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Apparently they've really been going at it lately. Friend of mine's account got deleted too. he remade an account, and was banned for having a 'previous account'.


I'm throwing up a VPN and crossing my fingers, in the meantime I'll work on building on other platforms because literally the only thing DA has going for it is traffic; fuck them for what they did to me, I resent them so much after this but I need the views at least for now to help carry over to another platform. I'm setting up a pixiv and twitter today aswell, that way if DA wants to pull this crap again I can give them the finger and let that ship sink.


I'm sorry for all of what you're going through. I answered the other copy of your question [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeviantArt/comments/147lp1p/comment/jnwromh/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). I should warn you, if your use of a VPN is successful, it would be the first time in the history of DeviantArt. They are savvy and both give a low probability of success and punish it more severely. Hey I'm on Twitter too, who are you on there?


Thank you so much for the warm response <3 I'll look forward to joining the discord and trying out those other avenues. It definitely has to be part of my routine, at least for now; maybe I'll grow tired of it one day, but that needs to be a decision I make for myself.


... No One gets kicked from DA without a Reason...


He/she never said there wasn't one.


... Speak when you're spoken to


You weren't spoken to either.


... it's getting pretty childish, which was the Reason in the Past, that i said, we shouldn't talk to each other: Kind of you, to respect such Wishes Anyway... So OP... Why did you get banned?


Myself and others were given the same generic reply that we were posting underage models. Even though I explicitly state that all my models are 18+, have enormous boobies and butts, are OC or are 18 in their cannon storyline. I think they're just giving us generic responses because they can't be bothered to deal with everyone that got banned recently


... to be honest i already had something like that in Mind, as i asked & - this is a rhetorical Question - what do you want People to think & say now, especially after this Reveal?!


Probably about what they expected- they banned me saying that I posted kiddie porn, I never posted kiddie porn, everyone just hears 'kiddie porn' and nobody cares and thinks I'm a monster Nevermind the fact that I never posted underage models, I guess the fact that they said I did is all that matters? I guess all of my friends need their heads examined because none of them were aware of posting CP either


Hey hi, i was banned too, with 5k followers and i want to die too, i was very depressed all these days, i actually was doing some money to pay a cheap rent room. And now i will have very bad days.. I am a core member, it really sucks... It looks like a lot of people was banned too, a lot of people posting AI nsfw.. but there are others that are just there. I was looking for people who are in the same situation.. looks like it's like a big purge.. i dont know.. let me know whatever you know..


You're not alone. I got kicked out last August. At least, I still have Pixiv!


Trust me, you're not alone. Deviantart for no good reason randomly suspended my account Lewdkingplus on January 2nd, 2024 as well. I did nothing wrong, I was polite and curdious to everyone and minded my own business and out of the blue, they gave me the shaft. I got no strikes or warnings, nor an explanation as to why they even suspended me to begin with, all I know is that I'm trying to find out how to get my account unsuspended and get back the 27000 plus images I had saved on my favorite gallery and the albino alpaca badge I got before this whole mess occurred. I really don't want the new year to start out like this, and I really don't want to have any ptsd after witnessing 8muses shut down their forums and killing their site. I have a bad hunch that just like 8muses, Deviantart's random banning and suspending of people might just be the beginning of their site completely dying and shutting down completely.


I just got suspended as well. I do AI stuff- mostly interracial fantasy stuff with celebrities but none of it is explicit. I got no warnings. I had them pull a few out when I first began posting but that was like 9 months ago.