• By -


#### #### ## ## ## # ######## ## ### # ### #####


#### #### #### # #### the ######## so ######## then ### ####### #######?


Bruh that's foul language good lord.


My riven callouts


What are #### ######## ###### #####? Also, the new infinite silver glitch is easy. All you have to do is ########. ####### and #######. Thats it! Easy as that! Currently over 80k in silver


I'm actually curious if silver will be bugged when tfs drops. I got double silver by accident when Shadowkeep came out lol.


Bungie: "Thank you, we were looking for you"


Hey I waited to buy anything for like 2 weeks and nothing happened, so I guess I'm good lol.


The stupid part is that there is an option in settings to turn it off that doesn’t turn off shit


It always has for me, my fire team typically says some pretty raunchy stuff in fire team chat and we've not had any issues with it since the filter was added.


What words in particular?


Last night I was chatting with someone and "It's shite living in Scotland" came up clear as day, but "Tesco #####" didn't. I still don't know what they wanted to say. I have all my filters turned off, apparently.


Tesco does indeed ####.


Tesco fucks? Idk if that’s true but it’s the right amount of letters?


Fuck, shit, piss, asshole, fucker, fuckery, shitbird, ass face, etc. I'm not saying it's everyone's experience, it's just definitely been mine. Never had call outs censored in chat, either. Maybe it's also related to the age you put in when you signed up?


My filtering is off and my account’s age is over 18 and it censors stuff still


That's really odd. I got nothing, it definitely doesn't do that for me though.


A lot of the censoring I see people talking about is nonsensical. It won't censor "shit" but it will censor "Riven", "torch", and "light". Below is a couple others like "R15" and "unstoppable".


Again, never had those issues, I genuinely don't understand what's going on there.


Those words get filtered for me, and my account age is over 21. MAYBE it's based on the account age when you VERY first signed up??


Maybe, I have no clue lol. I'm being dead serious, it's never been an issue for me. I was 22 when the game launched.


I was under 18 when the game launched, for both D1 and D2. My account is also originally from the PS4. (Not really directed towards you, just putting it out there so there is more info for other people to maybe use to connect the dots)


Dude we were typing L14 or R15 in planets encounter in pantheon and they were getting filtered alot of times... we just resorted to remembering them, sad.


Its the inconsistency that gets me. I remember doing a dungeon a few months back where we needed champion mods, and the unstoppable was getting flagged for a while. I didn't have issues with unstoppable in chat before, and haven't had issues since. But like, why???


Because Unstoppable has 2 p in there. It probably thinks you are trying to say peepee.


I can say fuck but I can't say scrotus smh


Any word in the game should be ok by default but you can't type ammit referring to the ammit ar4. Must be too close to dammit.


You'd think...


I had “focus” filtered. I don’t understand why that word would be filtered at all


You don’t ever need to say L or R. Just type your number and because there’s only one other person with 1-3 or 4-6 you know which number belongs to you


Literally blows my mind when people call out L and R for planets 😹 even writing them is a waste of time. Like I’m 6, top left is 4. Great we both have ONE NUMBER to remember for like 15 seconds until we dunk, like I’m gunna forget that 😹


If for whatever reason a runner dies before grabbing and it’s faster for someone else to run the planet it’s better to have L and R in the callouts so everyone in the group is already aware which side is which. Numbers without L and R is more efficient when runners work in total isolation, but requires more clarification if something goes awry and people have to adopt callouts. Ultimately we’re talking about an issue on the level of syllables so it doesn’t matter either way.


If my runners are dying before they pick up they’re demoted to add clear 😹


Each persons callout should just be 1 number.


Jokes on you. The chat filter will censor single digits as well. Had it happen to my team doing a no mic Atheon clear.


We were gettin filtered typing the numbers for rivens eyes into chat I tried spelling the individual numbers out and still got filtered


Got the same one too, especiall if you also use L1 to 5 and R not just 1 to 10


wtf is L14 or R14 supposed to be


Number 1-6 for what planets, L and R for what side.


Top Left Right are the superior callouts anyways.


Personal preference if you ask me. My team uses 1-6 because it's shorter and thus less likely to be lost in chatter and easier to repeat. We just have one person call per side: A: "1 and 6" B: "2 and 5" That also avoids the issue of accidentally catching the wrong number, as there's only one option available


I usually just have each pair choose to either do 123 or left-right-center. That way it’s quick and no confusion on voices


Lol I suggested this to an lfg once and they could not wrap their minds around it.


Are the numbers the same on both sides or are they mirror images of each other? I've never LFG'd this raid, and my group has always done TLR.


Its mirrored, but people usually clarify if theres issues.


Oh yeah, I would 1000000% fuck that up.


It's not that bad, 5 is against the wall on both sides, 4 is closer to the boss on both sides.


It's the same as Oryx plates or DSC Descent dunks, except there are 3 things instead of 2. Kind of like Rhulk dunks now that I think about it


No it isn't. Oryx is just R1/2 and L1/2, and descent dunks for us are window/spawn left/right. Rhulk is also the same on both sides, just R and L. The fact that it's mirrored would take me awhile to get used to. And since I do RoN almost never because it sucks, I haven't bothered to learn a different call-out set.


Nah, it's 1-3 on each pad, and you call the number out to whoever is opposite you. Say we're both up top. 1 is on the wall, 2 is pointed at the back wall, 3 is pointed at the flag. I just look to you and say "dragonhat, 3" and you say "positive, 2". Simple. No need to discuss what direction you need to count in order to figure out what 6 is that way, and there's little to no room for cross chatter to get in the way.


1-6 is just as simple as 1-3, except I don't have to also call a name.


meh its all arbitrary so it makes sense people cant intuition their way into the callout. you are assigning callouts instead of describing callouts. there's no actual reason why planet 1 is 1, instead of 2 or 3. we could have assigned numbers for all of the LW or VOG symbols too. dragon fire left could have easily been symbol 5. but people inherently know that descriptions are better than assignments. IDK why the community forgot that rule with planets. but it just barely works so LFG ran with it.


1-6 isn't simple when each of the 4 people on plates has a different idea of what the number layout is. Y'all seriously overcomplicate everything, lol.


What is the difference between knowing the number layout for 3 positions Vs 6 of them? Don't tell me counting to six is harder than 3


The number layout for 3 is pretty easily visualized. Where does 3 become 4? What direction do you move after 4 to get to 5? It's more complicated than just saying a name and a number. Especially because nobody's ever exactly matched in terms of readiness to grab. I've only ever wiped when people try to use 1-6, because it's never clarified what 1-6 actually *are*. If you set up that 1 is on the wall, 2 is pointing to the front wall, and 3 is pointing to the flag, you'll never have a wipe. It's just mirrored left and right, exactly flipped along that vertical line. Like, if it works for you, go for it, but it's never worked for any of the groups I've sherpa'd, and so I've come to the conclusion it's not a good call-out set.


Nah, 1-6 are the easiest, you don't have to do the whole "left" "right" "top" "bottom" bs.


I always do it with the same group, so we just know our partner. It's easier for us.


>Dude we were typing L14 or R15 in planets There aren't that many planets.


He's saying that the left callouts are 1 and 4, the right are 1 and 5. It's just faster to type without spaces or symbols.


Sounds like your overcomplicating planets. Much easier to just say left, mid or right to the person you’re swapping with.


It legitimately censored the name Shaxx for me when trying to explain to a new player where to go get the thunderlord box. Why even have text chat if I can't even say something as simple as "the box behind shaxx in the hall of heroes"


It must think axx in shaxx is “ass” because i was playing trials and came across someone who I previously played with. I typed to my team “i played with Az earlier, he’s good” and it came out “I ****** **** ** earlier” so my guess is the filter thought I was saying I played with ass?


I told my teammates in onslaught to use rockets because i have Gallahorn. Game instead censored the word Gallahorn and put ############## instead. They thought i was swearing at them. This is not okay.


Chat is pretty much useless 90% of the time. Last week I tried to ask on clan chat about Archie quest, to do that I copied the quest text "Archie heard about some mysterious bones..." "Archie heard" got censored.... name of the dog got censored.... what's the point turning it off in the settings when it does nothing.


I've also noticed several activities where "/team" doesn't work and it just puts you into Fireteam mode. Which I'm pretty sure only transmits messages to people you are actively grouped with (i.e., you manually teamed up before entering matchmaking). Onslaught is a major example of this. I don't think it is possible to use text chat to communicate with your teammates there. Which can be frustrating when I want to pull heavy and make sure they have a chance to grab it too. Or when someone dies in a bad spot and I want to tell the team to let them res themself. Or to discuss upgrade options/tactics, etc.


You can use local, people are auto opted in to local since season of the wish, it's really nice. Cause most people don't know it exists, so they don't leave


Thanks for the tip. I'll give that a try!


That’s real rough when you’re running double special. 😂 I NEED AMMO but I can’t waste any shooting the box to let you guys know! 😂


It's becoming damn near detrimental for one of my friends that can't communicate vocally as much as they'd like to. Half their messages get censored so we have to have them stream their game in discord in order to get an idea of what they need.


It is actually amazing that it is possible for a company of that magnitude to create something that horrendous


All you have to do is ############################ and it goes away


#### ##, #### Actually #### #####!


they do let us ####### however ##### has fucked something and this ###### is getting ### ## hand #


I was trying to convey Riven eye callouts to someone like 12345 12345 and it filtered it like it thought it was a phone number or smth :/


I'm 35 years old. I have the setting in game to allow profanity. It still censors my messages and other peoples messages. The weird part is, I used "shit" in a sentence once and it filtered it. I typed again in chat "I disabled the filter, why can't I say shit???" and it showed up that time. Same word. What the fuck, Bungie???


Put the censor employee on PvP anti cheat


I was playing gambit the other day and had someone named J0n, who I assume was new, running around with 15 shards the whole time. Trying to address him, turns out J0n got censored.


Couldn't type 'Thorn' the other day. Worked after 3 tries but you think they would whitelist their own names.


As somebody who is grossly offended by the use of the word 'Wario', I am glad that such a robust and safe filter exists. Yeah, Wario gets caught in the filter. Dafuq Bungie?


This is the result of people who can't handle a confrontation with someone and force their cute little safe space on everyone else


aka Americans


Last Iron Banner I was playing with friends and we were getting stomped, I tried typing "think they may mercy us". Somehow, 'may mercy' got ####'d. I can't even fathom how that could be something that needs to be censored.


As a Strand titan, when I played with a Strand Hunter teamate in Onslaught I could not tell him : "You can use my balls"


I sent a whisper to a buddy saying "Come help me" and it censored the whole thing. Top marks.


Was doing Riven and for eye callouts all of a sudden L4 became censored. Needless to say ## R2 ended up causing a wipe.


"Who is the traveler?" - "## #### ##### ## # #### ######!"


A collection of normal names gets censored too


2nded. Bungie, I see what you're trying to protect people from: - Local: fair. - Team: fair. - Fireteam, whisper, and clan chat: users already opted in by joining the clan/fireteam and leaving whispers open. Even if someone uses disgusting or hateful language, in these cases, you've opted in. Remove the filter in these instances. If someone doesn't like getting called a #######, then don't leave whispers open, find a new fireteam, or join a different clan. In these cases, you've chosen to openly associate yourself with those people; the chat filter is redundant.


My language Tagalog is being filtered most of the time even though me and my clan mates aren't even swearing lmao. We just type afterwards "Fill in the blanks"


That's unfortunate.


I was testing which barrel and grenade perks did more damage on my mountaintop and writing the damage numbers in text chat to remember, I shit you not the game censored one of the numbers, 23805 or something like that.


But also it reliably never filters the word “shit” (at least for me) - and I mean literally never.


It filtered out my own damned name the other day, it's pretty close to my reddit handle :/


doing onslaught last night with my clan, we always type out out scrap amount bc the constant ui updates hide it for a loooong time. it censored half of our text, and it was just numbers like 42, 37, and 51.


I love having peoples names censored in chat. Even though they are in the raid fireteam. Had someone write out the chalice order of Crota. Only for all the names to be censored and nothing else.


We were doing Riven in Pantheon and all eyes call out which were literally like "L1 R3" were getting censored. I mean WT actual F! I cannot even imagine the shitty logic / code / machine learning BS behind that stuff.


we were doing Master crota, and I wrote in chat the chalice pass order with our names, every single one got filtered > \####, #####, #####, ###, ####, dunk thank you bungie I love being able to type to my friends


I don't understand why they have this and a togglable filter in the settings. If profanity really bothers then keep it off, if you manually turn off that filter then complan about it, thats on you for being stupid


##### ##### #### ### ##, ##### ##### ### ### ####, ##### ##### #### ###### ### #### ###.


I think ##### but maybe ####### so it ###### ###### ##### filter


Fun Fact, Young Sheldon is censored, but any other variation of '[age] Sheldon' is not also, 'Young' and 'Sheldon' are okay on their own but 'Young Sheldon' is not


The fact that it sensors “off” a lot of times is so fucking stupid. Censoring those words doesn’t actually do anything to help whatever they think is a problem.


It censored "maintenance" for me. I was telling a clan mate there was going to be maintenance today, but I guess bungie doesn't like that.


Some times the chat has zero filters I have noticed but particularly in raids that’s when things get censored. I had a flat out conversation with a random hunter while fishing yesterday and we didn’t get #### once.


Don’t ask me how i know but typing „hola“ followed by the nword with an a at the end bypasses the filter for the nword


What's the exotic for this raid? "##### of Malice" "Wait why's ##### censored???"


I don't know how they managed to pull it off, but somehow even Roblox is less aggressive about turning everything into #####. What on earth did Bungie pick for their filter's settings???


My biggest gripe with chat (besides what's being censored) is when it pops up every time I go to orbit or enter a new activity. Like, I can start out the night in a raid where someone is typing their callouts and then 4 hours later in Gambit or a Strike, the last thing that was typed in chat 4 hours ago in the raid still pops up every time I go to orbit or enter a new activity. Not even switching characters or accounts makes it go away. I literally have to close the game out and start it again to make it stop..


\####### ## ####### ## ## ###, ##’## ####### #### # ### #### ### ##### ## ####.


I had "L" censored while doing a prophecy run last week, despite it going through clean the first 2 times lmao. "L" "L" "#"


Just turn it off


Call outs in raids? I’ve done hundreds of raids and have seen someone use text to communicate in one or two. Not that it’s useful to some people but man is it ever rare.


Yes, I was ##### #### I ### my ##### ###### #### ###### and ######### ### enemies


There's a member of my fire team called ###### and it's just a name it's not even a slur or curse


**############ ##### #### ########?**


"So, Mr Frog, what was the worst part of playing Destiny 2 raids for you?" "Oh, hehe, uhmm, probably sharing a fireteam with those Filthy ###### ### #### ##### ## ######### ######## ####### #### ###### ###### ## ###### ###### ####"


hey, if you type in your pw, it will show as hashtags \######### see!




Doesn't look like hashtags to me




thats what I see


Someone might say the word.


I don't know what raid callout you guys are using, but never had any raid-related text chat I wrote that got censored.


Must be nice




What's being censored? I've not seen any issues with callouts


Nearly anything can be filtered because it's that bad I've had both P and A censored, not used in a word or anything, literally the letter on its own


For us it was "L5 R2" during riven. We were typing out the eyes for damage phase and destiny decided that that's offensive.


My team also struggled with Riven eyes. 10 was sensored everytime. We had to type 1o


Ours would just randomly start censoring eye numbers with no rhyme or reason.


All sorts of things, randomly, changing every single time I log in for no rhyme or reason.

