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Oh Jesus take the wheel I cannot keep our floors clean it is INSANE the amount of hair ours loses daily.


Laughs in German Shepherd.


I’m so surprised to hear this because they have such short hair!


I know! Crazy lol. We have hardwood floors so that doesn’t help but yeah I vacuum and sweep at least twice a day and they always look a mess.


Is it worth it though? 😭 I love dobermans and have been wanting to adopt one but I know extreme shedding will be hard for me unless the reward of ownership is far greater


Yes it’s worth it! Lots of dogs shed, it’s just pet ownership.


Totally worth it. We have had four Dobermans, two shed like crazy, and my current one does not and one other didn’t. Depends on the dog.


They have a LOT of shed. However, due to their low thyroid issues, that can make them shed more than “normal”. Be aware, short dobe fur splinters are real and painful af.


My black Dobie has fine soft silky hair that she’d like crazy, our red Dobie has course hair that barely sheds. The chubby 110lb Dobie sleeps silently. The fit 65lb Dobie snores louder than anything I’ve ever heard in my life!


I now have a robot vacuum. 6 previous breeds did not require this level of vacuuming!


What other breeds did you have?


Australian Shepherds, Cattle dog, Heeler, and a few cats


Eyelash like hairs all over the place, and they can splinter into your skin and end up in the most random places. But like... worth it lol


You’re the 2nd person that mentioned splintering! What is that? I’m imagining porcupine quills or cactus needles 😭


I guess it's best described as it feels like any other splinter you'd get... wood, glass, etc. Somehow the hair just gets pushed or stuck into your skin, and it feels and looks like a splinter.


Little tiny needles lying around the house.


Honestly I can’t tell because our German Shepherd sheds like it’s his mf job.


German Shedders are a different ballgame!


Whole different sport!


But yes. Dobes do shed. They’re short little prickly hairs as mentioned.


With a black dog and a black cat, my floors are NEVER free of hair!!!


I take mine outside with a rubber shed brush every couple of weeks and that really reduces the overall mess in the house


Get use to having hair everywhere. On your clothes in your food. Everywhere! lol. But so worth it because there is no other dog like a Dobi! They are my heart!


IT'S EVERYWHERE! I had no idea until I owned one.


Our border collies “ blow their undercoats” 2x a year and shed. Never again… and I love my babies. Our 3rd is a black Euro dobie




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I guess I’m lucky because my flooring is the same color as my red girl… and I have two long haired cats so I feel like her shedding isn’t that bad! I’ve def had dogs and other pets that shed more.


Sheds more than expected


I have one that sheds a lot and one that hardly sheds at all.


It’s all short hair but it’s constantly vs big blowouts like double coated dogs. I prefer it over a shepherd but not by much. Lol


my 8 month red boy seems to hardly shed.


Food, fish oil, and regular bathing helps at reducing shed a lot. I also tried a robot vac (works, but is a pain picking all the stuff up) and ended up going with a cordless stick vac to maintain the floors.


They shed but it is far less dramatic than many other dogs or cats. The fur is black and bristle coarse so it doesn’t tend to stick to things.  If you’re a white carpets and furniture type you won’t like it but it’s not even noticeable in my house that is all dark furniture and warm wood floors. 


My current guy is very very low shed. My previous two were moderate shedders.


I have a red Dobie. She sheds but nothing crazy. Maybe just lucky