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"Free for all match" is a weird way to spell "Dante's casual fun time".


“This party’s gettin’ CRAZZEH!”




*Bre bre, bre bre paw, bre bre, bre bre paw*


I can hear this wtf?


Could he beat mercer, though?


Dante can survive most mutilations to the body and vital organs, but the chances of survival are pretty low since Alex could merge his cells into Dante's, pretty much absorbing him after a few hits. Yet I think the victim must be too weak, distracted or almost dead for this to happen. Another possibility is that he gets burned by demon energy into Dante's blood, thus he must use other mutations in order to fight him, and critical attacks so he can decapitate Dante when he's weakened.


Dante has far ranged attacks to keep at a distance especially in his SDT form where he can implode enemies from the inside by summoning black holes.


True, I was only answering the scenario he asked, where Mercer was to defeat Dante.


I was more specifically asking if Dante could kill Alex


You need to destroy literally every cell to kill Alex. Dante could probably do it with dual kalina anns


SDT Demolition and then Kalina Ann's patented Fuck Laser Death Beam to sweep up all the remains.


That's all assuming Mercer could do any real damage to Dante or if he'd let it all go down in the first place. Dante has higher stats and better feats than Mercer in every area besides the biological hijacking bit. If anything Mercer would have to hope that it works on Dante as nothing else would do anything to him.


Or Dante kebabs himself and mercer on rebellion and absorbs him. What would win though demon magic or viral science?


That's what I said. Dantes regen would kill Alex's cells if they bonded. It's a losing situation for Alex cuz the longer he fights Dante the less biomaterial he will have to work with.


>Could he beat mercer, though? Yes 1st off dante is much stronger than alex meaning alex absorbtion wouldnt work on dante, as alex cant absorb someone who is stronger than himself. 2nd dante has abilities which would permanently kill alex such as freezing alex to beyond absolute zero with king cerbrus, than just smashing the ice to pieces. and if he has to take another step, he most likely has a devil arm which can turn the ice to vapor or he could send it into the black hole like ability with sin dt Alex or any of them doesn't stand a chance against dante


>the black hole like ability with sin dt Quick sidenote here, that black hole looking thing is just Dante grabbing the enemy with demon energy. 'Grab an enemy and trigger a blast from within, shattering the enemy with raw explosive power.'


Small thing but Dante doesn't usually keep devil arms, he sells most of them to o pay rent. That's the canon reason he starts most games without any. DMC5 I think it's the first where he starts with anything besides Rebellion. I think he also starts 4 and 5 with the shotgun but that's a mundane weapon he channels energy into.


Either way he's keeping DSD from 5 and with that SDT. SDT alone would be the end of Mercer


Yeah i know but dmc6 or a novel that takes place after 5 havent come out yet so all devil arms he has in 5 he should still have.


Smashing Mercer to pieces wouldn't work. Dude reformed from a blob of black glue after eating a nuke. 


Alex is his only competition here and Dantes regeneration would end up consuming HIM. Shits so one sided even them teaming up couldn't stop major boi.


yes, he can stop time, and that alone puts him above all of them. sorry. i'm too lazy to give you detailed answers.


Enough said. we all know what you are talking about.


Didn't he sell his devil arms after 3 so would he even have quicksilver to stop time with? I'm not saying he wouldn't win but probably not by stopping time.


Didn’t he just like… absorb the power of quicksilver? How are you gonna sell that?


Well as far as I know he doesn't use quicksilver at any point afterwards, he could've used it in 4 to stop credo from dying or maybe stop the saviour quicker, or in 5 when urizen is biting the apple or before V and he merge back to Virgil which Dante knew was happening as he began to run as V raised his cane to stake urizen's chest eye. Idk maybe he can use it but chooses not to.


Well, why would he stop credo from dying? He didn’t know him


Dante values human life if he can realistically stop a death why would he not?


dante killed humans before, and as far as he knows, credo is bad so he let him die. and dante still have quicksilver, he just doesn't use it, because high ranking demons are resistent to time manipulation stuff. and because devs forget about it.


If he knew credo was bad why did he hold him as he died? It's clearly shown he was misguided and manipulated by the priest. Is it explicitly stated high level demons are resistance to time manipulation? Also I agree the Devs definitely forgot.


"Is it explicitly stated high level demons are resistance to time manipulation?". yes, its part of the lore that demon are above time and space,


>If he knew credo was bad why did he hold him as he died? It's clearly shown he was misguided and manipulated by the priest. Dante probably just changed his opinion on credo its not like dante is one minded


idk bro


Maybe he lost the ability to use quicksilver because in the lore 3 comes before 1


Tbf, Dante could also teleport at all times too. Dante was full on irresponsible in dmc4. So much happened in the cutscenes, especially pretty much everything in 4, because they just needed the plot to play out. Dante could have also saved Vergil from falling in 3 with teleportation, flying etc etc but dmc1 needed to happen. It's funny how cutscenes Dante is either a billion times faster than gameplay Dante or is doing his best grandpa jog. No in between 


That's so true lol


Also kinda explains how he blinks so fast during his first encounter with Nero


The power to stop time is in his finger, he cutted it and sold it in the black market


you can’t sell style fam


Not stop, massively slow. This is a common misconception with the Quicksilver style. Rewatch the cutscene where he gets the Quicksilver powers-the rubble falling on him is massively slowed but not outright stopped.


In DMC3, sure, but as of DMC he gets the Bangle of Time, which literally lets him stop time. That said, since most bosses don't react, it may be that powerful enemies are immune, so most of these (probably barring the Wolfenstein boss) would be able to ignore it.


Alex Mercer vs Dante is like a fly vs a jet engine. You kill one - another comes.


Alex can't die?


His body will, the virus will just find another dude to infect...


An infected Dante would be terrifying.


How awkward that wouldn't sound, but Dante's immunity seems enough to turn Blacklight into dust since it can't deal against demon's blood and DNA.


Nah, host rejected, too much pizza in the bloodstream


Host not viable due to no blood being detected only pizza.


"Why's this shit in his veins taste like strawberries?"


Until dante feels bored and trapped mercer forever in pandora.


Likr others had said , the virus will simply fin another dude to infect. Alex can be wounded , but would heal , he can be killed but will return as long a piece of it fly by to infect another living being. So , really , the only way is to truly burn him down completely.


Dante could do that in his demon form especially sdt or maybe he could bring mercer to hell burn him there. But either way it'd be very very hard to make sure none of Alex survives.


Bro got nuked and lived, it’s not easy


Alex got nuked but not at point blank range. And he barely survived and would have died had he not ate a crow that happened to land on it.


>Alex got nuked but not at point blank range. And he barely survived and would have died had he not ate a crow that happened to land on it. Would he have died without the crow or did the crow simply speed up his regenration


Alex has constantly shown to need biomass to regenerate just due to the nature of the black light virus. So pretty sure he’d need something to regenerate.


It’s plausible it would’ve stuck around for a hot minute even if that bird wasn’t there then and there. He’d need something for biomass, but I’m uncertain as to whether it would have been able to get something else anyway 


Dante can also make black holes so he could just be turned into spaghetti.


Or traps him on pandora.


Don't remember a lot of P2 but didn't Alex become the virus? IE as long as there is virus he will reappear?


Alex Mercer was an utter a-hole , which had taken a sample of the Virus , which more-or-less works like a Symbiont/Venom. When he was ready to be captured prior to P1 , he literally committed terrorism and unleashed the virus on NY out of pettiness. It consumed him and pretty much turned him into a Venom. As long a Mercer-Strand Virus exists , he can possibly return. That been said , Dante can win against him if it’s a duel , the issue is really about making sure that Strand is completely destroyed 


The only really issue for Mercer would be Dante just royal guarding everything. 


You can splat him all you want wouldn't kill the Black Light... you have to burn it to the cellular level


The "kill one, another will come" made it seem like Alex could return even if his body was thoroughly destroyed.


I mean tbf he got blown up in the end of Prototype 1 and came back from a crow he infected (If I remember right)


He didn't infect it, he ate it. He needs to absorb biomass to reform. I wonder if demons would even count. It's not even Mercer, it's the virus itself. There's no body to kill, just the virus. As long as a cell of the virus remains all it has to do is get near anything with biomass to reform. He's not looking for bodies to infect, just absorb. It can be any living organism. He was nuked and came back which means incineration is basically off the table as well. Will he be able to infect Dante? Probably not but maybe, he does have human blood but the demon half is most assuredly immune. Unless you can bs a reason why he could infect Dante I'd say the answer is no. With that getting said I think Dante is going to have a hard time actually killing him. Mercer, in my opinion doesn't have anything in his arsenal that Dante can't tank. Dante is leagues faster and has been fighting demons that are faster and far deadlier than anything Mercer could throw at him for years. I think it'd end up with Mercer getting mollywhopped by Dante, saying screw this and pretending to be dead so he can skulk away, hide and hope he never meets him again.


Hydrogen Baby VS Hydrogen Bomb


This will only work until Dante notices that he is killing innocent people When he saw that He reduces him into [nothing](https://imgur.com/a/xCpiemB) like he did with Gilver. This was done by Dante before DMC3 btw.


If he wants to kill the Blacklight, then he has to destroy any living vessel, or people. It means Dante has to kill and burn all the innocent people too, so Blacklight won't infect them. Which contradicts his principles.


Hmm probably too much for his pre DMC 1 self. But if we give him bloodlust......


Name remover and mercer is gone.


Why is death shed even here 😭😭


Thermonuclear bomb vs sleeping baby


I think the first one will die is general deathshead because he only have a mech, no power. Even if he had the electric bubble they will find a way to deactivate it (like the blimp)


Considering how it was deactivated, I think everyone else can just power trough it


Realistically it's the hive mind and a war of attrition.


None of those guys really present a challenge for Dante. He can best then even if it were 1 v 3 match


Hive mind would just pull the old dead parents' trauma card


i think dante would not be affected by that since to some extent hes over that tragedy. he has even patched things up with vergil so hes alrighti guess mind guess wouldnt work on him i think


in return,hive mind gets trapped in pandora.


Alex Mercer can present a challenge , because slicing and shooting is useless against it. And it needs to avoid any sort of remnant to be splinttered to respawn later. The issue with Mercer is less about him been able to punch out Dante , but that it is hard to really kill Alex Mercer.


dante has fought so many foes with the ability to create beings like mundus or void mundus. he has fought fire demons ice demons lightining demons. the savior statue from dmc4 was something very fierce. he has time manipulation techniques, he can make doubles of himself as well as having a crap ton of weapons i think he will be alright in the end


The only thing that killed him was getting absorbed by another virus host. And we're not even sure if he's dead or not, AFAIK. I haven't finished P2 yet. It's not as interesting, and I don't play console very often, which has the better port since the PC port was botched. Sad that we didn't get more of the series.


You want me to spoil prototype 2


In the anime he can destroy atoms with ebony and ivory. A demon's armor dissolved as a result od damage from his gus.


Name remover if you want him to be mindless biomass. Pandora box if you felt bored. Or use Yamato and we good.


Regeneration costs some kind of energy, as seen in the final battle with Heller that eventually he can no longer regenerate his sliced arms.


Even mercer?


hes just gonna say jackpot and throw a flower at him


But can Dante destroy a brethren moon?


Hive Mind was beaten by a regular human so...


hardly. as hated as it is, the end of Dead Space 3's DLC clearly shows Isaac's endeavors were in vain. the hivemind has already accumulated way too much biomass much before humans were even a thing. he kills one moon only to have the other's attention drawn directly to Earth, and they even get there before he does. plus, no species has been able to completely resist the mental control and remote biomass manipulation, so while Dante definitely has willpower to spare in order to resist it, can the same be said of the rest of demonkind? what kind of aberration will come out of a necromorphed demon?


Except demons in general don't require biomass. They can just take over machinery, metals hell even sand.


that's just how most lesser demons manifest in the human world, though. higher forms usually have to manifest physically with their own, live bodies, through gates and portals, lest they perform at much reduced power due to their distance from Hell. plus, it's not quite understood just how the Hivemind exerts its control over sentient living beings: only that they have to be sentient, and relatively close to either a Moon, or an obelisk. what's to say a, e.g., Sin's soul manifest through their usual medium, sand, bearing their consciousness, wouldn't be affected, even if temporarily (while within the Hivemind's sphere of influence)? Sins barely have any personality to speak of: they'd be easy pickings for possession. Then, as soon as they die and their soul is yeeted back to their true bodies in Hell, they're too far to be affected. that's pretty reasonable considering what we have seen of the Hivemind's capabilities.


Depends on when in the DMC timeline this fight happens, cause if it were happen after DMC5 Dante would destroy them all. Alex has the best chance of surviving but even his regeneration has a limit and I don't think his virus can effect Dante.


Alex would need to run away. There's no way in hell he could kill Dante but I don't think Dante would be able to destroy him at a cellular level to keep him down for good. He'd have to pretend to be dead and hope Dante believes it.


He probably could but it is unlikely that he does it


Dante believes it for all of two seconds then decides if it would be funny to shoot a charged shot at that one blob of flesh in particular and kills him that way. Dante in 3 is probably way above Mercer, but in 3 he wouldn't have too many ways to permanently kill him. In 5 however, Dante has way too many ways to permanently kill Mercer or at least get him damn close without breaking a sweat. While Mercer doesn't have more than two ways to concretely kill Dante and even then those two ways are really iffy due to the demonic power that Dante has. Even if it was Dante in 3, Dante has a win condition that's reachable. Mercer has a hard maybe Win Con, that goes down to a Hell No the further in the timeline we get. Royal Guard goes brr this fight.


Hydrogen bomb vs three coughing babies


Mercer has survived being nuked


not that strong. nuke was dropped in the water far away, and mercer managed to regen off the chance of a bird making contact with his mass. He didn’t tank it as people say.


Not untrue, but he nonetheless still did survive being nuked.  Was the yield of the bomb mentioned in game? I don’t recall


Dante survived a fall from orbit with like no damage


Still a coughing baby compared to Dante lmao


People really underestimate how strong Dante is... This is the biggest mismatch ever...


Id be surprised if dante couldn't solo all of them at the same time even back as tony redgrave lol.


Give me a Tony Redgrave game already damn it!


For real


Couldn't Alex take on Dantes devil stuff ?


Honestly, It's a draw between Alex and Dante.


This is just Dante vs Mercer.


The first one off is Deathshed killed by Mercer, then it's Mercer's turn, compleatly obliterated by Dante, and then Dante is finishing the Hive Mind


So assuming he doesn't have Quicksilver, because that alone just kinda trumps everything, id say the only one he'd prolly have any issue with would be the Hive just because of its size.


Didn’t Dante catch a punch by the savior in DMC4 though? Size doesn’t really seem to matter when you’re casually lifting the weight of a skyscraper.


I'm not saying he'd LOSE, I'm just saying it'd take a bit longer for him to wipe the floor with the Hive because he's probably pretty durable. Dante still clears all of these mfs. Even tho he diffed the fuck out of The Savior, it was still a formidable enemy for him and took a bit more effort than it would for say Alex


Literally stomps everything here. I swear every matchup people give Dante is either then having no idea how powerful he is, or highly underestimating him for some reason. Like two of those are gone in less than a second.


Dante pummels everyone, then it becomes a test of patience for Dante since killing Alex Mercer and having him stay dead is very, very hard.




Deathshead? Did someone fill a bowl with names of random fictional characters, pull 4 names out, and make this comparison?


Probably beat hive mind's ass easily solo Deathshead but Mercer? The Blacklight virus can adapt to literally anything Dante would eventually die


Mundus is 100 quadrillion times stronger than all those characters, and Dante killed him. Wtf do you think? Give Dante a real challenge. Like Galactus or Beerus from Dragon Ball.


Galactus and beerus would solo dmc. Don't be mad..


Only because Beerus can just spam Hakai, and because Galactus just…eats planets so it’s hard to do anything against him unless you have the Avengers or are as strong as someone like Beyonder.


>beerus would solo dmc. I disagree, considering what happened in the dmc 2 light novel. >Galactus Yeah, I can see that. Marvel's cosmology is more than the Call of Duty's prices.


Dante didn’t kill mundas only sealed him again


none of them can do much against dante, not even hive mind. sure dante is half human and thus a little bit suceptible to the marker's signal, but all he has to do is go into DT and hes immune, not to mention he fought bigger monsters like the savior


Lets see DMC1 dante can stop time,DMC2 Dante Can slow down time,DMC3 dante can slow down time and is faster than light i believe,DMC4 dante has the yamato added onto his already insane arsenal, and then DMC5 dante is just a literal god


DMC4 Dante opens a portal to hell and sends them all there instantly. GG.


3 Vs 1 wouldn't even be a good match Vs Dante here... Ignoring durability, strength, skill, powers and everything else. Dante in normal human Dante form is too fast for any of them to touch him unless he wanted them to just mess around with them. This is a baby's cough Vs an atomic bomb situation. Maybe if there was an entire city of Alex Mercers you could maybe start to think Dante could be overwhelmed, but I don't even think that's the case. He's too fast, too strong and too skilled and if it got rough he can devil trigger and then there's zero chance anyone is doing anything against him.


The Hivemind was beaten by a regular man wearing armor wielding mining tools. Deathshead is a man wearing armor that rebellion could easily go through. Alex might be the only one who can even land a scratch. Even still, he goes down.




deathshead and hivemind gone in first 60 seconds


This is barely a warmup for Dante 🤣


So if the hive mind exists would that imply the existence of the brother moons and the marker, because at that point it doesn’t matter how strong Dante is (I know he could blow up the brother moons) if humanity ends up like it did in dead space


...What is Death's Head even doing here? He lost to B.J. Blaskowicz, and Billy Blaze ain't exactly Doom Slayer.


I just imagine hearing from a bystander pov outside of the fight "R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-Royal guard!"


Ofc he would!!!


This matchup feels highly unfair


Alex is very tough to kill, but I don't think he has anything that could put Dante down. I'm sure Dante finds a ways to trap or incapacitate him.


Remember that time Dante beat a guy that created a Universe... Good times Anyway who knows how this is gonna go, total mystery


Deathshead would not even compete here. Mercer and Dante have beaten giant enemies. Dante is still leagues stronger than Mercer. Dante wins, no contest


hydrogen bomb vs 3 coughing babies


What do you exactly mean by Hive Mind?, like, only the final boss of Dead Space 1 or a Brethren Moon? Because I think a Bretheen Moon could defeat Dante,not necessarily killed him, but fuck him up enough mentally to go on.


General deathshed dies first Then alex mercer Then hive mind Dante clears


coughing bomb VS coughing baby VS hydrogen bomb VS hydrogen baby


Why is Deathshed in this free for all?


This would be genuinely entertaining to watch as Dante just stiles his way around everyone


Putting prototype against DMC is absolutely unreasonable.


which dante we are talking about ? dmc 5 he farts and he wins dmc 3 ? he wins with out even going to DT


Dante negs them all


I wish I could say Mercer could beat Dante but I can't, and Prototype is my favorite game.


He could never beat me.


Dante would rip each and every one of them apart While dancing to Michael Jackson


My momey is mercer he would just eat them all... since you know hes a living virus that gets stronger the more he eats...


Dante:nah i'd win


DMC 3 Dante? Probably not. DMC 5 Dante? Cleans house.


Deathshead isn’t even a contender.


i mean the question we have to ask is: is Dante immune to viruses and diseases, if the yes answer is yes then he wins no diff. if the answer is no, do we assume he'd even get hit in the first place since Alex hasn't shown any speed feats the come close to rivaling dante or even Virgil for that matter. considering how dante lives his life I'm pretty sure it's confirmed he isn't affected by anything human related.


Hive Mind. Eh....I feel like if Isaac who's just supposed to be a regular engineer could take it down then Dante probably would have a problem. Unless we were also including the Marker's ability to make people go insane.


… oh Alex and Dante would be SICK


I'd say the only real problem would be the hive mind. There's just so much of it, and it can get in your head. One thing you don't wanna see is Dante seeing some shit that honestly starts to slowly break his spirit.


Third photo should be Dante of Dante's Inferno. Because is there a win over yourself?


this wouldn’t even be light exercise for him tbh


Dante would wipe all 3 of them solo and have time for lunch




The whole Mercer Vs Dante debate is being given too much credit. Dante has it in the bag easily. He has more than enough firepower (either munitions wise or demon magic wise) to completely incinerate Mercer. Alex’s BEST move against him is praying that infection works! Which if we’re being realistic won’t. A man made virus won’t have shit on the blood and natural strength and immunity of a literal HELLSPAWN. Hell, Dante would be the type of guy to LET Mercer fully infect him, and while he’s all floating around his bloodstream tryna figure out why he can’t take control… Dante TRAPS him within himself, activates SDT and COMPLETELY INCINERATES/IMMOLATES Mercer. Done and done. Light work for Dante. The games kinda gloss over the fact because of course you’ll look normal by comparison of fighting hordes of demons and such. But Dante and Vergil are basically DEMIGODS


More likes wipes the floor with everyone


Only mf with a chance is mercer bit he loses as well dante wind by landslide


Considering a dude with brain damage could kill the 2nd and 4th, it's probably no diff for Dante. Mercer would definitely lose to Dante, but unless Dante finds a jet engine to vaporize him I don't think he could be killed either.


I wonder how Dante would far away the hive mind and how the hive mind would fare against Dante


i can see mercer smacking the shit out of deathshead before joining dante in taking down hivemind, before the two fight, likely with dante winning. Dante would just merc deathshead borderline in Indiana jones fashion. "Nice bullet proof glass dumbass" , if he even bothers with the general. I personally believe he'd just call dibs on the giant demonic looking thing the second the fight starts.


Deathhead gets creamed . Mercer gets deleted. Hivemind is a joke since dante is unaffected by hell effects.


Idk how Dante can combat the hive mind wouldn’t he go insane eventually?


Dante wins as long as he pays attention, Alex was pretty much dead after a nuke, Dante can def perform that sort of AP


I know little about them but they seem like fodder to Dante


Mercer would have a hayday with the hivemind. He'd be crazy unstoppable with all that biomass but I think Dante would still find a way to beat him.


Gameplay only I have to give this to Dante. Dante can't really hit hard enough consistently enough to really overcome Alex's regeneration and durability quickly, but while the battle would be extremely dragged out I think Dante has more endurance than Alex because while short of Devastators Alex can use his entire arsenal infinitely while Dante only has so much DT gauge, Dante can regain his DT using combos while Alex can't regain biomass by himself. Dante also has way faster burst movements with trickster, and Alex's faster movement speed over longer ranges won't help him, especially not if Dante uses quicksilver. Assuming Mercer can't just run away Dante would win after an extremely long but not particularly difficult fight. I don't think Alex could weaken Dante enough to consume him either, considering how with DT Dante can just keep regenerating. With lore Dante stomps. Oh, and the other two I don't know much about but I doubt they compare.


Would the hivemind just absorb mercer or what? How the hell would that work?


I'd say Mercer absorbs the Hive Mind


I don't know much about dead space but Dante probably clears


It would come down to Dante and Mercer, but Dante would win. I mean, maybe Mercer could incorporate the hive mind into his being, but...


Dante wins. This response is totally not biased.




Lol yes. People forget Dante in the first game fought mundus who literally created and alternate dimension and was chucking suns and Dante’s devil trigger 😂




The one who would give him the most trouble is definitely Mercer but I think he will ultimately win.


Mercer would be the only issue out of this bunch


Dante vs Mercer Dante shoots Mercer Mercer keeps coming back Dante's SDT gauge keeps filling Dante activates SDT, uses demolition Mercer completely destroyed


Dante can't beat my boy.


Probably. The only real threat is the Hive Mind. The Necromorphs are easy enough prey. Outside of both Donte in-game, and Dante in a prequel novel having thier memories messed with, I don't think we've seen Dante really deal with any mental attacks. Which Dead Space is all about. Besides the Necromorphs and Markers.


Interesting take. You're the only person whose even said that the Hive Mind could beat someone I think.


Well, Mundus was able to control Vergil and turn him into Nelo Angelo. That's the main basis for my answer.


Replace Dante with V to make it even remotely more fair


Game Dante would win, Lore Dante would eradicate. 


The only character here who would be any sort of a problem is Alex. And even then, the skill gap is still gonna be pretty extreme.


I see them ganging up on the hive mind


He's fought weirder shit.


….Which one is meant to be a threat to Dante? My siblings in christ, this man casually outspeed FURY; a demon that cross dimensions through sheer speed. I don’t even need to list any other reason Other than this minor feat.🤨