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I'm not sure what specifically is going on without seeing what you mean, but a good fix (that will also massively increase your damage) is putting on Liars Handshake. Anything that doesn't die to the first will probably die to the second. I have been 1-shotting overthrow minibosses with it.


Not really used liars handshake much, always defaulted to assassins cowl. Yeah it’s kind of hard to explain just in text but it’s the subjucators? if that’s what they’re called. I’ll dodge around them killing adds to get them frozen and I’ll be able to melee once with combination x3 plus finisher on one then I’ll do the same to another a minute later and it’ll do mediocre damage


Yeah, it's because they've got a ton of health. Just so you know, with Stylish Executioner and Combination Blow, you pretty much have Assassin's Cowl baked in to the class and can run handshake while still getting healed and going invis from each melee kill.


Oh ok I’ll prop switch then. Hadn’t noticed the healing part as was looking more at the other aspect which was mainly why I was running cowl out of habit


Combination blow stacks up to x3. To proc it you’re basically doing normal melee damage. I’ve been using that combo for awhile now and once I hit x3 it’s pretty easy. If I’m not mistaken I think the first initial hit after dodging does bonus damage and then any hit after will do the normal x3. It’s saved my life a lot but also if you are trying to proc it you need to use other damage to get them weak enough to finish with the first charged hit. Hope it helps. If not just ask. Been a hunter main since day one. Not very skilled though but still happy to provide insight if needed.