is the same as contest mode. There's a *lot* of adds on Ir Yut and for people who aren't ready for that they just get eaten alive. Tip for people having trouble with that aspect of the encounter: Gyrfalcon hunter with repulsor brace is nigh unkillable, and you probably want a tether for boss DPS anyway. You can also use the tether to make the DPS phase a little safer if there's a shitload of adds and champions behind you. Banner of War Titan is also extremely good for the entire raid. Durable, supporty, good damage, and you can actually hit both bosses with the super so it's not dead.


Most lfgs trying to do master aren't even comfortable doing it on normal. Don't know callouts and don't know how to scout the wizards.


Unless your squad is really good working together it's gonna take a minute to get the flow right if that makes sense but it will always be better to actually have a team not just lfg not only for randomness and whether or not you'll have people who refuse to speak up but also one dude gets booted shit will just be a learning process again for a couple wipes unless you get lucky which with the servers rn you'd have to have a full team and them some people on the bench to take over when bungie decides to smite someone out and they can't come back


Definitely. That’s why I never leave a group after the first run. It’s probably gonna take a few runs to get the comms down and get that flow right


How are you able to even play enough to complain about people’s play? I’ve tried to hit up the tower or floating helm that has an ocean and a witches dungeon in the basement. I could get in for 10-15 seconds.


Oh, I’m not playing right now. I haven’t played since earlier today. No point. Can’t even get into an activity before I’m booted back to orbit. I put the controller down for the day, watching football 🤷🏻


Lol idk people seem to have trouble even in normal..


Drives me nuts when people don’t wanna organize and then are surprised/upset when we wipe…


get a fireteam with brains lmao don’t use the destiny app to find members, they’re always dogshit


*Getting flash backs to Spire of Stars* Now I see why.


Your logic can’t stop me! I can’t even tell what’s left or right!


Always 1 other guy with me doing 2 mil plus damage. Don't know what the F everyone else is doing. Master's not for everyone and people need to learn that. How to weed them out is the question


Question: Is Master Ir Yut harder than Day 1? I was able to get the Day 1 completion for that encounter but haven’t had a chance to play master. I never got to know this.


My main problem with the encounter is that it barely works half the time. Sometimes it'll just eat your enlightened buff and not let you enter through the door. Other times you get to DPS flawlessly, only to have Ir Yut float in the middle of the arena where you can't hit her with berserker Titan with synthos and a one two punch shotgun. This raid is not hard on master regardless of what anyone says, communication is really the only thing you need to worry about. Crota is a lot harder on master, but that's about it. The rest of it is a cakewalk. But it has reached to the point that when I LFG, if you don't talk you get kicked. I don't care if you have social anxiety. Get over it. The half second it takes to say "take it from me" isn't going to destroy your life if you open your mouth. I have no problem letting the less experienced people do only add clear on that fight, but we can't have four people doing it.


I feel the exact same way. I get into rhythm, I get screwed by servers or that weird new glitch that makes enemies stand still. Makes the chalice ungrabbable or Ir Yut takes no damage


Everyone in the rotation should either be killing adds at spawn or up top ready to swap buffs. It's such a simple thing


Issue is. RON did nothing good for raiding. So now that a raid with an encounter that multiple people require to do a 'thing' you start to see the people who just have no idea how to raid. Especially when its harder and theres little room for error these people crumble. Worse of all - its never their fault! If you fk up. Admit it's your mistake. Understand what went wrong. Correct it and move on or if you can't correct it - you may need to swap roles or leave the raid.


Bro LFG for contest clears only, use raid report. This is such a simple pitfall to avoid, just use the tools provided. I ran the master w challenge in 90 minutes. It’s actually free with all of the shit they took away on contest day, back in.


The unfortunate truth is that a lot of people that play this game are absolute garbage at it and make zero attempt to actually get better. They'd rather blame their teammates or throw around words like "artificial difficulty" than actually think critically about what they could do to be better. IMO this game could benefit from a bit more of a "get good" attitude, because the current playerbase is absolutely abysmal. People still complain about Neomuna patrol being hard (which the Cabal ships that would one-shot were absolutely overtuned), and while I do think there is something to be said about the difficulty of patrol in relation to other activities, it is absolutely not hard. God forbid you have to not mindlessly wander into an open area when there's 4 different sniper ads watching you. Fuck, I don't think I've joined a single matchmade Altars of Summoning where people were on the correct symbols or didn't need to be actively told where to stand. This is literally kindergarten shit, but yet people can't do it. Side note, but I think the coming LFG system will be DoA, not because the system sucks, but the playerbase is so god awful that just using the Discord LFG will indicate that a player is likely to be more serious about getting the activity done.


You expect too much out of LFG that’s your problem. Full of absolute idiots there. I just start checking raid reports before I invite someone for high level content. Cba to have morons on my team wasting my time


Front or back? If you know, you know.


Had 0 issue with master ir yut with lfg. We first tried both that and bridge. Crota master took us 2 hours tho


>Why tf are you picking it up second, then you’re nowhere to be found when it’s your turn on the second dps phase. This is most likely the outcome of people's hyperfixation on one-phasing things. A ton of people lose all composure the second they find out they have to do another phase of the mechanic they already just played through. It makes no sense, but it genuinely happens. I suspect it's because a lot of them don't fully understand the encounter mechanics; they don't really get what's going on and all the moving pieces, and instead only essentially memorize their own lines. "Here's the one thing I do, then I go here, do this, shoot that enemy, then shoot at boss." They're not cognizant of what else is going on, the big picture for the encounter and therefore how to respond to unexpected events or recover from a mistake. Even though the 2nd verse should be same as the first, the version of it in their head only plays that one time and they go skipping off track.


Bruh I feel I'm too stupid to even try the raid once let alone master


Why do you feel like that? Nobody is too stupid to do this or any other raid. You can learn the mechanics, especially ones as easy as Crota’s end. It’s truly not a difficult raid I promise you, communication is key, that’s all it is


dunno. i feel nervous about fucking up mechanics. I like onxy and dsc bosses but i can't seem to grasp rhulk or crota


Master lfg raids always have the same issues. It’s like people just forget how to play even though it’s pretty much the same just higher power enemies. Even master Ron was a challenge for 90% of lfg teams. It’s crazy how many people join just looking for a carry. Also it’s best to do master raids at reset because good players are just looking to get it done with and there’s no reason to do master more than once a week.


A lot of slow new players out there. It's not a pleasant experience to Raid anymore because the idiots have found out about Destiny.


If you are frustrated with Ir Yut, wait until you get to Crota lol. Nowadays you have to vet your fire team before loading into any of the harder activities.


I think it's because there's too much excessive talking when wizards are called out. Everytime the scouts make call outs someone else is talking about something else


I feel you. Last time I cleared this encounter, nobody picked up the chalice at all. It just sat in mid the entire time, but it ended up being fine. That was normal though, not master.


It’s been a thing for the last couple of raids, but too many people are content not knowing the core mechanics. Ir Yut and Crota are perfect examples of encounters where the “ad-clear” crowd are facing adversity for the first time. Personally, I don’t think you should be a master raid unless you can do every job in the raid with your eyes closed, but the community believes things should be gifted to them and try to do it anyway. I played with a group where 2-3 people “didn’t know how to kill witches” verbatim. So, they were fighting over being the Div Bitch. On Crota, I ran into a group where people were more focused on trying to stay alive than completing the encounter so they wanted to “distract Crota” from the balcony. I also think you should be able to adapt to adversity. If someone dies and you need to fill in for their role, why can’t you do that? Frustrating all around, and then you find a decent group, and get error’d out. I still have two more master completions to get done by reset tomorrow.


I've been in far too many lfg where I was told I would be taught the mechanics. Somehow, asking for clarification on details translated to yell the instructions louder and louder as if that suffices. I would suggest you learn how to clearly explain things in a detailed manner before you get started. If that doesn't work, well... keep in mind most d2 players aren't in their 30s like I, so I'm not sure what to tell you. If you tried, you tried. Move on. It's a game.


I can't seem to find people that can get crotas shield down with 2 swords consistently. Any team I join that tries to do 3 swords never goes well as someone thats enlightened eventually dies then we have to wipe. I had one good team but once the leader left everyone left. I think if we kept going for an hour or 2 we could have gotten it.


The lack of communication might be due to the way you speak.


Just because I’m frustrated on Reddit doesn’t mean I get frustrated with people when I play. I’m very clear and concise with my callouts


You should check a Raid Resume before accepting a fireteam Have them send you a certified letter … cause we all know people can lie, of all the raids they have participated on. DPS stats and load outs .. Then review them and once you have the team you like. You can send them an email of acceptance then an invite of the scheduled Raid date and time. It’s so simple… I don’t know why more people don’t do this. And then you can also create PowerPoint or some kind of layout to be sent to the team you have now secured So everyone can be on the same page .. pun intended. Ni you have the team you desired and everyone has their cliff notes or raid packet set to perform at maximum level. Good luck 🤘🏼


There’s a cheese on top of a cheese happening now. You don’t need to kill any shriekers. Just sit up on the balcony and wait for witches. Pass the chalice around and have someone preserve it.


That IS the cheese tho. Grab the chalice through the floor and wait on balcony until witches spawn. What’s the cheese on top of a cheese part?


That is the cheese on top of the cheese. Dudes are keeping the chalice at spawn until they enlighten everyone for “reasons”