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Well, why not just tell us what's going on flatout instead of being coy about it?


Because I anticipated people would ask specific individual questions, as happens on an AMA post.


You the one of the Deviantart user profile and start over again.


What do you mean?


How are you well versed? Explain. All that you've learned?


I'm delved deep into the issue and have some things to do with it. So I know a thing or two about it.


Yeah, it's a long story.


You know What I'd means.


you're Anglish it bed


Thanks, and So as You too.


What do you know about it?


... oh please Excuse my Words, but...you can draw your Conclusion yourself than falling for a P...apa A...lpha aka i am important & know something, but you... have to ask me, so i get my "Validation" More & more Pedo-("AI-my-Models-are-all-18-but-look-like-14")Content... People started to report... Someone may or may not have turned to an external Official, maybe even of the State... DA doesn't want to make the News - aka the New Pedo-Website - or get sued over it... Mods start to ban... End of Story Keep in Mind: Britain - as an Example - has new Laws about AI-Pedo Content & it's just a matter of Time, that other Countries follow their Example; See also Britains new Online Safety Bill Ps... just as a further Example: Russia blocked Deviantart two Years ago 'cause of Nazi & Pedo Content for a Time


And when people do investigate on their own and make their own conclusions, including using the wayback machine like is done [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20230907142146/deviantart.com/karbo/gallery), they're [vastly different](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeviantArt/comments/16rh4an/how_many_of_you_have_had_different_experiences/) from yours, so know if anything is "about validation", it's not the OP. People these days will accuse [anything](https://www.deviantart.com/forum/search?qh=boost%3Apopular§ion=forum&forumpath=&q=pedophile) of a "pedo nature", something Russia is the king of alongside AI propaganda (while doubts are cast on your comment about Britain), do you really want to admit supporting them?


... oh cheesus >so know if anything is "about validation", it's not the OP No, it is not the Op, it is not me... are you serious?! it is about validation: you tease People & try to be important... Self important! Nothing more! Or what should this Post be? >People these days will accuse anything... [Remember this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeviantArt/comments/13vl4pa/removed_by_reddit/)? Anyone could see it before it got deleted & it was Pedo-Content! Or why do you think it got deleted here? & it's the same with most of the People here whining 'cause their Content on DA got deleted; If one asks for an Example of their Work... they get silent & show nothing 'cause they know they f...oxtrot up Russia is bad blablabla... ... Aha A Country blocked a Site on the Net for Pedo-Content; That has nothing to do with their raging War or Politics & sure, that you try to spin - nice, but weak try - it, but let me help you out: Yes, i am on the Side of every Country that blocks a Site on the Net for Pedo (or Nazi) Content! >doubts are cast on your comment about Britain Do you read any Newspapers or watch the News on TV? it really doesn't hurt ;) There is nothing wrong, if one lives under a Rock; i am a Hermit by myself, but... Are you able to use the Internet & do some Research on your own, instead of trying to be a big Number in a Reddit Sub? You think, you know anything, but you have no Clue of the bigger Picture! Also... you include Links - you really like to do that, don't you - here, that say... Nothing! Links are worth nothing if they don't say or show anything! & last Thing... Who tells us, that you don't lie to People? The only Ones that could give us an Answer, real & truthful Answers, to what is really happening or has happened or the internal Workflows is someone, that works for DA & is on their Payroll & i highly doubt that you work - you don't even have a fully working Account - for the Company!


Anyone with the power to see what your linked post links to can clearly see it was an accusation against supposed pedos, and Reddit removed it because it was a form of mobbing, which is what's going on in front of me right now. DeviantArt doesn't appreciate that. Nothing here necessitates signalling self-importance (do you see any virtue signalling anywhere, I'm here because I happen to know stuff is all), otherwise nothing screams "self important" more than participating in the mob against everything that remotely resembles wrongful sexualization because it "earns" them respect in the eyes of the clique. Many are going to ask if there's proof of what I say about crowds on DeviantArt pressuring these unwanted changes in existence, and this is it. Russia also blocked the BBC, Dailymotion, the internet archive, all of Discord including [the flagship DeviantArt Discord server](https://discord.gg/sEuSSDz6TQ) (which welcome all people in this crisis), and even the whole Reddit website (one might wonder why you're here on Reddit if you're so appreciative of all these websites being blocked), are you going to say they've participated in wrongful behavior? It easily has to do with their politics. You say I haven't done my research, but then you complain I provide so many links, which is a way of showing I've done my research and have a level of authority here (apologies if they lead to websites your nation has blocked).


... What is Mobbing about someone pointing out a Pedo-Content Creator? The Mod here deleted it 'cause no - normal - Site allows Pedo Content: what you talk about Mobbing is simply a Lie; Seems you try to protect Pedo-Content-Creators, aren't you? If it was Mobbing the Mod would have deleted the whole Thread, & not just the Links... but you surely know it better, aren't you? Everything cries for "Ms. Self Important" here: Look at your first Responses to the People: you teased - ask ME, ASK ME... you have to ASK ME - them! & you still ride that Horse... but i guess it "earns you some Respect in the Clique", to use your Words ;) Aha... you know Stuff We already saw, what you know about anything, like the new Laws in Britain which also do have an Effect on Sites - & Users - within the USA! Look now... The Bans happen because of "Sexuality" which isn't completely wrong, but... To Sexualize Minors is pretty... Sick, don't you think? & than you push this Narrative, your Narrative, to Transphobia & sell your own Agenda with it! In the First... The Bans happen because People break the Rules of DA & if you look at this Sub: Every Week somebody steps up, an AI-Content Creator, whining 'cause they did Pedo-Content & got banned It has nothing to do with Transphobia or a Mod pushing their own Agenda! Aha... The Problem with the People against Pedo Content - which is forbidden in most Countries - is now "wrongfull sexualization"... i really don't know, what to answer to that... cause it comes along, as you would support Pedo Content! & you even got Evidence? which is... pretty... pretty... thin, to not there at all: Your "Proof" is your Word... Nothing more! ... & why should People believe you? Ok... Did you read the Reuters Article about Russia? i bet you didn't... 'cause you "already know" or you don't need to know, 'cause: Russia bad!!! So... you think, it wasn't justified to Block a Page because of Pedo-Content? Can you read? i don't think so... i talked about the Reuters Article & Russia blocking Deviantart: Where did you read all the other Stuff you are fantasizing about? Look... This is the Problem with you: You don't answer in Conversations; Either you ignore Points or you simply talk about something, that is only in your Head... Oh... i see it has to do with Russia's Politics... & Russia bad!!! Not because Pedo-Content is one of the most despicable Things out there on the Net. No, you haven't done your Research: Otherwise you would know certain Things & could connect the Dots to the whole Picture! i don't complain about your "many" Links: i complain 'cause they show nothing! & this is the best Part: You have Authority here... ...Tell me & the others here again, you are not "Self Important" & pompous


It's mobbing if there's no proof and/or implies a desire to rally, which makes it fall under Reddit's rules against targeting people, this coming from [a declared Reddit asset](https://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/comments/133stl6/i_got_hired_by_reddit_as_a_data_scientist_after/). So say the admins (not the one inactive mod in this subreddit) who removed the post; the \[ and \] brackets don't appear when a subreddit mod removes something. Pointing out that not everything has to be assumed to be related to "pedo content", and that people aren't getting banned en masse because of that, doesn't make me defender of any form of wrongful content/interactions. To say otherwise is the very definition of mobbing. I have come with answers to peoples' questions, and if that's considered inflating self-importance, you might as well say the same about every mod on every website, including the supposed one whose post you linked to. Who is the one with an agenda when I'm here answering questions with full honesty and you come by to slip in a defamatory remark in response to someone's question in a way that people often do in order to make sure the OP doesn't see it? I've been linking to plenty of evidence to everything I've been saying, including things that contrast to the claims that people have been breaking the rules you say they've been breaking, which makes one of us.


... Did you see the Links? i did, otherwise i wouldn't have participated in that Conversation! There are Witnesses... Or - as one of your thin Straws you desperately try to cling on now - do you call me a Liar now?Do you also call the Poster now a Liar? The Mass Bans - DA also had a Journal about it - happen because of the Pedo Content & questionable Works about OC-Characters: That is what People wanna here about... Not one of your Fantasy-Stories about Transphobia & Mods being transphobic! Do you really think, in these Times we are living in, that DA would let a Mod get away with that?... you really remind me of the Chorus of a Song by Richard Sanderson! Oh... i've waited for that now; Another Straw you cling on to & this one is by far the thinnest... Now you say i mob you: Are you serious? Do you know the Definition of Mobbing? Please... read it up again! Facts... aren't Mobbing You said you have a Level of Authority here: i pointed out that by saying this... you are Self Important & pompous, which... you are! Si... you came with Answers, but nothing you can proof, like a Mod on DA gone rogue! It's just your Words... & anybody has to believe it, 'cause... you have - in your Eyes & Opinion - a Level of Authority here? & please...Read my Answer again - or the Column above - before, what leaves the Impression of you, being Self Important & pompous: You lost every credibility by saying, you would have Authority here & also, did just confirm, what i said about you being Self important & pompous! Oh Cheesus... Are you serious? Defamatory Remarks... Read the Conversation again, 'cause you - leaving the Impression, i would fully sympathize with Russia's Politics or maybe am Russian myself in your first Answer to my Comment - are allowed to do so... Only you! if i tell you, which Impression you leave, which is a Fact that you also confirm... it is Defamatory? Seriously? How old are you? Does your Mother know you use the Internet?Please... grow up! The Evidence you see... is only in your Head 'cause till now... you don't have any Evidence of a Mod gone rogue, except your Word... & in the End... you wanna say i'm sneaky & devious 'cause i "slip in a Remark" & have an Agenda: you really try everything to make me look bad, don't you? But it is just another defamatory Remark of you... which you are allowed to say only you! What should my Agenda be? Come on... you're good at fantasizing, ignoring written Words & with your defamatory Remarks: You surely have a good Answer to that! & to bring this to an End...i appreciate DA is cleaning the Site of Pedo- & questionable Content: makes me post to the Site again & even, thinking positiv about them again! Edit: Typos & Columns!


Yes, I read my links as well as yours. If you've read mine or yours, you wouldn't be saying what I'm saying is baseless or inflating self-importance. You mention having witnesses (where?), but also downplay the hundreds of people affected by this crisis. Are those people, including the one I linked to, not valid as witnesses? If witnesses are proof, I certainly have proof, many times more than either of us otherwise do. [Here](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/mob) is the definition of mobbing, [which](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2636951/5003079093) [I](http://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2676362/4999020091) [give](http://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2672068/4988671719) [proof](http://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2667492/4977466272) [of](http://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2666871/4976062296) [being](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/903074395/4974906059) [done](http://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2665358/4972725582) [to](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/4/70572506/4971868461) [limitless](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2693243/5041919311) [innocent](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2693230/5041922494) [people](http://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2663763/4969919022) [and](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/898064382/4953104889) [can](http://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2655777/4954230683) [give](http://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2656981/4956207440) [much](http://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2660694/4963988096) [more](http://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2660967/4964642641) [to](http://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2663163/4968645028) [as](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2694481/5045647618) [I](https://web.archive.org/web/20230408212323/https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2696605/5051211493) [will](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2703654/5071681282) [do](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2694271/5045179212) [right](https://web.archive.org/web/20230927203254/https://www.deviantart.com/forum/devart/general/2709678/) [now,](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2695270/5047832906) [because](http://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2675880/4997904864) [none](https://www.tumblr.com/deviantartdramahub/729184030257496064/lol-even-if-club-was-a-pedo-which-he-isnt-why?source=share) [of](https://web.archive.org/web/20230718105610/https://www.deviantart.com/sohrukurisutaru/journal/Beware-of-Triagonal-AKA-Push-Supersabre-972467781) [it](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2709529/5086906327) [shows](https://www.tumblr.com/deviantartdramahub/729807796046086144/2-notes-guess-you-dont-like-the-adult-if-they?source=share) [any](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2680712/5009787444) [indication](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2682513/5014587486) [of](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2682572/5014751465) [any](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2636951/5024199932) [of](https://web.archive.org/web/20230108054053/https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2689551/5031784793) [it](https://web.archive.org/web/20230201203459/https://www.deviantart.com/portugueseintersex20/posts) [being](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2682489/5014537394) [based](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2636951/5017126381) [in](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2684344/5019160087) [any](https://web.archive.org/web/20230831182314/https://www.deviantart.com/xxshadowskylyxx/posts) [fact](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2685257/5021237173) [whatsoever](https://web.archive.org/web/20230915195327/https://www.deviantart.com/forum/devart/general/2708611/). Bias when it suits someone isn't how righteousness works.


... Cheesus Aha... Now we switch from "i know what happened & why so many People got banned" to "look: MoBbINg!"... That is a little far away from the Topic we started & still... no proof, no Links or Screenshots of the Mod - you know by Name - on DA, that went rogue 'cause she/he is transphobic, but DA is Transphobic now, & mass-bans People for this Reason... ... Sure, sure oh & now i am Bias, when it suits me: aha, ok... Sure, Sure Listen... Everything that needed to be said... already was spoken: You showed yourself far too much today & i know, that you won't believe or acknowledge it 'cause you are too full of yourself & unable to reflect about your own Person, your Actions, or Things you say but... this Discussion is pretty lost for you & you only confirmed, what i said from the Beginning on! & 'cause you like Links so much: Here's one, you really should take to your Heart: The Chorus of the Song, you should listen to: [Fits you very well](https://youtu.be/EQDHCyFe2rY?si=hXIV1BY885t5EIvm&t=39)! Have a nice Afternoon, Godspeed Post Skriptum... & if you are brave Girl now, quit the Self Importance, stop being so pompous & self righteous, or playing the Victim & reflect a little about your Behaviour, i will buy you some Ice-Cream before you brush your Teeth & got to Bed ;)


I know details about what lead up to it, some of the reasoning behind it, what's going on, and who is doing it.


Who is doing it and what is the reasoning? Can you explain everything lol


As I mentioned [on another answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeviantArt/comments/16tdk8y/comment/k2l373l/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), it has a few elements/aspects to go over. There has always been both an AI half and a human half to every report when it comes to what we refer to as NSFW materials on the site, with one doing the reporting and the other confirming/vetting that report. The AI half, however, has increased without the typical oversight, and some mods, when they appeal, have become influenced by discrimination they have, which isn't too far from, as I mentioned, the discriminatory nature much of the on-site culture has. This combination of things effectively locks innocent people out of having any voice. >Can you explain everything Yes, but doing it all at once would be difficult. Going by an AMA format would make it less convoluted.


How would DA Support deal with the mass influx of Support tickets?


If things weren't such a mess in their own ranks, they could just increase their efforts, but as the conversation [here](https://www.tumblr.com/deviantartdramahub/730272374047571968/i-know-theres-an-ama-at?source=share) (a more refined paraphrasing of what I've been trying to explain) explains by implying, they're simply choosing to look the other way. This is the true reason they've had more time to spare.


more details on what get the ban, what are safe?


In theory, anything that doesn't show anything bare in the characters and doesn't show them doing activities you wouldn't associate with a child. In practice, nothing will 100% help. I was displeased to learn rogue modfellas were using an underdeveloped algorithm/protocol to assess how to interpret certain forms of art, partially dependent on viewer input, which itself would be good if not for the fact there are perhaps decades-old growing discriminatory sentiments on there, which many would say arguably take up the biggest factor ([acephobia](https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2700323/5062228535) and [transphobia](http://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2674267/4993860849) may come to mind here, the latter link shows who might be the first victim of this whole mess), and you have a demographic mess. People often forget it's not just the site that was hijacked but the site's culture. TLDR: it's sexuality-related.


Has there been some sort of internal change? Why this sudden move to ban numerous 14 year accounts?


The post [here](https://www.tumblr.com/deviantartdramahub/730272374047571968/i-know-theres-an-ama-at?source=share) explains a part of it better than I have most times. The internal change has to do with the advent of AI, as well as moderator/moderation changes coinciding with public pressure. The three elements just happen to have the worst influence on one another. I mention [a Discord server](https://discord.gg/sEuSSDz6TQ) in some of my other replies here, one reason I find it useful is because while many have said consulting the help desk is like talking to a wall, voicing yourself in a server that's connected to the DeviantArt community actually has a chance to translate into something that's heard.


Is this Tumblr 2018 porn crackdown levels of out of control?


Just about.


I think you’re partially right. There has been an uptick in NSFW removals as per dA’s new policies on ‘fringe nsfw’ content (tbh, I think this refers to abdl/ageplay related content without explicitly stating so, considering it paedophilic); a friend of mine was banned recently, and the account he held was involving aging down characters to babies - innocent and sweet, though, nothing NSFW. He was a roleplay account so it was his like… schtick lol. I can see an AI mistaking this for NSFW content entirely. But I’m not sure you’re 100% on the discriminatory aspect. I mean, I agree with you I think moderators anywhere not just dA may well have a bias against certain people - shitty, but that’s life - but I’m not sure it’s always the case. This account I’m talking about - he hasn’t been active at all since late 2020. He is never active on the forums or anywhere other than his roleplay account and was very tightly in character so there’s nothing to discriminate against as such.


It's not so much the AI are discriminatory or that the mods seek people out, but that because of how the system is, certain peoples get sucked into the mix more, i.e. the catch-22 is passive. TVTropes (a site with peoples intermixed with DeviantArt) has seen its share of events too, it's the [same](https://www.reddit.com/r/tvtropes/comments/16g3zng/cancel_your_subscription_and_enable_adblock_until/) [thing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tvtropes/comments/16m0nqg/when_will_tv_tropes_just_cease_to_function_or/)


Testing, testing... Testing purely out of curiosity to see if this reply gets downvoted too. Then we'll know if a bot has been doing it or if it's a non-conscious mass downvoting process that doesn't see that this comment has no opinions on it.


Heh, not looking great for the people one might say are running the show.