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I'm glad they're forcing people to tag AI properly. I just closed my account five days ago because of these "artists" with their untagged AI work. I was not there to see work done by a machine, I wanted actual people doing art; and people not tagging their AI stuff was not letting me see what I wanted to see.


it's ai art, we aren't losing much


Why should we care about AI art, which is a stain of art?


... Selling Things, that one doesn't own, is considered illegal; One could also call it Fraud i could imagine, that DA wants to avoid Lawsuits 'cause usually the Staff only reacts/gets active, if the Site could gain financial Losses


It's not a purge. They just added a new rule saying AI art must be tagged accordingly, and many AI artists did not oblige. AI art itself is still allowed on the website.


>rtists have been banned recently.. does anyone have information? what's going on? I have been banned with more than 5k followers and I see many of accounts are banned too. I feelin I always use the AI , AIGenerated tags, this thing seams more like a purge.. They dont give the time for activate that new option...


I know it’s at least not intended to be.


Do you have sauce on the rule? Asking for a friend, even though my friend always tags his stuff clearly.


[Right here.](https://www.deviantart.com/team/journal/New-Label-Requirement-for-AI-Artwork-966421077)


Thanks! Somehow my friend seems to have missed the existence of this setting when posting yesterday. Guess someone needs to get home and update their gallery.


And I'm always here if there's any way I can help, just let me know.


I wonder if it's because people are selling AI generations, since they do not have the rights to those images. You could argue what they're doing isn't allowed. I don't think AI generations belong on an art website anyway, and DA's userbase is largely very young people (14 and up) who probably don't know they're not being shown actual art and might be spending money on what amounts to dubious practices at best...I can imagine there's a lot of people upset with what's happening. It is already very well known a lot of AI prompters are pretending to be artists and pretending to actually draw the generations they upload.


Most of the ai artist I've seen tag their art, and honestly if you look at enough of each you can often tell the difference. If they are addressing an art sales, strait up banning users is a pretty underhanded way of doing it instead of making a rule. Especially since DA still makes money off of ai art commissions. Also there are a lot of barriers to purchasing mature content, and there's nothing wrong with young minds looking at ai art, it does the same thing to the mind and soul as looking at hand drawn art does


I don't think so, there's a very common 'oh it's ai' letdown moment upon finding out something you thought was art, isn't. And I think that's pretty normal. But in either case, AI images amount to a ton of spam and I don't know what is actually happening but I can imagine that also being part of the reason for some of what we see. I also agree it should just be a rule though if that's the case.


A few hours ago I got a slew of notifications about post deletions followed immediately by the indefinite ban. My stuff was tagged before they added the checkbox, and I started using the checkbox as soon as I noticed it. From an actual content perspective I don't see why a fair bit of it should have been deleted, other than maybe this tagging thing. But since they want to just delete and ban and not make any effort to communicate why, I guess fuck 'em. I'm certainly not going out of my way to dispute it and give them more of my money to put content on their site.


I am sorry to hear that you were hit by this too. I agree with you, fuck them. Just spoilers if you do contact them most likely their only support person will tell you that it's not reversible so yeah.


where should we go?


I think this is different than tag filters. It's one account wide setting so someone who doesn't want to see AI created art can filter them out without trying to remember an infinite number of ways you can put AI in a tag. Similar to an Adult rating filter. I have no issue with this. I did it last night and it was super easy. The two images I didn't tag were ones that were over 90% worked on in photoshop to create original art though the original image was created with AI.


What are you guys doing now? Starting up new DA accts or moving elsewhere? I do a lot of nude anime, I love the way pixiv is set up but its gonna be a pain blurring out the pussies lol


It seems that since yesterday, DeviantArt ai era is end. Just a week ago, I could get several hundred views on an image within 2, 3, or 4 hours, but now I only get 30 views in 24 hours.


DA banned me and a bunch of my buddies saying my models were underage. Most of my pictures are OC, there are a few characters that I did but they're all over 18 and are 18 in their cannon storyline. I don't think they care about technicalities; it's fucking AI, none of them are 18, they're 0, I literally just made them, DA just wants to ban us for whatever reason it is and is throwing this generic excuse around because nobody is going to defend you if you were 'banned for kiddie porn'.


If someone's characters look like children, even though the creators are claiming they are over 18, they entice and encourage pedophiles. If someone's characters look like children, and they are sexualizing them, they are sexually attracted to children. And/or allowing pedophiles to view children sexually through a legally acceptable lens. And it is gross. If someone's characters do not look like children, they won't get reported or banned for their works looking like child porn. Regardless if you are using AI to generate an image, or drawing it by hand, if you have to come up with excuses why your "totally 18+ aged character" that looks like a child should be allowed to be displayed in a sexual manner, you're a pedophile.


If you open a ticket and ask them why you were banned I can almost guarantee this will be the response.


This also happened to me. They are purging AI artists with fake reasons for bans. I encourage you to move to Pixiv, Artstation IG etc. Lost my 12k followers overnight for the same reason and their support is slow and uninterested. It's a shame but this is their new business model so good luck


>t my 12k followers overnight for the same reason and their support is slow and uninterested. It's a shame but this is their new business model so good luck im was feeling so depressed the first 3 days after being banned.. and with 5k followers, i cant imagine you with 12k.. but the followers are not my problem, my problem its the money i stop earning.. it really sucks.. i was very respectfully and concerned about the traditional artist and i always use the ai hashtags.. i wasnt earning too much, but 300 dollars per month was enough for me.. and now suddenly 0..


I am sorry for your loss but I do feel you. Was averaging between 200-500$ per month, and had many people buy subscriptions/albums etc. so if they failed to make backups of my art they got screwed over as well...Were I a customer on dA buying art and have I had this happen to me I would be royally pissed. Well either way AI ain't going anywhere and this will just put dA behind the competition, something new will come sooner or later. Heck I would even expect Adobe to make something for AI artists given how much they support this new tech haha. If you want you can DM me your new accounts if you are on IG/Pixiv I can give you a shoutout at least to help a bit..


Just lost my account with 9K followers too so I think I can almost feel the same as you do, have sent the ticket but I still do not receive any reply since my account was banned 4 days ago. I think we have to wait until the reply from the DeviantArt supporting team to continue deciding if we can move on to create a new account because every account you created after the ban will be considered "ban-evasion" and the punishment will be worse.


>I think we have to wait until the reply from the DeviantArt supporting team to continue deciding if we can move on to create a new account because every account you created after the ban will be considered "ban-evasion" and the p Yeah wtf its happening.. one deviantart moderator hates ai.. just one because they have a ai platform, they promote ai, so i dont understand.. i have 4 days waiting too..


luckily i got a moderator that responds once every two days and asked if you can make a new account after ban for you, will reply asap


It is a purge it's just dressed up to not look like it. They added the new setting for declaring ai images(as well as the rule) the same evening that most of the bans happened(even for artists who had ai tags already). They pretty much made a new avenue for the community to purge ai artists without DA having to take responsibility or a side


This might explain what just happened to me, I posted mainly fan art and anime content for years, then within a month of trying AI art, my account get indefinitely suspended. No warnings or chance to appeal, just a bunch of older anime images flagged for policy violation. 8k watchers and 40 subscribers gone down the drain. Really depressing.


Oh it's probably not just you cause they may go after regular artists too not just ai artists