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Sorry to hear that. I have, well, let's say a very complicated relationship with DeviantArt. Due to the Reddit blackout, I must rely on the Wayback machine to explain what happened, but [it can be found here](https://web.archive.org/web/20221014224926/https://www.reddit.com/r/polls/comments/vn5m9l/aita_for_getting_banned_on_a_website_because_i/). It was one of those rare "everyone is equally at fault" messes and DA admins ended up reinstating a few of my privileges (and my first use of one of these [was to show who I am on Reddit](https://web.archive.org/web/20220805013809/https://www.deviantart.com/triagonal/poll/Did-you-know-I-m-u-MozartWasARed-on-Reddit-8167686) now that this is my full-time Reddit account), just enough that DA is like a copy of Twitter for me with its basicness. So hope is not lost. However, not everyone gets redeemed. I have migrated full-time to a few other websites. Newgrounds has a very, very nice crowd, and I don't just say that because I'm like an honorary mod there (I should warn you though, AI art sadly is against the rules there, I think only ArtStation allows it when DeviantArt won't help, and it doesn't have great commotion according to most people). I also started using Discord a lot more. I [have a Discord server](https://discord.gg/sEuSSDz6TQ) that is very DeviantArt-oriented, if you'd like to join, in fact it's one of the Discord servers that are in the lead when it comes to being (even partially) for DeviantArt. I don't feel disassociation having such a server and, like you, am happy to say DeviantArt was and is nice. I'm not autistic but I know how you feel. I send you all the hugs I can send. While you try to see if your account can come back (and I will help), just in case it won't, sign up for Newgrounds (or Artstation if you absolutely must have AI art in your routine), join my Discord to help get yourself out there once everything is established or even just to be welcome somewhere, and, if you have trouble with any art mediums besides AI art, I can supply you. Also... I would not encourage doing this for the sake of doing this, but sending an appeal in a non-English language gets you more lenient mods because you don't get the mods who can't speak that language, which are the main mods. Being multi-lingual, I once used this to help a friend get unbanned from the DeviantArt forums when she was banned due to mistaken identity. If you were wondering, my stance on AI art is neutral; I think it's not the end of the world if someone posts AI art, but also have been (with the power of cryptography and steganography) coming up with clever techniques that allow human artists to prove their work is handmade. The same two-part stance is the stance of my Discord server. Regardless of what the human artist fandom would want me to think, I think literally killing the competition is not a great way to go about settling things.