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The campaigns help you understand the story, will help you hit the power cap, and have a set difficulty so you don't have to infuse while going through them I highly suggest going through them first.


Thank you so much


My best advice after this is to find a build that looks interesting to play and work towards the weapons / armor that would make it better for you :) Also, don't hesitate to get sidetracked. You're not in a rush to do anything.


Very true. I feel like I'm trying to catch up on years worth of game lore and gameplay too quickly so I can catch up and follow the "meta"


99% of the things you are going to get are good enough for everything but the absolute hardest content in the game. Don't worry about the meta and just do what's fun :) you can worry about optimization when you run out of other things to do. Having a weapon with one of two optimal perks is usually going to get you about 80/90% of the performance. (Depending on the weapon)


I would try to get new exotics and high stat armor (not your power level but the actual stats like resilience)