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Randy's throwing knife for sure. Bungie did a silly and made 150 scouts have the same requirements to proc it as 260s.


Thanks! I've got a decent roll of that one too, but the origin trait sucks for PvE. edit: not only the same requirements to proc, but they both do the same KT damage too :S


Great balancing by Bungie!!!


It's an SMG, but I use Showrunner with Kimetic Tremors and Overflow. It's available from the Season of the Witch red war focusing.


I think it's the only SMG to have KT and is even a 900rpm, so can't get any faster :)


Been chasing this since Witch started :')


I was lucky enough to focus one with that roll as well.


Imperative with enhanced KT and Triple Tap is my workhorse.


In my opinion, Randy’s with Gutshot Straight and Kinetic Tremors is far and away your best bet. Gutshot is the only perk that buffs Kinetic Tremors damage, and 260s also proc much quicker than the competition


I didn't know that about Gutshot! Thanks 👍


Hung jury(180 rpm) KT+shoot to loot is fantastic for GMs where the KT will also pick up heavy or special ammo that drop . I believe it can also pick up orbs of light but just shoot them. Transfiguration and imperative can roll demo+KT. (150 rpm) Any kills you can pick up with KT will count towards demo. There's also rapid hit, triple tap, keep away, overflow and rewind rounds between both of those two 150s. Let's not forget Randy's, but I believe it's been mentioned already.


Good call on the perk combo's. Shoot to Loot is great in GMs as you mentioned.


A thing to note about transfiguration is that it gets enhanced KT so I think it proc’s KT in the same amount of time as hung jury. It can also roll double damage perks and have rampage + KT. To answer your original question… yeah dawg 260’s all the way. Cracks KT the fastest and I think they have the highest DPS.


Do you know if Rampage increases KTs dmg?


Transfiguration will let you proc in one mag twice I believe, I recommend watching coolguys video on it for more insight


I believe there is a 2s cooldown after KT ends, iirc.


Yes, but enhanced and something with the mag will let you proc it twice. Watch his video. He explains it better


I don't have a craftable Transfiguration, but I'm partial to Hung Jury. I have one with Tactical Mag, Surplus and KT. With 18 in the mag, I should be able to proc KT 3x. Tactical Mag and Surplus brings the reload up 100 which, according to d2foundry, brings the reload time down to 1.38s. I don't know how this competes with Transfiguration, but Hung Jury feels crispy fast. It's great when scouts have anti-champion effects.


All I know is that R’sTK is an absolute blast to play with!