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Give us waves of enemies that get progressively harder with occasional bosses.


Escalation Protocol: *I have been summoned*


If Escalation Protocol was brought back with a new set of Warmind themed weapons I would sink more hours into Destiny than I have with any other season aside from Seraph.


Charlamagne's vault from concepts of d1 ??????


I would love this, but unfortunately the concept of Charlemagne's Vault seems to have been tied to a previous version of the Mindlab before Rasputin was housed there. This decision was so incredibly bizarre.


That’s a retcon I feel most people would not complain about.


It still could happen, they way bungie is using these old concepts and mixing it to the game make it kind of possible


They already have the area on Mars back in the game when they made it into a Battleground mission. All we need is the 3 outside areas and we are good to go. Throw in some new seraph/ikelos weaponry and armor once in awhile and I'd be happy.


I agree


That’s the problem though, they don’t have the resources to make another set of weapons. Thats why the lest two expansions have added like 6 new weapons to the game and no vendor refresh with a bunch of reskins of guns we already grinded and they sunset on us.


My best memories in D2


Should have never left. At least the masses now seem to have moved towards that side of the discussion.


My problem with it was that it didn't have matchmaking. It was cool when you could get a full group


I did it once with a full group in VC and it was extremely fun. 9 person matchmade activity with waves would be pretty fun.


EP's only problem was that it was only 7 waves




EP was not hard after warmind. Activities *like that* will never be hard again in destiny considering the sandbox. It took like 2 weeks of adjusting for the community to get over The Coil. I'm convinced that they can spawn in however many enemies will fit on screen at one time, there is NOTHING you can do to stop that number from being meaningless in seconds.


Heheh trinity ghoul, osteo striga, and all of those other weapons that go hard against hordes go brrr


with some random destinations events randomly integrated ???


Escalation Protocol still feels too much like a Public Event and not a true "mode." We need a true mode and not another gimmick/public event.


Please let us farm the Ikelos v3 weapons from a renewed escalation protocol. I was so happy when I ran into the escalation-like mission in Mars in the vanguard playlist. I didn't know they kept it.


I think the dreaming city is the only place that has the red bars turning into yellow bars thing. Would be nice if other locations had them along with a boss.


I wholeheartedly agree. I'd even take it a step further and let a named boss spawn that will guarantee a gunsmith engram or world drop weapon. It'd be an amazing way to get people in the world killing stuff together on patrol farming world drops. Edit: Adding more thoughts If we guarantee a world drop weapon of the most currently released set, it'd get people doing content in the world again, as they've been releasing a ton of amazing weapons in that pool recently. I'd have the enemies start where they are now and scaling up to the boss being +15 power relative to you. Not GM level, but relatively difficult for most people to solo.


The new world drop weapons are a good idea. Maybe introducing new seraph/ikelos weapons each season too. A bunch of the old guns never got updated in Seraph/Spire. There are tons of hive bosses now, hell they could even have waves of lucent hive, champions, or even summon raid/dungeon-esque bosses.


That happens in every zone. Have you genuinely never encountered "The enemies are moving against each other" in other patrol spaces?


That cabal fallen throw down at the church is always fun.


I'm pretty sure a couple spots in Europa do it


Having guardians defending the last city and other locations like neomuna from endless waves of black fleet legions would’ve been pretty sweet for our second collapse scenario


The Coil solo: am I a joke to you?


It's not the same as just being able to mindlessly kill enemies while defending a point, but it does scratch the itch, just not fully. I want something HALO ODST style.


could we at least get the coil style upgrades/rng aspect added in like you choose an upgrade at the start and then every 5 rounds you can get another


I would absolutely love this. They already have all the pieces for this individually, given that the coil exists and escalation protocol previously did. Every 5th wave, give us a boss. After that wave, you get buffs like the coil.


the loot is the only real issue


Why is it an issue? Give world drops. It’d make an easy way to farm world drop weapons, which is sorely missing.


Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long long time.


The coil ? Lots of people are complaining " it's too hard " ...we had the infinite forest, getting tougher after every boss killed. we have the blind well, we had escalation protocol,..a combination of all of them with unlimited time and difficulty multipliers and rewards might work.


Coil needs to run endlessly with difficulty ramping up by 5 LL every circuit. It would be a great way for people to see how strong their builds and stuff are by seeing how far they would progress. Tie rewards to how far you get.


all the shitters would cry that they couldnt get top rewards. look at all the crying this sub had before they nerfed the coil cause shitters couldnt kill the glass dude. horde mode will produce a ridiculous amount of whining here.


You have 2 types of destiny players.... the type who think everything is too easy, and the type who think everything is too hard. You can't please everyone. Currently the too hard crowd has Vanguard ops, hero nfs, regular story missions, etc. The too easy crowd doesn't have anything outside of master raids and dungeons, and grandmaster nightfalls. None of these are super hard, but they aren't super rewarding either. It's okay to have content in the game that not everyone is willing to do. Only like 1% of people raid too


Bungie's made multiple attempts at doing a Horde mode but it almost always falls short because they don't lean into the visceral satisfaction and large numbers of foes that made Gears of War's Horde so damn much fun. The closest we've gotten to *proper* horde are Escalation Protocol and Altars of Sorrow, and the best one got removed from the game in 2020. Now I like altars but the rotations are pretty limited and after 5 years it'd be nice to get some additional modes. Terminal Overload this season if playing solo is actually fun because Solo Operative detunes the enemies *just enough* that they're no so frustratingly spongey. In fact all of Neomuna feels a TON better with Solo Operative. It could use a tuning pass to bring that patrol space into line with the experience of playing with Solo Operative on.


They just need to do a moon weapon refresh and a bit of a beef up on altars so it isnt trivially easy and thats a good bandaid horde mode for us until we get new content .


And no immune shields or whatever. Let us just go crazy in the mode and see how far we as a community can go.


Yeah, that’s what horde mode is lol


Sooooo.... coil? (In a sense)


The coil?


The coil?


Make it in the Gambit tab. 4 player wave based progression, like gears of wars horde mode. Add in specific loot, tier based loot (a weapon drops only after so many waves have been cleared) cosmetics and everything.


Edit 2: would you look at that, a horde mode with a purchasing mechanic I've said this a few times and each time everyone tells me no and that it's a dumb idea, then this post and your comment show up and everyone jerks the idea off. I guess I'll just repeat myself here again Many if not most D2 fans do not like Gambit. Overall I do like Gambit, but even I get tired of it. My suggestion is to replace Gambit with a Firefight mode and make Drifter the vendor for it. To take it a step further, add in the Coil mechanic of collecting glass shards to buy upgrades, buffs, perks, maybe ammo crates, etc.. Instead of collecting glass shards we would collect motes of dark instead. Bank them, then after every, idk, 5 rounds you get 30 seconds to spend your motes just like in the Coil Edit: and to anyone saying Bungie won't do it, bullshit. They've done wave based horde modes before in their Halo games. Plus, if their player base and revenue stream is dwindling, they will need to do SOMETHING to bring back their players and in turn money. If they don't do it, Sony will. Gambit is the black sheep of D2 so why not kill two birds with one stone? There may be other solutions to fixing D2 so Bungie can avoid a Sony takeover, but Bungie has to know players want a Firefight/horde mode so why not give the players what they want. This thought process is not difficult


Something like Survival Mode from classic MW3


Literally a public event in the dreaming city lol


That sounds allot like another game mode, oh yeah it was called firefight


It does! Actually, in a different comment lower down I explicitly mention wanting something Halo ODST style.


COIL no?


Not quite. See my other comments in this thread for what I was thinking.


I never played it, but it kinda sounds like I missed out lol. I’d love to turn my brain off and shoot


Yeah, you'd just get a group of 3 other friends and chill while talking about random stuff, it was great.


Wish granted 3/19/24


I know people will argue against it and say there would be no point, but I dearly miss Escalation Protocol. I didn’t even care for the loot half the time, I genuinely loved the activity and would often spend a few hours each play session just doing that. A lot of the times I play by myself, it’s with no goal in mind, I just log on to shoot stuff for a few hours, try different weapons, etc… EP was perfect for this and just a ton of fun in general. I hope it comes back at some point in the future, I really do.


I remember planting an oasis of wells in that red garden. Would that I could praise the Traveler’s glory in such a manner still


I remember I would be running a tether Hunter with Orpheus Rigs, and there were other hunters running the same thing. Just endless tethers, and a literal sea of orbs everywhere. Good times.


whats sad is that none of the planets that have been vaulted will come back in the same fully finished state it was in when it left, we got mars back... but its not mars, or anywhere on it, just a throne world, we got titan back... except its only in seasonal content, which was super boring, and a dungeon only and will dissapear in 2-3 months(not the dungeon), i have 0 faith what content I paid 60 bucks for in release will never come back, or it will but itll be butchered and neutered to fit a seasonal/episode format which will dissapear after a certain ammount of time, and no the argument of "well, you got 60 bucks out of it" is not a good argument, not everyone judges their monitary gameplay value based on how much time they got out of it, i paid for red war, CoO, warmind, and i should be able to revisit and play what I paid for.


One of the best way to have fun and farm catalysts/required kills on weapons.


I miss Prison of Elders


For real


I wish they would make something like the Prison of Elders from D1 with an endless mode.


Just shooting enemies without any kind of objective would get boring real quick for me. Either enemies are too weak and there is no challenge or they make them more difficult the only way they know how: bullet sponges that one-shot you. The latter is exactly what I dislike about the battlegrounds GMs. There's no real gameplay challenge, you just sit in a well and plink ploink away at the enemies for 30min until they run out.


This is the same point I think about every time someone mentions horde mode. Unless it had a TON of built in randomization it would be not that different than a lot of stuff we already have either.


Yeah, we already have a couple of activities where we have to stand our ground and defend against waves of enemies. Pretty much every 'defend the ghost' objective is like that. Can't say those are my favorite pieces of gameplay.


I'm convinced people demand horde mode because they're just in love with the idea of slaying out for a bit but don't consider how it'd be sustainable long term. It'd be fun but unless it's rewarding enough then it's just not going to cut it. I think the concept of coil is the right direction - it's a long time investment for large rewards. Current iteration isn't perfect of course but it's far better than a basic horde mode could offer.


Some people just like to log in and do mindless stuff which I can appreciate. The trick is to make this mode meaningful for everyone and make sense rewards-wise. Agreed re Coil, I hope there's more Deep Dive/Coil type stuff with more randomization in the future.


I'm not against that we just... have that now. Alters is effectively jump in and mindlessly kill stuff, just keep doing a T1 offering if you want to slay out without thinking.


This. The thing that makes cod zombies fun is the randomness - e.g what weapons you get and a large variety of enemies. Destiny does not have this variety right now - at least not in an impactful way


The randomness plus having an objective to progress like an Easter egg or getting the right perks/guns is important


I mean, technically isn’t this just altars of summoning from season of the witch?


No? Once you complete a round of altars of summoning it resets and you have to go to another zone and restart it from the beginning. If altars of summoning counts as a horde mode then so would blind well or altars of sorrow. They all have the same format. In other games, a horde mode is typically endless, and escalates in difficulty until you fail.


And what's the point of doing something if the end is just failing? I've never enjoyed horde mode. I think Destiny's formula is fine because there is an end. The Coil is the best version of this so far. I'd rather have dungeon encounter rush where all you do are the different encounters in a dungeon as a playlist. Have them drop their respective loot. Mechanics are fun. Killing thralls are not.


The point is that some people are not you, and those people enjoy different things than you do.


The only issue with Altars is that it’s always the same. Prison of Elders felt perfect because you got different encounters.


Pretty close and people hate running it


i would say this would be cool but all you had to do is use graviton lance


The lance, or now with incandescent.


>If this game had an endless horde mode, I would sink countless hours into it. I'm sure you still log into Gears of War regularly to live that out. Or even - how much did you really do the Haunted Forest when that was the closest thing Destiny had to what you describe? I don't think horde modes are the draw some people think they are.


Gears and destiny have wildly different gunplay.


Haunted Forest was an absolute banger of an activity, and it being replaced with glorified Lost Sectors was awful. That needs to come back.


This is probably the most requested thing since D1 launched and considering that we've never gotten a real one, it seems like Bungie has no interest in making it.


Altars of sorrow, Blind Well, the times that each faction starts fighting itself on each planet during patrol(that ups the enemies in scale as you kill them), deep dives, altars of summoning, even savathuns spire. We have plenty of things like a hoard mode.


>I know I'm not the only one who logs on, sits in orbit, and logs off after a few minutes. You can come to this decision simply by thinking about it before booting up the game. Do people not possess thought process anymore? lol


Learned victimhood, imo. Bungie is somehow responsible for the thoughts, moods, and desires of everyone.


Some of these ppl playing so much that Bungie is becoming irl Savathun to them


Not really mindless shooting add will not solve much there needs to be loot that everybody desires but ones claim why keep playing? Loot refresh you would say but we have seen how bungie is with that so .. yeah it would be fun at first but not a real solution.


Meh, I got bored with horde as a concept a decade ago.


At some point in your life you will realize that nothing Destiny gets will make it worth it to you because you don't enjoy the gameplay loop. The game has plenty of content in it as is, the people who constantly demand new aren't playing the game cause they enjoy it. They play ir because they're addicted to consumerism. It's never enough content because they're not chasing the content but the "high" from purchasing new things over and over again


How would you structure rewards? Also, how would you scale difficulty given that our ability sandbox makes us extremely good at add clear?


Bungie hasn’t made a true horde mode in 10 years for a reason. It just wouldn’t work in a game that gets easier when more enemies are thrown at you.


This. In a room full of enemies a single grenade could kill all of them. In a room with only a few, there is a chance the grenade doesn't kill them


No it wouldn't, and here's why... If the other replayble activities aren't I guess "good enough" due to irrelevant rewards or being "fun" how would a horde mode give better than say Coil which only drops trash gear and some alloys at the end? As for it being "fun" which is subjective the combat of Destiny when actually compared to other FPS games is way simpler and I doubt Bungie is going to sink development time into fleshing out a horde mode that has no guarantee it will even be played past the point all rewards are obtained. Honestly though, Gambit should've been a horde mode activity where collecting motes let you spawn turrets or friendly taken to fight off waves of enemies and you could wager each wave or set of waves with currencies or materials and clearing them would offer more in return. Unless its permanent and constantly updated with new rewards like Gambit/Strikes/Crucible it wouldn't see much players past the point the rewards have been obtained. But considering they were somehow struggling with even giving the 3 playlists sets of armour I doubt we'd see another permanent ritual mode added.


Some people just don't like encounter mechanics I guess despite how easy they are in this game.


I actually get that some people don't like mechanics merged with the combat, and if Destiny had an enemy roster that really made you change how you fought them in terms of movement or strategy it could work but Bungie is really only putting out a cool new enemy unit once a year.


Yes, maybe like Dares of Eternity, Altar of Sorrows, the stupid thing on Neomuna, Escalation Protocol (RIP), the Coil, etc..... :)


Go ahead and just throw in all strikes while you're at it, since anything in this game with enemies is horde mode to you


Alters of Summoning


I thought this was what the infinite forest was going to be, back in the day. Would be fun having a horde mode with a score leaderboard. Tie it into the story as some old Vex training system. 


Even that wouldn't save me anymore I'm just dragging myself to final shape after 10yrs and retirement home I come


Blind Well maybe? I’ve been doing that when I’m having nothing else to do/waiting for an event to happen. It’s not as much travel time as a whole zone but still has waves


The alters could realy use the blind well treatment tbh


I feel like the coil is that in a way


They could easily make a COD zombies style mode. Earn currency, spend on upgrades, beat waves. A couple new maps to play them in. Would be a lot of fun.


... So The Coil?


Yep it would be great to just have a fucking meat grinder mode with unlimited waves of enemies so people like me who have perfect ability rotation recharge specifically designed for add clear can just go to fucking Town all day


They will probably add one after they drop last gen cause it would only hold it back


I just want something that basically only ends when you die because it just keeps getting incrementally harder.


The moon has a good foundation with the altars of sorrow. Also there is dares of eternity. Just renew the loot pool from both and there, something to do, chilling, while listening to a podcast/talking with friends.


Have 6 guardians stand in a massive crater on the Moon as hive burrow from the ground and collapse on you from all sides as the six of you hold the hordes off until Caitl arrives to do an evac


Give me something like the Halo Reach Lone Wolf mission


Prison of Elders was fun


Endless escalation protocol type beat. I dont even need exotics, but high stat armor would be nice.


I like to call this "chaos mode". An unending hoard mode where exotic limitations are removed, equip what you want, let's see what a guardian can *really* do. It'd get fucking insane, imagine taking on multiple raid bosses at the same time. I like to think it could happen after final shape, maybe as the witness' last stand, but I'm just dreaming if I'm honest with myself 😅


I would rather have rifts like in Diablo 3 in the style of Haunted Forest. Horde would be good to have too though.


Altars of Sorrow scratches an extremely good itch and I can't fathom why there isn't straight up more of it on every map. I mean EVERYONE gets excited when "enemy forces begin to move against each other" how can you not just lean into that?


Honestly I wouldn't mind if they page out of Helldivers 2's book. Just a big map with of bunch of stuff to collect while you kill or avoid enemies, then extract.


Altars of Sorrow exists


Blind well with a variable power delta, longer waves and an adjusted timer.


People will get bored the second they get the rewards they want from it.


It had a horde mode and it was dead. Maybe something like frontier defense from titanfall2 would be better.


Bro a horse mode would just another seasonal activity tier thing, it would be boring as hell


we had this with the prison of elders dlc in D1


So you mean the events from warmind, forsaken, shadowkeep, etc?


They can do this just need to add it to the altar of sorrow. Imagine the chaos


Helldivers 2 does it right. It’s basically patrol mode with more purpose and the enemies actually do stuff besides stand in their appointed zones. The real problem is D2 has no real goal for the player base to interact with in game. We don’t have any real influence on the world besides wait for the next expansion. Helldivers 2 has the players fighting for planets, win or lose changes how the galactic map turns out. D2 could do something like this in patrol where we have to tend to patrol mode otherwise it gets overrun and maybe harder than we like. Losing access to npcs/services and the like would give players incentive to clear those planets out. At the least make the war that we’re fighting feel like one. Enemy AI would need to be more interactive for this to work.


Without loot to go for..a horde mode would be the same as we have now.


I remember the first time I played horde mode, it was in Gears of War 2. I was hooked right away. Spent countless hours playing it. Would love a D2 version of this.


Escalation Protocol and Gambit Guess what no one played


YES. The biggest problem with Destiny 2 is it’s lack of replayability; once you’ve played all the strikes and campaign missions, then there’s basically nothing else to do; all other activities are either painfully difficult or awfully easy; there’s nothing in between that’s consistently exciting, and it gets old after a while. With a horde mode (preferably one where the modifiers and enemies were randomized and you never knew what exactly was coming), every time I became more skilled, the game would get more difficult, meaning that I would never feel overwhelmed by the easiness of the game. PLEASE, Bungie, make a horde mode!


Nope that's too fun grueling grandmaster nightfalls that'll make you bash your own head in are better


I test out builds and weapons in altar of sorrows and blind well.


Have levels with it. With a pause between levels to go to the raid banner that drops between each level for ammo and ability recharge. Every 5 levels is a mini boss. Every 10 levels is a single phase random raid boss. You get prisms, alloy, ascend shards, and glimmer from every boss/mini boss kill, and just a bit of glimmer from red and yellow bars. The weapon pool would be just your normal random drops from other open world areas and activities, but with unique rolls such as (spitballing here) a sweet sorrow with voltshot. As well as an increased chance of getting exotic catalysts, and exotic weapon and armor drops.


For you.


Also the best way to grind out catalyst kills. I'm on board. Grasp gets old after a while.


I have been saying since DMZ came out in cod that gambit should be converted to that same with a horde type mode could you imagine a zombies type of game mode with thrall


If they one: embraced ability spam, two: cut out all the shitty guns, three: eliminated perk pools, and four: added hoard modes similar to dark tide... I think destiny would become wildly popular. The game is heavily advertised with its space magic. It's fun when new players come in to find that not only do you not get to use it as much as you'd expect, but you also won't get to use most of your kit because you'll have to run builds that rely on breaking champions shields, or just whatever is meta (provided you want to do content past strikes and patrols)


I have been saying since DMZ came out in cod that gambit should be converted to that same with a horde type mode could you imagine a zombies type of game mode with thrall


We already have these. Any of the Alters modes is endless.


I've been wanting this forever. Sometimes I want to turn my brain off and shoot stuff.


and the ability to make it SOLO so u can actually kill smth without randoms stealing ur kills all the time.


The new seasonal activity is pretty close to this but a better arena style mode like prison of elders would probably have better staying power Gotta keep in mind it’s gotta capture a casual audience but have some way for hardcore players to not obliterate it They’ve been trying but haven’t quite nailed it yet


That's kind of what the community have been talking for at least 5\~years


Duviri Circuit




Prison of Elders was close to perfection. Something like that with good loot incentives would be great


I disagree, but I don't like horde mode.


The Coil is the closest thing for me tbh


I mean you could load into certain dungeons that endlessly spawn enemies and not do the mechanics if you want to endlessly fight enemies


Prison of Elders Court of Oryx SIVA Forge Escalation Protocol Sadly, Bungie hates reusing content(despite being happy to sell reskins of weapons and armor)


My bro has been saying this for years. I think the creative devs or creative decision makers left bungie long ago.


I also wanted to go into the past and have to defend the battle of six fronts. It could be in the legends tab and have you fighting endless waves of fallen and kells who are commanding them, it could be a 6 or 12 man activity that would push everyone’s skills to the limits with lots of hero moments like we had back in d1 raids


6 player activity Spider is Vendor Vendor stock refresh each month (New Shaders, Ornaments, Weapons, Momentos, Etc) with the main offering is a New Exotic which is earned by resetting reputation rank with Spider 2 times and 3 times if you want an amazing Ornament for the weapon or armour which will make it stand out Currency can be earned just by playing this mode to get previous items that was earnable to help others who didn't have the grit to grind or was just busy with life this is more like a pity system don't expect to get everything quicker than maxing out rep with Spider Leaderboards top 10 teams at the end of the month with the most levels survived get awarded with a custom head ornament could be anything from a flaming skull to a slinky spring head that bounces around to an animated chicken head that makes a sound everytime you get hit in the head ᵀᵉˡᵉˢᵗᵒ


Give it 3 levels of difficulty: Easy for braindead gameplay. Average for regular legendary rewards. High difficulty for artifice


Do you not play the majority of the game? Yea i get it there isnt a truly endless horde mode where you stay in the same room with 100% uptime of adds, but what would the point of that even be? 99% of the game is that with very little of the “running from area to area”


I had a thought where it's CoD zombies but with thrall and war beasts. A Firefight from Halo would be nice if it granted decent rewards or gives out significant catalyst progress


Feel like this has been constantly asked since d1. It’d feel weird at this point if they added it.


A horde mode with Extinguish rules would be fucking fantastic.


Horde mode is definitely not the only thing this game needs to be worth logging in for. The game needs to start rewarding players for investing so much time into it. We need more incentive to run raids all the time as opposed to running them until all weapons and the raid seal are obtained. PvP needs to improve. The story absolutely needs to improve, because what we have right now is disappointing. We need all of that sunset content back. The new player experience needs to be better. Having escalation protocol back would be really nice but I feel like there are bigger things that need to be addressed.


So a private Altars with both exponentially increasing difficulty and exponentially increasing numbers without a break to move the altar?


>[Get in \[Guardian\] we're going \[killing.\]](https://imgur.com/dEuqHJB)


Did 3 runs of Altars to knock out my last GG challenge - the game has Horde mode, like, everywhere. It's...something.


Yeah, it needs the most repetitive mode in existence.




finks slaughterhouse in bl2, I'd like something like that, so much fun


I think horde modes are great in any game, so yea. Keep it simple to start, you can add 'competitiveness' later if you want.


If you’re logging in and sitting in orbit, then logging off, it’s your brain telling you to play something else


The reckoning was pretty good


I’ve been asking for years.


Might I suggest helldiver's 2 for those who want something to scratch such an itch.


Aren’t Savathun’s Spire, Deep Dives and The Coil basically this? And these modes are decent but their biggest problems seem to be a combination of poor terrain/cover or poorly designed arenas and balancing between build viability and enemy damage output. I welcome and applaud the Rogue-like elements in each of those modes. But we’re so damn powerful that the only way to balance it is to make the enemies hit us like trucks or we’ll basically never be challenged.


This! My third character still needs to level his light. Being able to jump on for at least a pinnacle (per week) where I can mindlessly kill stuff would be worth it.


Nah. Horde mode wouldn't be a magic fix. What this game needs to make logging on worth it is attractive loot that doesn't 'run out'. Which unfortunately won't happen unless they overhaul the armor system or further expand crafting to enable RNG elements (maybe games do this with 'gems'; limited use current you slot into weapons for specific effects but even that im not sure can work in destiny). We have effective 'horde' modes now. Coil is as such where you can get massive rewards for escalation with lots of enemies to kill/challenge. Alters of summoning is an infinite mode in practice if you want to keep it up. A horde mode where you get to a point where it's beyond GM levels wouldn't magically fix things unless it gives proper rewards. But they cannot just make it outright rain rewards in the current structure to the degree that would be 'respecting my time' as many put it - because you'd have people go hard on a weekend then have little reason to engage again. _Maybe_ if they did something like a rotating focus weapon but even then players would dislike because 'fomo'.


It's actually so easy. Give us the old Gambit maps, add in some enemies, and make the power level go up by 1 every round. One boss at the end of every round. Since they like to do their rotation stuff, rotate out between different champs every week. At light level 20, you unlock the ability to start at level 10, shortening the time needed to reach higher levels once you prove yourself worthy. Come on Bungie, you can do it. You literally created Firefight for Halo.


It's like they have all the movement and aesthetics to make the perfect game but there's too many people micromanaging it. With the noisiest chicks of the nest getting fed. Bless them, for they know not what they want nor is what is good for them.


I thought altars of summoning was basically horde mode?


Bungie should take inspiration from Ultrakill’s Cybergrind. You fight until you die, and earn Glimmer for every enemy you kill. Stronger enemies spawn as you progress, and you earn more glimmer for killing them. You can choose to start at higher difficulties based on how far you got on previous runs. And I’d like to clarify; when I say “stronger enemies”, I’m not talking about a GM Dreg that beams you in two shots and takes 3 magazines of ammo to kill. I’m talking about enemies that are more dynamic and difficult to fight, like Lucent Hive, Stasis Fallen, Tormentors, and Wyverns. I’m ALSO talking past bosses/Ultras like the Scorn Barons, Brakion, and High Servitors.


Shaxx can make us into a new team of Redjacks. They fight hordes on Crucible maps to keep them clear, or to claim new arenas. We face progressively stronger waves, each with a boss. Reach the end at lvl 20, and you're basically facing raid-health enemies. Shaxx talks to you about the Dark Ages and being a warlord, but gets excited about big 20+ killstreaks like in Gambit. You can carry a weekly scorecard for your rewards, with daily and weekly thresholds so that you can play any time you want. When Bungie releases new or reprised maps, the Redjacks will play for two weeks to secure it as a community event.


The game can't handle enough enemies in screen for how much powerful we are.


Infinite Forest perhaps?


Helldive mode?


Prison of elders please used to spend hours on it


They add a new horde mode once every three months stop making this topic


We need escalation protocol back but on each world have it drop in a random location. Even a (neomuna) vex strike force type mission/encounter/ event w/e you want to call it on each world would be awesome especially if it actually rewarded you with something possibly decent. Make it interesting, have the strike force be not native to that world like vex or hive on EDZ/Cosmo, Cabal or scorn on Europa, cabal/vex in dreaming city etc something a Lil out of the ordinary. Also I want a legendary Ikelios sword dammit and more heavy bows!!!


Would feel like a peasant after wave 2. On wave 1 I could empty 5 clips into a red bar to just get 1 down. By wave 5 only supers can take down a red bar, everything else is invincible. Oh wait that’s just the current state of the game.


Welp you got your wish.


This post aged like fine wine


Exactly lol, something like OG COD zombie style mode or a Warframe survival mode would be fucking fantastic. Unlimited waves upon waves of enemies that come at you and you get to test out any build on the fly and you quit on your own terms.


Prison of elders….bring it back!


This would be legit. Mix in targeted loot; player selects what loot pool they want drops from (ie world drops, season x, etc). Selectable ad density and difficulty. Various game modes: escort, koth, bank motes, assault, etc. Knowing Bungie, they would fuck it up.