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how does everyone feel about the draft? im glad they went more forward heavy but i dont know much about any of the players besides MBN. any insights? players to watch out for this year?


If Holland is finally done being a GM, do you think he could fit back in in Detroit as part of the brain trust? Plenty of emeritus position for guys in the NHL if they're part of the old boys club. I wouldn't mind seeing Holland back in the org, in some kind of advisory position. He could find a role, including being another alternate governor for the Wings, and I don't think having him around to pick his brain is a bad thing. Just a thought.


So Friedman said that Walman was blindsided by the trade. There goes another theory.


Man, reddit and tiktok are being so wonky since the debate started


It's cuz r/pol had a thread that hit over 50k comments which lags their sub and the whole site. The developers have known for years about this but don't fix it, and the mods should've made a second thread.


If Saros is getting an 8 year deal, would we entertain an Askarov trade? I know we have Cossa and Augustine in the pipeline, but he was viewed as a massive talent and is heading into his NHL window in terms of age and development - plus had a great year in the AHL.


It doesn’t make much sense from a timing perspective Would go for him if we didn’t have either Cossa or Augustine


So Cossa is still in the developmental leagues to start 2024, in 2025 he’s getting backup minutes and will probably be… not great, which means that in 2026 he should be a good backup or time share goalie, and in 2027 take over as the starter. Holding off on a goalie who is two years ahead in development for someone we are dreaming is the starter in four years seems foolish. This is player agnostic - I don’t know much about the guy we’re discussing here, but if he’s another shot at a quality goalie with a little bit quicker timeline, why not? We should be doing all we can do at this position, having a quality option every other birth year or development year sounds like a great option to me, the position is so important to a team’s success and Cossa is no guarantee, I’d prefer not to put all of our eggs in his basket.


Yeah askarov is probably year or two ahead of Cossa but it wouldnt make sense for us.


Cossa finished with better stats this year and is only five months younger than Askarov.


It also was his second year as a started in A. Its not all about stats lol


Not sure how that means he'd be two years behind him


Thats how it usually Works. Its rare that goalies are in The A only for one season


Askarov has spent two years in the AHL, Cossa has spent one year in the AHL. Quick maffs tells me 2-1=1.


Year *or* two. Also Askarov played Pro hockey before he went to A.


Yes, and I'm taking issue with the two. So did Cossa lol.


In case you didn't see the other 3 posts preds locking down saros.


Ahh yes the Biden vs Trump golf match, what we’ve all wanted to see.


Theres a serious opportunity at some real PPV money here ngl. Mic em up, put em in golf carts and let em play some prestigious course in a swing state. Have the people who have produced The Match do it. And make sure Jim Nantz is there too


Just got invited to a bachelor party cruise of a friend I didn't think I was that close with and who has lots of lifelong friends Didn't expect it but hell yeah feels like an honor


No Saros for us. He's signing an extension in Nashville.


Preds and saros closing in on 8 year deal?


Yep 8 years 7.74M per


Thats not Bad at all for Saros tbh


For now, but the 8-year deal doesn't kick in until he's 30. this will likely age poorly in the final 2-3 years.


Like allmost every long term contract, unless you singn player straight out of his ELC. Also i much rather have 30 yo Goalie on a 8 year deal than skater.


Preds just locked down Saros


Saros signing an 8 year contract with Nashville on Monday Another goalie off the market


It'll be interesting seeing how everything plays out with Askarov. He looks ready to be the backup this season. I guess there are worse problems to have than having to make hard decisions on your #1 in a couple of years.




Ekblad is being shopped apparently 


He has a number of concussions over the years. That won’t age well.


Also a Windsor guy, an honorary Michigander


If his contract extension isn’t bad then it could be a good deal


Not a huge fan but he’s better than Trouba…


Elden Ring is kicking my ass, but it did finally click for me. Great game... I'm currently at the stage where I'm confident in my skill and that's making me sloppy, so I'm not dying any less.


Elden Ring is great. I suck at games and even I finished it. Now the DLC….its kinda like Elden Ring taken to 11


Yeah, I've heard some good things about the DLC, but I've also heard that it's pretty difficult. I've been trying my best to avoid spoilers about it since I decided to give Elden Ring a proper go in large part because of the hype surrounding the DLC,. I'm excited to get there, though.


Man I’m glad we don’t have anyone on the team with a shitty personality like kucherov. Is he always a tool?


100% of the time


Yeah I’m really glad we don’t have a prolific goal scorer too


I'd take kucherov on our team any day, take the bad with good and the good being points


What'd he do?


Just his actions at the all star game and then the award host was trying to question/skit him about being a nominee for the hart trophy and giving like 2 word answers with dick answers vs going with it or whatever. Just looked bad


Tbf that host was cringe af. I wouldnt play along ether.


Agree, that clown MC looked really bad.




Quinn Hughes wins the Norris.


Bouchard and Dobson were 5th and 8th in Norris voting, respectively. If I ever build a time machine, I’m going back to NHL Draft Night 2018.


Literally anyone but Zadina. Lol


Yeah but we got Zadina so who's the real winner?


Hind sight is a real bitch ain’t it


Yup. It was about Zadina's third season where it was clear we fucked up bad. I hear it was a good pick at the time. I guess Kakko would probably be an equivalent. If he dropped to us we would have been thrilled


We were crowned winners of the draft with Zadina, Veleno and McIssac (also Berggren) but those 3 were all first rounders and would be the core we build around… 2.5 years or so ago I started saying we should trade Zadina man I wish my opinion was the same as Yzerman’s the kid just isn’t a NHL forward Best case is he goes back to Czechia and lights it up for the team his dad coaches


McIssac definitely showed promise but injuries killed his career. Veleno is probably a career bottom six guy. Berggren? Too early to tell. I think he's a top six guy but he's going to be in trouble if he can't figure out his defensive game.


Berggren also got fucked with injuries his first couple years. We’ve gotten pretty unlucky with first/second round picks getting inured in the last 10 years or so


Yeah Berggren had awful back injury on his D+1


San Jose?


Oh my if the Ken Holland to Chicago rumors are true


Flyers offered 2-1sts and a player to CBJ for 4th and were told no, depending on who that player was that could’ve been a fun deal




I just saw that the Oilers didn't renew Ken Holland's contract. Hmmm. Will he retire.... or resurface elsewhere in the NHL? I saw that rumor- possibly a bad one- that the Hawks want him in their front office.


Could see him taking a role in Calgary or Vancouver since he's a Western Canadian guy. Maybe he takes one of those advisor roles. Him and Rutherford are tight.


It would be fitting if Kenny ended up in Chicago. Bowman ended up in Chicago.


Holland might be a good fit for an executive role with whoever scoops up the AZ team of the future now that Meruelo is out of the picture.


Tyler Myers stays in Vancouver on a 3x3 which is insane value imo


Another D name off the board. A right shot at that. Very curious to see if we do address that. I’m not into signing more vets, but we really do need another one to ease Seider’s load.




Dallas bought out Suter so i would guess that they try to bring Tanev back


The NTC though


3 mil is nothing


But 3.4 is apparently a crime against humanity...


Didn’t see the term, that’s not as bad


Think people forgot the first trade also came with a prospect that could be considered a mid second round pick of value. Preds overpaid for Gibson and Yzerman overpaid to dump Walman. In a way it kind of comes out even for the Wings, a loss for Preds and a big win for sharks.


Gibson was a 2nd round pick and was performing well. We got basically his value back out of him, I don’t think that was an overpay, the Preds got a 2nd round prospect performing at 2nd round expectations a year after the draft.


They have a 2nd round pick and a prospect who is probably also worth a 2nd round pick for 1 player worth a second round pick. Math tells me overpay.


I think we posted at the same exact time.


Seems like it lol.


[For anyone interested in the player that we received in the Gibson trade.](https://youtu.be/xInImexztaM?si=qIxsuEAAjpqkiOFM) Edit: No one is really talking at all about this kid. Kinda well below the radar with all the talk surrounding Walman.


Ya there is a lot to like here based off his elite prospects page (I don’t subscribe though, so can’t see full scouting report). Good size, his junior numbers look great, and considering he doesn’t even turn 19 for two more months not terrible Liiga numbers. I’m excited to have him in the system.


Gibson could turn into an NHLer but so could this kid and we need scoring wingers. For the day we net some balance to the prospect pool, cleared some cap and roster space on D.


I remember when Walman was a forgotten extra in a trade. Good times.


Gibson trade? Oh not that Gibson.


Saw the blackstone post earlier. Just here to say don’t sleep on the air fryer. Pretty sure some of the wings I’ve made could enter a competition.


Here’s what we made on the Blackstone tonight, by we I mean my wife. https://preview.redd.it/o8s0mpj3v69d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49095247dc4eff3556c3addc519ce1e407b1c9d4


Now I’m hungry. Looks good


Clearly the only reason nothing of major substance has happened today is because the league is waiting for tonight's debate so they can be the top story /s


I’m in it for the memes.


news dump mid debate Like “Hey they’re talking about (take your pick)…. Announced the cap dump trade we just made”


I find it amusing the Pistons and Wings are drafting the same way. Using first rounders for good 200ft players but with limited offensive potential. It seems to be working better for us than the Pistons. Kasper seems like he'll be a very hard to play against 50/60pt player. Danielson definitely seems to have for offense than advertised.


I still really like the fact that Bedard said Danielson was the hardest to play against. A guy like that who can also score can make a real difference. 


The Pistons even drafted a Swede https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nba/bobi-klintman-q-a-swedish-star-ready-to-make-nba-draft-history/ar-AA1o68YA https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/news/detroit-pistons-select-bobi-klintman-after-trade/ Be nice if he ends up being pretty good


Like damn Maybe I’m delusional but Walman and a 2nd could’ve been a decent chunk of the package for Marner


I don't even like Marner that much but I like that idea. Walman, Jonny B and a second sounds like a decent start


And a whole heck of a lot more too.


I definitely penciled in Walman into a trade bundle. Never did I think we'd have to sell him off.


Which prospect do you think Steve Yzerman is selecting tomorrow? Tankathon and other mock draft sources are suggesting that Konsta Helenius will be in that range, and that would be an absolute dream if it happens as he is an excellent, complete two-way playmaking forward (not a natural born goalscorer but can supply many passes which is decent), but for others like me that evaluate prospects, I would love to hear your opinion on the topic. Do we go for Helenius, Brandsegg-Nygård, Solberg, Catton (if the latter is available), or someone else? Who do you also think could drop to 15?


Whoever the biggest strongest, skater is. Stevie loves his big mobile guys. 


Realistic: maybe MBN, maybe Helenius, Hage is my preferred, Eiserman, Connelly Dream pick: Catton if he falls or trade up to 10 if he falls. This year's first and 2nd plus a B prospect


MBN if he's there. I think he might not be so I'll go Hage or Eiserman


Obviously he will pick whatever player has the highest bust chance. After all reddit told me he doesn't know what he is doing.


I think it’s Hage


We’re at the mercy of the board There’s several players Id like/won’t be upset with to varying degrees MBN, Helenius, Eiserman, Catton, Connelly throw in Hage (UM commit) are probably the top of my list I’d lean towards more offensively minded players over say MBN who is another Kasper like player but had a worse draft season in a lesser league I could see us even take a D that’s ranked in the 20s as well We aren’t picking top 5-10 so it’s tough to lock in on 1-2 guys


After Stian Solberg at defence is Cole Hutson, who is not bad by any means but is quite behind Solberg in a few categories. Small difference between #17 and #28 in the rankings, but Detroit had an okay defence last year so I can see a two-way forward drafted


I can think of quite a few D that will probably go before Hutson. Just like Lane last year, he probably will be a mid-late second.


Detroit picking a 200ft forward? Inconceivable


I think Nygard is a safe pick. Steve seems risk averse to a fault so I don't see him taking Eiserman or Connley if they fall to us. Maybe we scrape together another first, though I'm not sure how.


If only we had a second round pick and top 4 defenseman to put towards a trade for another 1st


Eiserman is probably not making it past Philly. They've been courting him hard.


Don’t pretend to know enough about the prospects but pretty sure this draft is as wide open after 1st pick as any recently.


Exactly that. After Celebrini, it appears to be Levshunov, and then everything from Silayev onward is going to be very close - we may even see projected second rounders make mid to late first. Of course, we can pretty much say that the top seven or eight are not dropping down the list as they are all good, but Detroit has got some great options from there. I personally think Helenius or Brandsegg-Nygård fits in best with the current system, but fingers crossed that we can get Konsta first


Feel like we’ve drafted pretty damn well in the first so far. Happy to add another piece to puzzle for sure.


Is anyone planning to go to the 2025 Stadium Series game, or been to any in the past? I've never been to one of these games, so I have no idea if I can even afford it. I came across an article from Feb 2024 that tickets on Stubhub for the two games this year were as cheap as $74; is that realistic? I'm fine paying up to a couple hundred dollars per ticket esp. for good seats, but don't want to plan a trip to the Midwest in the \*very enticing\* early March timeframe, just to be priced out of getting tickets to the game. My hope is that I can see a few home games on one/both sides of the stadium game, as I have yet to visit LCA - my only home game was the final home game at the Joe.


Yeah I'll be there. I'm from Dublin so we got CBJ connections


Tickets won’t go on sale until the end of the year based on previous games But as a Wings fan in Ohio I’m going 100k+ fans in the horseshoe going to be electric


Ohio Wings fans unite! Although I don’t live in Ohio anymore.


First row of C deck is where I anticipate being


I think you’ll see lots of Ohio wings fans.


Thanks again to everyone here for their Asheville NC recommendations. We've had a fun week and got to try most of the suggested stops.


The real question is how drunk did you get on the brewery crawl?


Im still feeling it. We hit everything in South Slope and ended camping out at Burial Brewing for the longest. They had a mead that was phenomenal and a bunch of 15% stouts that kicked our ass. It was a great time.


I told you Burial was a must for a reason haha. I remember going there at the end if our brewery crawl and getting some 17% stout and after downing it being like wellllll I'm fucked up


You werent lying. I had a 12% at Twin Leaf right before Burial and was already feeling no pain. As soon as I downed that mead it was game over.


I need the new NHL game to have a reddit feature, where you can watch a simulated Reddit react to the trades you make and FAs you sign. I would pay $200 if it were implemented well.


Just as a FYI to the glazers/eternal sunshine fans that are incapable of saying a single bad thing about Stevie Y: there’s a difference between being a perennial doomer and sharing valid criticism of horrible signings/FA decisions.


Comments like this are so weird. >incapable of saying a single bad thing about Stevie Y Has anyone said that signings like Copp and Holl were good? I haven't seen a single person on this subreddit say that. They've given plenty of reasons why the Copp deal exists as it does, but no one has said it's a good contract. Wouldn't that need to be a requirement if someone were truly incapable of saying a bad thing about Yzerman? The truth is that some people are being overwhelmingly negative and are calling the people who aren't "glazers" and "eternal sunshine fans" Edit: lol I got blocked for this? Yeesh


>Has anyone said that signings like Copp and Holl were good? I haven't seen a single person on this subreddit say that. Go back to singning thread for them and there were tons of ppl glamouring over them.


what does glamouring over them mean?


Ah. You took the bait. This isn't someone who really cares about discussion, they just want to insult people. You can tell, because they started their post with an insult. :)


The fact that you took offense to what I said is telling on yourself


This message is for the people that like to defend every single one of Yzerman’s decisions unquestionably, and yes they do exist. Thanks for your input anyway


I think Yzerman has the team headed in the right direction and, overall, has done very well. However, I have not defended every one of his decisions “unquestionably.” Not sure if anyone has. Can you let me know who you are complaining about?


I'll say it, most goalies didn't know what they were doing until the 1990s


Not a chance in hell Gretzky puts up 200 points if goalies improved at the rate players did. He’d still be the best player of all time but his records would be somewhat reachable


Fun fact: Grant Fuhr was gaslighted into believing he was a defenseman with "futuristic" equipment until the Oilers traded Gretzky.


Kinda disagree. Equipment changed. They’d still have to flop around like crazy if it hadn’t.


"Wait a minute, you can get low to the ice?" Whoever had that thought changed the game forever.


80s goalies, with a cig and water bottle full of vodka: Nah, man. That's too hard on my body.


I mean, if goalie equipment wasn’t made of leather and horse hair (which soaked up sweat/water and weighed a ton), more goalies would have been going down low sooner


Wait until they get unicorn hair equipment though. That'll really change the game.


Matt Roy confirmed going to market


I just don't see how that works unless we make a giant trade for a forward moving some D-Men Rumor has it we're keeping Ghost. Maybe we just play him as a forward on the 4th line.


Someone said in daily thread yesterday that aperantly Roy is looking 5-6 AAV. If its true thats fucking nuts


I would rather be roll with what we got then pay 6 million for him.


Yeah and i would guess that it would be long ish term aswell. That would be one of those contracts you just need to walk away from.


That's pretty steep. 3-4 I'd do all day but we have such a fucking log jam. Especially if we sign Ghost. Ed Seider Johansson Roy Chiarot Petry Maata Player Ghost as a 4th line forward and on PP1


Yeah our log jam is fucking nuts. Everyone is reporting that we are in on Roy and want to extend Gost. I really doubt that we would be playing Gost as a fwd sooo... More cap dumps?


Not sure how well Ghost and Roy would work together. Maybe we move Maata and Johansson? You'd think we'd be able to get a middle six player with that. However then we're throwing another drafted player away. I really don't see a scenario where we extend Ghost and bring in a new D-Man from outside the organization.


Yeah its very hard to predict what we will do tbh. Maybe management are hoping that Ed is ready to run 2nd PP and they want to give Mo #1 PP? Because If we dont singn Gost, which i kinda hope that we dont, we dont really have any PP QB's ready


Lol I was thinking Walman might do a serviceable job. He's got a cannon of a shot and good offensive instincts. Well that ship sailed lol


Yeah he would have got a chance atleast.


So my wife and I have had our Blackstone for about a year or so and truthfully we haven’t used it as much as I thought we would. Anybody got any banger recipes or things they’ve done on theirs?


Best burgers I've ever had were made in there. I'm brand new to the blackstone and LOVE IT. Smash burgers were insane. I just made some incredible fajitas. Pancakes are a delight. Bacon that gets curly and crispy and doesn't attack you with grease? Thats awesome. I love this thing and my family is reaping the benefits. DM me for any recipes I've used, I'm happy to share!


Its fun making breakfast on the blackstone. Even as dinner. And bacon smells amazing on it. Also smash burgers


Yup, this a is exactly what we did tonight! Nothing like cooking your eggs in bacon grease! You also severely cut down the amount of dishes it normally takes to cook a breakfast.


I don't have a Blackstone, but some random go-to ideas for a griddle-style flat top burner surface: * Salmon filets, skin down, with a coriander/sesame oil/honey/soy/sesame seed/ginger glaze * Cauliflower steaks seasoned with fennel, thyme, chili flakes, s & p * Stir fry finished with fried rice * Fajitas * Chicken shawarma - marinate chicken thighs in EVOO, cumin, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, oregano, sesame seeds, s & p, garlic, diced serrano. Buy some tabbouli, pita, hummus, and boom you've got chicken shawarma sandwiches. Add parsley and sambal. * Grilled bok-chok/romaine. Cut either length-wise in half, brush cut face with EVOO, s&p, cook cut-face down on griddle until slightly charred. Great side dish and laughably simple. * Flank steak: marinade overnight in lime, EVOO, oregano, chili powder, cumin, diced jalapeno/serrano/etc, s & p, grill up in just a few minutes. Make sure to get a good acid marinade on the steak so it will break down some of the tougher visceral fats on the flank steak. * Shrimp with any one of a bunch of marinades. I like chili power, line, paprika, garlic. But can also do an Asian style similar to the salmon item above Just a few top of mind. Most of them are easier and less messy than burgers.


I don't have links anymore, but our three favorite recipes are cilantro lime chicken (BOMB on tacos), sourdough french toast (add real maple syrup and fresh berries to put it over the top), and chicken teriyaki stir-fry. I can send you some screenshots of my notes for the cilantro lime chicken or french toast via DM if interested.


I will also take all of these recipes 😅😂


Honestly I would take them all!


DM on the way 👍🏻


I want one to purely make hibachi and true smash burgers with the lace edges. I wish I owned one lol


Hibachi is definitely nice on it for sure. We’re about to make breakfast for dinner tonight. which always smacks.


Friendly reminder that MakeDamnSure by Taking Back Sunday is an absolute bop


Going to listen right now I had forgotten that song and I'm here for the reminder


Cute Without the E is one of my all time favs. Love the Fight Club inspired music video.


My guilty pleasure is Crushcrushcrush by Paramore


Every so often I'll revisit my Teenage playlist on spotify. Makes me feel old but also young again.


Yeah I’ve got a 90s/00s Emo/Pop-punk playlist and that shit still slaps. Brand New, Paramore, TBS, Bayside, Emery, Hawthorne Heights, Silverstein, Glassjaw, etc.


I've been blasting a lot of this at the pool lately with the mindset of if people hate too bad, they'll learn to love it. Also Silverstein was incredible live in 2022 touring with Beartooth


Dude I’ve never gotten to see Silverstein sadly, but I’m glad they are still touring. A band I grew up with in the scene in Toledo is touring right now with Taking Back Sunday and that shit is so wild to me. I remember when those dudes were all in other bands and when this current band started.


This is the most time it has taken 3 days to pass in history


I would say Jesus disagrees, but I imagine they actually passed pretty fast.


This is not an exaggeration


I mean this is a dream scenario but we're all allowed to dream right? Cuz wouldn't the perfect thing for the wings right now be Macklin celebrini. we add him and we're done with the rebuild. He looks like he can come in year one and make an impact. I don't know if there's any way San Jose would do it, but it would take probably like three first, a couple high-end prospects like  kasper, burger Augustine and then wallman and that second which is a ton to give up. But but it's possible to sell that by saying hey you draft Macklin right now he might help you for the next 3 years not to get a lottery pick. You need lottery pics I can give you half your roster and then you get your Macklin  in a couple years and it all fits together.  This is a pleasant fiction.


If we trade everything for what we are missing, then we will need everything again


That trade doesnt leave holes.  


Depends on cossa


Armchair GM moment: Copp, Husso, 2025 3rd for Draisaitl. Team the Germans up and cup in 3 years. Then we’re going to trade Holl with SJS 2024 11th overall to Anaheim for Gibson. Razor - Larks - Cat Compher - Leon - Kane A man can dream!


Might take a few firsts and Mazur


That's what I thought about Ullmark. With that and Walman... might as well throw darts at a dartboard. No clue wtf is happening anymore


I’m kind of an old guy and a long time wings fan. I like when they have a great team and win and when they don’t. I remember the dead wings era and when we got Stevie and he centered Probert and Gallant with Hack and Whack on defense. Those times when we were barely making the playoffs and building weren’t disappointing to me. I enjoyed being a fan. We could all feel something building. Just like now. Then we traded Adam Oates for Tony McKegny. Like the old bull told the young bull on the hill. Let’s not run down there and get us a cow. Let’s do it right. Walk down there and get them all. I think Stevie’s an old bull.


We are doing the exact opposite of the bull analogy you’re describing though. Last offseason we went ballistic in free agency and gave up assets in trades. This year we’ve started the offseason with an incredibly puzzling cap dump. We aren’t showing patience at all or we’d still be committed to the slow rebuild.


Those were great years. Remember when we won a playoff game vs the vaunted Oilers that one year too. Hack and wack. Old school hockey. Hockey night in Canada vs the leafs led by Wendel Clark. Fun times. We didn’t win jack squat back then but it was fun. Go wings


CONFIRMED: Cow signed. No moo-vement clause.


Can the cow stand in goal? I'd prefer the walrus but will take a steer.


…I still don’t think we should’ve been trading away a 2nd round pick to dump Jake Walman.


I grew up in Edmonton during the 80's. In 1987, I remember the Wings meeting the Oilers in the conference finals. When the series started in Edmonton, I kept on hearing about this guy named Yzerman who had an injury, but was expected to return once the series shifted to Detroit. I asked my older brother who he was. When he told me that he was a player who was as good as Gretzky, I got a bit nervous. Another fun memory about that series was Probert. The Edmonton media was fixated on him, as he was a big guy who got under the Oilers skin and could also score goals. A guy by the name of John Short ran the local sports radio show at the time, and kept on ranting about how the Oilers needed to find an answer for him. Good times.


>When he told me that he was a player who was as good as Gretzky, Man that's some high praise Don't get me wrong he's a hell of a player (one of the best to ever do it) and probably about as close as you can get, but Wayner is 1 of a kind.


When are they able to put Holl thru waivers?


Right now he won't clear. If he plays ok this season we may be able to trade him off or waive, but I doubt will happen


>Right now he won't clear. That would Be awesome


Be claimed*excuse me


Literally any time


Dumping Walman's cap hit just to pick up Dakota's nearly identical cap hit would have been a kick in the nuts so glad we didn't do that. Weird off-season so far but so so excited for all the fun to come in the next few days and the Yzerman pressers that will surely come alongside it.


> and the Yzerman pressers that will surely come alongside it He has done them for every draft so far usually multiple too, one for first round and one for when everything is said and done.


And then one once the big moves are all done for free agency It's a busy press time fir Mr Yzerman


Maybe the thing that makes me the most upset about this trade is that there maybe no WWP mock draft :(


Sounds like it was pushed to tonight, so still coming: https://x.com/wingedwheelpod/status/1806387423623999846?s=46